Beispiel #1
def available_version(name):
    The available version of the package in the repository

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.available_version <package name>
    yb = yum.YumBase()
    # look for available packages only, if package is already installed with
    # latest version it will not show up here.  If we want to use wildcards
    # here we can, but for now its exact match only.
    versions_list = []
    for pkgtype in ['available', 'updates']:

        pl = yb.doPackageLists(pkgtype)
        exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(pl, [name])
        # build a list of available packages from either available or updates
        # this will result in a double match for a package that is already
        # installed.  Maybe we should just return the value if we get a hit
        # on available, and only iterate though updates if we don't..
        for pkg in exactmatch:
            if pkg.arch == getBaseArch() or pkg.arch == 'noarch':
                versions_list.append('-'.join([pkg.version, pkg.release]))

    if len(versions_list) == 0:
        # if versions_list is empty return empty string.  It may make sense
        # to also check if a package is installed and on latest version
        # already and return a message saying 'up to date' or something along
        # those lines.
        return ''
    # remove the duplicate items from the list and return the first one
    return list(set(versions_list))[0]
Beispiel #2
def list_upgrades(refresh=True):
    Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
    # Catch both boolean input from state and string input from CLI
    if refresh is True or str(refresh).lower() == 'true':

    pkgs = list_pkgs()

    yumbase = yum.YumBase()
    versions_list = {}
    for pkgtype in ['updates']:
        pkglist = yumbase.doPackageLists(pkgtype)
        for pkg in pkgs:
            exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(
                pkglist, [pkg])
            for pkg in exactmatch:
                if pkg.arch == getBaseArch() or pkg.arch == 'noarch':
                    versions_list[pkg['name']] = '-'.join(
                        [pkg['version'], pkg['release']])
    return versions_list
 def _p2sk(pkg, state=None):
     """ Take a pkg and return the key for it's state lookup. """
     if state is None:
         state = pkg.state
     #  Arch is needed so multilib. works, dito. getBaseArch() -- (so .i586
     # => .i686 moves are seen)
     return (, getBaseArch(pkg.arch), state)
Beispiel #4
def list_upgrades(refresh=True):
    Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
    # Catch both boolean input from state and string input from CLI
    if refresh is True or str(refresh).lower() == 'true':

    pkgs = list_pkgs()

    yumbase = yum.YumBase()
    versions_list = {}
    for pkgtype in ['updates']:
        pkglist = yumbase.doPackageLists(pkgtype)
        for pkg in pkgs:
            exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(
                pkglist, [pkg]
            for pkg in exactmatch:
                if pkg.arch == getBaseArch() or pkg.arch == 'noarch':
                    versions_list[pkg['name']] = '-'.join(
                        [pkg['version'], pkg['release']]
    return versions_list
Beispiel #5
def setup_yum(url=None, release=None, arch=None):
    my = yum.YumBase()
    basearch = getBaseArch()
    cachedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/tmp', prefix='critpath-')
    if arch is None:
        arch = basearch
    elif arch != basearch:
        # try to force yum to use the supplied arch rather than the host arch
        fakearch = {'i386':'i686',  'x86_64':'x86_64',  'ppc':'ppc64', 'armhfp':'armv7hl'}
        my.preconf.arch = fakearch[arch]
    my.conf.cachedir = cachedir
    my.conf.installroot = cachedir
    my.add_enable_repo('critpath-repo-%s' % arch, baseurls=[url+releasepath[release]])
    print "adding critpath-repo-%s at %s" % (arch, url+releasepath[release])
    if updatepath[release]:
        my.add_enable_repo('critpath-repo-updates-%s' % arch, baseurls=[url+updatepath[release]])
    return (my, cachedir)
Beispiel #6
def list_upgrades(*args):
    Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades

    for pkgtype in ['updates']:
        for pkg in pkgs:
            exactmatch, matched, unmatched  = yum.packages.parsePackages(pl, [pkg])
            for pkg in exactmatch:
                if pkg.arch == getBaseArch():
                    versions_list[pkg['name']] = '-'.join([pkg['version'],pkg['release']])
    return versions_list
Beispiel #7
def list_upgrades(*args):
    Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
    pkgs = list_pkgs()

    yb = yum.YumBase()
    versions_list = {}
    for pkgtype in ['updates']:
        pl = yb.doPackageLists(pkgtype)
        for pkg in pkgs:
            exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(
                pl, [pkg])
            for pkg in exactmatch:
                if pkg.arch == getBaseArch() or pkg.arch == 'noarch':
                    versions_list[pkg['name']] = '-'.join(
                        [pkg['version'], pkg['release']])
    return versions_list
Beispiel #8
def available_version(*names):
    Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
    installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
    name/version pairs is returned.

    If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty
    string will be returned for that package.

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.available_version <package name>
        salt '*' pkg.available_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
    if len(names) == 0:
        return ''
    ret = {}
    # Initialize the dict with empty strings
    for name in names:
        ret[name] = ''
    yumbase = yum.YumBase()
    # look for available packages only, if package is already installed with
    # latest version it will not show up here.  If we want to use wildcards
    # here we can, but for now its exact match only.
    for pkgtype in ['available', 'updates']:
        pkglist = yumbase.doPackageLists(pkgtype)
        exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(
            pkglist, names
        for pkg in exactmatch:
            if in ret \
                    and (pkg.arch == getBaseArch() or pkg.arch == 'noarch'):
                ret[] = '-'.join([pkg.version, pkg.release])

    # Return a string if only one package name passed
    if len(names) == 1:
        return ret[names[0]]
    return ret
Beispiel #9
def available_version(*names):
    Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
    installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
    name/version pairs is returned.

    If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty
    string will be returned for that package.

    CLI Example::

        salt '*' pkg.available_version <package name>
        salt '*' pkg.available_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
    if len(names) == 0:
        return ''
    ret = {}
    # Initialize the dict with empty strings
    for name in names:
        ret[name] = ''
    yumbase = yum.YumBase()
    # look for available packages only, if package is already installed with
    # latest version it will not show up here.  If we want to use wildcards
    # here we can, but for now its exact match only.
    for pkgtype in ['available', 'updates']:
        pkglist = yumbase.doPackageLists(pkgtype)
        exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(
            pkglist, names)
        for pkg in exactmatch:
            if in ret \
                    and (pkg.arch == getBaseArch() or pkg.arch == 'noarch'):
                ret[] = '-'.join([pkg.version, pkg.release])

    # Return a string if only one package name passed
    if len(names) == 1:
        return ret[names[0]]
    return ret
Beispiel #10
def query(command):
    base = get_base()

    enabled_repos = base.repos.listEnabled()

    # Handle any repocontrols passed in with our options

    if 'repos' in command:
        for repo in command['repos']:
            if 'enable' in repo:
            if 'disable' in repo:

    args = {'name': command['provides']}
    do_nevra = False
    if 'epoch' in command:
        args['epoch'] = command['epoch']
        do_nevra = True
    if 'version' in command:
        args['ver'] = command['version']
        do_nevra = True
    if 'release' in command:
        args['rel'] = command['release']
        do_nevra = True
    if 'arch' in command:
        desired_arch = command['arch']
        args['arch'] = command['arch']
        do_nevra = True
        desired_arch = getBaseArch()

    obj = None
    if command['action'] == "whatinstalled":
        obj = base.rpmdb
        obj = base.pkgSack

    # if we are given "name == 1.2.3" then we must use the getProvides() API.
    #   - this means that we ignore arch and version properties when given prco tuples as a package_name
    #   - in order to fix this, something would have to happen where getProvides was called first and
    #     then the result was searchNevra'd.  please be extremely careful if attempting to fix that
    #     since searchNevra does not support prco tuples.
    if any(elem in command['provides'] for elem in r"<=>"):
        # handles flags (<, >, =, etc) and versions, but no wildcareds
        pkgs = obj.getProvides(*string_to_prco_tuple(command['provides']))
    elif do_nevra:
        # now if we're given version or arch properties explicitly, then we do a SearchNevra.
        #  - this means that wildcard version in the package_name with an arch property will not work correctly
        #  - again don't try to fix this just by pushing bugs around in the code, you would need to call
        #    returnPackages and searchProvides and then apply the Nevra filters to those results.
        pkgs = obj.searchNevra(**args)
        if (command['action'] == "whatinstalled") and (not pkgs):
            pkgs = obj.searchNevra(name=args['name'], arch=desired_arch)
        pats = [command['provides']]
        pkgs = obj.returnPackages(patterns=pats)

        if not pkgs:
            # handles wildcards
            pkgs = obj.searchProvides(command['provides'])

    if not pkgs:
        outpipe.write(command['provides'].split().pop(0) + ' nil nil\n')
        # make sure we picked the package with the highest version
        pkgs = base.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs, single_name=True)
        pkg = pkgs.pop(0)
            "%(n)s %(e)s:%(v)s-%(r)s %(a)s\n" % {
                'e': pkg.epoch,
                'v': pkg.version,
                'r': pkg.release,
                'a': pkg.arch

    # Reset any repos we were passed in enablerepo/disablerepo to the original state in enabled_repos
    if 'repos' in command:
        for repo in command['repos']:
            if 'enable' in repo:
                if base.repos.getRepo(repo['enable']) not in enabled_repos:
            if 'disable' in repo:
                if base.repos.getRepo(repo['disable']) in enabled_repos:
Beispiel #11
def query(command):
    base = get_base()

    enabled_repos = base.repos.listEnabled()

    # Handle any repocontrols passed in with our options

    if 'repos' in command:
      for repo in command['repos']:
        if 'enable' in repo:
        if 'disable' in repo:

    args = { 'name': command['provides'] }
    do_nevra = False
    if 'epoch' in command:
        args['epoch'] = command['epoch']
        do_nevra = True
    if 'version' in command:
        args['ver'] = command['version']
        do_nevra = True
    if 'release' in command:
        args['rel'] = command['release']
        do_nevra = True
    if 'arch' in command:
        desired_arch = command['arch']
        args['arch'] = command['arch']
        do_nevra = True
        desired_arch = getBaseArch()

    obj = None
    if command['action'] == "whatinstalled":
        obj = base.rpmdb
        obj = base.pkgSack

    # if we are given "name == 1.2.3" then we must use the getProvides() API.
    #   - this means that we ignore arch and version properties when given prco tuples as a package_name
    #   - in order to fix this, something would have to happen where getProvides was called first and
    #     then the result was searchNevra'd.  please be extremely careful if attempting to fix that
    #     since searchNevra does not support prco tuples.
    if bool('\\s+', command['provides'])):
        # handles flags (<, >, =, etc) and versions, but no wildcareds
        # raises error for any invalid input like: 'FOO BAR BAZ' 
        pkgs = obj.getProvides(*string_to_prco_tuple(command['provides']))
    elif do_nevra:
        # now if we're given version or arch properties explicitly, then we do a SearchNevra.
        #  - this means that wildcard version in the package_name with an arch property will not work correctly
        #  - again don't try to fix this just by pushing bugs around in the code, you would need to call
        #    returnPackages and searchProvides and then apply the Nevra filters to those results.
        pkgs = obj.searchNevra(**args)
        if (command['action'] == "whatinstalled") and (not pkgs):
          pkgs = obj.searchNevra(name=args['name'], arch=desired_arch)
        pats = [command['provides']]
        pkgs = obj.returnPackages(patterns=pats)

        if not pkgs:
            # handles wildcards
            pkgs = obj.searchProvides(command['provides'])

    if not pkgs:
        outpipe.write(command['provides'].split().pop(0)+' nil nil\n')
        # make sure we picked the package with the highest version
        pkgs = base.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs,single_name=True)
        pkg = pkgs.pop(0)
        outpipe.write("%(n)s %(e)s:%(v)s-%(r)s %(a)s\n" % { 'n':, 'e': pkg.epoch, 'v': pkg.version, 'r': pkg.release, 'a': pkg.arch })

    # Reset any repos we were passed in enablerepo/disablerepo to the original state in enabled_repos
    if 'repos' in command:
      for repo in command['repos']:
        if 'enable' in repo:
          if base.repos.getRepo(repo['enable']) not in enabled_repos:
        if 'disable' in repo:
          if base.repos.getRepo(repo['disable']) in enabled_repos:
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self, buildarch):
     self.buildarch = buildarch
     self.basearch = getBaseArch(buildarch)
     self.libdir = "lib64" if self.basearch in self.lib64_arches else "lib"
     self.bcj = self.bcj_arch.get(self.basearch)
Beispiel #13
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%%prog [options] [%s]" % '|'.join(releases))
    parser.add_option("--nvr", action='store_true', default=False,
                      help="output full NVR instead of just package name")
    parser.add_option("-a", "--arches", default=','.join(base_arches),
                      help="arches to evaluate (%default)")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", default="critpath.txt",
                      help="name of file to write critpath list (%default)")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--url", default=fedora_baseurl,
                      help="URL to repos")
    parser.add_option("--srpm", action='store_true', default=False,
                      help="Output source RPMS instead of binary RPMS (for pkgdb)")
    (opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if (len(args) != 1) or (args[0] not in releases):
        parser.error("must choose a release from the list: %s" % releases)
    (maj, min, sub) = yum.__version_info__
    if (maj < 3 or min < 2 or (maj == 3 and min == 2 and sub < 24)) and opt.arches != getBaseArch():
        print "WARNING: yum < 3.2.24 may be unable to depsolve other arches."
        print "Get a newer yum or run this on an actual %s system." % opt.arches
    # Sanity checking done, set some variables
    release = args[0]
    check_arches = opt.arches.split(',')
    if opt.nvr and opt.srpm:
        print "ERROR: --nvr and --srpm are mutually exclusive"

    if opt.url != fedora_baseurl:
        releasepath[release] = releasepath[release].replace('development/','')
    print "Using URL %s" % (opt.url + releasepath[release])
    # Do the critpath expansion for each arch
    critpath = set()
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, buildarch):
     self.buildarch = buildarch
     self.basearch = getBaseArch(buildarch)
     self.libdir = "lib64" if self.basearch in self.lib64_arches else "lib"
     self.bcj = self.bcj_arch.get(self.basearch)