def close_workbook(self, alias=None): """Closes the workbook identified by the supplied alias. If no alias is provided, the alias of the active workbook is used. In this case a new workbook becomes active. Changes made to the file won't be saved automatically. Use the `Save` keyword to save the changes to the file. """ if not alias: alias = self.active_workbook_alias try: if alias == self.active_workbook_alias: set_new_active_workbook = True else: set_new_active_workbook = False self.workbooks[alias]["workbook"].close() self._remove_from_workbooks(alias) if set_new_active_workbook and len(self.workbooks) > 0: new_alias = self.workbooks.keys()[0] self._set_new_active_workbook(new_alias) except KeyError: logger.warning("Cannot close workbook with alias `{}': workbook " "not opened.".format(alias))
def deleteLease(self, hw_address, raise_exceptions=False): """ Delete an entry in the database, from its hw_address key If raise_exceptions is set to True, deleting a non-existing key will raise a TypeError exception """ try: with self.leases_dict_mutex: del self.leases_dict[hw_address] except TypeError: if raise_exceptions: raise except KeyError: logger.warning( 'Entry for MAC address ' + hw_address + ' cannot be deleted because it does not exist (maybe database has been reset in the meantime)' )
def sup_l2_config_trunk(node, interface, trunk_list=[]): oper = 'edit' tmp = config_ipc_data() tmp.set_oper(oper) tmp.set_config_member('configStructName', 'vlan') tmp.set_config_member('interface_name', "{}".format(interface)) tmp.set_config_member('access_vlanid', 0) tmp.set_config_level_structName('interface') tmp.set_config_level_member('ifname', "{}".format(interface)) trunk_list = json.loads(trunk_list) MIN_VLAN_ID = 1 MAX_VLAN_ID = 4094 bitmap = [0] * 512 if trunk_list and len(trunk_list) > 0: for i in range(0, len(trunk_list)): element = trunk_list[i] list = element.split("-") if list and len(list) == 1: min_vlanid = int(str(list[0])) max_vlanid = min_vlanid elif list and len(list) == 2: min_vlanid = int(str(list[0])) max_vlanid = int(str(list[1])) else: logger.warning( "vlan_type is {}, vlanid_range input error ".format( vlan_type)) raise Exception( "vlan_type is {}, vlanid_range input error ".format( vlan_type)) if min_vlanid < MIN_VLAN_ID \ or max_vlanid > MAX_VLAN_ID \ or min_vlanid > max_vlanid: logger.warning( "vlanid_range input error ,please input {}-{}".format( MIN_VLAN_ID, MAX_VLAN_ID)) raise Exception( "vlanid_range input error ,please input {}-{}".format( MIN_VLAN_ID, MAX_VLAN_ID)) for ele in range(min_vlanid, max_vlanid + 1): mask = 0x1 << (ele % 8) bitmap[(ele / 8)] |= mask tmp.set_config_member('vlan_bitmap', bitmap) data = tmp.get_data() msg = config_ipc.config_api(node, data)
def read_sheet_data(self, column_names=None, get_column_names_from_header_row=False, cell_range=None, trim=False): """Reads all the data from the active sheet. This keyword can output the sheet data in two formats: - _As a list of dictionaries_. In the case column names are supplied or obtained (see relevant parameters described below), the rows will be represented through dictionaries, of which the keys will correspond to the column names. - _As a list of lists_. If no column names are provided or obtained, each row will be read from the sheet as a list, and the returned data will, therefore, be a list of all such lists. To use column names the following two parameters can be used: - If ``column_names`` is provided it is expected to be a list which will be used to name the columns in the supplied order. - If ``get_column_names_from_header_row`` is ``True``, the column names will be read from the first row in the sheet. In this case, the first row will not be read as part of the sheet data. _NOTE_: If both parameters are supplied, the `column_names`` list will have precedence. You will get a warning in your log when this situation occurs though. Use ``cell_range`` if you want to get data from only that range in the sheet, rather than all of the data in it. The expected input form is in _A1 Notation_. For example: ``A1:B3``. If ``trim`` is ``True``, all cell values are trimmed, i.e. the surrounding whitespace is removed. Examples: | Read entire sheet with column names from header row | | | | | Open workbook | ${PROPER EXCEL FILE} | # no alias provided: defaulting to file path | | | Switch sheet | Sheet 1 (with header) | | | | @{data sheet}= | Read sheet data | get_column_names_from_header_row=${TRUE} | | | :FOR | ${row} | IN | @{data sheet} | | \ | Log list | ${row} | | | Close workbook | ${PROPER EXCEL FILE} | | | | Read sheet range without column names (trimmed) | | | | | Open workbook | ${PROPER EXCEL FILE} | first excel file | | | Switch sheet | Sheet 1 (with header) | | | | @{data sheet}= | Read sheet data | cell_range=A1:B3 | trim=${TRUE} | | :FOR | ${row} | IN | @{data sheet} | | \ | Log dictionary | ${row} | | | Close workbook | | | | For more examples check out the included test suite. """ sheet = skip_first_row = False if get_column_names_from_header_row: if column_names: logger.warning("Both the `column_names' and " "`get_column_names_from_header_row' " "parameters were supplied. Using " "`column_names' and ignoring the other.") else: skip_first_row = True column_names = self._get_column_names_from_header_row(sheet) if cell_range: min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(cell_range) row_iterator = sheet.iter_rows(min_col=min_col, min_row=min_row, max_col=max_col, max_row=max_row) if column_names: column_names = column_names[min_col - 1:max_col] else: row_iterator = sheet.iter_rows() if skip_first_row: next(row_iterator) # Skip first row in the case of a header. if column_names: sheet_data = [] for row in row_iterator: row_data = {} for i, cell in enumerate(row): try: row_data[column_names[i]] =\ self.read_from_cell(None, cell_obj=cell, trim=trim) except IndexError: raise TooFewColumnNamesSuppliedException if not all(value is None for value in row_data.itervalues()): sheet_data.append(row_data) else: sheet_data = [] for row in row_iterator: row_data = [ self.read_from_cell(None, cell_obj=cell, trim=trim) for cell in row ] if not all(value is None for value in row_data): sheet_data.append(row_data) return sheet_data
def ccServerCheck(self, uri, checkHeaders={}, checkMeth="GET", checkVer="1.1", checkMode="strict", checkFile=reqLogPath):"------------- start %s ----------*****>>>" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) #"------- %s ------"%type(checkHeaders)) robotDictType = types.DictType if 'DotDict' in dir(robot.utils): robotDictType = robot.utils.dotdict.DotDict headerTypes = (types.DictType, types.ListType, types.StringType, types.UnicodeType, types.NoneType, robotDictType) uriTypes = (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType) otherTypes = (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType, types.NoneType) if type(checkHeaders) not in headerTypes: logger.error( "Type of checkHeaders [%s] not in [%s], Return -1 ..." % (type(checkHeaders), headerTypes)) # logger.error(checkHeaders) return -1 if (type(uri) not in uriTypes): logger.error("Type of uri [%s] not in [%s], Return -2 ..." % (type(uri), uriTypes)) return -2 if (type(checkMeth) not in otherTypes) or ( type(checkVer) not in otherTypes) or (type(checkMode) not in otherTypes): logger.error("Type of others [%s,%s,%s] not in [%s], Return -3 ..." \ % (type(checkMeth), type(checkVer), type(checkMode), otherTypes)) return -3 ### 便于使用,不再检查内存,每次check都读取请求日志文件,以保证请求记录都是最新的最全的 # if self.reqSplitList==[]: res = self.split_requests_file(checkFile) if not res: logger.error("Split reqFile [%s] Failed, Return -4 ..." % checkFile) return -4 ### checkCount = 0 if os.stat(checkFile).st_size == 0:"No request in reqLogFile: [%s], Return -5 ..." % checkFile) return -5 for i in range(len(self.reqSplitList)): checkReqLine = self.reqSplitList[i].split("\r\n")[0] if not self.reqSplitList[i] or uri not in checkReqLine:"uri [%s] not in reqSplitList[%s] [%s]" % (uri, i, self.reqSplitList[i])) continue dictPerReq = self._ccBytesToHttpRespone(self.reqSplitList[i]) if uri == dictPerReq["uri"]: if checkMeth and checkMeth != dictPerReq["meth"]: logger.warning("Uri matched, but CheckMeth [%s] Failed in reqSplitList[%s] [%s]" \ % (checkMeth, i, checkReqLine)) continue if checkVer and "HTTP/" + checkVer != dictPerReq["ver"]: logger.warning("Uri matched, but CheckVer [%s] Failed in reqSplitList[%s] [%s]" \ % ("HTTP/" + checkVer, i, checkReqLine)) continue if not checkHeaders: logger.warning( "All matched, CheckHeaders [%s] no check, reqLine [%s] checked Succeed in reqSplitList[%s] [%s]" \ % (checkHeaders, checkReqLine, i, self.reqSplitList[i])) checkCount += 1 continue if isinstance(checkHeaders, dict) or isinstance( checkHeaders, robotDictType): checkRes = self._ccHeadersDictCheck( checkHeaders, dictPerReq["headers"], checkMode) elif isinstance(checkHeaders, list): checkRes = self._ccHeadersListCheck( checkHeaders, self.reqSplitList[i], checkMode) else: checkRes = self._ccHeadersStrCheck(checkHeaders, self.reqSplitList[i], checkMode) if checkRes:"All matched, [%s,%s,%s,%s] checked Succeed in reqSplitList[%s] [%s]" \ % (uri, checkHeaders, checkMeth, checkVer, i, self.reqSplitList[i])) checkCount += 1 else:"CheckHeaders Failed, [%s] checked Failed in reqSplitList[%s] [%s]" \ % (checkHeaders, i, self.reqSplitList[i])) return checkCount
============= robotframework keywords and utilities for Drupal testings """ import pkg_resources from robot.api import logger from .drupalkeywords import DrupalKeywords # PEP 396 style version marker try: __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution( u'robotframework-drupallibrary').version except: logger.warning("Could not get the package version from pkg_resources") __version__ = 'unknown' class DrupalLibrary(DrupalKeywords): """=== DrupalLibrary, ATDD testing friend for Drupal sites === Setting up a Drupal site using directly *Selenium2Library* may be a hassle. *DrupalLibrary* provides a set of keyworks for testing Drupal 7 based sites. === About exit_on-failure parameter === You can notice that several keywords like `Sign In` and several others take an optional argument named `exit_on_failure` that's ${true} by default.
DrupalLibrary ============= robotframework keywords and utilities for Drupal testings """ import pkg_resources from robot.api import logger from .drupalkeywords import DrupalKeywords # PEP 396 style version marker try: __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution(u'robotframework-drupallibrary').version except: logger.warning("Could not get the package version from pkg_resources") __version__ = 'unknown' class DrupalLibrary(DrupalKeywords): """=== DrupalLibrary, ATDD testing friend for Drupal sites === Setting up a Drupal site using directly *Selenium2Library* may be a hassle. *DrupalLibrary* provides a set of keyworks for testing Drupal 7 based sites. === About exit_on-failure parameter === You can notice that several keywords like `Sign In` and several others take an optional argument named `exit_on_failure` that's ${true} by default.