Beispiel #1
 def test_create_host(self):
     # Change delimiter to whatever you want, of course
     # in other tests
     mac_addr = generate_mac(":")
     "Create new host"
     # TODO need to create env, architecture, domain etc.
     args = {
         "name": generate_name(6),
         "environment-id": 1,
         "architecture-id": 1,
         "domain-id": 1,
         "puppet-proxy-id": 1,
         "operatingsystem-id": 1,
         "partition-table-id": 1,
         "mac": mac_addr()
Beispiel #2
 def test_return_type(self):
     """Tests if generate mac returns a unicode string"""
     self.assertIsInstance(generate_mac(), unicode)
Beispiel #3
 def generate(self):
     return generate_mac(self.delimiter)
Beispiel #4
def make_host(options=None):

        hammer host create [OPTIONS]


        --architecture ARCHITECTURE_NAME Architecture name
        --architecture-id ARCHITECTURE_ID
        --ask-root-password ASK_ROOT_PW One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
        --build BUILD                 One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
                                    Default: "true"
        --compute-attributes COMPUTE_ATTRS Compute resource attributes.
                                    Comma-separated list of key=value.
        --compute-profile COMPUTE_PROFILE_NAME Name to search by
        --compute-profile-id COMPUTE_PROFILE_ID
        --compute-resource COMPUTE_RESOURCE_NAME Compute resource name
        --compute-resource-id COMPUTE_RESOURCE
        --domain DOMAIN_NAME          Domain name
        --domain-id DOMAIN_ID
        --enabled ENABLED             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
                                    Default: "true"
        --environment ENVIRONMENT_NAME Environment name
        --environment-id ENVIRONMENT_ID
        --hostgroup HOSTGROUP_NAME    Hostgroup name
        --hostgroup-id HOSTGROUP_ID
        --image-id IMAGE_ID
        --interface INTERFACE         Interface parameters.
                                      Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                      Can be specified multiple times.
        --ip IP                       not required if using a subnet with dhcp
        --location LOCATION_NAME      Location name
        --location-id LOCATION_ID
        --mac MAC                     not required if its a virtual machine
        --managed MANAGED             One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
                                    Default: "true"
        --medium MEDIUM_NAME          Medium name
        --medium-id MEDIUM_ID
        --model MODEL_NAME            Model name
        --model-id MODEL_ID
        --name NAME
        --operatingsystem-id OPERATINGSYSTEM_ID
        --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME Organization name
        --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID
        --owner-id OWNER_ID
        --parameters PARAMS           Host parameters.
                                    Comma-separated list of key=value.
        --partition-table-id PARTITION_TABLE_ID
        --progress-report-id PROGRESS_REPORT_ID UUID to track orchestration
                                    tasks status, GET
        --provision-method METHOD     One of 'build', 'image'
        --ptable PTABLE_NAME          Partition table name
        --ptable-id PTABLE_ID
        --puppet-ca-proxy-id PUPPET_CA_PROXY_ID
        --puppet-proxy-id PUPPET_PROXY_ID
        --puppetclass-ids PUPPETCLASS_IDS Comma separated list of values.
        --realm REALM_NAME            Name to search by
        --realm-id REALM_ID           May be numerical id or realm name
        --root-password ROOT_PW
        --sp-subnet-id SP_SUBNET_ID
        --subnet SUBNET_NAME          Subnet name
        --subnet-id SUBNET_ID
        --volume VOLUME               Volume parameters
                                    Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                    Can be specified multiple times.
    # Check for required options
    required_options = (

    if options is None:
        raise CLIFactoryError(
            'Options {0} are required'.format(', '.join(required_options))

    missing_options = [
        option for option in required_options if options.get(option) is None

    if missing_options:
        raise CLIFactoryError(
            'Options {0} are required'.format(', '.join(missing_options))

    args = {
        u'architecture': None,
        u'architecture-id': None,
        u'ask-root-password': None,
        u'build': None,
        u'compute-attributes': None,
        u'compute-profile': None,
        u'compute-profile-id': None,
        u'compute-resource': None,
        u'compute-resource-id': None,
        u'domain': None,
        u'domain-id': None,
        u'enabled': None,
        u'environment': None,
        u'environment-id': None,
        u'hostgroup': None,
        u'hostgroup-id': None,
        u'image-id': None,
        u'interface': None,
        u'ip': generate_ipaddr(),
        u'location': None,
        u'location-id': None,
        u'mac': generate_mac(),
        u'managed': None,
        u'medium': None,
        u'medium-id': None,
        u'model': None,
        u'model-id': None,
        u'name': generate_string('alpha', 10),
        u'operatingsystem-id': None,
        u'organization': None,
        u'organization-id': None,
        u'owner-id': None,
        u'parameters': None,
        u'partition-table-id': None,
        u'progress-report-id': None,
        u'provision-method': None,
        u'ptable': None,
        u'ptable-id': None,
        u'puppet-ca-proxy-id': None,
        u'puppet-proxy-id': None,
        u'puppetclass-ids': None,
        u'realm': None,
        u'realm-id': None,
        u'root-password': generate_string('alpha', 8),
        u'sp-subnet-id': None,
        u'subnet': None,
        u'subnet-id': None,
        u'volume': None,

    args = update_dictionary(args, options)
    args.update(create_object(Host, args))

    return args
Beispiel #5
 def generate(self):
     return generate_mac(self.delimiter)
Beispiel #6
 def test_return_type(self):
     """Tests if generate mac returns a unicode string"""
     self.assertIsInstance(generate_mac(), unicode)