def run(self): while core.running: """ This looks almost exactly like python's, except that it's it's handled cooperatively by recoco. In this field, you could design your own CLI. """ string = raw_input("\n------------------------------\\n2.switch\n3.topo\n4.flow(flow type,dpid, type=0 flow, type=1 cflow)\n5.add link-type(add ip1,ip2,type(IP=1, OTN=2))\n6.stype(BOTH=0, IP=1, OTN=2, for all)\n7.create link(create ip1,ip2)\n8.delete(del ip1,ip2)\n?") string = string.split(' ') if string[0] == 'info': action = 1 print tables.info_map print "\n\n\n" elif string[0] == 'switch': action = 2 print tables.switch_map print "\n\n\n" elif string[0] == 'topo': action = 3 print tables.topo_map print "\n\n\n" elif string[0] == 'flow': action = 4 string = string[1].split(',') flow_type = string[0] dpid = int(string[1]) if flow_type == '0': print "flows in dpid:", dpid, "\n" if dpid in tables.flow_map.iterkeys(): for flow in tables.flow_map[dpid]: elif flow_type == '1': print "cflows in dpid:", dpid, "\n" if dpid in tables.cflow_map.iterkeys(): for link, cflow in tables.cflow_map[dpid]: else: print "wrong type!\n" print "\n\n\n" elif string[0] == 'add': action = 5 global ip_type string = string[1].split(',') ip1 = string[0] ip2 = string[1] ip_type[(ip1,ip2)] = string[2] ip_type[(ip2,ip1)] = string[2] elif string[0] == 'stype': action = 6 global stype stype = string[1] elif string[0] == 'create':#could not be completed with buffer_id action = 7 string = string[1].split(',') src = string[0] dst = string[1] road, link, route_type = route.add_link(src,dst,'1') for dpid in road: if dpid in link.iterkeys(): src_port, dst_port = link[dpid][0], link[dpid][1] header = of.ofp_header(type = 14, length = 88, xid = dpid) wildcards = of.ofp_flow_wildcards(OFPFW_NW_TOS = 1, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP = 1, OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK = 0, OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK = 0, OFPFW_TP_DST = 1, OFPFW_TP_SRC = 1, OFPFW_NW_PROTO = 1, OFPFW_DL_TYPE = 1, OFPFW_DL_DST = 1, OFPFW_DL_SRC = 1, OFPFW_DL_VLAN = 1, OFPFW_IN_PORT = 0) match = of.ofp_match(in_port = src_port, nw_src = src, nw_dst =dst) flow_mod = of.ofp_flow_mod(buffer_id = -1, idle_timeout = 0, hard_timeout = 0, flags = 1, out_port = dst_port) action_header = oof.ofp_action_header(type = 0) action_output = of.ofp_action_output(type = 0, port = dst_port, len = 8) msg = header/wildcards/match/flow_mod/action_header/action_output for fd,dp in tables.sock_dpid.items(): if dpid == dp[1]: sock = tables.fd_map[fd] break sock.send(str(msg)) elif string[0] == 'del': action = 8 #todo: delete the flows in swithes whenever you want string = string[1].split(',') src = string[0] dst = string[1] if (src,dst) not in ip_type.iterkeys(): print "there is no flow for ", src, " and ", dst, "\n" else: remove_type = ip_type[src,dst] if remove_type == '1':#for ip, flow in tables.flow_map for link, road in tables.road_map.items(): if link == (src,dst):#find the link, from src to dst for dpid in road:#delete the related flow in every switches for fd,dp in tables.sock_dpid.items(): if dpid == dp[1]:#find dpid-sock sock = tables.fd_map[fd] break if dpid in tables.flow_map.iterkeys(): for item in tables.flow_map[dpid]: if item.payload.payload.nw_src == src and item.payload.payload.nw_dst == dst: data = str(item) header = of.ofp_header(data[0:8]) header.length = 72 wildcards = of.ofp_flow_wildcards(data[8:12]) match = of.ofp_match(data[12:48]) flow_mod = of.ofp_flow_mod(data[48:72]) flow_mod.command = 4 msg = header/wildcards/match/flow_mod sock.send(str(msg)) break break elif remove_type == '2':#for otn, cflow in tables.cflow_map pass elif string[0] == '0': print "stop input function...\n" return else: log.warning("Character string cannot be identified!") continue print action
def client_handler(address, fd, events): global ip_type sock = tables.fd_map[fd] if events & io_loop.READ: data = sock.recv(16384) if data == '': print "connection dropped" #when switch is dropped, the outdated information should be deleted io_loop.remove_handler(fd) if fd in tables.fd_map.iterkeys() and fd in tables.sock_dpid.iterkeys(): dpid = tables.sock_dpid[fd][1] tables.sock_dpid.pop(fd) tables.fd_map.pop(fd) for link in tables.topo_map.iterkeys(): if tables.topo_map[link]['status'] != -1 and (link[0] == dpid or link[2] == dpid): tables.topo_map[link]['status'] = -1#the link will not be re-counted dc.topo_flag += 2#when topo_flag>0, controller will stop dealing with packet tables.switch_map.pop(dpid) if dpid in tables.info_map.iterkeys(): tables.info_map.pop(dpid) if dpid in tables.flow_map.iterkeys(): tables.flow_map.pop(dpid) create_topo._connection_down(dpid)#renew the topo in create_topo._sender._connection_down(dpid) if len(data)<8: print "not a openflow message" else: if len(data)>8: rmsg = of.ofp_header(data[0:8]) body = data[8:] else: rmsg = of.ofp_header(data) if rmsg.type == 0: print "OFPT_HELLO" msg = of.ofp_header(type = 5)#we send the features_request here. print "OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST" io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE) message_queue_map[sock].put(data) message_queue_map[sock].put(str(msg)) elif rmsg.type == 1: print "OFPT_ERROR" of.ofp_error_msg(body).show() elif rmsg.type == 2: #since the ECHO is too frequent, the print is canceled #print "OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST" msg = of.ofp_header(type=3, xid=rmsg.xid) message_queue_map[sock].put(str(msg)) io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE) elif rmsg.type == 3: print "OFPT_ECHO_REPLY" elif rmsg.type == 4: print "OFPT_VENDOR" elif rmsg.type == 5: print "OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST" elif rmsg.type == 6: print "OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY" msg = of.ofp_features_reply(body[0:24]) #length of reply msg tables.sock_dpid[fd]=[0, msg.datapath_id] #sock_dpid[fd] comes from here. port_info_raw = str(body[24:]) #we change it into str so we can manipulate it. port_info = {} print "port number:",len(port_info_raw)/48, "total length:", len(port_info_raw) for i in range(len(port_info_raw)/48): port_info[i] = of.ofp_phy_port(port_info_raw[0+i*48:48+i*48]) print port_info[i].port_no elif rmsg.type == 10: #print "OFPT_PACKET_IN" pkt_in_msg = of.ofp_packet_in(body)#buffer_id+in_port raw = pkt_in_msg.load pkt_ = ethernet(raw)#this method can be located in pox pkt_parsed = of.Ether(raw) dpid = tables.sock_dpid[fd][1] if pkt_.effective_ethertype == 0x88cc:#deal with the LLDP for topo create_topo._handle_openflow_PacketIn(pkt_in_msg, pkt_, dpid) if dc.topo_flag:#when the topo is not completed, do nothing pass else: if pkt_.effective_ethertype == 0x0806: #the ARP table is maintained for hosts' MAC in print "\n\nARP\n\n" request = if request.opcode == arp.REQUEST: reply = arp() reply.hwtype = request.hwtype reply.prototype = request.prototype reply.hwlen = request.hwlen reply.protolen = request.protolen reply.opcode = arp.REPLY reply.hwdst = request.hwsrc reply.protodst = request.protosrc reply.protosrc = request.protodst reply.hwsrc = tables.get_mac(request.protodst.toStr()) #reply.hwsrc = tables.ip_mac[request.protodst] e_dpid = tables.sock_dpid[fd][1] for p,v in tables.switch_map[e_dpid]['port'].items(): if v.port_no == pkt_in_msg.in_port: e_src = v.hw_addr e = ethernet(type = pkt_parsed.type, src = e_src, dst = pkt_parsed.src) e.set_payload(reply) msg = off.ofp_packet_out() = e.pack() msg.actions.append(off.ofp_action_output(port = off.OFPP_IN_PORT))#port problem msg.in_port = pkt_in_msg.in_port msg = msg.pack() io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE) message_queue_map[sock].put(str(msg)) elif pkt_.effective_ethertype == 0x8100: #to detect VLAN packets print "VLAN:\n" packet = print packet.__dict__ elif pkt_.effective_ethertype == 0x0800: #print "\n\nIP\n\n" #use the packet to produce flow_mod packet = if isinstance(packet, ipv4): src = packet.srcip.toStr() dst = packet.dstip.toStr() dpid = tables.sock_dpid[fd][1] #the routing type of the link(src,dst) is based on s_type if (src, dst) in ip_type.iterkeys(): s_type = ip_type[(src,dst)] elif stype != '0': s_type = stype else: s_type = '0' #src_mac = tables.switch_map[dpid]['port'][src_port].hw_addr #dst_mac = tables.switch_map[dpid]['port'][dst_port].hw_addr road, rlink, route_type = route.add_link(src, dst, s_type) #establish info for barrier if (src,dst) not in tables.road_map.iterkeys(): tables.road_map[(src,dst)] = road if (src,dst) not in tables.barrier_map.iterkeys(): tables.barrier_map[(src,dst)] = {} if dpid not in tables.barrier_map[(src,dst)].iterkeys(): tables.barrier_map[(src,dst)][dpid] = rmsg.xid if route_type == 0:#ip link, send flow ip_type[(src,dst)] = '1' if dpid in rlink.iterkeys(): src_port, dst_port = rlink[dpid][0], rlink[dpid][1] print "flow from ", src, " to ", dst, "\n" print "dpid:",dpid," inport:",src_port," outport:",dst_port, "\n" print "-------------------------" header = of.ofp_header(type=14, length = 88, xid=rmsg.xid) wildcards = of.ofp_flow_wildcards(OFPFW_NW_TOS=1, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP=1, OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK=63, OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK=63, OFPFW_TP_DST=1, OFPFW_TP_SRC=1, OFPFW_NW_PROTO=1, OFPFW_DL_TYPE=1, OFPFW_DL_DST=0, OFPFW_DL_SRC=0, OFPFW_DL_VLAN=1, OFPFW_IN_PORT=0) match = of.ofp_match(in_port=pkt_in_msg.in_port, dl_src = pkt_parsed.src, dl_dst = pkt_parsed.dst, dl_type = pkt_parsed.type, nw_tos = pkt_parsed.payload.tos, nw_proto = pkt_parsed.payload.proto, nw_src=src, nw_dst=dst) flow_mod = of.ofp_flow_mod(buffer_id = pkt_in_msg.buffer_id, idle_timeout = 0, hard_timeout = 30, flags = 1, cookie = rmsg.xid, out_port = dst_port) action_header = oof.ofp_action_header(type = 0) action_output = of.ofp_action_output(type = 0, port = dst_port, len = 8) msg = header/wildcards/match/flow_mod/action_header/action_output #here is to renew the flow_map if dpid not in tables.flow_map.iterkeys(): tables.flow_map[dpid] = [] tables.flow_map[dpid].append(msg) else: for flow in tables.flow_map[dpid]: flow_match = of.ofp_match((str(flow))[12:48]) if match == flow_match: tables.flow_map[dpid].remove(flow) break tables.flow_map[dpid].append(msg) message_queue_map[sock].put(str(msg)) io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE) elif route_type == 1:#otn or wavelenth ip_type[(src,dst)] = '2' if dpid in rlink.iterkeys(): src = packet.srcip.toStr() dst = packet.dstip.toStr() src_port, dst_port = rlink[dpid][0], rlink[dpid][1] if (src,dst) not in tables.source_map.iterkeys(): tables.source_map[(src,dst)] = {} if dpid not in tables.source_map[(src,dst)].iterkeys(): tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid] = {} if src_port not in tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid].iterkeys(): tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid][src_port] = [] if dst_port not in tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid].iterkeys(): tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid][dst_port] = [] if dpid == road[-1]:#src host port has no slot src_slot = -1 else: for i in xrange(0,80): if tables.info_map[dpid][src_port][i]['status'] == 0: tables.info_map[dpid][src_port][i]['status'] = 1 src_slot = i tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid][src_port].append(i) break if dpid == road[0]:#dst host port has no slot: dst_slot = -1 else: for i in xrange(0,80): if tables.info_map[dpid][dst_port][i]['status'] == 0: tables.info_map[dpid][dst_port][i]['status'] = 1 dst_slot = i tables.source_map[(src,dst)][dpid][dst_port].append(i) break cflow_mod = of.ofp_header(type=0xff, xid=rmsg.xid)\ /of.ofp_cflow_mod(command=0)\ /of.ofp_connect_wildcards()\ /of.ofp_connect(in_port = pkt_in_msg.in_port)\ /of.ofp_action_output(type=0, port=dst_port, len=8) type = switch_info[tables.sock_dpid[fd][0]] if route_type == 1:#for OTN if src_slot == -1: cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.nport_in = 81 else: cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.nport_in = src_slot if dst_slot == -1: cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.nport_out = 81 else: cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.nport_out = dst_slot cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.supp_sw_otn_gran_out = tables.switch_map[dpid]['port'][dst_port].SUPP_SW_GRAN cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.sup_otn_port_bandwidth_out = tables.switch_map[dpid]['port'][dst_port].sup_otn_port_bandwidth elif route_type == 2:#for wavelength cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.wport_in = src_slot cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.wport_out = dst_slot #this field is used to record cflow, but I have no ideal about how to delete the outdate flow--------------------- if dpid not in tables.cflow_map.iterkeys():#cflow_map,12.19 tables.cflow_map[dpid] = {} tables.cflow_map[dpid][(src,dst)] = cflow_mod print "cflow from ", src, " to ", dst, "\n" print "dpid:", dpid, " in_port:", cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.in_port, " out_port:", cflow_mod.payload.payload.payload.payload.port, "\n" print "------------------------" message_queue_map[sock].put(str(cflow_mod)) io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE) #send barrier msg = of.ofp_header(type = 18,xid = rmsg.xid) message_queue_map[sock].put(str(msg)) io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE) elif rmsg.type == 11: print "OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED" elif rmsg.type == 12: print "OFPT_PORT_STATUS" elif rmsg.type == 13: print "OFPT_PACKET_OUT" elif rmsg.type == 14: print "OFPT_FLOW_MOD" elif rmsg.type == 15: print "OFPT_PORT_MOD" elif rmsg.type == 16: print "OFPT_STATS_REQUEST" elif rmsg.type == 17 and len(data)> 12: print "OFPT_STATS_REPLY" # 1. parsing ofp_stats_reply reply_header = of.ofp_stats_reply(body[:4]) # 2.parsing ofp_flow_stats msg if reply_header.type == 0: reply_desc = of.ofp_desc_stats(body[4:]) elif reply_header.type == 1 and len(data)>92: #here informatioin is used for flow stats reply_body_data1 = of.ofp_flow_stats(body[4:8]) # match field in ofp_flow_stats reply_body_wildcards = of.ofp_flow_wildcards(body[8:12]) reply_body_match = of.ofp_match(body[12:48]) # second part in ofp_flow_stats reply_body_data2 = of.ofp_flow_stats_data(body[48:92]) # 3.parsing actions reply_body_action = [] if len(body[92:])>8: #it is very important! num = len(body[92:])/8 for x in xrange(num): reply_body_action.append(of.ofp_action_output(body[92+x*8:100+x*8])) msg = reply_header/reply_body_data1/reply_body_wildcards/reply_body_match/reply_body_data2 #the followings are about Load Balancing if fd in tables.fd_map.iterkeys() and fd in tables.sock_dpid.iterkeys(): dpid = tables.sock_dpid[fd][1] if dpid in tables.flow_map.iterkeys(): src_mac = reply_body_match.dl_src dst_mac = reply_body_match.dl_dst for flow in tables.flow_map[dpid]: if flow.payload.payload.dl_src == src_mac and flow.payload.payload.dl_dst == dst_mac: src_ip = flow.payload.payload.nw_src dst_ip = flow.payload.payload.nw_dst pair = (src_ip,dst_ip) flow_time = float(reply_body_data2.duration_sec) + float(reply_body_data2.duration_nsec/1000000000) flow_data = float(reply_body_data2.byte_count) if pair not in ip_stats.iterkeys(): ip_stats[pair] = {} ip_stats[pair][0] = {} ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_time'] = flow_time ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_data'] = flow_data else: if 1 in ip_stats[pair].iterkeys():#have a pair ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_time'] = ip_stats[pair][1]['flow_time'] ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_data'] = ip_stats[pair][1]['flow_data'] else: ip_stats[pair][1] = {} ip_stats[pair][1]['flow_time'] = flow_time ip_stats[pair][1]['flow_data'] = flow_data if flow_time != ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_time']: load = (flow_data - ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_data']) / (flow_time - ip_stats[pair][0]['flow_time']) print "now the link ", pair, " load is ", load, "(byte/s)\n" global switch_load if load > switch_load:#change to cflow ip_type[pair] = '2' #todo:flow_mod(delete) elif reply_header.type == 2: reply_aggregate = of.ofp_aggregate_stats_reply(body[4:]) elif reply_header.type == 3: #table_stats length = rmsg.length - 12 num = length/64 for i in xrange(num): table_body = body[4+i*64:i*64+68] reply_table_stats = of.ofp_table_stats(table_body[:36]) table_wildcards = of.ofp_flow_wildcards(table_body[36:40]) reply_table_stats_data = of.ofp_table_stats_data(table_body[40:64]) msg_tmp = reply_header/reply_table_stats/table_wildcards/reply_table_stats_data msg = rmsg/msg_tmp elif reply_header.type == 4: #port stats reply length = rmsg.length - 12 num = length/104 for i in xrange(num): offset = 4+i*104 reply_port_stats = of.ofp_port_stats_reply(body[offset:(offset+104)]) msg_tmp = reply_header/reply_port_stats msg = rmsg/msg_tmp elif reply_header.type == 5: #queue reply length = rmsg.length - 12 num = length/32 if num: #if the queue is empty ,you need to check it ! for i in xrange(num): offset = 4+i*32 queue_reply = of.ofp_queue_stats(body[offset:offset+32]) msg_tmp = reply_header/queue_reply msg = rmsg/msg_tmp elif reply_header.type == 0xffff: #vendor reply msg = rmsg/reply_header/of.ofp_vendor(body[4:]) elif rmsg.type == 18: print "OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST" #no message body, the xid is the previous barrier request xid elif rmsg.type == 19: barrier = 0 dpid = tables.sock_dpid[fd][1] for a,b in tables.barrier_map.items(): for k,v in b.items(): if k == dpid and v == rmsg.xid: if dpid == tables.road_map[a][0]:#if the barrier is from the dst switch, then the road is completed barrier = 1 print "road ", a, " is completed!\n" tables.barrier_map.pop(a) if barrier: break #print "OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY: ", rmsg.xid, "Successful" elif rmsg.type == 20: print "OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST" elif rmsg.type == 21: print "OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY" elif rmsg.type == 24: print "OFPT_CFEATURES_REPLY" msg = of.ofp_cfeatures_reply(body[0:24])#length of reply msg #bind the bpid and type (type, dpid) #OTN:WAVE:IP b'000' TYPE = msg.OFPC_IP_SWITCH + msg.OFPC_WAVE_SWITCH * 2 + msg.OFPC_OTN_SWITCH * 4 tables.sock_dpid[fd] = [TYPE, msg.datapath_id]#IP only port_info_raw = body[24:] port_info = {} port_i = {} print "port number:",len(port_info_raw)/72, "total length:", len(port_info_raw) for i in range(len(port_info_raw)/72): port_info[i] = of.ofp_phy_cport(port_info_raw[i*72:72+i*72]) port_i[port_info[i].port_no] = port_info[i] switch_type = tables.sock_dpid[fd][0]#features recorded in switch_map tables.switch_map[msg.datapath_id] = {'features':msg, 'type':switch_type, 'port':port_i} tables.info_map[msg.datapath_id] = {} #start to discovery lldp_flow = create_topo._connection_up(msg.datapath_id) message_queue_map[sock].put(str(lldp_flow)) io_loop.update_handler(fd, io_loop.WRITE)#discovery-handle create_topo._sender._connection_up(msg.datapath_id, port_info)