Beispiel #1
    def assign_orientation(self, **kwargs):

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
            table = kwargs['table']
            N = len(table)
            N = kwargs['size']

        # assign random orientations
        major_v = random_unit_vectors_3d(N)
        inter_v = random_perpendicular_directions(major_v)
        minor_v = normalized_vectors(np.cross(major_v, inter_v))

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
                mask = (table['gal_type'] == self.gal_type)
            except KeyError:
                mask = np.array([True] * N)
                msg = (
                    "Because `gal_type` not indicated in `table`.",
                    "The orientation is being assigned for all galaxies in the `table`."

            # check to see if the columns exist
            for key in list(self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate.names):
                if key not in table.keys():
                    table[key] = 0.0

            table['galaxy_axisA_x'][mask] = major_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisA_y'][mask] = major_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisA_z'][mask] = major_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisB_x'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisB_y'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisB_z'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisC_x'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisC_y'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisC_z'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 2]

            return table
            return major_v, inter_v, minor_v
Beispiel #2
    def mc_unit_sphere(self, Npts, **kwargs):
        Returns Npts anisotropically distributed points on the unit sphere.

        Npts : int
            Number of 3d points to generate

        seed : int, optional
            Random number seed used in the Monte Carlo realization.
            Default is None, which will produce stochastic results.

        x, y, z : array_like
            Length-Npts arrays of the coordinate positions.

        seed = kwargs.get('seed', None)

        if 'table' in kwargs:
            table = kwargs['table']
                b_to_a = table['halo_b_to_a']
            except KeyError:
                b_to_a = 1.0
                c_to_a = table['halo_c_to_a']
            except KeyError:
                c_to_a = 1.0
                halo_axisA_x = table['halo_axisA_x']
                halo_axisA_y = table['halo_axisA_y']
                halo_axisA_z = table['halo_axisA_z']
            except KeyError:
                with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
                    v = random_unit_vectors_3d(len(table))
                    halo_axisA_x = v[:, 0]
                    halo_axisA_y = v[:, 1]
                    halo_axisA_z = v[:, 2]
                halo_axisC_x = table['halo_axisC_x']
                halo_axisC_y = table['halo_axisC_y']
                halo_axisC_z = table['halo_axisC_z']
            except KeyError:
                with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
                    v = random_unit_vectors_3d(len(table))
                    halo_axisC_x = v[:, 0]
                    halo_axisC_y = v[:, 1]
                    halo_axisC_z = v[:, 2]
                b_to_a = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['b_to_a'])
            except KeyError:
                b_to_a = 1.0
                c_to_a = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['c_to_a'])
            except KeyError:
                c_to_a = 1.0
                halo_axisA_x = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_axisA_x'])
                halo_axisA_y = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_axisA_y'])
                halo_axisA_z = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_axisA_z'])
            except KeyError:
                with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
                    v = random_unit_vectors_3d(1)
                    halo_axisC_x = v[:, 0]
                    halo_axisC_y = v[:, 1]
                    halo_axisC_z = v[:, 2]
                halo_axisC_x = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_axisC_x'])
                halo_axisC_y = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_axisC_y'])
                halo_axisC_z = np.atleast_1d(kwargs['halo_axisC_z'])
            except KeyError:
                with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
                    v = random_unit_vectors_3d(len(halo_axisA_x))
                    halo_axisC_x = v[:, 0]
                    halo_axisC_y = v[:, 1]
                    halo_axisC_z = v[:, 2]

        v1 = np.vstack((halo_axisA_x, halo_axisA_y, halo_axisA_z)).T
        v3 = np.vstack((halo_axisC_x, halo_axisC_y, halo_axisC_z)).T
        v2 = np.cross(v1, v3)

        with NumpyRNGContext(seed):
            phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, Npts)
            uran = np.random.rand(Npts) * 2 - 1

        cos_t = uran
        sin_t = np.sqrt((1. - cos_t * cos_t))

        b_to_a, c_to_a = self.anisotropy_bias_response(b_to_a, c_to_a)

        c_to_b = c_to_a / b_to_a

        # temporarily use x-axis as the major axis
        x = 1.0 / c_to_a * sin_t * np.cos(phi)
        y = 1.0 / c_to_b * sin_t * np.sin(phi)
        z = cos_t
        x_correlated_axes = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T

        x_axes = np.tile((1, 0, 0), Npts).reshape((Npts, 3))
        major_axes = v1

        matrices = rotation_matrices_from_basis(v1, v2, v3)

        # rotate x-axis into the major axis
        #angles = angles_between_list_of_vectors(x_axes, major_axes)
        #rotation_axes = vectors_normal_to_planes(x_axes, major_axes)
        #matrices = rotation_matrices_from_angles(angles, rotation_axes)

        correlated_axes = rotate_vector_collection(matrices, x_correlated_axes)
        #correlated_axes = x_correlated_axes

        return correlated_axes[:, 0], correlated_axes[:, 1], correlated_axes[:,
Beispiel #3
    def assign_satellite_orientation(self, **kwargs):
        assign a a set of three orthoganl unit vectors indicating the orientation
        of the galaxies' major, intermediate, and minor axis

        major_aixs, intermediate_axis, minor_axis :  numpy nd.arrays
            arrays of galaxies' axies

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
            table = kwargs['table']
                Lbox = kwargs['Lbox']
            except KeyError:
                Lbox = self._Lbox
                Lbox = kwargs['Lbox']
            except KeyError:
                Lbox = self._Lbox

        # calculate the radial vector between satellites and centrals
        major_input_vectors, r = self.get_radial_vector(Lbox=Lbox, **kwargs)

        # check for length 0 radial vectors
        mask = (r <= 0.0) | (~np.isfinite(r))
        if np.sum(mask) > 0:
            major_input_vectors[mask, 0] = np.random.random((np.sum(mask)))
            major_input_vectors[mask, 1] = np.random.random((np.sum(mask)))
            major_input_vectors[mask, 2] = np.random.random((np.sum(mask)))
            msg = (
                '{0} galaxies have a radial distance equal to zero (or infinity) from their host. '
                'These galaxies will be re-assigned random alignment vectors.'.

        # set prim_gal_axis orientation
        theta_ma = self.misalignment_rvs(size=N)

        # rotate alignment vector by theta_ma
        ran_vecs = random_unit_vectors_3d(N)
        mrot = rotation_matrices_from_angles(theta_ma, ran_vecs)
        A_v = rotate_vector_collection(rotm, major_input_vectors)

        # check for nan vectors
        mask = (~np.isfinite(np.sum(, axis=-1))))
        if np.sum(mask) > 0:
            A_v[mask, 0] = np.random.random((np.sum(mask)))
            A_v[mask, 1] = np.random.random((np.sum(mask)))
            A_v[mask, 2] = np.random.random((np.sum(mask)))
            msg = (
                '{0} correlated alignment axis(axes) were not found to be not finite. '
                'These will be re-assigned random vectors.'.format(

        # randomly set secondary axis orientation
        B_v = random_perpendicular_directions(A_v)

        # the tertiary axis is determined
        C_v = vectors_normal_to_planes(A_v, B_v)

        # use galaxy major axis as orientation axis
        major_v = A_v
        inter_v = B_v
        minor_v = C_v

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
                mask = (table['gal_type'] == self.gal_type)
            except KeyError:
                mask = np.array([True] * len(table))
                msg = (
                    "`gal_type` not indicated in `table`.",
                    "The orientation is being assigned for all galaxies in the `table`."

            # check to see if the columns exist
            for key in list(self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate.names):
                if key not in table.keys():
                    table[key] = 0.0

            # add orientations to the galaxy table
            table['galaxy_axisA_x'][mask] = major_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisA_y'][mask] = major_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisA_z'][mask] = major_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisB_x'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisB_y'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisB_z'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisC_x'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisC_y'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisC_z'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 2]

            return table
            return major_v, inter_v, minor_v
Beispiel #4
    def assign_central_orientation(self, **kwargs):
        Assign a set of three orthoganl unit vectors indicating the orientation
        of the galaxies' major, intermediate, and minor axis

        halo_axisA_x, halo_axisA_y, halo_axisA_z :  array_like
             x,y,z components of halo alignment axis

        major_aixs, intermediate_axis, minor_axis :  numpy nd.arrays
            arrays of galaxies' axes
        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
            table = kwargs['table']
            Ax = table[self.list_of_haloprops_needed[0]]
            Ay = table[self.list_of_haloprops_needed[1]]
            Az = table[self.list_of_haloprops_needed[2]]
            Ax = kwargs[self.list_of_haloprops_needed[0]]
            Ay = kwargs[self.list_of_haloprops_needed[1]]
            Az = kwargs[self.list_of_haloprops_needed[2]]

        # number of haloes
        N = len(Ax)

        # set prim_gal_axis orientation
        major_input_vectors = np.vstack((Ax, Ay, Az)).T
        theta_ma = self.misalignment_rvs(size=N)

        # rotate alignment vector by theta_ma
        ran_vecs = random_unit_vectors_3d(N)
        mrot = rotation_matrices_from_angles(theta_ma, ran_vecs)
        A_v = rotate_vector_collection(rotm, major_input_vectors)

        # randomly set secondary axis orientation
        B_v = random_perpendicular_directions(A_v)

        # the tertiary axis is determined
        C_v = vectors_normal_to_planes(A_v, B_v)

        # depending on the prim_gal_axis, assign correlated axes
        if self.prim_gal_axis == 'A':
            major_v = A_v
            inter_v = B_v
            minor_v = C_v
        elif self.prim_gal_axis == 'B':
            major_v = B_v
            inter_v = A_v
            minor_v = C_v
        elif self.prim_gal_axis == 'C':
            major_v = B_v
            inter_v = C_v
            minor_v = A_v
            msg = ('primary galaxy axis {0} is not recognized.'.format(
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
                mask = (table['gal_type'] == self.gal_type)
            except KeyError:
                mask = np.array([True] * len(table))
                msg = (
                    "Because `gal_type` not indicated in `table`.",
                    "The orientation is being assigned for all galaxies in the `table`."

            # check to see if the columns exist
            for key in list(self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate.names):
                if key not in table.keys():
                    table[key] = 0.0

            # add orientations to the galaxy table
            table['galaxy_axisA_x'][mask] = major_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisA_y'][mask] = major_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisA_z'][mask] = major_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisB_x'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisB_y'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisB_z'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisC_x'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisC_y'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisC_z'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 2]

            return table
            return major_v, inter_v, minor_v
    def assign_satellite_orientation(self, **kwargs):
        assign a a set of three orthoganl unit vectors indicating the orientation
        of the galaxies' major, intermediate, and minor axis

        major_aixs, intermediate_axis, minor_axis :  numpy nd.arrays
            arrays of galaxies' axies

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
            table = kwargs['table']
                Lbox = kwargs['Lbox']
            except KeyError:
                Lbox = self._Lbox
                Lbox = kwargs['Lbox']
            except KeyError:
                Lbox = self._Lbox

        # calculate the radial vector between satellites and centrals
        major_input_vectors, r = self.get_radial_vector(Lbox=Lbox, **kwargs)

        # check for length 0 radial vectors
        mask = (r <= 0.0) | (~np.isfinite(r))
        N_bad_axes = np.sum(mask)
        if N_bad_axes > 0:
            major_input_vectors[mask, :] = random_unit_vectors_3d(N_bad_axes)
            msg = (
                '{0} galaxies have a radial distance equal to zero (or infinity) from their host. '
                'These galaxies will be re-assigned random alignment vectors.'.

        # get alignment strength for each galaxy
        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
                p = table['satellite_alignment_strength']
            except KeyError:
                msg = (
                    '`satellite_alignment_strength` key not detected in `table`.'
                    'The value set in self.param_dict of this class will be used instead.'
                p = np.ones(len(
                    table)) * self.param_dict['satellite_alignment_strength']
            N = len(self.param_dict['x'])
            p = np.ones(N * self.param_dict['satellite_alignment_strength'])

        # set prim_gal_axis orientation
        A_v = axes_correlated_with_input_vector(major_input_vectors, p=p)

        # check for nan vectors
        mask = (~np.isfinite(np.sum(, axis=-1))))
        N_bad_axes = np.sum(mask)
        if N_bad_axes > 0:
            A_v[mask, :] = random_unit_vectors_3d(N_bad_axes)
            msg = (
                '{0} correlated alignment axis(axes) were found to be not finite. '
                'These will be re-assigned random vectors.'.format(

        # randomly set secondary axis orientation
        B_v = random_perpendicular_directions(A_v)

        # the tertiary axis is determined
        C_v = vectors_normal_to_planes(A_v, B_v)

        # depending on the prim_gal_axis, assign correlated axes
        if self.prim_gal_axis == 'A':
            major_v = A_v
            inter_v = B_v
            minor_v = C_v
        elif self.prim_gal_axis == 'B':
            major_v = B_v
            inter_v = A_v
            minor_v = C_v
        elif self.prim_gal_axis == 'C':
            major_v = B_v
            inter_v = C_v
            minor_v = A_v

        if 'table' in kwargs.keys():
                mask = (table['gal_type'] == self.gal_type)
            except KeyError:
                mask = np.array([True] * len(table))
                msg = (
                    "`gal_type` not indicated in `table`.",
                    "The orientation is being assigned for all galaxies in the `table`."

            # check to see if the columns exist
            for key in list(self._galprop_dtypes_to_allocate.names):
                if key not in table.keys():
                    table[key] = 0.0

            # add orientations to the galaxy table
            table['galaxy_axisA_x'][mask] = major_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisA_y'][mask] = major_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisA_z'][mask] = major_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisB_x'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisB_y'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisB_z'][mask] = inter_v[mask, 2]

            table['galaxy_axisC_x'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 0]
            table['galaxy_axisC_y'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 1]
            table['galaxy_axisC_z'][mask] = minor_v[mask, 2]

            return table
            return major_v, inter_v, minor_v