Beispiel #1
def load_portfolio_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the portfolios profile,
    such as withdrawable amount, market value of account, and excess margin.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. \
    If a string is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return \
    a string corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.

    url = urls.portfolio_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'indexzero')
    return (helper.filter(data, info))
Beispiel #2
def load_portfolio_profile(info=None):
    """Gets the information associated with the portfolios profile,
    such as withdrawable amount, market value of account, and excess margin.

    :param info: The name of the key whose value is to be returned from the function.
    :type info: Optional[str]
    :returns: The function returns a dictionary of key/value pairs. \
    If a string is passed in to the info parameter, then the function will return \
    a string corresponding to the value of the key whose name matches the info parameter.
    :Dictionary Keys: * url
                      * account
                      * start_date
                      * market_value
                      * equity
                      * extended_hours_market_value
                      * extended_hours_equity
                      * extended_hours_portfolio_equity
                      * last_core_market_value
                      * last_core_equity
                      * last_core_portfolio_equity
                      * excess_margin
                      * excess_maintenance
                      * excess_margin_with_uncleared_deposits
                      * excess_maintenance_with_uncleared_deposits
                      * equity_previous_close
                      * portfolio_equity_previous_close
                      * adjusted_equity_previous_close
                      * adjusted_portfolio_equity_previous_close
                      * withdrawable_amount
                      * unwithdrawable_deposits
                      * unwithdrawable_grants

    url = urls.portfolio_profile()
    data = helper.request_get(url, 'indexzero')
    return (helper.filter_data(data, info))
Beispiel #3
def login(username,
    """This function will effectivly log the user into robinhood by getting an
    authentication token and saving it to the session header. By default, it will store the authentication
    token in a pickle file and load that value on subsequent logins.

    :param username: The username for your robinhood account. Usually your email.
    :type username: str
    :param password: The password for your robinhood account.
    :type password: str
    :param expiresIn: The time until your login session expires. This is in seconds.
    :type expiresIn: Optional[int]
    :param scope: Specifies the scope of the authentication.
    :type scope: Optional[str]
    :param by_sms: Specifies whether to send an email(False) or an sms(True)
    :type by_sms: Optional[boolean]
    :param store_session: Specifies whether to save the log in authorization for future log ins.
    :type store_session: Optional[boolean]
    :returns:  A dictionary with log in information. The 'access_token' keyword contains the access token, and the 'detail' keyword \
    contains information on whether the access token was generated or loaded from pickle file.

    device_token = generate_device_token()
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    pickle_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "data.pickle")
    # Challenge type is used if not logging in with two-factor authentication.
    if by_sms:
        challenge_type = "sms"
        challenge_type = "email"

    url = urls.login_url()
    payload = {
        'client_id': 'c82SH0WZOsabOXGP2sxqcj34FxkvfnWRZBKlBjFS',
        'expires_in': expiresIn,
        'grant_type': 'password',
        'password': password,
        'scope': scope,
        'username': username,
        'challenge_type': challenge_type,
        'device_token': device_token
    # If authentication has been stored in pickle file then load it. Stops login server from being pinged so much.
    if os.path.isfile(pickle_path):
        # If store_session has been set to false then delete the pickle file, otherwise try to load it.
        # Loading pickle file will fail if the acess_token has expired.
        if store_session:
                with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
                    pickle_data = pickle.load(f)
                    access_token = pickle_data['access_token']
                    token_type = pickle_data['token_type']
                    refresh_token = pickle_data['refresh_token']
                    # Set device_token to be the original device token when first logged in.
                    pickle_device_token = pickle_data['device_token']
                    payload['device_token'] = pickle_device_token
                    # Set login status to True in order to try and get account info.
                        '{0} {1}'.format(token_type, access_token))
                    # Try to load account profile to check that authorization token is still valid.
                    res = helper.request_get(urls.portfolio_profile(),
                    # Raises exception is response code is not 200.
                    return ({
                        'access_token': access_token,
                        'token_type': token_type,
                        'expires_in': expiresIn,
                        'scope': scope,
                        'logged in using authentication in data.pickle',
                        'backup_code': None,
                        'refresh_token': refresh_token
                    "ERROR: There was an issue loading pickle file. Authentication may be expired - logging in normally."
                helper.update_session('Authorization', None)
    # Try to log in normally.
    data = helper.request_post(url, payload)
    # Handle case where mfa or challenge is required.
    if 'mfa_required' in data:
        mfa_token = input("Please type in the MFA code: ")
        payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_token
        res = helper.request_post(url, payload, jsonify_data=False)
        while (res.status_code != 200):
            mfa_token = input(
                "That MFA code was not correct. Please type in another MFA code: "
            payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_token
            res = helper.request_post(url, payload, jsonify_data=False)
        data = res.json()
    elif 'challenge' in data:
        challenge_id = data['challenge']['id']
        sms_code = input('Enter Robinhood code for validation: ')
        res = respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code)
        while 'challenge' in res and res['challenge']['remaining_attempts'] > 0:
            sms_code = input(
                'That code was not correct. {0} tries remaining. Please type in another code: '
            res = respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code)
        data = helper.request_post(url, payload)
    # Update Session data with authorization or raise exception with the information present in data.
    if 'access_token' in data:
        token = '{0} {1}'.format(data['token_type'], data['access_token'])
        helper.update_session('Authorization', token)
        data['detail'] = "logged in with brand new authentication code."
        if store_session:
            with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f:
                        'token_type': data['token_type'],
                        'access_token': data['access_token'],
                        'refresh_token': data['refresh_token'],
                        'device_token': device_token
                    }, f)
        raise Exception(data['detail'])
    return (data)
Beispiel #4
def login():
    """This function will effectively log the user into robinhood by getting an
    authentication token and saving it to the session header. By default, it
    will store the authentication token in a pickle file and load that value
    on subsequent logins.
    :param username: The username for your robinhood account, usually your email.
        Not required if credentials are already cached and valid.
    :type username: Optional[str]
    :param password: The password for your robinhood account. Not required if
        credentials are already cached and valid.
    :type password: Optional[str]
    :param expiresIn: The time until your login session expires. This is in seconds.
    :type expiresIn: Optional[int]
    :param scope: Specifies the scope of the authentication.
    :type scope: Optional[str]
    :param by_sms: Specifies whether to send an email(False) or an sms(True)
    :type by_sms: Optional[boolean]
    :param store_session: Specifies whether to save the log in authorization
        for future log ins.
    :type store_session: Optional[boolean]
    :param mfa_code: MFA token if enabled.
    :type mfa_code: Optional[str]
    :returns:  A dictionary with log in information. The 'access_token' keyword contains the access token, and the 'detail' keyword \
    contains information on whether the access token was generated or loaded from pickle file.
    print('logging in')
    username = None
    password = None
    expiresIn = 86400
    scope = 'internal'
    by_sms = True
    store_session = True
    mfa_code = None

    device_token = generate_device_token()
    # home_dir = path if path else os.path.expanduser("~")
    home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
    data_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, ".tokens")
    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
    creds_file = "robinhood.pickle"
    pickle_path = os.path.join(data_dir, creds_file)
    # Challenge type is used if not logging in with two-factor authentication.
    if by_sms:
        challenge_type = "sms"
        challenge_type = "email"

    url = urls.login_url()
    payload = {
        'client_id': 'c82SH0WZOsabOXGP2sxqcj34FxkvfnWRZBKlBjFS',
        'expires_in': expiresIn,
        'grant_type': 'password',
        'password': password,
        'scope': scope,
        'username': username,
        'challenge_type': challenge_type,
        'device_token': device_token

    if mfa_code:
        payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_code

    # If authentication has been stored in pickle file then load it. Stops login server from being pinged so much.
    if os.path.isfile(pickle_path):
    # if blob_pickle_path:
        # If store_session has been set to false then delete the pickle file, otherwise try to load it.
        # Loading pickle file will fail if the acess_token has expired.
        if store_session:
                with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
                # if blob_pickle_path:
                    pickle_data = pickle.load(f)
                    print('loaded pickle')
                    # pickle_data = pickle.loads(blob_pickle)
                    # print('loaded blob_pickle')
                    access_token = pickle_data['access_token']
                    token_type = pickle_data['token_type']
                    refresh_token = pickle_data['refresh_token']
                    # Set device_token to be the original device token when first logged in.
                    pickle_device_token = pickle_data['device_token']
                    payload['device_token'] = pickle_device_token
                    # Set login status to True in order to try and get account info.
                        'Authorization', '{0} {1}'.format(token_type, access_token))
                    # Try to load account profile to check that authorization token is still valid.
                    res = helper.request_get(
                        urls.portfolio_profile(), 'regular', payload, jsonify_data=False)
                    # Raises exception is response code is not 200.
                    return({'access_token': access_token, 'token_type': token_type,
                            'expires_in': expiresIn, 'scope': scope, 'detail': 'logged in using authentication in {0}'.format(creds_file),
                            'backup_code': None, 'refresh_token': refresh_token})
                    "ERROR: There was an issue loading pickle file. Authentication may be expired - logging in normally.", file=helper.get_output())

                helper.update_session('Authorization', None)

    # Try to log in normally.
    if not username:
        # username = input("Robinhood username: "******"RB_USER")

    if not password:
        # password = getpass.getpass("Robinhood password: "******"RB_PASS")

    data = helper.request_post(url, payload)
    # Handle case where mfa or challenge is required.
    if data:
        if 'mfa_required' in data:
            # totp = str(pyotp.TOTP(access_secret_version('quantwannabe', 'RB_TOKEN', 'latest')).now())
            totp = str(pyotp.TOTP(os.environ.get("RB_TOKEN")).now())
            print(f"logging in with {totp} at {str(}")
            # mfa_token = input("Please type in the MFA code: ")
            payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_token
            res = helper.request_post(url, payload, jsonify_data=False)
            while (res.status_code != 200):
                mfa_token = input(
                    "That MFA code was not correct. Please type in another MFA code: ")
                payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_token
                res = helper.request_post(url, payload, jsonify_data=False)
            data = res.json()
        elif 'challenge' in data:
            challenge_id = data['challenge']['id']
            sms_code = input('Enter Robinhood code for validation: ')
            res = respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code)
            while 'challenge' in res and res['challenge']['remaining_attempts'] > 0:
                sms_code = input('That code was not correct. {0} tries remaining. Please type in another code: '.format(
                res = respond_to_challenge(challenge_id, sms_code)
                'X-ROBINHOOD-CHALLENGE-RESPONSE-ID', challenge_id)
            data = helper.request_post(url, payload)
        # Update Session data with authorization or raise exception with the information present in data.
        if 'access_token' in data:
            token = '{0} {1}'.format(data['token_type'], data['access_token'])
            helper.update_session('Authorization', token)
            data['detail'] = "logged in with brand new authentication code."
            if store_session:
                with open(pickle_path, 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump({'token_type': data['token_type'],
                                 'access_token': data['access_token'],
                                 'refresh_token': data['refresh_token'],
                                 'device_token': device_token}, f)
                print(f'updated pickle in {pickle_path}')
                # blob = bucket.blob(blob_pickle_path)
                # print(f'upload blob from {pickle_path} to {blob_pickle_path}')
                # with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
                #     new_pickle =
                # blob.upload_from_string(new_pickle)
            raise Exception(data['detail'])
        raise Exception('Error: Trouble connecting to robinhood API. Check internet connection.')
    return data
Beispiel #5
def login(username=None,
    """This function will effectively log the user into robinhood by getting an
    authentication token and saving it to the session header. By default, it
    will store the authentication token in a pickle file and load that value
    on subsequent logins.

    :param username: The username for your robinhood account, usually your email.
        Not required if credentials are already cached and valid.
    :type username: Optional[str]
    :param password: The password for your robinhood account. Not required if
        credentials are already cached and valid.
    :type password: Optional[str]
    :param expiresIn: The time until your login session expires. This is in seconds.
    :type expiresIn: Optional[int]
    :param scope: Specifies the scope of the authentication.
    :type scope: Optional[str]
    :param by_sms: Specifies whether to send an email(False) or an sms(True)
    :type by_sms: Optional[boolean]
    :param store_session: Specifies whether to save the log in authorization
        for future log ins.
    :type store_session: Optional[boolean]
    :param mfa_code: MFA token if enabled.
    :type mfa_code: Optional[str]
    :returns:  A dictionary with log in information. The 'access_token' keyword contains the access token, and the 'detail' keyword \
    contains information on whether the access token was generated or loaded from pickle file.

    device_token = generate_device_token()
    home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
    data_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, ".tokens")
    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
    creds_file = "robinhood.pickle"
    pickle_path = os.path.join(data_dir, creds_file)
    # Challenge type is used if not logging in with two-factor authentication.
    if by_sms:
        challenge_type = "sms"
        challenge_type = "email"

    url = urls.login_url()
    payload = {
        'client_id': 'c82SH0WZOsabOXGP2sxqcj34FxkvfnWRZBKlBjFS',
        'expires_in': expiresIn,
        'grant_type': 'password',
        'password': password,
        'scope': scope,
        'username': username,
        'challenge_type': challenge_type,
        'device_token': device_token

    if mfa_code:
        payload['mfa_code'] = mfa_code

    # If authentication has been stored in pickle file then load it. Stops login server from being pinged so much.
    if os.path.isfile(pickle_path):
        # If store_session has been set to false then delete the pickle file, otherwise try to load it.
        # Loading pickle file will fail if the access_token has expired.
        if store_session:
                with open(pickle_path, 'rb') as f:
                    pickle_data = pickle.load(f)
                    access_token = pickle_data['access_token']
                    token_type = pickle_data['token_type']
                    refresh_token = pickle_data['refresh_token']
                    # Set device_token to be the original device token when first logged in.
                    pickle_device_token = pickle_data['device_token']
                    payload['device_token'] = pickle_device_token
                    # Set login status to True in order to try and get account info.
                        '{0} {1}'.format(token_type, access_token))
                    # Try to load account profile to check that authorization token is still valid.
                    res = helper.request_get(urls.portfolio_profile(),
                    # Raises exception is response code is not 200.
                    return ({
                        'logged in using authentication in {0}'.format(
                    "ERROR: There was an issue loading pickle file. Authentication may be expired - logging in normally."
                helper.update_session('Authorization', None)

    # Try to log in normally.
    if not username:
        username = input("Robinhood username: "******"Robinhood password: ")
        payload['password'] = password

    data = helper.request_post(url, payload)
    return data, payload, url, pickle_path, device_token