Beispiel #1
def create_meta_pkg(packagelist, distro, distro_name, metapackage, deps, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, wet_distro):
    workdir = staging_dir
    metadir = os.path.join(workdir, 'meta')
    if not os.path.exists(metadir):
    debdir = os.path.join(metadir, 'DEBIAN')
    if not os.path.exists(debdir):
    control_file = os.path.join(debdir, 'control')

    deb_name = "ros-%s-%s"%(distro_name, debianize_name(metapackage))
    deb_version = "1.0.0-s%d~%s"%(time.mktime(time.gmtime()), os_platform)

    ros_depends = []

    missing = False

    for stack in deps:
        if stack in distro.released_stacks or wet_distro.get_package_list():
            stack_deb_name = "ros-%s-%s"%(distro_name, debianize_name(stack))
            if stack_deb_name in packagelist:
                stack_deb_version = packagelist[stack_deb_name]['Version']
                ros_depends.append('%s (= %s)'%(stack_deb_name, stack_deb_version))
                debug("WARNING: Variant %s depends on non-built deb, %s"%(metapackage, stack))
                missing = True
            debug("WARNING: Variant %s depends on non-exist stack, %s"%(metapackage, stack))
            missing = True

    if missing:
        return None

    ros_depends_str = ', '.join(ros_depends)

    with open(control_file, 'w') as f:
Package: %(deb_name)s
Version: %(deb_version)s
Architecture: %(arch)s
Maintainer: The ROS community <*****@*****.**>
Depends: %(ros_depends_str)s
Section: unknown
Priority: optional
WG-rosdistro: %(distro_name)s
Description: Meta package for %(metapackage)s variant of ROS.

    if not missing:
        dest_deb = os.path.join(workdir, "%(deb_name)s_%(deb_version)s_%(arch)s.deb"%locals())
        subprocess.check_call(['dpkg-deb', '--nocheck', '--build', metadir, dest_deb], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        dest_deb = None

    return dest_deb
def gen_metapkgs(distro, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, repo_fqdn, force=False):
    distro_name = distro.release_name

    # Retrieve the package list from the shadow repo
    packageurl = repo_url(repo_fqdn) + "/dists/%(os_platform)s/main/binary-%(arch)s/Packages" % locals()
        packagetxt = urllib2.urlopen(packageurl).read()
    except urllib2.URLError as ex:
        print "Failed to open url: %s with error %s" % (packageurl, ex)
        raise ex
        print "Failed to open url: %s" % (packageurl)
    packagelist = parse_deb_packages(packagetxt)

    debs = []

    missing = []

    _, _, missing_excluded, missing_excluded_dep = list_missing.get_missing(distro, os_platform, arch, repo=repo_url(repo_fqdn))

    missing_ok = missing_excluded.union(missing_excluded_dep)

    # if (metapkg missing) or (metapkg missing deps), then create
    # modify create to version-lock deps

    wet_distro = rosdistro.Rosdistro(distro_name)

    # Build the new meta packages
    for (v, d) in distro.variants.iteritems():

        deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(v))

        # If the metapkg is in the packagelist AND already has the right deps, we leave it:
        if deb_name in packagelist:
            list_deps = set([x.split()[0].strip() for x in packagelist[deb_name]['Depends'].split(',')])
            mp_deps = set(["ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(x)) for x in set(d.stack_names) - missing_ok])
            if list_deps == mp_deps:
                debug("Metapackage %s already has correct deps" % deb_name)

        # Else, we create the new metapkg
        mp = create_meta_pkg(packagelist, distro, distro_name, v, set(d.stack_names) - missing_ok, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, wet_distro)
        if mp:

    # We should always need to build the special "all" metapackage
    mp = create_meta_pkg(packagelist, distro, distro_name, "all", set(distro.released_stacks.keys()) - missing_ok, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, wet_distro)
    if mp:

    upload_binary_debs(debs, distro_name, os_platform, arch, repo_fqdn)

    if missing:
        raise StackBuildFailure("Did not generate all metapkgs: %s." % missing)
def create_meta_pkg(packagelist, distro, distro_name, metapackage, deps, os_platform, arch, staging_dir):
    workdir = staging_dir
    metadir = os.path.join(workdir, 'meta')
    if not os.path.exists(metadir):
    debdir = os.path.join(metadir, 'DEBIAN')
    if not os.path.exists(debdir):
    control_file = os.path.join(debdir, 'control')

    deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(metapackage))
    deb_version = "1.0.0-s%d~%s" % (time.mktime(time.gmtime()), os_platform)

    ros_depends = []

    missing = False

    for stack in deps:
        if stack in distro.released_stacks:
            stack_deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(stack))
            if stack_deb_name in packagelist:
                stack_deb_version = packagelist[stack_deb_name]['Version']
                ros_depends.append('%s (= %s)' % (stack_deb_name, stack_deb_version))
                print >> sys.stderr, "Variant %s depends on non-built deb, %s" % (metapackage, stack)
                missing = True
            print >> sys.stderr, "Variant %s depends on non-exist stack, %s" % (metapackage, stack)
            missing = True

    ros_depends_str = ', '.join(ros_depends)

    with open(control_file, 'w') as f:
Package: %(deb_name)s
Version: %(deb_version)s
Architecture: %(arch)s
Maintainer: The ROS community <*****@*****.**>
Depends: %(ros_depends_str)s
Section: unknown
Priority: optional
WG-rosdistro: %(distro_name)s
Description: Meta package for %(metapackage)s variant of ROS.
""" % locals())

    if not missing:
        dest_deb = os.path.join(workdir, "%(deb_name)s_%(deb_version)s_%(arch)s.deb" % locals())
        subprocess.check_call(['dpkg-deb', '--nocheck', '--build', metadir, dest_deb])
        dest_deb = None

    return dest_deb
def get_missing(distro, os_platform, arch, repo=SHADOW_REPO, lock_version=True):
    distro_name = distro.release_name
    # Load the list of exclusions
    excludes_uri = ""%(distro_name)
    excludes = ExclusionList(excludes_uri, distro_name, os_platform, arch)

    # Find all the deps in the distro for this stack
    deps = compute_deps(distro, 'ALL')

    # These stacks are not actually relased, so we treat them as implicitly excluded
    missing_primary = set(distro.stacks.keys()) - set(distro.released_stacks.keys())
    missing_dep = set()
    missing_excluded = set(distro.stacks.keys()) - set(distro.released_stacks.keys())
    missing_excluded_dep = set()

    # Build the deps in order
    for (sn, sv) in deps:
        if not sv:
        deb_name = "ros-%s-%s"%(distro_name, debianize_name(sn))
        if lock_version:
            deb_version = debianize_version(sv, '\w*', os_platform)
            deb_version = '[0-9.]*-[st][0-9]+~[a-z]+'
        if not deb_in_repo(repo, deb_name, deb_version, os_platform, arch, use_regex=True):
                si = load_info(sn, sv)
                depends = set(si['depends'])
                # stack is missing, including its info
                depends = set()

            # subtract any depends that aren't in the distro b/c of catkin dry/wet line
            to_remove = [d for d in depends if not d in distro.stacks]
            for d in to_remove:
            if excludes.check(sn):
            elif depends.isdisjoint(missing_primary.union(missing_dep)):
                if not depends.isdisjoint(missing_excluded.union(missing_excluded_dep)):

            #print "IN", sn
    missing_primary -= missing_excluded
    missing_dep -= missing_excluded_dep

    return missing_primary, missing_dep, missing_excluded, missing_excluded_dep
def get_buildable(deps, distro_name, os_platform, arch, requested_stack_name, force):
    # have to recalculate buildable after each build as invalidation
    # may have occurred.  We examine in order to minimize retreading.

    cache = {}  # fresh Packages cache each time through
    for sn, sv in deps:
        deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(sn))
        deb_version = debianize_version(sv, "\w*", os_platform)
        in_repo = deb_in_repo(deb_name, deb_version, os_platform, arch, cache)
        if not in_repo:
            debug("selecting [%s] because [%s, %s] not in repo" % (sn, deb_name, deb_version))
            return sn, sv
        elif force and sn == requested_stack_name:
            debug("forcing build of %s" % (requested_stack_name))
def compute_missing_depends(stack_name, distro, os_platform, arch, repo=SHADOW_REPO, lock_version=True):
    missing_deps = set()
    deps = compute_deps(distro, stack_name, ignore_catkinized = False)
    #don't include self
    deps = set([(sn, sv) for (sn, sv) in deps if not sn == stack_name])
    for sn, sv in deps:
        deb_name = "ros-%s-%s"%(distro.release_name, debianize_name(sn))
        # see if there's a dry version
        deb_version = '[0-9.-]*-[st][0-9]+~[a-z]+' 
        if not deb_in_repo(repo, deb_name, deb_version, os_platform, arch, use_regex=True):
            # now test for wet version
            wet_deb_version = '[0-9.]*-[0-9a-z]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-\+0000'
            if not deb_in_repo(repo, deb_name, wet_deb_version, os_platform, arch, use_regex=True):

    return missing_deps
Beispiel #7
    def test_control_data(self):
        import roslib.stacks
        from roslib.stack_manifest import parse_file, stack_file
        from rosdeb import debianize_name
        from rosdeb.source_deb import control_data
        import rosdeb.rosutil 

        stack_version = '1.2.3'
        for stack_name in ['ros', 'navigation', 'simulator_gazebo', 'geometry', 'common', 'pr2_common']:
            if stack_name == 'sandbox':

            print "TESTING", stack_name

            stack_xml = stack_file(stack_name)
            d1 = control_data(stack_name, stack_version, 'fakemd5', stack_xml)
            d2 = control_data(stack_name, stack_version, 'fakemd5')

            self.assertEquals(d1, d2)

            self.assertEquals(d1['stack'], stack_name)
            self.assertEquals(d1['package'], debianize_name(stack_name))
            self.assertEquals(d1['version'], stack_version)
            self.assert_(d1['description-brief'] is not None)
            self.assert_(len(d1['description-brief']) <= 60)

            self.assert_(d1['rosdeps'] is not None)

            if stack_name == 'common_msgs':
                self.assertEquals(['ros'], d1['depends'])
                    self.assertEquals(rosdeb.rosutil.IMPLICIT_DEPS, d1['rosdeps']['lucid'])
Beispiel #8
def do_deb_build(distro_name, stack_name, stack_version, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, noupload, interactive, repo_fqdn):
    debug("Actually trying to build %s-%s..."%(stack_name, stack_version))

    distro_tgz = os.path.join('/var/cache/pbuilder', "%s-%s-%s.tgz"%(os_platform, arch, TGZ_VERSION))

    deb_name = "ros-%s-%s"%(distro_name, debianize_name(stack_name))
    deb_version = debianize_version(stack_version, '0', os_platform)
    ros_file = "%s-%s"%(stack_name, stack_version)
    deb_file = "%s_%s"%(deb_name, deb_version)

    conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(rosdeb.__file__),'pbuilder.conf')

    # Make sure the distro chroot exists
    if not os.path.exists(distro_tgz):
        raise InternalBuildFailure("%s does not exist."%(distro_tgz))

    # Download deb and tar.gz files:
    dsc_name = '%s.dsc'%(deb_file)
    tar_gz_name = '%s.tar.gz'%(deb_file)

    (dsc_file, tar_gz_file) = download_files(stack_name, stack_version, staging_dir, [dsc_name, tar_gz_name])

    # Create hook and results directories
    hook_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, 'hooks')
    results_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, 'results')
    build_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, 'pbuilder')

    if not os.path.exists(hook_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(results_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(build_dir):

    # Hook script which will download our tar.bz2 into environment
    p = os.path.join(hook_dir, 'A50fetch')
    with open(p, 'w') as f:
set -o errexit
apt-get install ca-certificates -y # not in default ubuntu anymore
wget -O /tmp/buildd/%(stack_name)s-%(stack_version)s.tar.bz2
rosdep update
chown -R pbuilder /tmp/buildd/.ros
su pbuilder -c "rosdep resolve gtest"
su pbuilder -c "cp -r /tmp/buildd/.ros /tmp"
        os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    # Hook script which makes sure we have updated our apt cache
    p = os.path.join(hook_dir, 'D50update')
    with open(p, 'w') as f:
set -o errexit
apt-get update
apt-get install -y python-rosdep
rosdep init"""%locals())
        os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    if interactive:

        # Hook scripts to make us interactive:
        p = os.path.join(hook_dir, 'B50interactive')
        with open(p, 'w') as f:
echo "Entering interactive environment.  Exit when done to continue pbuilder operation."
export ROS_DESTDIR=/tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/debian/%(deb_name)s
source /tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/
roscd %(stack_name)s
bash </dev/tty
echo "Resuming pbuilder"
            os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

        # Hook scripts to make us interactive:
        p = os.path.join(hook_dir, 'C50interactive')
        with open(p, 'w') as f:
echo "Entering interactive environment.  Exit when done to continue pbuilder operation."
export ROS_DESTDIR=/tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/debian/%(deb_name)s
source /tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/
roscd %(stack_name)s
bash </dev/tty
echo "Resuming pbuilder"
            os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    if arch == 'amd64' or arch == 'armel' or arch == 'armhf':
        archcmd = []
        archcmd = ['setarch', arch]

    # Actually build the deb.  This results in the deb being located in results_dir
    debug("starting pbuilder build of %s-%s"%(stack_name, stack_version))
    subprocess.check_call(archcmd+ ['sudo', 'pbuilder', '--build', '--basetgz', distro_tgz, '--configfile', conf_file, '--hookdir', hook_dir, '--buildresult', results_dir, '--binary-arch', '--buildplace', build_dir, dsc_file], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    # Set up an RE to look for the debian file and find the build_version
    deb_version_wild = debianize_version(stack_version, '(\w*)', os_platform)
    deb_file_wild = "%s_%s_%s\.deb"%(deb_name, deb_version_wild, arch)
    build_version = None

    # Extract the version number we just built:
    files = os.listdir(results_dir)

    for f in files:
        M = re.match(deb_file_wild, f)
        if M:
            build_version =

    if not build_version:
        raise InternalBuildFailure("No deb-file generated matching template: %s"%deb_file_wild)

    deb_version_final = debianize_version(stack_version, build_version, os_platform)
    deb_file_final = "%s_%s"%(deb_name, deb_version_final)

    # Build a package db if we have to
    debug("starting package db build of %s-%s"%(stack_name, stack_version))
    subprocess.check_call(['bash', '-c', 'cd %(staging_dir)s && dpkg-scanpackages . > %(results_dir)s/Packages'%locals()])

    # Script to execute for deb verification
    # TODO: Add code to run all the unit-tests for the deb!
    verify_script = os.path.join(staging_dir, '')
    with open(verify_script, 'w') as f:
set -o errexit
echo "deb file:%(staging_dir)s results/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pbuild.list
apt-get update
apt-get install %(deb_name)s=%(deb_version_final)s -y --force-yes
dpkg -l %(deb_name)s
        os.chmod(verify_script, stat.S_IRWXU)

    debug("starting verify script for %s-%s"%(stack_name, stack_version))
    subprocess.check_call(archcmd + ['sudo', 'pbuilder', '--execute', '--basetgz', distro_tgz, '--configfile', conf_file, '--bindmounts', results_dir, '--buildplace', build_dir, verify_script], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    # Upload the debs to the server
    base_files = ['%s_%s.changes'%(deb_file, arch)] # , "%s_%s.deb"%(deb_file_final, arch)
    files = [os.path.join(results_dir, x) for x in base_files]
    print "Generated debian change files: %s" % files

    if not noupload:

        invalidate_debs(deb_name, os_platform, arch, repo_fqdn)

        if not upload_debs(files, distro_name, os_platform, arch, repo_fqdn):
            print "Upload of debs failed!!!"
            return 1
    return 0
def sourcedeb_url(distro, stack_name, os_platform):
    # have to setup locals for substitution
    distro_name = distro.release_name
    stack_version = distro.stacks[stack_name].version
    deb_name = "ros-%s-%s"%(distro_name, debianize_name(stack_name))
    return SOURCEDEB_URI%locals()
def gen_metapkgs(distro, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, force=False):
    distro_name = distro.release_name

    # Retrieve the package list from the shadow repo
    packageurl = (
        "" % locals()
    packagetxt = urllib2.urlopen(packageurl).read()
    packagelist = parse_deb_packages(packagetxt)

    debs = []

    missing = []

    missing_primary, missing_dep, missing_excluded, missing_excluded_dep = list_missing.get_missing(
        distro, os_platform, arch

    missing_ok = missing_excluded.union(missing_excluded_dep)

    # if (metapkg missing) or (metapkg missing deps), then create
    # modify create to version-lock deps

    # Build the new meta packages
    for (v, d) in distro.variants.iteritems():

        deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(v))

        # If the metapkg is in the packagelist AND already has the right deps, we leave it:
        if deb_name in packagelist:
            list_deps = set([x.split()[0].strip() for x in packagelist[deb_name]["Depends"].split(",")])
            mp_deps = set(["ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(x)) for x in set(d.stack_names) - missing_ok])
            if list_deps == mp_deps:
                debug("Metapackage %s already has correct deps" % deb_name)

        # Else, we create the new metapkg
        mp = create_meta_pkg(
            packagelist, distro, distro_name, v, set(d.stack_names) - missing_ok, os_platform, arch, staging_dir
        if mp:

    # We should always need to build the special "all" metapackage
    mp = create_meta_pkg(
        set(distro.released_stacks.keys()) - missing_ok,
    if mp:

    upload_debs(debs, distro_name, os_platform, arch)

    if missing:
        raise StackBuildFailure("Did not generate all metapkgs: %s." % missing)
def do_deb_build(distro_name, stack_name, stack_version, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, noupload, interactive):
    debug("Actually trying to build %s-%s..." % (stack_name, stack_version))

    distro_tgz = os.path.join("/var/cache/pbuilder", "%s-%s-%s.tgz" % (os_platform, arch, TGZ_VERSION))
    cache_dir = "/home/rosbuild/aptcache/%s-%s" % (os_platform, arch)

    deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(stack_name))
    deb_version = debianize_version(stack_version, "0", os_platform)
    ros_file = "%s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version)
    deb_file = "%s_%s" % (deb_name, deb_version)

    conf_file = os.path.join(roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir("rosdeb"), "config", "pbuilder.conf")

    # Make sure the distro chroot exists
    if not os.path.exists(distro_tgz):
        raise InternalBuildFailure("%s does not exist." % (distro_tgz))

    # Download deb and tar.gz files:
    dsc_name = "%s.dsc" % (deb_file)
    tar_gz_name = "%s.tar.gz" % (deb_file)

    (dsc_file, tar_gz_file) = download_files(stack_name, stack_version, staging_dir, [dsc_name, tar_gz_name])

    # Create hook and results directories
    hook_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, "hooks")
    results_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, "results")
    build_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, "pbuilder")

    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(hook_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(results_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(build_dir):

    # Hook script which will download our tar.bz2 into environment
    p = os.path.join(hook_dir, "A50fetch")
    with open(p, "w") as f:
set -o errexit
wget -O /tmp/buildd/%(stack_name)s-%(stack_version)s.tar.bz2"""
            % locals()
        os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    # Hook script which makes sure we have updated our apt cache
    p = os.path.join(hook_dir, "D50update")
    with open(p, "w") as f:
set -o errexit
apt-get update"""
            % locals()
        os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    if interactive:

        # Hook scripts to make us interactive:
        p = os.path.join(hook_dir, "B50interactive")
        with open(p, "w") as f:
echo "Entering interactive environment.  Exit when done to continue pbuilder operation."
export ROS_DESTDIR=/tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/debian/%(deb_name)s
source /tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/
roscd %(stack_name)s
bash </dev/tty
echo "Resuming pbuilder"
                % locals()
            os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

        # Hook scripts to make us interactive:
        p = os.path.join(hook_dir, "C50interactive")
        with open(p, "w") as f:
echo "Entering interactive environment.  Exit when done to continue pbuilder operation."
export ROS_DESTDIR=/tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/debian/%(deb_name)s
source /tmp/buildd/%(deb_name)s-%(stack_version)s/
roscd %(stack_name)s
bash </dev/tty
echo "Resuming pbuilder"
                % locals()
            os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    if arch == "amd64" or arch == "armel":
        archcmd = []
        archcmd = ["setarch", arch]

    # Actually build the deb.  This results in the deb being located in results_dir
    debug("starting pbuilder build of %s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version))
        + [

    # Set up an RE to look for the debian file and find the build_version
    deb_version_wild = debianize_version(stack_version, "(\w*)", os_platform)
    deb_file_wild = "%s_%s_%s\.deb" % (deb_name, deb_version_wild, arch)
    build_version = None

    # Extract the version number we just built:
    files = os.listdir(results_dir)

    for f in files:
        M = re.match(deb_file_wild, f)
        if M:
            build_version =

    if not build_version:
        raise InternalBuildFailure("No deb-file generated matching template: %s" % deb_file_wild)

    deb_version_final = debianize_version(stack_version, build_version, os_platform)
    deb_file_final = "%s_%s" % (deb_name, deb_version_final)

    # Build a package db if we have to
    debug("starting package db build of %s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version))
        ["bash", "-c", "cd %(staging_dir)s && dpkg-scanpackages . > %(results_dir)s/Packages" % locals()]

    # Script to execute for deb verification
    # TODO: Add code to run all the unit-tests for the deb!
    verify_script = os.path.join(staging_dir, "")
    with open(verify_script, "w") as f:
set -o errexit
echo "deb file:%(staging_dir)s results/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pbuild.list
apt-get update
apt-get install %(deb_name)s=%(deb_version_final)s -y --force-yes
dpkg -l %(deb_name)s
            % locals()
        os.chmod(verify_script, stat.S_IRWXU)

    debug("starting verify script for %s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version))
        + [

    if not noupload:
        # Upload the debs to the server
        base_files = ["%s_%s.changes" % (deb_file, arch), "%s_%s.deb" % (deb_file_final, arch)]
        files = [os.path.join(results_dir, x) for x in base_files]

        debug("uploading debs for %s-%s to %s" % (stack_name, stack_version, REPO_HOSTNAME))
        cmd = ["scp"] + files + ["%s:/var/packages/ros-shadow/ubuntu/incoming/%s" % (REPO_LOGIN, os_platform)]
        debug(" ".join(cmd))
        subprocess.check_call(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        debug("upload complete")

        # Assemble string for moving all files from incoming to queue (while lock is being held)
        move_str = "\n".join(
                "mv "
                + os.path.join("/var/packages/ros-shadow/ubuntu/incoming", os_platform, x)
                + " "
                + os.path.join("/var/packages/ros-shadow/ubuntu/queue", os_platform, x)
                for x in base_files

        # This script moves files into queue directory, removes all dependent debs, removes the existing deb, and then processes the incoming files
        remote_cmd = "TMPFILE=`mktemp` || exit 1 && cat > ${TMPFILE} && chmod +x ${TMPFILE} && ${TMPFILE}; ret=${?}; rm ${TMPFILE}; exit ${ret}"
        debug("running remote command [%s]" % (remote_cmd))
        run_script = subprocess.Popen(
            ["ssh", REPO_LOGIN, remote_cmd], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
        debug("getting depends to prepare invalidate script")
        invalidate = [deb_name] + get_depends(deb_name, os_platform, arch)
        debug("invalidating pre-existing and downstream: %s" % (invalidate))
        invalidate_cmds = [
            "reprepro -b /var/packages/ros-shadow/ubuntu -V -A %(arch)s removefilter %(os_platform)s 'Package (==%(deb_name_x)s)'"
            % locals()
            for deb_name_x in invalidate
        invalidate_str = "\n".join(invalidate_cmds)
        script_content = (
set -o errexit
flock 200
# Move from incoming to queue
# Remove all debs that depend on this package
# Load it into the repo
reprepro -b /var/packages/ros-shadow/ubuntu -V processincoming %(os_platform)s
) 200>/var/lock/ros-shadow.lock
            % locals()

        # Actually run script and check result
        (o, e) = run_script.communicate(script_content)
        debug("waiting for invalidation script")
        res = run_script.wait()
        debug("invalidation script result: %s" % o)
        if res != 0:
            raise InternalBuildFailure("Could not run upload script:\n%s\n%s" % (o, e))

        # The cache is no longer valid, we clear it so that we won't skip debs that have been invalidated
        rosdeb.repo._Packages_cache = {}
def do_deb_build(distro_name, stack_name, stack_version, os_platform, arch, staging_dir, noupload, interactive):
    print "Actually trying to build %s-%s..." % (stack_name, stack_version)
    project_name = stack_name.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.git')
    #pull down the git repo using git-buildpackage clone, this gets all the right tags
    subprocess.check_call(["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd %(staging_dir)s && gbp-clone %(stack_name)s" % locals()])
    #update any submodules.
    subprocess.check_call(["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd %(staging_dir)s/%(project_name)s && git submodule update --init"% locals()])

    lines = open(os.path.join(staging_dir,project_name,'debian/changelog'),'r').readlines()
    first_line = lines[0]
    w = first_line.split('(')
    left = w[0]
    right = w[-1].split(')')
    middle = right[0]
    right = right[-1]
    middle += '~' + os_platform
    line = left + '(' + middle + ')' + right
    lines[0] = line
    with open(os.path.join(staging_dir,project_name,'debian/changelog'),'w') as nchlog:
    subprocess.check_call(["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd %(staging_dir)s/%(project_name)s && git commit -a -m 'change to platform specific'"% locals()])
    subprocess.check_call(["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd %(staging_dir)s/%(project_name)s && git-buildpackage -S -uc -us" % locals()])

    distro_tgz = os.path.join('/var/cache/pbuilder', "%s-%s.tgz" % (os_platform, arch))
    cache_dir = '/home/rosbuild/aptcache/%s-%s' % (os_platform, arch)

    deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (distro_name, debianize_name(stack_name))
    deb_version = debianize_version(stack_version, '0', os_platform)
    ros_file = "%s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version)
    deb_file = "%s_%s" % (deb_name, deb_version)

    conf_file = os.path.join(roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('rosdeb'), 'config', 'pbuilder.conf')

    # Make sure the distro chroot exists
    if not os.path.exists(distro_tgz):
        raise InternalBuildFailure("%s does not exist." % (distro_tgz))

    staging_dir_contents = os.listdir(staging_dir)
    dsc_files = [f for f in staging_dir_contents if ".dsc" in f]
    if len(dsc_files) != 1:
        raise InternalBuildFailure("Too many dsc files found %s" % dsc_files)
    dsc_file = os.path.join(staging_dir, dsc_files[0])

    # Create hook and results directories
    hook_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, 'hooks')
    results_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, 'results')
    build_dir = os.path.join(staging_dir, 'pbuilder')

    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(hook_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(results_dir):

    if not os.path.exists(build_dir):

    # Hook script which makes sure we have updated our apt cache
    p = os.path.join(hook_dir, 'D50update')
    with open(p, 'w') as f:
set -o errexit
apt-get update""" % locals())
        os.chmod(p, stat.S_IRWXU)

    if arch == 'amd64':
        archcmd = []
        archcmd = ['setarch', arch]

    # Actually build the deb.  This results in the deb being located in results_dir
    print "starting pbuilder build of %s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version)
    subprocess.check_call(archcmd + ['sudo', 'pbuilder', '--build', '--basetgz', distro_tgz, '--configfile', conf_file, '--hookdir', hook_dir, '--buildresult', results_dir, '--binary-arch', '--buildplace', build_dir, '--aptcache', cache_dir, dsc_file])

    # Extract the version number we just built:
    files = os.listdir(results_dir)

    # Find debian file outputs
    deb_files_detected = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.deb')]
    deb_names = [d.split('_')[0] for d in deb_files_detected]

    if len(deb_files_detected) < 1:
        raise InternalBuildFailure("No deb-file generated")

    # Build a package db if we have to
    print "starting package db build of %s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version)
    subprocess.check_call(['bash', '-c', 'cd %(staging_dir)s && dpkg-scanpackages . > %(results_dir)s/Packages' % locals()])

    for d in deb_names:
        # Script to execute for deb verification
        # TODO: Add code to run all the unit-tests for the deb!
        verify_script = os.path.join(staging_dir, '')
        with open(verify_script, 'w') as f:
set -o errexit
echo "deb file:%(staging_dir)s results/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pbuild.list
apt-get update
apt-get install %(d)s -y --force-yes
dpkg -l %(d)s
""" % locals())
            os.chmod(verify_script, stat.S_IRWXU)

        print "starting verify script for %s-%s" % (stack_name, stack_version)
        subprocess.check_call(archcmd + ['sudo', 'pbuilder', '--execute', '--basetgz', distro_tgz, '--configfile', conf_file, '--bindmounts', results_dir, '--buildplace', build_dir, '--aptcache', cache_dir, verify_script])

    # Detect changes files
    change_files = [f for f in files if '.changes' in f]
    upload_files = [os.path.join(results_dir, x) for x in deb_files_detected]
    if not noupload:
        upload_debs(upload_files, 'ros-shadow-3rdparty', distro_name, os_platform, arch)
        print "No Upload option selected, I would have uploaded the files:", upload_files