Beispiel #1
    def rconnect( self, creator = None ):
        '''open connection within R to database.'''

        if not self.rdb:

            R.library( 'RSQLite' )

            if creator:
                self.rdb = creator()

                if self.backend.startswith( 'sqlite' ):
                    self.rdb = R.dbConnect(R.SQLite(), dbname=re.sub( "sqlite:///./", "", self.backend ) )
                    raise NotImplementedError("can not connect to %s in R" % self.backend )
#This bit connects to R and gets the information itself. 
from rpy2 import *
from rpy2.robjects import r
f = open('rdata.dat', 'r')


#This is how you shouldn't ever code. 
database = "select "
database += sys.argv[4]
database += " from "
database += sys.argv[2]
print database

#Connect to the database. Note, this requires Sequel Pro, probably. 
data=r.dbGetQuery(con, database)
#All it is used for is to get the length, because that's a common problem. 
row = r.length(data[0])

#This is the first hardcoded graph, with all of the tags combined. It needs some work, I think.
def printfirst():
	print("#"+sys.argv[2] + " " + sys.argv[3] + " (All) by "+sys.argv[4]+"\n data=dbGetQuery(con,\"select "+sys.argv[3]+", "+sys.argv[4]+" from " + sys.argv[2] + "\")\n ggplot(data,aes("+sys.argv[3]+", "+sys.argv[4]+")) + geom_boxplot() +xlab(\"All "+sys.argv[3]+"\") +ylab(\""+sys.argv[4]+"\")\n file = ggplot(data,aes("+sys.argv[3]+", "+sys.argv[4]+")) + geom_boxplot() +xlab(\"All "+sys.argv[3]+"\") +ylab(\""+sys.argv[4]+"\")\n ggsave(file, file=\""+sys.argv[2]+"_"+sys.argv[3]+"_all_"+sys.argv[4]+".png\")\n \n")
	output.write("#"+sys.argv[2] + " " + sys.argv[3] + " (All) by "+sys.argv[4]+"\n data=dbGetQuery(con,\"select "+sys.argv[3]+", "+sys.argv[4]+" from " + sys.argv[2] + "\")\n ggplot(data,aes("+sys.argv[3]+", "+sys.argv[4]+")) + geom_boxplot() +xlab(\"All "+sys.argv[3]+"\") +ylab(\""+sys.argv[4]+"\")\n file = ggplot(data,aes("+sys.argv[3]+", "+sys.argv[4]+")) + geom_boxplot() +xlab(\"All "+sys.argv[3]+"\") +ylab(\""+sys.argv[4]+"\")\n ggsave(file, file=\""+sys.argv[2]+"_"+sys.argv[3]+"_all_"+sys.argv[4]+".png\")\n \n")

#Print it.

#This is the hardcode that actually results in the R code. 
#I wouldn't suggest looking too hard at it, argv isn't pretty.
for x in range(len(graph)):