def get_uncertainty_graph(hnom, curve_uncert): """ Convert an histogram and a RooCurve into a TGraphAsymmError Parameters ---------- hnom: TH1F, TH1D, ... The histogram of nominal values curve_uncert: RooCurve The uncertainty band around the nominal value TODO: Improve the handling of the underflow and overflow bins """ graph = Graph(hnom.GetNbinsX()) for ibin in xrange(1, hnom.GetNbinsX() + 1): uncerts = [] for ip in xrange(3, curve_uncert.GetN() - 3): x, y = ROOT.Double(0.), ROOT.Double(0.) curve_uncert.GetPoint(ip, x, y) if hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) <= x < hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1): uncerts.append(y) log.debug('{0}, bin {1}: {2}'.format(, ibin, uncerts)) low, high = min(uncerts), max(uncerts) bin_center = 0.5 * (hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) + hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin)) e_x_low = bin_center - hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) e_x_high = hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) - bin_center bin_content = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) e_y_low = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) - low e_y_high = high - hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) graph.SetPoint(ibin - 1, bin_center, bin_content) graph.SetPointError(ibin - 1, e_x_low, e_x_high, e_y_low, e_y_high) return graph
def test_ROOT(): a = ROOT.TH1F("a", "a", 10, 0, 1) assert_true(isinstance(a, _Hist)) b = ROOT.Hist(10, 0, 1, type='F') assert_equal(a.TYPE, b.TYPE)
def HGCAL_label(text='HGCAL Simulation', pad=None): """Add label to the current Pad.""" if pad is None: pad = ROOT.gPad.func() with preserve_current_canvas(): left_margin = pad.GetLeftMargin() top_margin = pad.GetTopMargin() # Offset labels by 14% of the top margin ypos = 1 - 0.86 * top_margin label_cms = ROOT.TLatex(left_margin, ypos, "CMS") label_cms.SetTextFont(61) # Helvetica bold label_cms.SetTextAlign(11) # left-bottom label_cms.SetNDC() # The text is 75% as tall as the margin it lives in. label_cms.SetTextSize(0.75 * top_margin) label_cms.Draw() keepalive(pad, label_cms) # Draw additional text if desired label_add = None if text: label_add = ROOT.TLatex(left_margin + 0.09, ypos, text) label_add.SetTextFont(52) # Helvetica italic label_add.SetTextAlign(11) # left-bottom label_add.SetNDC() # The text is 75% as tall as the margin it lives in. label_add.SetTextSize(0.60 * top_margin) label_add.Draw() keepalive(pad, label_add) pad.Modified() pad.Update() return label_cms, label_add
def __make_overlay(self, pileup, threshold, hists, fits, labels, header): with preserve_current_style(): name = self.filename_format.format(pileup=pileup, threshold=threshold) xmin = hists[0].GetTotalHistogram().GetBinLowEdge(1) xmax = hists[0].GetTotalHistogram().GetBinLowEdge( hists[0].GetTotalHistogram().GetNbinsX() + 1) # Draw each efficiency (with fit) draw_args = { "xtitle": self.offline_title, "ytitle": "Efficiency", "xlimits": [xmin, xmax] } canvas = draw(hists, draw_args=draw_args) if len(fits) > 0: for fit, hist in zip(fits, hists): fit["asymmetric"].linecolor = hist.GetLineColor() fit["asymmetric"].Draw("same") # Add labels label_canvas() # Add a legend legend = Legend( len(hists), header=self.legend_title, topmargin=0.35, rightmargin=0.3, leftmargin=0.7, textsize=0.025, entryheight=0.028, ) for hist, label in zip(hists, labels): legend.AddEntry(hist, label) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw() for val in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1.]: line = ROOT.TLine(xmin, val, xmax, val) line.SetLineStyle("dashed") line.SetLineColor(15) line.Draw() for thresh in self.thresholds.bins: line = ROOT.TLine(thresh, 0., thresh, 1.) line.SetLineStyle("dashed") line.SetLineColor(15) line.Draw() # Save canvas to file self.save_canvas(canvas, name)
def draw_lines(params): lines = [] line_100 = ROOT.TLine(params.xmin, 1, params.xmax, 1) line_95 = ROOT.TLine(params.xmin, 0.95, params.xmax, 0.95) line_100.SetLineWidth(2) line_95.SetLineWidth(2) line_95.SetLineStyle(2) line_100.Draw() line_95.Draw() lines.append(line_100) lines.append(line_95) return lines
def make_efficiency(labels): this_name = "efficiency" + name.format(**labels) this_title = title.format(**labels) '''Checking type of 'low' to see whether it's int (x-range minimum) or array (bin edges) for constructing TEfficiency''' if isinstance(low, np.ndarray): eff = asrootpy( ROOT.TEfficiency(this_name, this_title, n_bins, low)) else: eff = asrootpy( ROOT.TEfficiency(this_name, this_title, n_bins, low, high)) eff.drawstyle = EfficiencyPlot.drawstyle return eff
def _dynamic_bin(self, eff): """ Re-build efficiency plots so that there are no bins with < min_ entries """ min_ = 16 total = [] passed = [] bins = [] bins.append(eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinLowEdge(1)) nbins = eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetNbinsX() merge_total = 0 merge_passed = 0 for bin in range(1, nbins + 1): next_bin_total = eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinContent(bin + 1) merge_total += eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinContent(bin) merge_passed += eff.GetPassedHistogram().GetBinContent(bin) if bin == nbins: merge_total += eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinContent(bin + 1) merge_passed += eff.GetPassedHistogram().GetBinContent(bin + 1) if (next_bin_total > min_ and merge_total > min_) or bin == nbins: bins.append(eff.GetTotalHistogram().GetBinLowEdge(bin + 1)) total.append(merge_total) passed.append(merge_passed) merge_total = 0 merge_passed = 0 npbins = np.asarray(bins) hist_total = asrootpy( ROOT.TH1I("total", "total", len(bins) - 1, npbins)) hist_passed = asrootpy( ROOT.TH1I("passed", "passed", len(bins) - 1, npbins)) for bin in range(1, len(bins)): hist_total.SetBinContent(bin, total[bin - 1]) hist_passed.SetBinContent(bin, passed[bin - 1]) hist_total.Sumw2(False) hist_passed.Sumw2(False) eff.SetTotalHistogram(hist_total, "f") eff.SetPassedHistogram(hist_passed, "f")
def mergeHistsFromMapping(hists, mapping, fillcolors=None): """ merge histograms from mappping. e.g. - hists {'a_1': Hist(), 'a_2': Hist(), ... , 'b_1': Hist(), 'b_2': Hist()} - mapping {'a': ['a_1', 'a_2',], 'b': ['b_1', 'b_2']} - fillcolors [optional] {'a': 'green', 'b': 'red'} - returns OrderedDict('a': Hist(), 'b': Hist()) sorted by Integral() """ from collections import OrderedDict CatHists = {} for cat, ds in mapping.items(): output = None for d in ds: if output is None: output = hists[d].Clone() ROOT.SetOwnership(output, False) else: output.Add(hists[d]) if fillcolors: output.fillcolor = fillcolors[cat] output.SetTitle(cat) CatHists[cat] = output return OrderedDict(sorted(CatHists.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].Integral()))
def UncertGraph(hnom, curve_uncert): """ Convert an histogram and a RooCurve into a TGraphAsymmError Parameters ---------- hnom: TH1F, TH1D,... The histogram of nominal values curve_uncert: RooCurve The uncertainty band around the nominal value curve_uncert: RooCurve TODO: Improve the handling of the underflow and overflow bins """ graph = Graph(hnom.GetNbinsX()) # --------------------------------------------- for ibin in xrange(1, hnom.GetNbinsX() + 1): uncerts = [] for ip in xrange(3, curve_uncert.GetN() - 3): x, y = ROOT.Double(0.), ROOT.Double(0.) curve_uncert.GetPoint(ip, x, y) if int(x) == int(hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin)): uncerts.append(y) uncerts.sort()'{0}: {1}'.format(, uncerts)) if len(uncerts) != 2: for val in uncerts: if val in uncerts: uncerts.remove(val) if len(uncerts) != 2: raise RuntimeError( 'Need exactly two error values and got {0}'.format(uncerts)) bin_center = 0.5 * (hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) + hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin)) e_x_low = bin_center - hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin) e_x_high = hnom.GetBinLowEdge(ibin + 1) - bin_center bin_content = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) e_y_low = hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) - uncerts[0] e_y_high = uncerts[1] - hnom.GetBinContent(ibin) graph.SetPoint(ibin - 1, bin_center, bin_content) graph.SetPointError(ibin - 1, e_x_low, e_x_high, e_y_low, e_y_high) # --------------------------------------------- return graph
def test_file_open(): fname = 'test_file_open.root' with, 'w'): pass with root_open(fname, 'r'): pass with root_open(fname): pass with ROOT.TFile(fname, 'recreate') as f: assert_true(isinstance(f, File)) os.unlink(fname)
def digitize(path, file, tree): """""" output = R.TFile.Open(str(Path(path).stem + ".digi.root"), "RECREATE") digitized = digitize_tree(output, path, copytree(file, tree), tree.GetName()) digitized.Write() for (key, name) in map(lambda k: (k, k.GetName()), file.GetListOfKeys()): if name != tree.GetName(): obj = key.ReadObj() obj.Write() digitize_tag = R.TNamed("DIGITIZED", "TRUE") digitize_tag.Write() output.Close()
def __make_overlay(self, hists, fits, labels, ytitle, suffix=""): with preserve_current_style(): # Draw each resolution (with fit) # TODO: this feels like it does not belong here for hist in hists: hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 0.1) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) xtitle = self.resolution_method.label.format( on=self.online_title, off=self.offline_title) canvas = draw(hists, draw_args={ "xtitle": xtitle, "ytitle": ytitle }) if fits: for fit, hist in zip(fits, hists): fit["asymmetric"].linecolor = hist.GetLineColor() fit["asymmetric"].Draw("same") # Add labels label_canvas() # Add a legend legend = Legend( len(hists), header=self.legend_title, topmargin=0.35, rightmargin=0.3, leftmargin=0.7, textsize=0.03, entryheight=0.03, ) for hist, label in zip(hists, labels): legend.AddEntry(hist, label) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw() ymax = 1.2 * max([hist.GetMaximum() for hist in hists]) line = ROOT.TLine(0., 0., 0., ymax) line.SetLineColor(15) # Save canvas to file name = self.filename_format.format(pileup="all") self.save_canvas(canvas, name + suffix)
def TitleAsLatex(s): """Add a title as TLatex on top left""" # label = ROOT.TLatex(ROOT.gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin(), 0.9+ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin()*0.01, s) label = ROOT.TPaveText(ROOT.gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin() - 0.02, 0.95 + ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin() * 0.03, ROOT.gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin() + 0.58, 0.95 + ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin() * 0.85, 'NB NDC') label.AddText(s) label.SetTextFont(42) label.SetTextAlign(12) # label.SetTextSize(22) # label.SetNDC() label.SetFillStyle(0) label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetBorderSize(0) return label
def ErrorBandFromHistStack(hstack, **kwargs): """ possion error band (TGraphAsymmError) from sum of `hstack` kwargs are forwarded for TGraphAsymmError property setting """ _sumStack = sumHistStack(hstack) stackError = asrootpy(_sumStack) #.poisson_errors() ROOT.SetOwnership(stackError, False) kwDefaults = { 'fillstyle': 3244, 'fillcolor': 'gray', 'drawstyle': 'e2', 'markersize': 0, 'legendstyle': 'F', 'title': 'stat. unc', } kwDefaults.update(kwargs) for k, v in kwDefaults.items(): setattr(stackError, k, v) return stackError
def write_meta(self, key, value): ROOT.TNamed(key, value).Write()
def computeCosAlpha(p4_1, p4_2): vec_1 = ROOT.TVector3(p4_1.px(),, p4_1.pz()) vec_2 = ROOT.TVector3(p4_2.px(),, p4_2.pz()) return vec_1.Dot(vec_2) / vec_1.Mag() / vec_2.Mag()
hist2d_adc_sigma.SetTitle("ADC Sigma of 1600 Channels") hist2d_adc_sigma.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(40) hist2d_adc_sigma.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(40) for i in xrange(40): if (i % 8 == 0): hist2d_adc_sigma.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, "%02d" % i) hist2d_adc_sigma.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, "%02d" % i) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) for i in xrange(25): for j in xrange(64): hist2d_adc_per_kev.SetBinContent( ijtox(i, j) + 1, ijtoy(i, j) + 1, adc_per_kev[i][j]) hist2d_adc_sigma.SetBinContent( ijtox(i, j) + 1, ijtoy(i, j) + 1, adc_sigma[i][j]) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() c1.SetWindowSize(1600, 800) c1.Divide(2, 1) c1.GetPad(1).SetGrid() hist2d_adc_per_kev.Draw("COLZ") c1.GetPad(2).SetGrid() hist2d_adc_sigma.Draw("COLZ") wait(True)
import rootpy.ROOT as ROOT from rootpy.plotting import Hist1D, Hist2D from root_numpy import root2array ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".x ../lhcbstyle.C") ROOT.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.21) ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.4, "Y") ROOT.gROOT.GetColor(3).SetRGB(0., 0.6, 0.) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "", 600, 500) toy_sig = root2array("test_tuple.root", branches = ["mprime", "thetaprime"], selection = "abs(md-1.97)<0.05") toy_sb = root2array("test_tuple.root", branches = ["mprime", "thetaprime"], selection = "(md<1.97-0.05)||(md>1.97+0.05)") fit_sig = root2array("fit_result_3d.root", branches = ["mprime", "thetaprime"], selection = "abs(md-1.97)<0.05") #fit_sig = root2array("fit_result.root", branches = ["mprime", "thetaprime"], selection = "md>1.97+0.05") hsig = Hist1D(100, 0., 1.) hsb = Hist1D(100, 0., 1.) hfit = Hist1D(100, 0., 1.) hsig.fill_array(toy_sig['mprime']) hsb.fill_array(toy_sb['mprime']) hfit.fill_array(fit_sig['mprime']) hsig.SetMarkerSize(0.5) hsig.Draw("e") hsig.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m'") hsig.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Entries / (0.01)") hsb.Scale(hsig.GetSumOfWeights()/hsb.GetSumOfWeights()) hsb.SetLineColor(6)
'#include "/home/twkim/MG5_aMC_v2_7_3/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootClasses.h"' ) ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare( '#include "/home/twkim/MG5_aMC_v2_7_3/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h"' ) except: pass # Read & Write File inputFile = sys.argv[1] outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open("BKG_ttbar_bpt.root", "recreate") ### <- Set Your output file name # Create chain of root trees chain = ROOT.TChain("LHEF") chain.Add(inputFile) # Create object of class ExRootTreeReader treeReader = ROOT.ExRootTreeReader(chain) numberOfEntries = treeReader.GetEntries() # Get pointers to branches used in this analysis branchParticle = treeReader.UseBranch("Particle") # branchElectron = treeReader.UseBranch("Electron") # Define histograms histPT = ROOT.TH1F("pt", "p_{T} distribution", 80, 0, 400.0) histEta = ROOT.TH1F("eta", "eta distribution", 100, -10, 10) histPhi = ROOT.TH1F("phi", "phi distribution", 100, -10, 10)
def __make_overlay(self, pileup, threshold, hists, fits, labels, header): with preserve_current_style(): name = self.filename_format.format(pileup=pileup, threshold=threshold) # Draw each efficiency (with fit) draw_args = {"xtitle": self.offline_title, "ytitle": "Efficiency"} # TODO: special case should not be implemented here! if 'Jet' in name and 'HiRange' in name: draw_args['xlimits'] = [20, 2000] canvas = draw(hists, draw_args=draw_args) if len(fits) > 0: for fit, hist in zip(fits, hists): fit["asymmetric"].linecolor = hist.GetLineColor() fit["asymmetric"].Draw("same") # Add labels label_canvas() # Add a legend legend = Legend( len(hists), header=self.legend_title, topmargin=0.35, rightmargin=0.3, leftmargin=0.7, textsize=0.025, entryheight=0.028, ) for hist, label in zip(hists, labels): legend.AddEntry(hist, label) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw() xmin = 0 xmax = self.x_max # TODO: also specialisation, needs removal if ("HT" in name): xmax = 800 xmin = 30 if ("MET" in name): xmin = 0 xmax = 400 if ("Jet" in name): xmin = 20 xmax = 400 if ("HiRange" in name): xmax = 2000 for val in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1.]: line = ROOT.TLine(xmin, val, xmax, val) line.SetLineStyle("dashed") line.SetLineColor(15) line.Draw() for val in range(100, xmax, 100): line = ROOT.TLine(val, 0., val, 1.) line.SetLineStyle("dashed") line.SetLineColor(15) line.Draw() # Save canvas to file self.save_canvas(canvas, name)
print("Temporary filename: {}".format(filename)), os.SEEK_END) print("f length with localfile: {}".format(f.tell())) f.write("Appended information in temp file.\n") print(" {}".format( except ErrorInGettingFile as e: print(e) if rootFile: try: with FileWithLocalFilename( filename="246980/EMC/EMChists.2015_12_13_5_7_22.root", writeFile=writeFile) as filename: print("Temporary filename: {}".format(filename)) testHist = ROOT.TH1F("testHist", "testHist", 10, 0, 10) testHist.Fill(3) # Stricktly speaking, this only works on unix! But this should be fine for our purposes, # as Overwatch is not designed to work on Windows anyway. # "RECREATE" will not work, as the file is being recreated in a way that isn't # compatiable with the temp file! with, "UPDATE") as f: print(" pre write:") # Needs to be in a separate line. Otherwise, it will print before saying "pre/post write" # Write hist testHist.Write() # Needs to be in a separate line. Otherwise, it will print before saying "pre/post write" print(" post write:")
def SRlabel(input): plottitle = ROOT.TLatex(labelmargin, 0.745, input) plottitle.SetTextFont(43) plottitle.SetTextSize(canvasheight * labelscale * 1.0) plottitle.SetNDC() plottitle.Draw()
def toprightplotlabel(input): plottitle = ROOT.TLatex(0.74, 0.971, input) plottitle.SetTextFont(43) plottitle.SetTextSize(canvasheight * labelscale) plottitle.SetNDC() plottitle.Draw()
def topleftplotlabel(input): plottitle = ROOT.TLatex(labelmargin, 0.974, input) plottitle.SetTextFont(43) plottitle.SetTextSize(canvasheight * labelscale) plottitle.SetNDC() plottitle.Draw()
def __init__(self, files=None, outname=None, type='MC', dtag='', maxevents=-1, channel=['4mu', '2mu2e'], ctau=None, chargedlj=False): if type.upper() not in ['MC', 'DATA']: raise ValueError("Argument `type` need to be MC/DATA") self.OutName = outname self.Type = type.upper() self.ChargedLJ = chargedlj self.MaxEvents = maxevents self.Channel = channel self.Dtag = dtag self.Ctau = ctau __signal_sample_param = dict( [substr.split('-') for substr in self.Dtag.split('_')]) self.SignalParam = { k.upper(): float(v.replace('p', '.')) for k, v in __signal_sample_param.items() } if not files: raise ValueError("Argument `files` need to be non-empty") if isinstance(files, str): files = [ files, ] self.Chain = TreeChain('ffNtuplizer/ffNtuple', files) ### register collections ### # self.Chain.define_collection('pvs', prefix='pv_', size='pv_n') self.Chain.define_collection('electrons', prefix='electron_', size='electron_n') self.Chain.define_collection('muons', prefix='muon_', size='muon_n') self.Chain.define_collection('dsamuons', prefix='dsamuon_', size='dsamuon_n') self.Chain.define_collection('photons', prefix='photon_', size='photon_n') self.Chain.define_collection('ak4jets', prefix='akjet_ak4PFJetsCHS_', size='akjet_ak4PFJetsCHS_n') self.Chain.define_collection('hftagscores', prefix='hftagscore_', size='hftagscore_n') self.Chain.define_collection('leptonjets', prefix='pfjet_', size='pfjet_n', mix=LeptonJetMix) self.Chain.define_collection('ljsources', prefix='ljsource_', size='ljsource_n') self.Chain.define_collection('cosmicmuons', prefix='cosmicmuon_', size='cosmicmuon_n') self.Chain.define_collection('trigobjs', prefix='trigobj_', size='trigobj_n') # self.Chain.define_collection('',) self.Chain.define_object('hlt', prefix='HLT_') self.Chain.define_object('metfilters', prefix='metfilters_') self.Chain.define_object('cosmicveto', prefix='cosmicveto_') self.Triggers = [ "DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha", "DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha_NoL2Matched", "DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha_CosmicSeed", "DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha_CosmicSeed_NoL2Matched", "DoubleL2Mu25NoVtx_2Cha_Eta2p4", "DoubleL2Mu25NoVtx_2Cha_CosmicSeed_Eta2p4", ] #self.addTRG = [ # "DoubleL2Mu23NoVtx_2Cha",] self.Histos = {} for chan in channel: self.Histos['{}/cutflow'.format(chan)] = ROOT.Hist( 20, 0, 20, title='cutflow', drawstyle='hist') self.KeepCutFlow = False self.RawCutFlow = False self.LookupWeight = root_open( os.path.join( os.getenv('CMSSW_BASE'), 'src/FireROOT/Analysis/data/PUWeights_2018.root')).Get( 'puWeights') self.LookupMuonSFLowpT = root_open( os.path.join(os.getenv('CMSSW_BASE'), 'src/FireROOT/Analysis/data/mu_Loose_pt7.root')).Get( 'ratio_syst') self.LookupMuonSF = root_open( os.path.join(os.getenv('CMSSW_BASE'), 'src/FireROOT/Analysis/data/RunABCD_SF_ID.root')).Get( 'NUM_LooseID_DEN_TrackerMuons_pt_abseta_syst') self.LookupElectronSF = root_open( os.path.join( os.getenv('CMSSW_BASE'), 'src/FireROOT/Analysis/data/2018_ElectronLoose.root')).Get( 'EGamma_SF2D') self.LookupPhotonSF = root_open( os.path.join( os.getenv('CMSSW_BASE'), 'src/FireROOT/Analysis/data/2018_PhotonsLoose.root')).Get( 'EGamma_SF2D') self.Scale = 1.
ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare( '#include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h"') from include.utils import pTof, pTetaphiIDof, get_process_ID_VV3body from include.utils import get_process_ID_iterate, get_first_ino_ID, get_first_squark_ID, get_squark_ino_ID, get_squark_q_ID # For ino-jet num_particle_IDs = 6 num_jet_IDs = 8 debug = 0 inputFile = sys.argv[1] outputFile = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 3: debug = int(sys.argv[3]) chain = ROOT.TChain("Delphes") try: chain.Add(inputFile) except: print("Unable to load file", inputFile, flush=True) treeReader = ROOT.ExRootTreeReader(chain) numevents = treeReader.GetEntries() #numevents = 100 branchParticle = treeReader.UseBranch("Particle") # Figure out how many good events we have numpass = numevents
t_tree_ppd_out.geocentric_d = t_tree_ppd_in.geocentric_d t_tree_ppd_out.ship_time_sec = t_tree_ppd_in.ship_time_sec t_tree_ppd_out.utc_time_sec = t_tree_ppd_in.utc_time_sec t_tree_ppd_out.utc_time_str = str(t_tree_ppd_in.utc_time_str) t_tree_ppd_out.flag_of_pos = t_tree_ppd_in.flag_of_pos t_tree_ppd_out.det_z_ra = t_tree_ppd_in.det_z_ra t_tree_ppd_out.det_z_dec = t_tree_ppd_in.det_z_dec t_tree_ppd_out.det_x_ra = t_tree_ppd_in.det_x_ra t_tree_ppd_out.det_x_dec = t_tree_ppd_in.det_x_dec t_tree_ppd_out.earth_ra = t_tree_ppd_in.earth_ra t_tree_ppd_out.earth_dec = t_tree_ppd_in.earth_dec t_tree_ppd_out.fill() t_file_in.close() t_tree_ppd_out.write() ROOT.TNamed('m_dattype', 'PLATFORM PARAMETERS DATA of LEVEL 1').Write() ROOT.TNamed('m_version', SW_NAME + " " + SW_VERSION).Write() ROOT.TNamed('m_gentime', ROOT.TNamed('m_dcdfile', basename(args.filename)).Write() ROOT.TNamed('m_shipspan', m_shipspan.GetTitle()).Write() ROOT.TNamed('m_utc_span', m_utc_span.GetTitle()).Write() t_file_out.close() print '=====================================================================' print 'shiptime span: { ' + m_shipspan.GetTitle() + ' }' print 'UTC time span: { ' + m_utc_span.GetTitle() + ' }' print '====================================================================='
def total_entries(files, tree): from rootpy import ROOT chain = ROOT.TChain(tree) for _file in files: chain.Add(_file) return chain.GetEntries()
try: ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('#include "classes/DelphesClasses.h"') ROOT.gInterpreter.Declare('#include "external/ExRootAnalysis/ExRootTreeReader.h"') except: pass # Read & Write File inputFile = args.infile if outputFile = root_open("W-mass.root","recreate") # Create chain of root trees chain = ROOT.TChain("Delphes") chain.Add(inputFile) # Create object of class ExRootTreeReader treeReader = ROOT.ExRootTreeReader(chain) numberOfEntries = treeReader.GetEntries() # Get pointers to branches used in this analysis branchMET = treeReader.UseBranch("MissingET") branchElectron = treeReader.UseBranch("Electron") # Define histograms histMass = ROOT.TH1F("mass", "W^{+} Transverse Mass",100, 0, 300.0)
def pvalue_plot(poi, pvalues, pad=None, xtitle='X', ytitle='P_{0}', linestyle=None, linecolor=None, yrange=None, verbose=False): """ Draw a pvalue plot Parameters ---------- poi : list List of POI values tested pvalues : list List of p-values or list of lists of p-values to overlay multiple p-value curves pad : Canvas or Pad, optional (default=None) Pad to draw onto. Create new pad if None. xtitle : str, optional (default='X') The x-axis label (POI name) ytitle : str, optional (default='P_{0}') The y-axis label linestyle : str or list, optional (default=None) Line style for the p-value graph or a list of linestyles for multiple p-value graphs. linecolor : str or list, optional (default=None) Line color for the p-value graph or a list of linestyles for multiple p-value graphs. Returns ------- pad : Canvas The pad. graphs : list of Graph The p-value graphs """ if not pvalues: raise ValueError("pvalues is empty") if not poi: raise ValueError("poi is empty") # determine if pvalues is list or list of lists if not isinstance(pvalues[0], (list, tuple)): pvalues = [pvalues] if linecolor is not None: if not isinstance(linecolor, list): linecolor = [linecolor] linecolor = cycle(linecolor) if linestyle is not None: if not isinstance(linestyle, list): linestyle = [linestyle] linestyle = cycle(linestyle) with preserve_current_canvas(): if pad is None: pad = Canvas() pad.SetLogy() # create the axis min_poi, max_poi = min(poi), max(poi) haxis = Hist(1000, min_poi, max_poi) xaxis = haxis.xaxis yaxis = haxis.yaxis xaxis.SetRangeUser(min_poi, max_poi) haxis.Draw('AXIS') min_pvalue = float('inf') graphs = [] for ipv, pv in enumerate(pvalues): graph = Graph(len(poi), linestyle='dashed', drawstyle='L', linewidth=2) for idx, (point, pvalue) in enumerate(zip(poi, pv)): graph.SetPoint(idx, point, pvalue) if linestyle is not None: graph.linestyle = if linecolor is not None: graph.linecolor = graphs.append(graph) curr_min_pvalue = min(pv) if curr_min_pvalue < min_pvalue: min_pvalue = curr_min_pvalue if verbose: for graph in graphs:['{0:1.1f}'.format(xval) for xval in list(graph.x())])['{0:0.3f}'.format(yval) for yval in list(graph.y())]) # automatically handles axis limits axes, bounds = draw(graphs, pad=pad, same=True, logy=True, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, ypadding=(0.2, 0.1), logy_crop_value=1E-300) if yrange is not None: xaxis, yaxis = axes yaxis.SetLimits(*yrange) yaxis.SetRangeUser(*yrange) min_pvalue = yrange[0] # draw sigma levels up to minimum of pvalues line = Line() line.SetLineStyle(2) line.SetLineColor(2) latex = ROOT.TLatex() latex.SetNDC(False) latex.SetTextSize(20) latex.SetTextColor(2) sigma = 0 while True: pvalue = gaussian_cdf_c(sigma) if pvalue < min_pvalue: break keepalive( pad, latex.DrawLatex(max_poi, pvalue, " {0}#sigma".format(sigma))) keepalive(pad, line.DrawLine(min_poi, pvalue, max_poi, pvalue)) sigma += 1 pad.RedrawAxis() pad.Update() return pad, graphs