def run(self): # continuous loop that monitors the information coming from the quadcopter while 1: # stores message from the quadcopter msg = self.master.recv_match(blocking=False) if msg: # stores the message type msg_type = msg.get_type() #print msg_type # debugging to check which data streams are operational # checks if the message contains information if msg.get_type() == "BAD_DATA": if mavutil.all_printable( sys.stdout.write( sys.stdout.flush() else: # add in new messages to monitor below if msg_type == "ATTITUDE": # publishes information to the rostopic self.pub_attitude.publish(msg.roll * 180 / 3.1415, msg.pitch * 180 / 3.1415, msg.yaw * 180 / 3.1415, msg.rollspeed, msg.pitchspeed, msg.yawspeed) #upadtes imu values self.imu_yaw = msg.yaw * 180 / 3.14159 self.imu_roll = msg.roll * 180 / 3.14159 self.imu_pitch = msg.pitch * 180 / 3.14159 # updates the channel data elif msg_type == "RC_CHANNELS_RAW": self.ch1 = msg.chan1_raw self.ch2 = msg.chan2_raw self.ch3 = msg.chan3_raw self.ch4 = msg.chan4_raw self.ch5 = msg.chan5_raw self.ch6 = msg.chan6_raw self.ch7 = msg.chan7_raw self.ch8 = msg.chan8_raw #checks if channel 5 is below the threshold and gives back control to the transmitter if self.ch5 < 1400: if not self.transmitter_control: if self.have_control: # informs via terminal print "You no longer have control, Transmitter has taken over control" self.transmitter_control = True self.have_control = False # changes the control message on the ui ui.control_toggle_button.setText("Take Over Control") self.disconnect_pwm_channels() else: # turns off transmitter control so that the program is able to take over when requested self.transmitter_control = False time.sleep(0.01)
def mainloop(): rospy.init_node('roscopter') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.001) msg = master.recv_match(blocking=False) if not msg: continue #print msg.get_type() if msg.get_type() == "BAD_DATA": if mavutil.all_printable( sys.stdout.write( sys.stdout.flush() else: msg_type = msg.get_type() if msg_type == "RC_CHANNELS_RAW": pub_rc.publish([ msg.chan1_raw, msg.chan2_raw, msg.chan3_raw, msg.chan4_raw, msg.chan5_raw, msg.chan6_raw, msg.chan7_raw, msg.chan8_raw ]) if msg_type == "HEARTBEAT": pub_state.publish( msg.base_mode & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED, msg.base_mode & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MODE_FLAG_GUIDED_ENABLED, mavutil.mode_string_v10(msg)) if msg_type == "VFR_HUD": pub_vfr_hud.publish(msg.airspeed, msg.groundspeed, msg.heading, msg.throttle, msg.alt, msg.climb) if msg_type == "GPS_RAW_INT": fix = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX if msg.fix_type >= 3: fix = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX pub_gps.publish( NavSatFix( / 1e07, longitude=msg.lon / 1e07, altitude=msg.alt / 1e03, status=NavSatStatus(status=fix, service=NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS))) #pub.publish(String("MSG: %s"%msg)) if msg_type == "ATTITUDE": pub_attitude.publish(msg.roll, msg.pitch, msg.yaw, msg.rollspeed, msg.pitchspeed, msg.yawspeed) if msg_type == "LOCAL_POSITION_NED": print "Local Pos: (%f %f %f) , (%f %f %f)" % ( msg.x, msg.y, msg.z, msg.vx, msg.vy, msg.vz) if msg_type == "RAW_IMU": pub_raw_imu.publish(Header(), msg.time_usec, msg.xacc, msg.yacc, msg.zacc, msg.xgyro, msg.ygyro, msg.zgyro, msg.xmag, msg.ymag, msg.zmag)
def mainloop(): rospy.init_node('roscopter') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.001) msg = master.recv_match(blocking=False) if not msg: continue #print msg.get_type() if msg.get_type() == "BAD_DATA": if mavutil.all_printable( sys.stdout.write( sys.stdout.flush() else: msg_type = msg.get_type() if msg_type == "RC_CHANNELS_RAW" : pub_rc.publish([msg.chan1_raw, msg.chan2_raw, msg.chan3_raw, msg.chan4_raw, msg.chan5_raw, msg.chan6_raw, msg.chan7_raw, msg.chan8_raw]) if msg_type == "HEARTBEAT": pub_state.publish(msg.base_mode & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED, msg.base_mode & mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MODE_FLAG_GUIDED_ENABLED, mavutil.mode_string_v10(msg)) if msg_type == "VFR_HUD": pub_vfr_hud.publish(msg.airspeed, msg.groundspeed, msg.heading, msg.throttle, msg.alt, msg.climb) if msg_type == "GPS_RAW_INT": fix = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX if msg.fix_type >=3: fix=NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX pub_gps.publish(NavSatFix(latitude =, longitude = msg.lon/1e07, altitude = msg.alt/1e03, status = NavSatStatus(status=fix, service = NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS) )) #pub.publish(String("MSG: %s"%msg)) if msg_type == "ATTITUDE" : pub_attitude.publish(msg.roll, msg.pitch, msg.yaw, msg.rollspeed, msg.pitchspeed, msg.yawspeed) px4_time[0] = msg.time_boot_ms # get the time from px4 local_time[0] = time.time() # get the local start time if msg_type == "LOCAL_POSITION_NED" : print "Local Pos: (%f %f %f) , (%f %f %f)" %(msg.x, msg.y, msg.z, msg.vx, msg.vy, msg.vz) if msg_type == "RAW_IMU" : pub_raw_imu.publish (Header(), msg.time_usec, msg.xacc, msg.yacc, msg.zacc, msg.xgyro, msg.ygyro, msg.zgyro, msg.xmag, msg.ymag, msg.zmag)
def mainloop(): print("Waiting") global hz_counter hz_counter=1; trate = 1.0/rate first_time_imu=True first_time_pos=True earliercmdtime = 0 ## Set home values from Vicon/Kinect data ## rospy.sleep(.1) set_home() ## Integration and differentiation error initialized ## I_ex=0.0; I_ey=0.0; I_ez=0.0 D_ex=0.0; D_ey=0.0; D_ez=0.0 new_err_x=0.0; new_err_y=0.0; new_err_z=0.0; ## IMU values initialized ## imu_roll=0.0; imu_pitch=0.0; first_yaw=0.0; imu_yaw=0.0; first_roll=0.0; first_pitch=0.0 ## Position values initialised ## pos_x=0.0; pos_y=0.0; pos_z=0.0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # start loop #continue if float(time.time())-trate >= earliercmdtime: earliercmdtime = time.time() hz_counter =1; if connect_APM: # enable these lines if you want to obtain the data from the arducopter on-the-fly # msg = master.recv_match(blocking=False) # if not msg: # continue if 0:#msg: if msg.get_type() == "BAD_DATA": if mavutil.all_printable( sys.stdout.write( sys.stdout.flush() else: msg_type = msg.get_type() if msg_type == "ATTITUDE" : pub_attitude.publish(msg.roll*180/3.1415, msg.pitch*180/3.1415, msg.yaw*180/3.1415, msg.rollspeed, msg.pitchspeed, msg.yawspeed) if first_time_imu: first_time_imu=False first_yaw = msg.yaw first_roll = msg.roll first_pitch = msg.pitch imu_yaw = msg.yaw imu_roll = msg.roll imu_pitch = msg.pitch else: imu_yaw = msg.yaw imu_roll = msg.roll imu_pitch = msg.pitch ## Update position values ## (old_pos_x,old_pos_y,old_pos_z,pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) = update_pos_values(pos_x,pos_y,pos_z,vicon_x,vicon_y,vicon_z,first_time_pos) (err_x,err_y,err_z) = calc_pos_error(home_x,home_y,home_z,pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) # home - pos (d_x, d_y, d_z) = calc_pos_error(old_pos_x,old_pos_y,old_pos_z,pos_x,pos_y,pos_z) ## Toggle for first time through loop ## if first_time_pos: first_time_pos=False ## PID controller (roll+pitch and thrust, yaw later) ## I_ex = I_ex + err_x*trate I_ey = I_ey + err_y*trate I_ez = I_ez + err_z*trate V_x = d_x*trate # units of m/s V_y = d_y*trate # units of m/s V_z = d_z*trate # units of m/s ## Cap the integration error as well after certain value ## if (I_ex) > I_ex_MAX: I_ex = I_ex_MAX #* I_ex / abs(I_ex) if (I_ex) < -I_ex_MAX: I_ex = -I_ex_MAX #* I_ex / abs(I_ex) if (I_ey) > I_ey_MAX: I_ey = I_ey_MAX #* I_ey / abs(I_ey) if (I_ey) < -I_ey_MAX: I_ey = -I_ey_MAX #* I_ey / abs(I_ey) if (I_ez) > I_ez_MAX: I_ez = I_ez_MAX #* I_ez / abs(I_ez) if (I_ez) < I_ez_MAX: I_ez = -I_ez_MAX #* I_ez / abs(I_ez) p_pitch = pitch_P * err_x i_pitch = pitch_I * I_ex d_pitch = pitch_D * V_x p_roll = roll_P * err_y i_roll = roll_I * I_ey d_roll = roll_D * V_y p_th = thrust_P * err_z i_th = thrust_I * (I_ez) d_th = thrust_D * V_z ## Calculate PID values to send sendroll = (p_roll + i_roll + d_roll) # sendpitch = (p_pitch + i_pitch + d_pitch) ###### neg pitch === hexacopter will move forward ###### pos pitch === hexacopter will move backward ###### neg roll === hexacopter will move left ###### pos roll === hexacopter will move right sendthrust = p_th + i_th + d_th sendyaw = yaw_P*(vicon_yaw - home_yaw) #0 #-imu_yaw ## Cap the roll/pitch/yaw/thrust values ## if (sendroll) > roll_MAX: sendroll = roll_MAX #* sendroll / abs(sendroll) if (sendroll) < -roll_MAX: sendroll = -roll_MAX #* sendroll / abs(sendroll) if (sendpitch) > pitch_MAX: sendpitch = pitch_MAX #* sendpitch / abs(sendpitch) if (sendpitch) < -pitch_MAX: sendpitch = -pitch_MAX #* sendpitch / abs(sendpitch) if sendthrust > thrust_MAX: sendthrust = thrust_MAX if sendthrust < 0: sendthrust = 0 ## Send values to APM ## if connect_APM: master.mav.set_roll_pitch_yaw_thrust_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, sendroll, sendpitch, sendyaw, sendthrust) send_odometry.transform.translation.x = sendroll * 180/3.14159 send_odometry.transform.translation.y = sendpitch * 180/3.14159 send_odometry.transform.translation.z = sendyaw * 180/3.14159 ## Print some output to display for debugging ## # stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Position controller is running...") # if connect_APM: # stdscr.addstr(1, 0, "Connection to APM established...") # else: # stdscr.addstr(1, 0, "******Warning: No connection to APM!*************") # stdscr.addstr(3, 0, "The gains are:") # stdscr.addstr(4, 0, " P I D") # stdscr.addstr(5, 0, "Roll %.3f %.3f %.3f" % (roll_P, roll_I, roll_D)) # stdscr.addstr(6, 0, "Pitch %.3f %.3f %.3f" % (pitch_P, pitch_I, pitch_D)) # stdscr.addstr(7, 0, "Yaw %.3f %.3f %.3f" % (yaw_P, yaw_I, yaw_D)) # stdscr.addstr(8, 0, "Thrust %.3f %.3f %.3f" % (thrust_P, thrust_I, thrust_D)) # stdscr.addstr(10, 0, "Home position is: (%+.3f,%+.3f,%+.3f) m" % (home_x, home_y, home_z)) # stdscr.addstr(11, 0, "Current position is: (%+.3f,%+.3f,%+.3f) m" % (pos_x, pos_y, pos_z)) # stdscr.addstr(12, 0, "Position error is: (%+.3f,%+.3f,%+.3f) m" % (err_x, err_y, err_z)) # if connect_APM: # stdscr.addstr(14, 0, "The IMU values are (%+.3f,%+.3f,%+.3f) deg " % (imu_roll/deg2pi, imu_pitch/deg2pi, imu_yaw/deg2pi)) # else: # stdscr.addstr(14, 0, "The IMU values are not available!") # stdscr.addstr(15, 0, "The Vicon values are (%+.3f,%+.3f,%+.3f) deg " % (vicon_roll/deg2pi,vicon_pitch/deg2pi,vicon_yaw/deg2pi)) # stdscr.addstr(17, 0, "Sending control commands to APM:") # stdscr.addstr(18, 0, "Roll (deg) Pitch (deg) Yaw (deg) Thrust (PWM)") # stdscr.addstr(19, 0, "%+.3f %+.3f %+.3f %+.3f" % (sendroll/deg2pi, sendpitch/deg2pi, sendyaw/deg2pi, sendthrust)) # stdscr.addstr(20, 0, " \n") # stdscr.refresh() # else: # hz_counter =0; #stdscr.addstr(22, 0, " The rate of command is not correct") pub_odom .publish(send_odometry)