Beispiel #1
##        dividend yields
##        deal flag
##        open interest
##        number of strikes
##        weeklies yes or no
##        pennies yes or no

sumodate = '2014-06-20'

volumereport = rptarea + 'volume_report-complete-' + sumodate + '.csv'

## new lists based on latest volume rport
tiers = rputiles.create_dict(volumereport, 1, 0)

##fnamefile=open(volumereport, 'r')
lines = rputiles.CsvToLines(volumereport)
stocklist = []
count = 1
pricebin = 'no'

## total volumes and avg tier volumes and categorize and create_dicts
tierlist = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']
tierlist = ['C']
count = totalvol = 0
tieravgs = []
for tierq in tierlist:
    print tierq
    for line in lines:
        aline = []
        tier = 'bla'
        tier = line[0]
todaydate = '20140625'

for f in (glob.glob(downloads + 'GBLACTIVITY' + todaydate + '*.csv')):
        print f
        print 'this file needs to automv to GS'
for f in (glob.glob(GSarea + 'GBLACTIVITY' + todaydate + '*.csv')):
        tradefile = f
for f in (glob.glob(GSarea + 'GBLPOSITIONAT' + todaydate + '*.csv')):
        GSposfile = f
time = ''
##tradefile = DATA + 'GS/' + 'GBLACTIVITY' + todaydate +  '194445' +custnum +'.csv'
##GSposfile = DATA + 'GS/' +'GBLPOSITIONAT' +  todaydate + '181948' +custnum +'.csv'
tradelist = rputiles.CsvToLines(tradefile)

##todays trades
##today SOD position = yesterday EOD
##today EOD position
##mark all positions of SOD today to nightly close prices = position pnl is marked against today.EOD prices = tradepnl
##create a dictionary of closing prices
##one for tradepnl and one for positionpnl
##check if SOD == EOD position
g =[]
bla =[]
alllines = [['sym','pnl','trdp','clp','qty','bysell','usym','tdate','spareflag']]

for line in rputiles.CsvToLines(GSposfile):
Beispiel #3
    fnew = f.replace('xls','csv')
##    if fnew in glob.glob(dlTS +'*Alloca*.xls')
    fnew = f.replace('xls','csv')
    if 'Potentials' in f:
        ftag = 'Potentials'
    elif 'Allocations' in f:        
        ftag = 'Allocations'
    elif 'Executions' in f:
        ftag = 'Executions'        
    elif 'Exposure' in f:
        ftag = 'Exposure'
        ftag = 'need'
    lines = rputiles.CsvToLines(fnew)
    for l in lines:
        print ftag, l[1]
        if ftag == 'Exposure':
            print l

    for l in lines:
        for s in rnrStocklist:
            if s in str(l):
                print ' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ATTENTION!!!! ',ftag, l[1]


Beispiel #4
path = os.getcwd() + '/'
blapath = path.replace('EXE', '|')
print blapath.split('|')[1]
rootpath = ((path.replace('EXE', '|')).split('|'))[0]
localtagSLASH = localtag + '/'
EXEnoslash = rootpath + 'EXE' + localtag
sys.path[0:0] = [EXEnoslash]
import HVARs, rputiles
EXE = EXEnoslash + '/'
DATA = rootpath + 'DATA' + localtagSLASH
TMP = rootpath + 'TMP' + localtagSLASH
acctfile = 'C:/users/bob/Google Drive/EXE_RNR/20140526.sf.Accounts.csv'
acctfile = 'C:/users/bob/Google Drive/EXE_RNR/20140526.sf.Assets.csv'
lines = rputiles.CsvToLines(acctfile)
co = 0
for line in lines:
    if '00120000000AxdYAAS' in line:
        co += 1
        if co < 3:
            print co
            c = 0
            clen = len(line)
            while c < clen:
                print line[c]
                c += 1
##    print line

Beispiel #5
import rputiles
import glob, csv, subprocess, datetime, shutil, subprocess
##import time, urllib2, urllib, requests
EXE = EXEnoslash + '/'
DATA = rootpath + 'DATA' + localtagSLASH
TMP = rootpath + 'TMP' + localtagSLASH
GS = DATA + 'GS/'
outputarea = TMP
fname = DATA + 'etfs.sorted.txt'

tradefile = GS + 'GBLACTIVITY20140619090047C132482.csv'
patternINheader = 'Account Number'
trades = rputiles.CsvToLines(tradefile)
stktrades = []
count = 0
for trade in trades:
    count += 1
    if count == 1:
        header = trade
        print header
##        print trade
    if 'P1Q' in trade:
        print trade

fnameout = TMP + 'stocktrades.csv'
rputiles.WriteArrayToCsvfile(fnameout, stktrades)