Beispiel #1
def shift(
    input_file: Bag,
    output_file: Bag,
    shift_topic: list,
    shift_sec: float,
) -> None:
    Shift a topic in a bag forward or backwards in time.

        input_file: the input bag to stream from
        output_file: the output bag to write data to
        topic: the topic to shift in time
        shift_sec: the amount of time to shift by


    # create a progress bar for iterating over the messages in the bag
    with tqdm(total=input_file.get_message_count()) as prog:
        # iterate over the messages in this input bag
        for topic, msg, time in input_file:
            # if the topic is the sentinel topic, increase the count
            if topic == shift_topic:
                # adjust time by the shift value
                time += rospy.Duration(shift_sec)
                # update the message header with the new time stamp
                msg.header.stamp = time
            # update the progress bar with a single iteration
            # write the message
            output_file.write(topic, msg, time)
Beispiel #2
def stream(input_file: Bag, output_file: Bag, topics: list) -> None:
    Stream data from an input bag to an output bag.

        input_file: the input bag to stream from
        output_file: the output bag to write data to
        topics: a list of the topics to include


    included = 0
    skipped = 0
    # create a progress bar for iterating over the messages in the bag
    with tqdm(total=input_file.get_message_count(), unit='message') as prog:
        # iterate over the messages in this input bag
        for topic, msg, time in input_file:
            # check for matches between the topics filter and this topic
            if any(fnmatchcase(topic, pattern) for pattern in topics):
                # write this message to the output bag
                output_file.write(topic, msg, time)
                # increment the counter of included messages
                included += 1
                # increment the counter of excluded messages
                skipped += 1
            # update the progress bar with a single iteration
            # update the progress bar post fix text with statistics
            prog.set_postfix(included=included, skipped=skipped)
Beispiel #3
def write_bag(bag_origin, bag_write: rosbag.Bag, t_start):
    count = 0
    for topic, msg, t in bag_origin.read_messages("/tf", t_start):
        time_stamp = rospy.Time(0) + (t - t_start)
        msg.transforms[0].header.stamp = time_stamp
        bag_write.write(topic, msg, time_stamp)
        count += 1
Beispiel #4
def process_bag(bag_in_fn, bag_out_fn, conf_file_fn):
    bag_in = Bag(bag_in_fn)
    bag_out = Bag(bag_out_fn, 'w')

    include_rules, exclude_rules, time_rules = read_rules(conf_file_fn)
    topic_rules = include_rules + exclude_rules

    # Set the time UNIX time at the start of the bag file
    for r in topic_rules:
    for r in time_rules:

    # Find start and end times that are actually required
    t_start, t_end = get_begin_end(time_rules, bag_in)
    # Find topics that are actually required
    bag_topics = bag_in.get_type_and_topic_info().topics.keys()
    topics = get_topics(topic_rules, bag_topics)

    messages = bag_in.read_messages(topics=topics,
    for topic, msg, t, conn_header in messages:
        # Check default enforcement for this message
        if FilterRule.is_tf_topic(topic):
            default = FilterRule.DEFAULT_ENFORCEMENT_TF
            default = FilterRule.DEFAULT_ENFORCEMENT_TOPIC

        # When default is to include, only check whether the exclusion
        # rules are satisfied, and if all of them are ok, write it out
        if default == FilterRule.INCLUDE:
            # Check exclusions
            ok = True
            for r in exclude_rules:
                if r.msg_match(topic, msg, t):
                    ok = False
        # When default is to exclude, check if the message matches any
        # of the inclusion rules and write it out if it does
            # Check inclusions
            ok = False
            for r in include_rules:
                if r.msg_match(topic, msg, t):
                    ok = True

        # Time rules
        time_ok = True
        for r in time_rules:
            if not r.is_ok_with(topic, msg, t):
                time_ok = False

        # Write to file
        if ok and time_ok:
            bag_out.write(topic, msg, t, connection_header=conn_header)

Beispiel #5
def ipfs_upload(messages):
    upload = rospy.ServiceProxy('/liability/infochan/ipfs/add_file',
    with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmpfile:
        recorder = Bag(, 'w')
        for topic in messages:
            recorder.write('/{}'.format(topic), messages[topic])
        res = upload(Filepath(
        if not res.success:
            raise Exception(res.error_msg)
        return res.ipfs_address
Beispiel #6
def decompress(
    input_file: Bag,
    output_file: Bag,
    camera_info: list,
    compressed_camera: list,
    raw_camera: list,
) -> None:
    Decompress a compressed image into a raw image.

        input_file: the input bag to stream from
        output_file: the output bag to write data to
        camera_info: a list of info topics for each compressed image topic
        compressed_camera: a list of compressed image topics
        raw_camera: a list of raw image topics to publish


    # get the dims for each compressed camera info topic
    dims = [get_camera_dimensions(input_file, info) for info in camera_info]
    # convert the list of dims to a dictionary of compressed topics to dims
    dims = dict(zip(compressed_camera, dims))
    # setup a dictionary mapping compressed topics to raw camera topics
    raw_camera = dict(zip(compressed_camera, raw_camera))
    # get the number of camera info topics to leave out
    camera_info_total = input_file.get_message_count(topic_filters=camera_info)
    # get the total number of output messages as total minus camera info topics
    total = input_file.get_message_count() - camera_info_total
    # create a progress bar for iterating over the messages in the output bag
    with tqdm(total=total) as prog:
        # iterate over the messages in this input bag
        for topic, msg, time in input_file:
            # don't write the camera info to the bag
            if topic in camera_info:
            # if the topic is the compress image topic, decompress the image
            if topic in compressed_camera:
                # get the image from the compressed topic
                img = get_camera_image(, dims[topic])
                # create a raw image message and replace the message
                msg = image_msg(img, time, dims[topic], 'rgb8')
                # reset the topic
                topic = raw_camera[topic]
            # update the progress bar with a single iteration
            # write the message
            output_file.write(topic, msg, time)
Beispiel #7
def main():

    ifile = './mvsec_data_bags/outdoor_day2_events.bag'
    write_bag = Bag(ifile, 'w')
    print('write bag opened')

    ofile = './mvsec_data_bags/outdoor_day2_data.bag'
    read_bag = Bag(ofile, 'r')
    print('read bag opened')

    iteration = 1
    for topic, msg, t in read_bag:
        if ('events' in topic):
            write_bag.write(topic, msg, t)
            iteration = iteration + 1
            print(iteration, topic)
Beispiel #8
def process_bag(bag_in_fn, bag_out_fn, conf_file_fn):
    bag_in = Bag(bag_in_fn)
    bag_out = Bag(bag_out_fn, 'w')
    topic_rules, tf_rules = RenameRule.parse(conf_file_fn)

    messages = bag_in.read_messages(return_connection_header=True)
    for topic, msg, t, conn_header in messages:
        if topic == '/tf' or topic == '/tf_static':
            new_topic = topic
            new_msg = modify_tf(msg, tf_rules)
            new_topic = modify_topic(topic, topic_rules)
            # Modify the frame_id in header if header exists
            new_msg = modify_msg(msg, tf_rules)
        bag_out.write(new_topic, new_msg, t, connection_header=conn_header)

Beispiel #9
def clip(
    input_file: Bag,
    output_file: Bag,
    sentinel_topic: list,
    start: int,
    stop: int,
) -> None:
    Clip a bag using a range of messages for a given topic.

        input_file: the input bag to stream from
        output_file: the output bag to write data to
        sentinel_topic: the topic to watch for starting and stopping the clip
        start: the starting message for the clip
        stop: the stopping message for the clip


    # initialize a counter for the sentinel topic messages
    count = 0
    # create a progress bar for iterating over the messages in the bag
    with tqdm(total=stop - start, unit='sentinel') as prog:
        # iterate over the messages in this input bag
        for topic, msg, time in input_file:
            # if the topic is the sentinel topic, increase the count
            if topic == sentinel_topic:
                count += 1
            # if the count hasn't reached the starting point, continue
            if count < start:
            # if the count has exceeded the stopping point, break
            if count >= stop:
            # update the progress bar with a single iteration
            if topic == sentinel_topic:
            # write the message
            output_file.write(topic, msg, time)
Beispiel #10
def create_objective(period: str, stream_id: str, email: str) -> str:
    ipfs = connect()
    tempdir = gettempdir()

    with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
        bag = Bag(, 'w')
        bag.write('/period', String(period))
        bag.write('/stream_id', String(stream_id))
        bag.write('/email', String(email))

        res = ipfs.add(
        rospy.loginfo("Hash of the objective is {}".format(res['Hash']))
        return res['Hash']
Beispiel #11
from rosbag import Bag
from std_msgs.msg import String

bag = Bag("objective.bag", "w")
bag.write("/liability", String("0xaaEc8f06cd803Daf8807C5aB10660b95d385a0dC"))

Beispiel #12
def video_to_bag(
    video_path: str,
    output_file: Bag,
    topics: set = {'/image_raw', '/image_raw/compressed'},
    compression: str = 'png',
    base: str = None,
    time_zone: int = 6,
    frame_skip: int = 1,
) -> None:
    Convert a video file to a ROS bag file.

        video_path: the path to the video to convert to a bag
        output_file: the bag file to publish the camera topics to
        topics: the camera topics to publish
        compression: the compression to use as either 'png' or 'jpeg'
        base: the base for the camera topics to publish (i.e., '/foo')
        time_zone: the hour offset to adjust for UTC time zone
        frame_skip: the number of frames to skip between output messages


    # open the video file
    video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
    # read the start time of the video from the file
    start = os.path.getmtime(video_path) + time_zone * 3600
    # get the dimensions of frames in the video
    height = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
    width = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
    dims = height, width
    # set the base end point to an empty string if it's None
    base = '' if base is None else '{}'.format(base)
    # get the number of frames in the video
    frame_count = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_frame_count))
    # write the camera metadata to the bag if compression is in the topics
    if '/image_raw/compressed' in topics:
        ros_stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_seconds(start)
        topic = '{}/camera_info'.format(base)
        msg = camera_info_msg(ros_stamp, dims)
        output_file.write(topic, msg, ros_stamp)
    # write the images to the bag
    for idx in tqdm(range(frame_count), unit='frame'):
        # get the frame's point in time relative to the origin frame
        sec = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC) / 1000.0
        # create a timestamp for this frame
        ros_stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_seconds(start + sec)
        # read an image and the flag for a next image being available
        _, image =
        # skip the frame if it's not aligned with the skip
        if idx % frame_skip != 0:
        # write a raw image if the argument is set
        if '/image_raw' in topics:
            topic = '{}/image_raw'.format(base)
            msg = image_msg(image, ros_stamp, dims, ENCODING)
            output_file.write(topic, msg, ros_stamp)
        # write a compressed image if the argument is set
        if '/image_raw/compressed' in topics:
            topic = '{}/image_raw/compressed'.format(base)
            msg = image_compressed_msg(image, ros_stamp, compression)
            output_file.write(topic, msg, ros_stamp)
    # release the video file
from rosbag import Bag
from std_msgs.msg import String

bag = Bag("objective.bag", "w")

bag.write('/email', String('*****@*****.**'))
bag.write('/pilot_name', String('Vadim Manaenko'))
bag.write('/pilot_reg', String('123456'))
bag.write('/id_serial', String('INTCJ123-4567-890'))
bag.write('/id_reg', String('FA123456789'))
bag.write('/drone_type', String('VTOL'))
bag.write('/drone_make', String('DJI'))
bag.write('/drone_model', String('Matrice 100'))


Beispiel #14
def semantic_segment(
    metadata: str,
    input_bag: Bag,
    model: 'keras.models.Model',
    predict: str,
    output_bag: Bag = None,
    output_dir: str = None,
    base: str = None,
    num_samples: int = 200,
    encoding: str = 'rgb',
) -> None:
    Predict a stream of images from an input ROSbag.

        metadata: the metadata about the semantic segmentations from the model
        input_bag: the input bag to predict targets from a topic
        model: the semantic segmentation model to use to make predictions
        predict: the topic to get a priori estimates from
        output_bag: the output bag to write the a priori estimates to
        output_dir: the output directory to write image pairs to
        base: the base-name for the prediction image topic
        num_samples: the number of image pairs to sample for output directory
        encoding: the encoding for the images to write


    # create the base endpoint for the topics
    base = '' if base is None else '{}'.format(base)

    # setup the output directories
    if output_dir is not None:
        x_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'X', 'data')
        if not os.path.isdir(x_dir):
        y_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'y', 'data')
        if not os.path.isdir(y_dir):

    # read the RGB map and vectorized method from the metadata file
    rgb_map, unmap_rgb = read_rgb_map(metadata)

    # write the color map metadata to the output bag
    if output_bag is not None:
        ros_stamp = rospy.rostime.Time(input_bag.get_start_time())
        msg = String(repr(rgb_map))
        output_bag.write('{}/rgb_map'.format(rgb_map), msg, ros_stamp)

    # open a Window to play the video
    x_window = Window('img', model.input_shape[1], model.input_shape[2])
    y_window = Window('sem-seg', model.output_shape[1], model.output_shape[2])
    # create a progress bar for iterating over the messages in the bag
    total_messages = input_bag.get_message_count(topic_filters=predict)
    with tqdm(total=total_messages, unit='message') as prog:
        # iterate over the messages in this input bag
        for _, msg, time in input_bag.read_messages(topics=predict):
            # update the progress bar with a single iteration
            if np.random.random() > num_samples / total_messages:
            # create a tensor from the raw pixel data
            pixels = get_camera_image(,
                                      (msg.height, msg.width))[..., :3]
            # flip the BGR image to RGB
            if encoding == 'bgr':
                pixels = pixels[..., ::-1]
            # resize the pixels to the shape of the model
            _pixels = resize(
            # pass the frame through the model
            y_pred = model.predict(_pixels[None, ...])[0]
            y_pred = np.stack(unmap_rgb(y_pred.argmax(axis=-1)), axis=-1)
            y_pred = y_pred.astype('uint8')
            # show the pixels on the windows
            # create an Image message and write it to the output ROSbag
            if output_bag is not None:
                msg = image_msg(y_pred, msg.header.stamp, y_pred.shape[:2],
                output_bag.write('{}/image_raw'.format(base), msg,
            # sample a number and write the image pair to disk
            if output_dir is not None:
                x_file = os.path.join(x_dir, '{}.png'.format(time))
                y_file = os.path.join(y_dir, '{}.png'.format(time))
                y_pred = resize(
Beispiel #15
#!/usr/bin/env python
from rosbag import Bag
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import (PointCloud2, PointField)
import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as point_cloud2
from std_msgs.msg import Header

header = Header(frame_id='/base')

point_fields = [
    PointField(name="x", offset=0, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1),
    PointField(name="y", offset=4, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1),
    PointField(name="z", offset=8, datatype=PointField.FLOAT32, count=1),
    PointField(name="intensity", offset=12, datatype=PointField.UINT8,

points = [[0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 120], [1.4, 2.2, 5.1, 90]]

bag = Bag("point_cloud.bag", "w")
point_cloud = point_cloud2.create_cloud(header, point_fields, points)
bag.write("points", point_cloud)