Beispiel #1
    def test_chkrebtii(self):
        # LHS vector of ODE
        w_mat = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

        # These parameters define the order of the ODE and the CAR(p) process
        n_deriv = [2]
        n_deriv_prior = [4]

        # it is assumed that the solution is sought on the interval [tmin, tmax].
        n_eval = 100
        tmin = 0
        tmax = 10

        # IBM process scale factor
        sigma = [.5]

        # Initial value, x0, for the IVP
        x0 = np.array([-1., 0., 1.])
        x0_state = zero_pad(x0, n_deriv, n_deriv_prior)
        W = zero_pad(w_mat, n_deriv, n_deriv_prior)

        # Get parameters needed to run the solver
        dt = (tmax - tmin) / n_eval
        # All necessary parameters are in kinit, namely, T, c, R, W
        kinit = ibm_init(dt, n_deriv_prior, sigma)
        z_state = rand_mat(n_eval, sum(n_deriv_prior))

        # Get Cython solution
        kode_cy = KalmanODE_cy(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, chkrebtii_kalman,
        kode_cy.z_state = z_state
        # Run the solver to get an approximation
        ksim_cy = kode_cy.solve_sim(x0_state)

        # Get Eigen solution
        kode_ei = KalmanODE_ei(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, chkrebtii_kalman,
        kode_ei.z_state = z_state
        ksim_ei = kode_ei.solve_sim(x0_state)

        # Get Numba solution
        kode_nb = KalmanODE_nb(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, chkrebtii_kalman_nb,
        kode_nb.z_state = z_state
        ksim_nb = kode_nb.solve_sim(x0_state, W, None)

        # Get Python solution
        kalmanode_py = KalmanODE_py(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, chkrebtii_kalman,
                                    **kinit)  # Initialize the class
        kalmanode_py.z_state = z_state
        ksim_py = kalmanode_py.solve_sim(x0_state, W)

        self.assertLessEqual(rel_err(ksim_cy[:, 0], ksim_py[:, 0]), 0.001)
        self.assertLessEqual(rel_err(ksim_cy[1:, 1], ksim_py[1:, 1]), 0.001)
        self.assertLessEqual(rel_err(ksim_cy[:, 0], ksim_ei[:, 0]), 0.001)
        self.assertLessEqual(rel_err(ksim_cy[1:, 1], ksim_ei[1:, 1]), 0.001)
        self.assertLessEqual(rel_err(ksim_cy[:, 0], ksim_nb[:, 0]), 0.001)
        self.assertLessEqual(rel_err(ksim_cy[1:, 1], ksim_nb[1:, 1]), 0.001)
Beispiel #2
n_var = 2
sigma = [.1] * n_var

# Initial value, x0, for the IVP
x0 = np.array([-1., 1.])
X0 = np.array([-1, 1, 1, 1 / 3])
w_mat = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
W = zero_pad(w_mat, n_deriv, n_deriv_prior)
x0_state = zero_pad(X0, n_deriv, n_deriv_prior)
theta = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 3])

# Get parameters needed to run the solver
dt = (tmax - tmin) / n_eval
ode_init = ibm_init(dt, n_deriv_prior, sigma)
kinit = indep_init(ode_init, n_deriv_prior)
z_state = rand_mat(n_eval, p)

# pick ode function with ndarray or ctuple inputs
ode_fun = ode_fun_ct if use_ctuple else ode_fun_nd
if use_ctuple:
    theta = tuple(theta)

# Timings
n_loops = 100
# C++
kode_c = KalmanODE_c(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, ode_fun, **kinit)
kode_c.z_state = z_state
time_c = timing(kode_c, x0_state, W, theta, n_loops)

# C++2
kode_c2 = KalmanODE_c2(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, ode_fun, **kinit)
Beispiel #3
tmax = 10

# The rest of the parameters can be tuned according to ODE
# For this problem, we will use
sigma = [.5]

# Initial value, x0, for the IVP
x0 = np.array([-1., 0., 1.])

# Get parameters needed to run the solver
dt = (tmax-tmin)/n_eval
# All necessary parameters are in kinit, namely, T, c, R, W
W = zero_pad(w_mat, n_deriv, n_deriv_prior)
x0_state = zero_pad(x0, n_deriv, n_deriv_prior)
kinit = ibm_init(dt, n_deriv_prior, sigma)
z_state = rand_mat(n_eval, sum(n_deriv_prior))
theta = np.empty(0)

# pick ode function with ndarray or ctuple inputs
ode_fun = ode_fun_ct if use_ctuple else ode_fun_nd
if use_ctuple:
    theta = tuple(theta)

# Timings
n_loops = 1000
# C++
kode_c = KalmanODE_c(W, tmin, tmax, n_eval, ode_fun, **kinit)
kode_c.z_state = z_state
time_c = timing(kode_c, x0_state, W, theta, n_loops)