Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self):
     rospy.init_node('move_robot', anonymous=True)
     publishers, subscribers = rostopic.get_topic_list()
     topic = '/om_with_tb3/cmd_vel'
     if topic not in [sub[0] for sub in subscribers]:
         topic = '/cmd_vel' = rospy.Publisher(topic, Twist, queue_size=10) = Twist()
Beispiel #2
def has_breadcrumbs(robot_name):
    prefix = "/{}/".format(robot_name)
    breadcrumbs = prefix + "breadcrumb/deploy"
    publishers, subscribers = rostopic.get_topic_list()
    for name, _, _ in subscribers:
        if name == breadcrumbs:
            return True
    return False
Beispiel #3
def is_marsupial(robot_name):
    prefix = "/{}/".format(robot_name)
    detach_name = prefix + "detach"
    publishers, subscribers = rostopic.get_topic_list()
    for name, _, _ in subscribers:
        if name == detach_name:
            rospy.loginfo('Marsupial: ' + name)
            return True
    return False
Beispiel #4
def get_topic():
        topics = get_topic_list()

        content = []
        for i in topics[0]:
            k = ""
            for j in i[2]:
                k += j + ","
            k = k[0:len(k) - 1]
            content.append([i[0], i[1], k])

        return jsonify(status=0, result=content)
        return jsonify(status=-1, result=[])
Beispiel #5
def wait_for_bridge(robot_name):
    prefix = "/{}/".format(robot_name)
    last_sub = set([])
    last_pub = set([])
    same_num = 0
    while True:
        publishers, subscribers = rostopic.get_topic_list()
        names_sub = set([a[0] for a in subscribers if a[0].startswith(prefix)])
        names_pub = set([a[0] for a in publishers if a[0].startswith(prefix)])
        status = "{} subscribers, {} publishers".format(len(names_sub), len(names_pub))
        if names_sub == last_sub and names_pub == last_pub:
            if same_num >= 3:
                rospy.loginfo("bridge ready: " + status)
                same_num += 1
            same_num = 0
        rospy.loginfo("waiting for bridge "+prefix+"... " + status)
        last_sub = names_sub
        last_pub = names_pub
Beispiel #6
def get_topic_data(master=None):
    pubs, subs = rostopic.get_topic_list(master=master)
    topic_data = {}
    # print(f"subs {len(subs)}")
    for topic in pubs:
        name = topic[0]
        if name not in topic_data:
            topic_data[name] = {}
            topic_data[name]['type'] = topic[1]
            topic_data[name]['subscribers'] = []
        topic_data[name]['publishers'] = topic[2]
    # print(f"subs {len(pubs)}")
    for topic in subs:
        name = topic[0]
        if name not in topic_data:
            topic_data[name] = {}
            topic_data[name]['type'] = topic[1]
            topic_data[name]['publishers'] = []
            # TODO(lucasw) check for collisions that have mismatched types
        topic_data[name]['subscribers'] = topic[2]
    return topic_data
Beispiel #7
    def writeToFile(self):
            Function to be called on shutdown. Stops timer and writes data to a file
        parentDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parentDir, '..','results',self.filename+'.xlsx'))
        with pd.ExcelWriter(fname) as writer:
            rospy.loginfo("Writing results to file: {}".format(fname))
            for topic in self.loglist:
                if topic.logging_df.shape[0] > 2:
                    topic.logging_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=topic.topic)

if __name__=="__main__":
    topics = rospy.get_param("/topics", default=None)
    if topics is None:
        rospy.logwarn("No topics specified. Looking for All topics")
        topics = rostopic.get_topic_list()

    # use the wrapper list holding object
    LL = LoggerList(topics)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        except rospy.ROSInterruptException as e:
Beispiel #8
def find_topic(msg_type):
    pubs, _ = rostopic.get_topic_list()
    for topic, topic_type, _ in pubs:
        if topic_type == msg_type:
            return topic
    return None
Beispiel #9
    def _instantiate_monitors(self):
        if self.is_instantiated: return True

            msg_class, real_topic, _ = rostopic.get_topic_class(self.topic_name, blocking=False)
            topic_type, _, _ = rostopic.get_topic_type(self.topic_name, blocking=False)
        except rostopic.ROSTopicException as e:
            self.event_callback("Topic %s type cannot be determined, or ROS master cannot be contacted" % self.topic_name, "warn")
            return False

        if real_topic is None:
            self.event_callback("Topic %s is not published" % self.topic_name, "warn")
            if self.signal_when_cfg["signal_when"].lower() == 'not published' and self.signal_when_cfg["safety_critical"]:
                self.signal_when_is_safe = False
            return False
        # if rate > 0 set in config then throttle topic at that rate
        if self.rate > 0:
            COMMAND_BASE = ["rosrun", "topic_tools", "throttle"]
            subscribed_topic = "/sentor/monitoring/" + str(self.thread_num) + real_topic
            command = COMMAND_BASE + ["messages", real_topic, str(self.rate), subscribed_topic]
            subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=open(os.devnull, "wb"))
            subscribed_topic = real_topic

        # find out topic publishing nodes
        master = rosgraph.Master(rospy.get_name())
            pubs, _ = rostopic.get_topic_list(master=master)
            # filter based on topic
            pubs = [x for x in pubs if x[0] == real_topic]
            nodes = []
            for _, _, _nodes in pubs:
                nodes += _nodes
            self.nodes = nodes
        except socket.error:
            self.event_callback("Could not retrieve nodes for topic %s" % self.topic_name, "warn")

        # Do we need a hz monitor?
        hz_monitor_required = False
        if self.signal_when_cfg["signal_when"].lower() == 'not published':
            hz_monitor_required = True
        for signal_lambda in self.signal_lambdas_config:
             if "when_published" in signal_lambda:
                 if signal_lambda["when_published"]:
                     hz_monitor_required = True
        if hz_monitor_required:
            self.hz_monitor = self._instantiate_hz_monitor(subscribed_topic, self.topic_name, msg_class)

        if self.signal_when_cfg["signal_when"].lower() == 'published':
            print "Signaling 'published' for "+ bcolors.OKBLUE + self.topic_name + bcolors.ENDC +" initialized"
            self.pub_monitor = self._instantiate_pub_monitor(subscribed_topic, self.topic_name, msg_class)
            if self.signal_when_cfg["safety_critical"]:
                self.signal_when_is_safe = False

        elif self.signal_when_cfg["signal_when"].lower() == 'not published':
            print "Signaling 'not published' for "+ bcolors.BOLD + str(self.signal_when_cfg["timeout"]) + " seconds" + bcolors.ENDC +" for " + bcolors.OKBLUE + self.topic_name + bcolors.ENDC +" initialized"

        if len(self.signal_lambdas_config):
            print "Signaling expressions for "+ bcolors.OKBLUE + self.topic_name + bcolors.ENDC + ":"
            self.lambda_monitor_list = []
            for signal_lambda in self.signal_lambdas_config:
                lambda_fn_str = signal_lambda["expression"]
                lambda_config = self.process_lambda_config(signal_lambda)
                if lambda_fn_str != "":
                    print "\t" + bcolors.OKGREEN + lambda_fn_str + bcolors.ENDC + " ("+ bcolors.BOLD+"timeout: %s seconds" %  lambda_config["timeout"] + bcolors.ENDC +")"
                    lambda_monitor = self._instantiate_lambda_monitor(subscribed_topic, msg_class, lambda_fn_str, lambda_config)

                    # register cb that notifies when the lambda function is True

            print ""

        self.is_instantiated = True

        return True
    def test_cmd_list(self):
        import rostopic
        cmd = 'rostopic'
        s = '/add_two_ints'

        # test failures
        for invalid in [['-ps'], ['-b'
                                  'file.bag', '-s'], ['-b'
                                                      'file.bag', '-p']]:
                rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list'] + invalid)
      "should have failed")
            except SystemExit:

        # test main entry
        rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list'])

        # test through running command
        topics = [
            '/chatter', '/foo/chatter', '/bar/chatter', '/rosout',

        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list'])
            v = [x.strip() for x in b.getvalue().split('\n') if x.strip()]
            self.failIf(set(topics) - set(v))

        # test through public function
        topics = [
            '/chatter', '/foo/chatter', '/bar/chatter', '/rosout',

        v = rostopic.get_topic_list()
        self.failIf(set(topics) - set(v))

        # publishers-only
        topics = [
            '/chatter', '/foo/chatter', '/bar/chatter', '/rosout',
        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', '-p'])
            v = [x.strip() for x in b.getvalue().split('\n') if x.strip()]
            self.failIf(set(topics) - set(v))
            self.failIf('/clock' in v)

        # subscribers-only
        topics = ['/rosout']
        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', '-s'])
            v = [x.strip() for x in b.getvalue().split('\n') if x.strip()]
            self.failIf(set(topics) - set(v), "%s vs. %s" % (topics, v))
            self.failIf('/chatter' in v)

        # turn on verbosity, not checking output as it's not as stable
        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', '-v'])
            v = b.getvalue()
            self.assert_("Published topics:" in v)
            self.assert_("Subscribed topics:" in v)

        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', '-vs'])
            v = b.getvalue()
            self.failIf("Published topics:" in v)
            self.assert_("Subscribed topics:" in v)

        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', '-vp'])
            v = b.getvalue()
            self.assert_("Published topics:" in v)
            self.failIf("Subscribed topics:" in v)

        # test with multiple topic names
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', 'rosout', 'rosout_agg'])
  "should have caused parser error")
        except SystemExit:

        # test with resolved names
        for n in topics:
            with fakestdout() as b:
                rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', n])
                self.assertEquals(n, b.getvalue().strip())

        # test with relative names
        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', 'rosout'])
            self.assertEquals('/rosout', b.getvalue().strip())

        # test with namespaces
        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', '/foo'])
            self.assertEquals('/foo/chatter', b.getvalue().strip())
        with fakestdout() as b:
            rostopic.rostopicmain([cmd, 'list', 'bar'])
            self.assertEquals('/bar/chatter', b.getvalue().strip())
Beispiel #11
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import rostopic
import PyQt5
# print(rospy.get_published_topics())
# tpc = rostopic.get_topic_list()
# print(tpc[1][1][1])
# print(tpc[0])
# print(len(tpc))
# print(len(tpc[1]))
# print(len(tpc[1][7]))
# print(rostopic.get_topic_list())
tpc = rostopic.get_topic_list()
my_list = []
for x in range(len(tpc)):
    for y in range(len(tpc[x])):
        # for z in range(len(tpc[x][y])):
        for z in range(2):
            # print(tpc[x][y][z])
            # print(tpc[x][y][z].find('ditto'))
            if tpc[x][y][z].find('ditto') >= 0:
                # print(tpc[x][y][z])
                string_smth = tpc[x][y][z].partition('/')[2]
                to_go_to_list = string_smth.partition('/')[0]
                # print(to_go_to_list)
                if not to_go_to_list in my_list:

arranged_list = []
for x in my_list: