def AddAndCommit(cfg, commit_title): """Add everything, and commit locally with |commit_title|""" log("Creating local commit %s" % commit_title) cfg.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() if IsWorkingDirectoryClean(): log("No files to commit to %s" % commit_title) return if call(["git", "add", "-u"]): raise Exception("Could not add files") if call(["git", "commit", "-m", commit_title]): raise Exception("Could create commit")
def FetchMacSDK(robo_configuration): """Download the 10.10 MacOSX sdk.""" log("Installing Mac OSX sdk") robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() sdk_base = "build/win_files/" if not os.path.exists(sdk_base): os.makedirs(sdk_base) os.chdir(sdk_base) if call(" cat gs://chrome-mac-sdk/toolchain-8E2002-3.tgz | tar xzvf -", shell=True): raise Exception("Cannot download and extract Mac SDK")
def InstallUbuntuPackage(robo_configuration, package): """Install |package|. Args: robo_configuration: current RoboConfiguration. package: package name. """ log("Installing package %s" % package) if robo_configuration.Call(["sudo", "apt-get", "install", package]): raise Exception("Could not install %s" % package)
def AddAndCommit(cfg, commit_title): """Add everything, and commit locally with |commit_title|""" log("Creating local commit %s" % commit_title) cfg.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home(); if IsWorkingDirectoryClean(): log("No files to commit to %s" % commit_title) return # TODO: Ignore this file, for the "comment out autorename exception" thing. if cfg.Call(["git", "add", "-u"]): raise Exception("Could not add files") if cfg.Call(["git", "commit", "-m", commit_title]): raise Exception("Could create commit")
def EnsureUpstreamRemote(robo_configuration): """Make sure that the upstream remote is defined.""" remotes = subprocess.check_output(["git", "remote", "-v"]).split() if "upstream" in remotes: log("Upstream remote found") return log("Adding upstream remote") if robo_configuration.Call([ "git", "remote", "add", "upstream", "git://" ]): raise Exception("Failed to add git remote")
def MergeUpstreamToSushiBranchIfNeeded(cfg): """Start a merge if we've not started one before, or do nothing successfully if the merge is complete. If it's half done, then get mad and exit.""" if IsMergeCommitOnThisBranch(cfg): log("Merge commit already marked as complete") return # See if a merge is in progress. "git merge HEAD" will do nothing if it # succeeds, but will fail if a merge is in progress. if cfg.Call(["git", "merge", "HEAD"]): raise UserInstructions( "Merge is in progress -- please resolve conflicts and complete it.") # There is no merge on this branch, and none is in progress. Start a merge. MergeUpstreamToSushiBranch(cfg)
def IsUploadedForReview(robo_configuration): """Check if the local branch is already uploaded.""" robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home(); if not HasGerritIssueNumber(robo_configuration): log("No Gerrit issue number exsts.") return False if not IsWorkingDirectoryClean(): log("Working directory is not clean -- commit changes and update CL"); return False # Has been uploaded for review. Might or might not have been landed yet. return True
def IsUploadedForReviewAndLanded(robo_configuration): """Check if the local sushi branch has been uploaded for review, and has also been landed.""" robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home(); if not IsUploadedForReview(robo_configuration): log("Is not uploaded for review") return False # See if origin/sushi and local/sushi are the same. This check by itself # isn't sufficient, since it would return true any time the two are in sync. diff = check_output(["git", "diff", "origin/" + robo_configuration.sushi_branch_name(), robo_configuration.sushi_branch_name()]).strip() return not diff
def ImportFFmpegConfigsIntoChromium(robo_configuration): """Import all FFmpeg configs that have been built so far and build gn files. Args: robo_configuration: RoboConfiguration. """ robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() log("Copying FFmpeg configs") if call(["./chromium/scripts/"]): raise Exception("FFmpeg failed") log("Generating GN config for all ffmpeg versions") if call(["./chromium/scripts/"]): raise Exception("FFmpeg failed")
def EnsureGClientTargets(robo_configuration): """Make sure that we've got the right sdks if we're on a linux host.""" if not robo_configuration.host_operating_system() == "linux": log("Not changing gclient target_os list on a non-linux host") return log("Checking gclient target_os list") gclient_filename = os.path.join(robo_configuration.chrome_src(), "..", ".gclient") # Ensure that target_os include 'android' and 'win' scope = {} try: exec(FileRead(gclient_filename), scope) except SyntaxError, e: raise Exception("Unable to read %s" % gclient_filename)
def EnsureLLVMSymlinks(robo_configuration): """Create some symlinks to clang and friends, since that changes their behavior somewhat.""" log("Creating symlinks to compiler tools if needed") os.chdir(os.path.join(robo_configuration.chrome_src(), "third_party", "llvm-build", "Release+Asserts", "bin")) def EnsureSymlink(source, link_name): if not os.path.exists(link_name): os.symlink(source, link_name) # For windows. EnsureSymlink("clang", "clang-cl") EnsureSymlink("clang", "clang++") EnsureSymlink("lld", "ld.lld") EnsureSymlink("lld", "lld-link") # For mac. EnsureSymlink("lld", "ld64.lld")
def UpdateChromiumReadmeWithUpstream(robo_configuration): """Update the upstream info in README.chromium.""" log("Updating merge info in README.chromium") merge_sha1 = FindUpstreamMergeParent(robo_configuration) robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() with open("README.chromium", "r+") as f: readme = last_upstream_merge = "Last Upstream Merge:" merge_date = check_output([ "git", "log", "-1", "--date=format:%b %d %Y", "--format=%cd", merge_sha1 ]) readme = re.sub(r"(Last Upstream Merge:).*\n", r"\1 %s, %s" % (merge_sha1, merge_date), readme) with open("README.chromium", "w") as f: f.write(readme)
def ImportFFmpegConfigsIntoChromium(robo_configuration, write_git_file=False): """Import all FFmpeg configs that have been built so far and build gn files. Args: robo_configuration: RoboConfiguration. write_git_file: if true, then we'll ask to write a script with the appropriate git commands to add / rm autorenames. """ robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() log("Copying FFmpeg configs") if call(["./chromium/scripts/"]): raise Exception("FFmpeg failed") log("Generating GN config for all ffmpeg versions") generate_cmd = ["./chromium/scripts/"] if write_git_file: generate_cmd += ["-i", robo_configuration.autorename_git_file()] if call(generate_cmd): raise Exception("FFmpeg failed")
def ConfigureAndBuildFFmpeg(robo_configuration, platform, architecture): """Run FFmpeg's configure script, and build ffmpeg. Args: robo_configuration: RoboConfiguration. platform: platform name (e.g., "linux") architecture: (optional) arch name (e.g., "ia32"). If omitted, then we build all of them for |platform|. """ log("Generating FFmpeg config and building for %s %s" % (platform, architecture)) log("Starting FFmpeg build for %s %s" % (platform, architecture)) robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() command = ["./chromium/scripts/", platform] if architecture: command.append(architecture) if call(command): raise Exception("FFmpeg build failed for %s %s" % (platform, architecture))
def TryFakeDepsRoll(robo_configuration): """Start a deps roll against the sushi branch, and -1 it.""" log("Considering starting a fake deps roll") # Make sure that we've landed the sushi commits. Note that this can happen if # somebody re-runs robosushi after we upload the commits to Gerrit, but before # they've been reviewed and landed. This way, we provide a meaningful error. if not IsUploadedForReviewAndLanded(robo_configuration): raise Exception("Cannot start a fake deps roll until gerrit review lands!") robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home(); sha1 = check_output("git", "show", "-1", "--format=%P").strip() if not sha1: raise Exception("Cannot get sha1 of HEAD for fakes dep roll") robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() # TODO: make sure that there's not a deps roll in progress, else we'll keep # doing this every time we're run. # TODO: get mad otherwise. check_output(["", "third_party/ffmpeg", sha1])
def FetchMacSDKs(robo_configuration): """Download the 10.10 MacOSX sdk.""" log("Installing Mac OSX sdk") robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() sdk_base = "build/win_files/" if not os.path.exists(sdk_base): os.makedirs(sdk_base) os.chdir(sdk_base) if robo_configuration.Call( " cat gs://chrome-mac-sdk/toolchain-8E2002-3.tgz | tar xzvf -", shell=True): raise Exception("Cannot download and extract Mac SDK") # TODO: Once the 11.0 SDK is out of beta, it should be used for both # arm64 and intel builds. log("Installing Mac OSX 11.0 beta sdk for arm64") robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() if robo_configuration.Call( "build/ --xcode-version xcode_12_beta", shell=True): raise Exception("Cannot download and extract Mac beta SDK")
def EnsureASANDirWorks(robo_configuration): """Create the asan out dir and config for ninja builds. Args: robo_configuration: current RoboConfiguration. """ robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() directory_name = robo_configuration.absolute_asan_directory() if os.path.exists(directory_name): return # Dir doesn't exist, so make it and generate the gn files. Note that we # have no idea what state the ffmpeg config is, but that's okay. gn will # re-build it when we run ninja later (after importing the ffmpeg config) # if it's changed. log("Creating asan build dir %s" % directory_name) os.mkdir(directory_name) # TODO(liberato): ffmpeg_branding Chrome vs ChromeOS. also add arch # flags, etc. Step 28.iii, and elsewhere. opts = ("is_debug=false", "is_clang=true", "proprietary_codecs=true", "media_use_libvpx=true", "media_use_ffmpeg=true", 'ffmpeg_branding="Chrome"', "use_goma=true", "is_asan=true", "dcheck_always_on=true") print opts with open(os.path.join(directory_name, ""), "w") as f: for opt in opts: print opt f.write("%s\n" % opt) # Ask gn to generate build files. log("Running gn on %s" % directory_name) if robo_configuration.Call( ["gn", "gen", robo_configuration.relative_asan_directory()]): raise Exception("Unable to gn gen %s" % robo_configuration.local_asan_directory())
def EnsureChromiumNasm(robo_configuration): """Make sure that chromium's nasm is built, so we can use it. apt-get's is too old.""" os.chdir(robo_configuration.chrome_src()) # nasm in the LLVM bin directory that we already added to $PATH. Note that we # put it there so that configure can find is as "nasm", rather than us having # to give it the full path. I think the full path would affect the real # build. That's not good. llvm_nasm_path = os.path.join(robo_configuration.llvm_path(), "nasm") if os.path.exists(llvm_nasm_path): log("nasm already installed in llvm bin directory") return # Make sure nasm is built, and copy it to the llvm bin directory. chromium_nasm_path = os.path.join( robo_configuration.absolute_asan_directory(), "nasm") if not os.path.exists(chromium_nasm_path): log("Building Chromium's nasm") if robo_configuration.Call([ "ninja", "-j5000", "-C", robo_configuration.relative_asan_directory(), "third_party/nasm" ]): raise Exception("Failed to build nasm") # Verify that it exists now, for sanity. if not os.path.exists(chromium_nasm_path): raise Exception("Failed to find nasm even after building it") # Copy it log("Copying Chromium's nasm to llvm bin directory") if shutil.copy(chromium_nasm_path, llvm_nasm_path): raise Exception("Could not copy %s into %s" % (chromium_nasm_path, llvm_nasm_path))
def CreateAndCheckoutDatedSushiBranch(cfg): """Create a dated branch from origin/master and check it out.""" now = branch_name=cfg.sushi_branch_prefix() + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") log("Creating dated branch %s" % branch_name) # Fetch the latest from origin if cfg.Call(["git", "fetch", "origin"]): raise Exception("Could not fetch from origin") # Create the named branch # Note that we definitely do not want this branch to track origin/master; that # would eventually cause 'git cl upload' to push the merge commit, assuming # that the merge commit is pushed to origin/sushi-branch. One might argue # that we should push the merge to origin/master, which would make this okay. # For now, we leave the branch untracked to make sure that the user doesn't # accidentally do the wrong thing. I think that with an automatic deps roll, # we'll want to stage things on origin/sushi-branch. # # We don't want to push anything to origin yet, though, just to keep from # making a bunch of sushi branches. We can do it later just as easily. if cfg.Call(["git", "branch", "--no-track", branch_name, "origin/master"]): raise Exception("Could not create branch") # NOTE: we could push the remote branch back to origin and start tracking it # now, and not worry about tracking later. However, until the scripts # actually work, i don't want to push a bunch of branches to origin. # Check out the branch. On failure, delete the new branch. if cfg.Call(["git", "checkout", branch_name]): cfg.Call(["git", "branch", "-D", branch_name]) raise Exception("Could not checkout branch") cfg.SetBranchName(branch_name)
def PushToOriginWithoutReviewAndTrackIfNeeded(cfg): """Push the local branch to origin/ if we haven't yet.""" cfg.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home(); # If the tracking branch is unset, then assume that we haven't done this yet. if IsTrackingBranchSet(cfg): log("Already have local tracking branch") return log("Pushing merge to origin without review") cfg.Call(["git", "push", "origin", cfg.sushi_branch_name()]) log("Setting tracking branch") cfg.Call(["git", "branch", "--set-upstream-to=origin/%s" % cfg.sushi_branch_name()]) # Sanity check. We don't want to start pushing other commits without review. if not IsTrackingBranchSet(cfg): raise Exception("Tracking branch is not set, but I just set it!")
def RunSteps(cfg, step_names): for step_name in step_names: if not step_name in steps: raise Exception("Unknown step %s" % step_name) log("Step %s" % step_name) step = steps[step_name] try: if "pre_fn" in step: raise Exception("pre_fn not supported yet") if "skip_fn" in step: if step["skip_fn"](cfg): log("Step %s not needed, skipping" % step_name) continue step["do_fn"](cfg) except Exception, e: log("Step %s failed" % step_name) raise e
def BuildAndRunChromeTargetASAN(robo_configuration, target, platform, architecture): """Build and run a Chromium asan target. Args: robo_configuration: RoboConfiguration. target: chrome target to build (e.g., "media_unittests") platform: platform to build it for, which should probably be the host's. architecture: arch to build it for (e.g., "x64"). """ log("Building and running %s" % target) BuildChromeTargetASAN(robo_configuration, target, platform, architecture) # TODO: we should be smarter about running things on android, for example. log("Running %s" % target) robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() if call([os.path.join(robo_configuration.absolute_asan_directory(), target)]): raise Exception("%s didn't complete successfully" % target) log("%s ran successfully" % target)
def WritePatchesReadme(cfg): """Write the chromium patches file.""" log("Generating CHROMIUM.patches file") cfg.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() with open(os.path.join("chromium", "patches", "README"), "w+") as f: find_patches.write_patches_file("HEAD", f)
def EnsureGClientTargets(robo_configuration): """Make sure that we've got the right sdks if we're on a linux host.""" if not robo_configuration.host_operating_system() == "linux": log("Not changing gclient target_os list on a non-linux host") return log("Checking gclient target_os list") gclient_filename = os.path.join(robo_configuration.chrome_src(), "..", ".gclient") # Ensure that we've got our target_os line for line in open(gclient_filename, "r"): if "target_os" in line: if (not "'android'" in line) or (not "'win'" in line): log("Missing 'android' and/or 'win' in target_os, which goes at the") log("end of .gclient, OUTSIDE of the solutions = [] section") log("Example line:") log("target_os = [ 'android', 'win' ]") raise Exception("Please add 'android' and 'win' to target_os in %s" % gclient_filename) break # Sync regardless of whether we changed the config. log("Running gclient sync") robo_configuration.chdir_to_chrome_src() if call(["gclient", "sync"]): raise Exception("gclient sync failed")
if not robo_configuration.host_operating_system() == "linux": log("Not changing gclient target_os list on a non-linux host") return log("Checking gclient target_os list") gclient_filename = os.path.join(robo_configuration.chrome_src(), "..", ".gclient") # Ensure that target_os include 'android' and 'win' scope = {} try: exec(FileRead(gclient_filename), scope) except SyntaxError, e: raise Exception("Unable to read %s" % gclient_filename) if 'target_os' not in scope: log("Missing 'target_os', which goes at the end of .gclient,") log("OUTSIDE of the solutions = [] section") log("Example line:") log("target_os = [ 'android', 'win' ]") raise UserInstructions("Please add target_os to %s" % gclient_filename) if ('android' not in scope['target_os']) or ('win' not in scope['target_os']): log("Missing 'android' and/or 'win' in target_os, which goes at the") log("end of .gclient, OUTSIDE of the solutions = [] section") log("Example line:") log("target_os = [ 'android', 'win' ]") raise UserInstructions( "Please add 'android' and 'win' to target_os in %s" % gclient_filename)
def main(argv): robo_configuration = robo_lib.RoboConfiguration() robo_configuration.chdir_to_ffmpeg_home() parsed, remaining = getopt.getopt(argv, "", ["setup", "test", "build", "auto-merge"]) for opt, arg in parsed: if opt == "--setup": robo_setup.InstallPrereqs(robo_configuration) robo_setup.EnsureToolchains(robo_configuration) robo_setup.EnsureASANDirWorks(robo_configuration) robo_setup.EnsureChromiumNasm(robo_configuration) elif opt == "--test": robo_build.BuildAndImportFFmpegConfigForHost(robo_configuration) robo_build.RunTests(robo_configuration) elif opt == "--build": # Unconditionally build all the configs and import them. robo_build.BuildAndImportAllFFmpegConfigs(robo_configuration) elif opt == "--auto-merge": # Start a branch (if needed), merge (if needed), and try to verify it. # TODO: Verify that the working directory is clean. robo_branch.CreateAndCheckoutDatedSushiBranchIfNeeded( robo_configuration) robo_branch.MergeUpstreamToSushiBranchIfNeeded(robo_configuration) # We want to push the merge and make the local branch track it, so that # future 'git cl upload's don't try to review the merge commit, and spam # the ffmpeg committers. robo_branch.PushToOriginWithoutReviewAndTrackIfNeeded( robo_configuration) # Try to get everything to build if we haven't committed the configs yet. # Note that the only time we need to do this again is if some change makes # different files added / deleted to the build, or if ffmpeg configure # changes. We don't need to do this if you just edit ffmpeg sources; # those will be built with the tests if they've changed since last time. # # So, if you're just editing ffmpeg sources to get tests to pass, then you # probably don't need to do this step again. # # TODO: Add a way to override this. I guess just edit out the config # commit with a rebase for now. if robo_branch.IsCommitOnThisBranch( robo_configuration, robo_configuration.gn_commit_title()): log("Skipping config build since already committed") else: robo_build.BuildAndImportAllFFmpegConfigs(robo_configuration) # Run sanity checks on the merge before we commit. robo_branch.CheckMerge(robo_configuration) # Write the config changes to help the reviewer. robo_branch.WriteConfigChangesFile(robo_configuration) # TODO(liberato): Add the 'autodetect' regex too. # Handle autorenames last, so that we don't stage things and then fail. # While it's probably okay, it's nicer if we don't. robo_branch.HandleAutorename(robo_configuration) robo_branch.AddAndCommit(robo_configuration, robo_configuration.gn_commit_title()) # Update the patches file. if robo_branch.IsCommitOnThisBranch( robo_configuration, robo_configuration.patches_commit_title()): log("Skipping patches file since already committed") else: robo_branch.WritePatchesReadme(robo_configuration) robo_branch.AddAndCommit( robo_configuration, robo_configuration.patches_commit_title()) # Run the tests. Note that this will re-run ninja from chromium/src, # which will rebuild any changed ffmpeg sources as it normally would. robo_build.RunTests(robo_configuration) # TODO: Start a fake deps roll. To do this, we would: # Create new remote branch from the current remote sushi branch. # Create and check out a new local branch at the current local branch. # Make the new local branch track the new remote branch. # Push to origin/new remote branch. # Start a fake deps roll CL that runs the *san bots. # Switch back to original local branch. # For extra points, include a pointer to the fake deps roll CL in the # local branch, so that when it's pushed for review, it'll point the # reviewer at it. # TODO: git cl upload for review. else: raise Exception("Unknown option '%s'" % opt)