Beispiel #1
def find_cycles(system):
    from rpython.tool.algo import graphlib
    vertices = dict.fromkeys(system.modules)
    edges = {}
    for m in system.modules:
        edges[m] = []
        for n in system.modules[m]._imports:
            edges[m].append(graphlib.Edge(m, n))
    cycles = []
    for component in graphlib.strong_components(vertices, edges):
        random_vertex = component.iterkeys().next()
        cycles.extend(graphlib.all_cycles(random_vertex, component, edges))

    ncycles = []
    for cycle in cycles:
        packs = {}
        for edge in cycle:
            package = edge.source.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
            packs[package] = True
        if len(packs) > 1:
    cycles = ncycles

    for cycle in cycles:
        l = len(cycle[0].source)
        print cycle[0].source, '->', cycle[0].target
        for edge in cycle[1:]:
            print ' ' * l, '->',
    print len(cycles), 'inter-package cycles'
Beispiel #2
    def definestr_finalizer_order(cls):
        import random
        from rpython.tool.algo import graphlib

        cls.finalizer_order_examples = examples = []
        if cls.large_tests_ok:
            letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
            COUNT = 20
            letters = 'abcdefghijklm'
            COUNT = 2
        for i in range(COUNT):
            input = []
            edges = {}
            for c in letters:
                edges[c] = []
            # make up a random graph
            for c in letters:
                for j in range(random.randrange(0, 4)):
                    d = random.choice(letters)
                    edges[c].append(graphlib.Edge(c, d))
                    input.append((c, d))
            # find the expected order in which destructors should be called
            components = list(graphlib.strong_components(edges, edges))
            head = {}
            for component in components:
                c = component.keys()[0]
                for d in component:
                    assert d not in head
                    head[d] = c
            assert len(head) == len(letters)
            strict = []
            for c, d in input:
                if head[c] != head[d]:
                    strict.append((c, d))
            examples.append((input, components, strict))

        class State:

        state = State()

        def age_of(c):
            return state.age[ord(c) - ord('a')]

        def set_age_of(c, newvalue):
            # NB. this used to be a dictionary, but setting into a dict
            # consumes memory.  This has the effect that this test's
            # finalizer_trigger method can consume more memory and potentially
            # cause another collection.  This would result in objects
            # being unexpectedly destroyed at the same 'state.time'.
            state.age[ord(c) - ord('a')] = newvalue

        class A:
            def __init__(self, key):
                self.key = key
                self.refs = []

        class FQ(rgc.FinalizerQueue):
            Class = A

            def finalizer_trigger(self):
                from rpython.rlib.debug import debug_print
                while True:
                    a = self.next_dead()
                    if a is None:
                    debug_print("DEL:", a.key)
                    assert age_of(a.key) == -1
                    set_age_of(a.key, state.time)
                    state.progress = True

        fq = FQ()

        def build_example(input):
            state.time = 0
            state.age = [-1] * len(letters)
            vertices = {}
            for c in letters:
                vertices[c] = A(c)
            for c, d in input:

        def f(_):
            i = 0
            while i < len(examples):
                input, components, strict = examples[i]
                while state.time < len(letters):
                    from rpython.rlib.debug import debug_print
                    debug_print("STATE.TIME:", state.time)
                    state.progress = False
                    if not state.progress:
                    state.time += 1
                # summarize the finalization order
                lst = []
                for c in letters:
                    lst.append('%s:%d' % (c, age_of(c)))
                summary = ', '.join(lst)

                # check that all instances have been finalized
                if -1 in state.age:
                    return error(i, summary, "not all instances finalized")
                # check that if a -> b and a and b are not in the same
                # strong component, then a is finalized strictly before b
                for c, d in strict:
                    if age_of(c) >= age_of(d):
                        return error(
                            i, summary,
                            "%s should be finalized before %s" % (c, d))
                # check that two instances in the same strong component
                # are never finalized during the same collection
                for component in components:
                    seen = {}
                    for c in component:
                        age = age_of(c)
                        if age in seen:
                            d = seen[age]
                            return error(
                                i, summary, "%s and %s should not be finalized"
                                " at the same time" % (c, d))
                        seen[age] = c
                i += 1
            return "ok"

        def error(i, summary, msg):
            return '%d\n%s\n%s' % (i, summary, msg)

        return f
Beispiel #3
def find_inner_loops(graph, check_exitswitch_type=None):
    """Enumerate what look like the innermost loops of the graph.
    Returns a list of non-overlapping Loop() instances.
    # Heuristic (thanks Stakkars for the idea):
    # to find the "best" cycle to pick,
    #   * look for variables that don't change over the whole cycle
    #   * cycles with _more_ of them are _inside_ cycles with less of them,
    #     because any variable that doesn't change over an outer loop will
    #     not change over an inner loop either, and on the other hand the
    #     outer loop is likely to use and modify variables that remain
    #     constant over the inner loop.
    #   * if the numbers are the same, fall back to a more arbitrary
    #     measure: loops involving less blocks may be more important
    #     to optimize
    #   * in a cycle, which block is the head of the loop?  Somewhat
    #     arbitrarily we pick the first Bool-switching block that has
    #     two exits.  The "first" means the one closest to the
    #     startblock of the graph.
    startdistance = {}  # {block: distance-from-startblock}
    pending = [graph.startblock]
    edge_list = []
    dist = 0
    while pending:
        newblocks = []
        for block in pending:
            if block not in startdistance:
                startdistance[block] = dist
                for link in block.exits:
                    edge = graphlib.Edge(block,
           = link
        dist += 1
        pending = newblocks

    vertices = startdistance
    edges = graphlib.make_edge_dict(edge_list)
    cycles = graphlib.all_cycles(graph.startblock, vertices, edges)
    loops = []
    variable_families = None

    for cycle in cycles:
        # find the headblock
        candidates = []
        for i in range(len(cycle)):
            block = cycle[i].source
            v = block.exitswitch
            if isinstance(v, Variable) and len(block.exits) == 2:
                if getattr(v, 'concretetype', None) is check_exitswitch_type:
                    dist = startdistance[block]
                    candidates.append((dist, i))
        if not candidates:
        _, i = min(candidates)
        links = [ for edge in cycle[i:] + cycle[:i]]
        loop = Loop(cycle[i].source, links)

        # count the variables that remain constant across the cycle,
        # detected as having its SSA family present across all blocks.
        if variable_families is None:
            dffb = DataFlowFamilyBuilder(graph)
            variable_families = dffb.get_variable_families()

        num_loop_constants = 0
        for v in loop.headblock.inputargs:
            v = variable_families.find_rep(v)
            for link in loop.links:
                block1 =
                for v1 in block1.inputargs:
                    v1 = variable_families.find_rep(v1)
                    if v1 is v:
                        break  # ok, found in this block
                    break  # not found in this block, fail
                # found in all blocks, this variable is a loop constant
                num_loop_constants += 1

        # smaller keys are "better"
        key = (
            -num_loop_constants,  # maximize num_loop_constants
            len(cycle))  # minimize len(cycle)
        loops.append((key, loop))


    # returns 'loops' without overlapping blocks
    result = []
    blocks_seen = {}
    for key, loop in loops:
        for link in loop.links:
            if in blocks_seen:
                break  # overlapping
            # non-overlapping
            for link in loop.links:
                blocks_seen[] = True
    return result