def save_route(): """ saves the route :return: """ data = request.json geom = data.get("polyline") user_id = data.get("user_id") linestring = LineString([(g.get("lng"), g.get("lat")) for g in geom]) Route.update_geometry(app.db, user_id, linestring) return json.dumps({'status': 'OK'})
def data(): """Returns all data as a GoeJSON list. """ routes = Route.all(app.db) features = [] for route in routes: geojson = json.loads(db.session.scalar(func.ST_AsGeoJSON(route.geom))) features.append( {'geometry': geojson, 'properties': {'guid': route.guid, 'user_id': route.user_id} } ) dd = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } }, 'features': features, } return jsonify(dd)
def cfg(user_id, config_id): route = Route.get_route_by_user_id(db, user_id) routr_config = app.routr_config if config_id == 'None': j = {} else: cfg = routr_config.get_config(config_id) j = { 'config': {'center': { 'lat': cfg.get("load_location").get('lat'), 'lng': cfg.get("load_location").get('lng') }, 'zoom': cfg.get("load_location").get('zoom'), 'zoom_limits': {'from': cfg.get("zoom_limits").get('from'), 'to': cfg.get("zoom_limits").get('to')} } } if 'destination' in cfg: j['config']['destination'] = cfg.get("destination") if 'origin' in cfg: j['config']['origin'] = cfg.get("origin") if route: coords = route.geo().get('coordinates') coords = [c for c in coords] j['geom'] = coords return jsonify(j)
def routes_geojson(): """ :return: Returns a dict containing the bundaries of the table and a list of guids of the routes. { "bounds": [ 10.26912689208984, 63.38337070759972, 10.45074462890625, 63.4445238395574 ], "guids": [ "75ab78e8-63a5-459a-b580-61f67c45db94", "f82d1581-2649-4fbb-8716-270da989538c", "01407688-2237-4f87-ba66-697097517cbc", "d25184ca-a76a-4e52-b474-aadc80d26626" ] } """ return jsonify( { 'bounds': Route.get_bounds(app.db), 'guids': [r.guid for r in Route.all(app.db)] })
def routes_qgis(): bounds = Route.get_bounds(app.db) # datasource = "" datasource = "" rt = render_template('routes.qgs', datasource = datasource, xmin = bounds[0], ymin = bounds[1], xmax = bounds[2], ymax = bounds[3] ) response= make_response(rt) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-qgis-project" return response
def route_route_guid_geojson(route_guid): return jsonify(Route.get_route_by_guid(app.db, route_guid).geo())