Beispiel #1
def screw_around():

    pi = robj.r['pi']
    print pi 
    print pi+2
    print pi[0]
    print pi[0]+2

    #create fake binned array
    nrow = 5
    ncol = 10
    counter = 0
    binned = np.zeros((nrow, ncol), dtype="float64")
    for row in xrange(nrow):
        for col in xrange(ncol):
            binned[row, col] = counter
            counter += 1
    #print binned
    #get binned array into R data.frame
    #vec = robj.FloatVector([1.1, 2.2, 0, 4.4, 5.5, ])
    #print binned.shape
    print numpy2ri(binned)
    rdf = robj.r['data.frame'](numpy2ri(binned), code="ID1000")
    #print rdf

    # now see if we can get R to use this dataframe 
    myRcode = """
    square <- function(rdf) {
        myv = rdf$X2 + rdf$X3
    doit <- function() {
    print "wwwwah"
    powerpack = SignatureTranslatedAnonymousPackage(myRcode, "powerpack")
    print powerpack._rpy2r.keys() #to reveal the functions within powerpack
    print powerpack.square(rdf) #to run the function "square" found in powerpack
    print powerpack.doit()
Beispiel #2
def main():
    filenames, outdir = parse_arguments() #filenames will be a list
    os.chdir(outdir) #change pwd to output directory
    #print "filenames", filenames

    # will need to get intensity_2D_binned into R data.frame
        # intensity_2D_binned was created in my_cython_functions.pyx as follows:
            # cdef np.ndarray[np.float_t, ndim=2] my2Da
            # my2Da = np.zeros((rt_grid_size, mz_grid_size)) """
    #create fake binned array
    nrow = 5
    ncol = 10
    counter = 0
    binned = np.zeros((nrow, ncol), dtype="float64")
    for row in xrange(nrow):
        for col in xrange(ncol):
            binned[row, col] = counter
            counter += 1

    ### Option 1 ###
    #turn each binned array into one row of what will be an R data.frame
        # then add ID to each row and combine these binned arrays
    nele = nrow*ncol
    rbinned1 = np.reshape(binned, nele)
    rbinned1c = np.hstack(( np.array(["ID1001"]), rbinned1 )) #concatenate also works
    rbinned2 = np.reshape(binned, nele)
    rbinned2c = np.hstack(( np.array(["ID1002"]), rbinned2 ))
    stacked = np.vstack((rbinned1c, rbinned2c))
    #print stacked
    #print stacked.shape #2 by 51
    rrdf1 = robj.r['data.frame'](numpy2ri(stacked))
    #print rrdf1

    ### Option 2 ###
    #build empty array that is 5 (# mzml files) by 51 (# rt/mz bins + 1 for patient ID)
        # fill each row with the binned data
    floatD = np.zeros((5,nrow*ncol), dtype="float64")
    strD = np.zeros((5,1), dtype='a6') #a6 is the dtype for a 6 character string
    respD = np.hstack((strD, floatD))
    print respD.shape

    for filecount, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        if filecount<2:
            respD = build_row_of_lcms_matrix(
                binned, respD, nrow, ncol, filecount, filename)
    #print respD
    df2 = robj.r['data.frame'](numpy2ri(respD))
    print df2

    # now see if we can get R to use this dataframe 
    myRcode = """
    doR <- function(python_respD, lcms_run) {
        run_predictions_wrap(python_respD, lcms_run)
    #Rpack = SignatureTranslatedAnonymousPackage(myRcode, "Rpack")
    #print Rpack._rpy2r.keys() #to reveal the functions within powerpack
    #3print Rpack.doR(df2, 1) #to run the function found in powerpack

    # now see if we can get R to use this dataframe 
    myRcode = """
    square <- function(rdf) {
        myv = rdf$X2 + rdf$X3
    doit <- function(input) {
    print "wwwwah"
    powerpack = SignatureTranslatedAnonymousPackage(myRcode, "powerpack")
    #print powerpack._rpy2r.keys() #to reveal the functions within powerpack
    #print powerpack.square(df2) #to run the function "square" found in powerpack
    print powerpack.doit(df2)