pn = np.flipud(np.transpose(file['pn'][:])) dndx = np.flipud(np.transpose(file['dndx'][:])) dmde = np.flipud(np.transpose(file['dmde'][:])) mask_rho = np.flipud(np.transpose(file['mask_rho'][:])) xl = file['xl'][:] el = file['el'][:] Lonu, Lonv, Lonp = rho2uvp(lon_rho) Latu, Latv, Latp = rho2uvp(lat_rho) [masku, maskv, maskp] = uvp_mask(mask_rho) angle = get_angle(Latu, Lonu) #pm, pn, dndx, dmde = get_metrics(Latu, Lonu, Latv, Lonv) #f0 = 4 * np.pi * np.sin( np.pi * lat_rho/180. ) / ( 24.*3600. ) #p_file=netCDF4.Dataset('') #h_parent=p_file['h'][:] #lon_parent=p_file['lon_rho'][:] #lat_parent=p_file['lat_rho'][:] #h=griddata((lon_parent.ravel(),lat_parent.ravel()),h_parent.ravel(),(lon_rho.ravel(),lat_rho.ravel())).reshape(lon_rho.shape) #nans=np.isnan(h) #h[nans]=griddata((lon_rho[~nans],lat_rho[~nans]),h[~nans],(lon_rho[nans],lat_rho[nans]), 'nearest') ETOPO1 = True plt.plot(-g[0, :]) plt.plot(-gg[0, ]) # ####################################### h[np.where(h == 0)] = 0.1 #get rid of 0 depth maskr = h * 0 maskr = np.abs(maskr) maskr[np.where(h > 20.1)] = 1 maskr = process_mask(maskr) [masku, maskv, maskp] = uvp_mask(maskr) #for i in range(masku.shape[0]): # masku[i,np.where(Lonu[0,:]>-39)] = 1 #excluir a mascara das ilhas #for i in range(maskv.shape[0]): # maskv[i,np.where(Lonv[0,:]>-39)] = 1 #excluir a mascara das ilhas #for i in range(maskp.shape[0]): # maskp[i,np.where(Lonp[0,:]>-39)] = 1 #excluir a mascara das ilhas #cs=plt.contourf(lonr, latr, h, levels=[0,100], colors='red') #proxy = [plt.Rectangle((0,0),1,1,fc = pc.get_facecolor()[0]) # for pc in cs.collections] plt.pcolor(Lonr, Latr, maskp)
f0 = 4 * np.pi * np.sin( np.pi * Latr/180 ) / ( 24*3600 ) print ' \n' + '==> ' + ' ADDING TOPOGRAPHY ...\n' + ' ' h = add_topo(Lonr, Latr, pm, pn, run.topo_filename) hraw = h.copy() h[ np.where(h > run.hmax) ] = run.hmax print ' \n' + '==> ' + ' COMPUTING THE MASK ...\n' + ' ' maskr = h*0 maskr[ np.where(h > 0) ] = 1 maskr = process_mask(maskr) [masku, maskv, maskp] = uvp_mask(maskr) print ' \n' + '==> ' + ' FILTERING THE TOPOGRAPHY ...\n' + ' ' h = smoothgrid(h, maskr, run.hmin, run.hmaxc, run.slope, run.npass, run.nfinal) #################################################################### #################################################################### print ' \n' + '==> ' + ' WRITING NETCDF GRID FILE ...\n' + ' ' now = Lp = L + 1 Mp = M + 1