Beispiel #1
  def __init__(self,
    """Constructs the loss function.

      num_channels: the number of different "channels" for the adaptive loss
        function, where each channel will be assigned its own shape (alpha) and
        scale parameters that are constructed as variables and can be optimized
      float_dtype: The expected numerical precision of the input, which will
        also determine the precision of the latent variables used to model scale
        and alpha internally.
      alpha_lo: The lowest possible value for loss's alpha parameters, must be
        >=0 and a scalar. Should probably be in (0, 2).
      alpha_hi: The highest possible value for loss's alpha parameters, must be
        >=alpha_lo and a scalar. Should probably be in (0, 2).
      alpha_init: The value that the loss's alpha parameters will be initialized
        to, must be in (`alpha_lo`, `alpha_hi`), unless `alpha_lo==alpha_hi` in
        which case this will be ignored. Defaults to (`alpha_lo+alpha_hi)/2`.
      scale_lo: The lowest possible value for the loss's scale parameters. Must
        be > 0 and a scalar. This value may have more of an effect than you
        think, as the loss is unbounded as scale approaches zero.
      scale_init: The initial value used for the loss's scale parameters. This
        also defines the zero-point of the latent representation of scales, so
        SGD may cause optimization to gravitate towards producing scales near
        this value.
      name: The name of the module.

      ValueError: If any of the arguments are invalid.
    super(AdaptiveLossFunction, self).__init__(name=name)
    _check_scale(scale_lo, scale_init)
    if not np.isscalar(alpha_lo):
      raise ValueError('`alpha_lo` must be a scalar, but is of type {}'.format(
    if not np.isscalar(alpha_hi):
      raise ValueError('`alpha_hi` must be a scalar, but is of type {}'.format(
    if alpha_init is not None and not np.isscalar(alpha_init):
      raise ValueError(
          '`alpha_init` must be None or a scalar, but is of type {}'.format(
    if not alpha_lo >= 0:
      raise ValueError('`alpha_lo` must be >= 0, but is {}'.format(alpha_lo))
    if not alpha_hi >= alpha_lo:
      raise ValueError('`alpha_hi` = {} must be >= `alpha_lo` = {}'.format(
          alpha_hi, alpha_lo))
    if alpha_init is not None and alpha_lo != alpha_hi:
      if not (alpha_init > alpha_lo and alpha_init < alpha_hi):
        raise ValueError(
            '`alpha_init` = {} must be in (`alpha_lo`, `alpha_hi`) = ({} {})'
            .format(alpha_init, alpha_lo, alpha_hi))

    if alpha_lo != alpha_hi:
      # If alpha isn't constant, construct a "latent" alpha variable.
      if alpha_init is None:
        alpha_init = (alpha_lo + alpha_hi) / 2.
      latent_alpha_init = (
          util.inv_affine_sigmoid(alpha_init, lo=alpha_lo, hi=alpha_hi))
      self._latent_alpha = tf.Variable(
          tf.fill((1, num_channels),
                  tf.cast(latent_alpha_init, dtype=float_dtype)),

    if scale_lo != scale_init:
      # If shape isn't constant, construct a "latent" scale variable.
      self._latent_scale = tf.Variable(
          tf.zeros((1, num_channels), float_dtype), name='LatentScale')

    self._num_channels = num_channels
    self._float_dtype = tf.dtypes.as_dtype(float_dtype)
    self._alpha_lo = alpha_lo
    self._alpha_hi = alpha_hi
    self._scale_lo = scale_lo
    self._scale_init = scale_init
    self._distribution = distribution.Distribution()
Beispiel #2
 def setUp(self):
     self._distribution = distribution.Distribution()
     super(DistributionTest, self).setUp()