Beispiel #1
def encodePassword(plaintext, scheme, other=None, config=None):
    """Encrypt the plaintext password.
    if plaintext is None:
        plaintext = ""
    if scheme == "PBKDF2":
        if other:
            rounds, salt, raw_salt, digest = pbkdf2_unpack(other)
            raw_salt = getrandbytes(20)
            salt = h64encode(raw_salt)
            if config:
                rounds = config.PASSWORD_PBKDF2_DEFAULT_ROUNDS
                rounds = 10000
        if rounds < 1000:
            raise PasswordValueError, "invalid PBKDF2 hash (rounds too low)"
        raw_digest = pbkdf2(plaintext, raw_salt, rounds, 20)
        return "%d$%s$%s" % (rounds, salt, h64encode(raw_digest))
    elif scheme == 'SHA':
        s = sha1(plaintext).hexdigest()
    elif scheme == 'MD5':
        s = md5(plaintext).hexdigest()
    elif scheme == 'crypt' and crypt is not None:
        if other is not None:
            salt = other
            saltchars = './0123456789'+string.letters
            salt = random.choice(saltchars) + random.choice(saltchars)
        s = crypt.crypt(plaintext, salt)
    elif scheme == 'plaintext':
        s = plaintext
        raise PasswordValueError, 'unknown encryption scheme %r'%scheme
    return s
 def testPassword(self):
     self.assertEqual(self._test('password', ''), None)
     self.assertEqual(self._test('password', '  a string '), 'a string')
     val = self._test('password', '  a string ')
     self.assert_(isinstance(val, password.Password))
     val = self._test('password', '{plaintext}a string')
     self.assert_(isinstance(val, password.Password))
     val = self._test('password', '{crypt}a string')
     self.assert_(isinstance(val, password.Password))
     s = sha1('a string').hexdigest()
     val = self._test('password', '{SHA}'+s)
     self.assert_(isinstance(val, password.Password))
     self.assertEqual(val, 'a string')
     self.assertRaises(hyperdb.HyperdbValueError, self._test,
         'password', '{fubar}a string')
def checkDigest(filename):
    """Read file, check for valid fingerprint, return TRUE if ok"""
    # open and read file
    inp = open(filename, "r")
    lines = inp.readlines()

    fingerprint = extractFingerprint(lines)
    if fingerprint is None:
        return 0
    del lines[-1]

    # calculate current digest
    digest = sha1()
    for line in lines:

    # compare current to stored digest
    return fingerprint == digest.hexdigest()
def encodePassword(plaintext, scheme, other=None):
    """Encrypt the plaintext password.
    if plaintext is None:
        plaintext = ""
    if scheme == 'SHA':
        s = sha1(plaintext).hexdigest()
    elif scheme == 'MD5':
        s = md5(plaintext).hexdigest()
    elif scheme == 'crypt' and crypt is not None:
        if other is not None:
            salt = other
            saltchars = './0123456789'+string.letters
            salt = random.choice(saltchars) + random.choice(saltchars)
        s = crypt.crypt(plaintext, salt)
    elif scheme == 'plaintext':
        s = plaintext
        raise PasswordValueError, 'unknown encryption scheme %r'%scheme
    return s
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.filename = filename
     self.digest = sha1()
     self.file = open(self.filename, "w")