Beispiel #1
class ScheduleIRJob(Message):
    The unit of work to be executed.

    num_shots: int
    """How many repetitions the job should be executed for."""

    resources: Resources
    """The resources required by the job."""

    program: Program
    """The actual program to be executed."""

    operating_point: Dict[str, Dict] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Operating points or static instrument channel settings
          (mapping control_name (instrument name) -> instrument channel settings
          (instrument settings) dictionary)."""

    filter_pipeline: Dict[str, FilterNode] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """The filter pipeline. Mapping of node labels to

    job_id: InitVar[Optional[str]] = None
    """A unique ID to help the submitter track the job."""
    def _extend_by_deprecated_fields(self, d):

    def __post_init__(self, job_id):
        if job_id is not None:
            warn('job_id is deprecated; please don\'t set it anymore')
Beispiel #2
class Instrument(Message):
    Instrument settings.

    address: str
    """The full address of a QPU."""

    module: str
    """Full python import path for the module that includes
          the instrument driver."""

    instrument_type: str
    """Instrument type (driver class name)."""

    mnio_connections: Dict[str, MNIOConnection] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """MNIO network connections between Tsunami instruments"""

    channels: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Mapping of channel labels to channel settings"""

    virtual: bool = False
    """Whether the instrument is virtual."""

    setup: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Any additional information used by the instrument for
Beispiel #3
class Resources(Message):
    The resources required by a job

    qubits: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of qubits blocked/required by a job."""

    frames: Dict[str, Frame] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """RF/UHF frames by label."""

    frames_to_controls: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Mapping of frames to control channels by labels."""
Beispiel #4
class BinaryExecutableResponse(Message):
    Program to run on the QPU.

    program: str
    """Execution settings and sequencer binaries."""

    memory_descriptors: Dict[str, ParameterSpec] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Internal field for constructing patch tables."""

    ro_sources: List[Any] = field(default_factory=list)
    """Internal field for reshaping returned buffers."""
Beispiel #5
class RewriteArithmeticResponse(Message):
    The data needed to run programs with gate arithmetic on the hardware.

    quil: str
    """Native Quil rewritten with no arithmetic in gate parameters."""

    original_memory_descriptors: Dict[str, ParameterSpec] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """The declared memory descriptors in the Quil of the related request."""

    recalculation_table: Dict[ParameterAref, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """A mapping from memory references to the original gate arithmetic."""
Beispiel #6
class Capture(Instruction):
    Specify an acquisition on an rx-frame as well as the
      filters to apply.

    frame: str
    """The rx-frame label on which to trigger the acquisition."""

    duration: float
    """The duration of the acquisition in [seconds]"""

    filters: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    """An ordered list of labels of filter kernels to apply to
          the captured waveform."""

    send_to_host: bool = True
    """Transmit the readout bit back to Lodgepole.
          (Unnecessary for fully calibrated active reset captures)."""

    phase: float = 0.0e+0
    """Static phase angle [units of tau=2pi] by which the
          envelope quadratures are rotated."""

    detuning: float = 0.0e+0
    """Detuning [Hz] with which the pulse envelope should be
Beispiel #7
class FlatWaveform(TemplateWaveform):
    Flat pulse.

    iq: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    """Individual IQ point to hold constant"""
Beispiel #8
class NativeQuilMetadata(Message):
    Metadata for a native quil program.

    final_rewiring: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
    """Output qubit index relabeling due to SWAP insertion."""

    gate_depth: Optional[int] = None
    """Maximum number of successive gates in the native quil program."""

    gate_volume: Optional[int] = None
    """Total number of gates in the native quil program."""

    multiqubit_gate_depth: Optional[int] = None
    """Maximum number of successive two-qubit gates in the native quil program."""

    program_duration: Optional[float] = None
    """Rough estimate of native quil program length in nanoseconds."""

    program_fidelity: Optional[float] = None
    """Rough estimate of the fidelity of the full native quil program, uses specs."""

    topological_swaps: Optional[int] = None
    """Total number of SWAPs in the native quil program."""
Beispiel #9
class Waveform(AbstractWaveform):
    A waveform envelope defined by specific IQ values for a specific frame.

    iqs: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    """The raw waveform envelope samples, alternating I and Q values."""
Beispiel #10
class QPU(Message):
    Configuration info for the QPU

    chip_label: str
    """The fabrication label for the QPU chip."""

    qubits: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of qubits labels."""

    controls: Dict[str, List] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """A mapping of control labels to tuples (instrument
          label, channel label)."""

    controls_by_qubit: Dict[str, List] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """A map of qubit label to list of controls that should be
Beispiel #11
class FilterKernel(AbstractKernel):
    A filter kernel to produce scalar readout features from acquired readout waveforms.

    iqs: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    """The raw kernel coefficients, alternating real and imaginary parts."""

    bias: float = 0.0e+0
    """The kernel is offset by this real value. Can be used to ensure the decision threshold lies at 0.0."""
Beispiel #12
class Program(Message):
    The dynamic aspects (waveforms, readout kernels, scheduled
  instructions and parameters) of a job.

    waveforms: Dict[str, AbstractWaveform] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """The waveforms appearing in the program by waveform

    filters: Dict[str, AbstractKernel] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """The readout filter kernels appearing in the program by
          feature label."""

    scheduled_instructions: List[Dict] = field(default_factory=list)
    """The ordered sequence scheduled instruction objects."""

    parameters: Dict[str, ParameterSpec] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """A mapping of dynamic parameter names to their type
Beispiel #13
class DataAxis(Message):
    A data axis allows to label element(s) of a stream.

    name: str
    """Label for the axis, e.g., 'time' or 'shot_index'."""

    points: List[float] = field(default_factory=list)
    """The sequence of values along the axis."""
Beispiel #14
class ActiveReset(Message):
    An active reset control sequence consisting of a repeated
      sequence of a measurement block and a feedback block conditional on the
      outcome of a specific measurement bit.  Regardless of the measurement
      outcomes the total duration of the control sequence is [attempts x
      (measurement_duration + feedback_duration)].  The total
      measurement_duration must be chosen to allow for enough time after any
      Capture commands for the measurement bit to propagate back to the gate
      cards that are actuating the feedback.

    time: float
    """Time at which the ActiveReset begins in [seconds]."""

    measurement_duration: float
    """The duration of measurement block in [seconds]. The
          measurement bit is expected to have arrived on the QGS after
          this time relative to the overall start of the ActiveReset block."""

    feedback_duration: float
    """The duration of feedback block in [seconds]"""

    measurement_bit: int
    """The address of the readout bit to condition the
          feedback on.  The bit is first accessed after measurement_duration
          has elapsed."""

    attempts: int = 3
    """The number of times to repeat the active reset sequence."""

    measurement_instructions: List[Dict] = field(default_factory=list)
    """The ordered sequence of scheduled measurement

    apply_feedback_when: bool = True
    """Apply the feedback when the measurement_bit equals the
          value of this flag."""

    feedback_instructions: List[Dict] = field(default_factory=list)
    """The ordered sequence of scheduled feedback instructions."""
Beispiel #15
class DeployedRack(Message):
    The rack configuration for lodgepole.

    rack_meta: RackMeta
    """Meta information about the deployed rack."""

    qpu: QPU
    """Information about the QPU."""

    instruments: Dict[str, Instrument] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Mapping of instrument name to instrument settings."""
Beispiel #16
class RPCError(Message):
    A error message for JSONRPC requests.

    error: str
    """The error message."""

    id: str
    """The RPC request id."""

    jsonrpc: str = "2.0"
    """The JSONRPC version."""

    warnings: List[RPCWarning] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of warnings that occurred during request processing."""
Beispiel #17
class RPCReply(Message):
    The reply for a JSONRPC request.

    id: str
    """The RPC request id."""

    jsonrpc: str = "2.0"
    """The JSONRPC version."""

    result: Optional[Any] = None
    """The RPC result."""

    warnings: List[RPCWarning] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of warnings that occurred during request processing."""
Beispiel #18
class Capture(Instruction):
    Specify an acquisition on an rx-frame as well as the 
      filters to apply.

    frame: str
    """The rx-frame label on which to trigger the acquisition."""

    duration: float
    """The duration of the acquisition in [seconds]"""

    filters: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    """An ordered list of labels of filter kernels to apply to 
          the captured waveform."""

    send_to_host: bool = True
    """Transmit the readout bit back to Lodgepole. 
Beispiel #19
class FilterNode(Message):
    A node in the filter pipeline.

    module: str
    """Absolute python module import path in which the filter
          class is defined."""

    filter_type: str
    """The type (class name) of the filter."""

    source: str
    """Filter node label of the input to this node."""

    publish: bool
    """If True, return the output of this node with the job
          results (and publish a stream for it)."""

    params: Dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=dict)
    """Additional filter parameters."""
Beispiel #20
class Receiver(Message):
    The receiver settings generated by the low-level

    instrument: str
    """The instrument name"""

    channel: str
    """The instrument channel (label)"""

    stream: str
    """Name of the associated (raw) output stream that
          should be published."""

    publish: bool
    """Whether to publish the raw output stream."""

    data_axes: List[DataAxis] = field(default_factory=list)
    """Ordered list of DataAxis objects that together