# updated may8th 2011
import os, sys, ctypes, thread
if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('..')
import rpythonic

freenect = rpythonic.module('libfreenect_sync')
assert freenect

cvaux = rpythonic.module('cvaux')
assert cvaux
gui = rpythonic.module('highgui', secondary=cvaux)
assert gui
cv = rpythonic.module('cv', secondary=gui)
assert cv
import time

IPL_DEPTH_16S = 2147483664
IPL_DEPTH_8S = 2147483656
CV_WHOLE_SEQ = cv.CvSlice(0, 9999999)

lock = thread.allocate_lock()

class Shape(object):
    HAND = None
    storage_hull = cv.CreateMemStorage(0)
    storage_defects = cv.CreateMemStorage(0)

    def touches(self, other):
        pt1, pt2 = self.rectangle

import os, sys, time, subprocess, ctypes

if ".." not in sys.path:
import rpythonic

gtk = rpythonic.module("gtk")
assert gtk

wnck = rpythonic.module("wnck")
assert wnck

def glist(addr):
    class _GList(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [("data", ctypes.c_void_p), ("next", ctypes.c_void_p)]

    l = addr
    while l:
        print("addr", l)
        l = _GList.from_address(l)
        yield l.data
        l = l.next

def glist2list(glist):
    global X
# july 21, 2011
import os,sys, time, ctypes

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append( '..' )
import rpythonic
irr = rpythonic.module( 'Irrlicht' )
assert irr

driverType = irr.E_DRIVER_TYPE['EDT_OPENGL']
windowSize = irr.dimension2du(0, 0, 0)
ier = irr.IEventReceiver()
abstract = irr.createDevice(driverType, windowSize, 16)	#, False, False, False, ier)
dev = irr.CIrrDeviceLinux( abstract )

abstract = dev.getVideoDriver()
driver = irr.COpenGLDriver( abstract )
#driver = irr.CNullDriver( abstract )	# scolor still random?

abstract = dev.getSceneManager()
man = irr.CSceneManager( abstract )

scolor = irr.SColor()
scolor.set( 255, 0, 0, 128 )	# should be blue - color becomes random?
assert scolor.getBlue() == 128

def draw():
	if dev.isWindowActive():
		print( 'drawing' )
		driver.beginScene(True, True, scolor)	# wrong color?
import os, sys, time, subprocess
import wnck  # apt-get install gnome-python-extras

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('..')
import rpythonic
gtk = rpythonic.module('gtk')
assert gtk

class MultiBlender(object):
    def __init__(self, blenders=2):
        self._num_blenders = blenders
        self._not_ready = self._num_blenders
        self._waiting = False
        self._window = win = gtk.Window(
        )  #gtk.window_new( gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL )
        self._screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
        #win.set_title( 'ctypes_ooapi_gtk_test')	# segfaults, name too long?
        #win.set_default_size( 640, 480 )
        win.connect('destroy', lambda *args: gtk.main_quit())

        frame = gtk.Frame()

        self._notebook = note = gtk.Notebook()
Beispiel #5
    class NaaliClientHandler(circuits.Component):
        def __init__(self):
            self.client = Client()

        def update(self, deltatime):
            #print('delta', deltatime)
            if self.client.active:

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('..')
import rpythonic
_rfb_ = rpythonic.module('vncserver')
_rfbclient_ = rpythonic.module('vncclient')
assert _rfb_
assert _rfbclient_

if PyQt4:

    class VncServerWindow(QtGui.QWidget):
        def closeEvent(self, ev):

    class _VNCServer_antialias(QtGui.QCheckBox):
        def mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev):
            QtGui.QCheckBox.mouseReleaseEvent(self, ev)
            on = self.isChecked()

import os, sys, time, subprocess, ctypes

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('..')
import rpythonic
gtk = rpythonic.module('gtk')
assert gtk

wnck = rpythonic.module('wnck')
assert wnck

def glist(addr):
    class _GList(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_void_p), ('next', ctypes.c_void_p)]

    l = addr
    while l:
        print('addr', l)
        l = _GList.from_address(l)
        yield l.data
        l = l.next

def glist2list(glist):
    global X
    X = glist
    r = []
Beispiel #7

	class NaaliClientHandler(circuits.Component):
		def __init__(self):
			self.client = Client()
		def update(self, deltatime):
			#print('delta', deltatime)
			if self.client.active:

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append( '..' )
import rpythonic
_rfb_ = rpythonic.module( 'vncserver' )
_rfbclient_ = rpythonic.module( 'vncclient' )
assert _rfb_
assert _rfbclient_

if PyQt4:
	class VncServerWindow( QtGui.QWidget ):
		def closeEvent( self, ev ):
	class _VNCServer_antialias(QtGui.QCheckBox):
		def mouseReleaseEvent(self,ev):
			on = self.isChecked(); print( on )
			self._server._antialias = on
# updated may8th 2011
import os, sys, ctypes, thread
if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append( '..' )
import rpythonic

freenect = rpythonic.module( 'libfreenect_sync' )
assert freenect

cvaux = rpythonic.module( 'cvaux' )
assert cvaux
gui = rpythonic.module( 'highgui', secondary=cvaux )
assert gui
cv = rpythonic.module( 'cv', secondary=gui )
assert cv
import time

IPL_DEPTH_16S = 2147483664
IPL_DEPTH_8S = 2147483656
CV_WHOLE_SEQ = cv.CvSlice(0,9999999)

lock = thread.allocate_lock()

class Shape(object):
	HAND = None
	storage_hull = cv.CreateMemStorage(0)
	storage_defects = cv.CreateMemStorage(0)
	def touches( self, other ):
		pt1, pt2 = self.rectangle
		if other.rectangle[0] == pt1 or other.rectangle[1] == pt2:
			if other not in self.touching: self.touching.append( other )
Beispiel #9
import os,sys, time, subprocess
import wnck	# apt-get install gnome-python-extras

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append( '..' )
import rpythonic
gtk = rpythonic.module( 'gtk' )
assert gtk

class MultiBlender(object):
	def __init__(self, blenders=2):
		self._num_blenders = blenders
		self._not_ready = self._num_blenders
		self._waiting = False
		self._window = win = gtk.Window()	#gtk.window_new( gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL )
		self._screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
		print( win )
		#win.set_title( 'ctypes_ooapi_gtk_test')	# segfaults, name too long?
		#win.set_default_size( 640, 480 )
		win.set_border_width( 2 )
		win.connect( 'destroy', lambda *args: gtk.main_quit() )

		frame = gtk.Frame()
		win.add( frame )
		frame.set_border_width( 4 )

		self._notebook = note = gtk.Notebook()
		frame.add( note )
		self._pages = []
Beispiel #10
# july 21, 2011
import os, sys, time, ctypes

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('..')
import rpythonic

ogre = rpythonic.module('Ogre')
assert ogre

# defaults: pluginFileName = "plugins.cfg" , configFileName = "ogre.cfg" , logFileName = "Ogre.log"
root = ogre.Root('data/plugins.cfg', 'data/ogre.cfg', 'data/ogre.log')
win = root.initialise(True, 'mywindow')
man = root.createSceneManager('OctreeSceneManager', 'mymanager')
cam = man.createCamera('mycamera')
cam.setPosition(0, 0, 100)
cam.lookAt(0, 0, 0)
view = win.addViewport(cam)
bg = view.getBackgroundColour()
bg.setHSB(0.5, 0.5,
          0.9)  #Set a colour value from Hue, Saturation and Brightness.

rgman = ogre.ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton()
rgman.addResourceLocation('./data', 'FileSystem',
                          'General')  # can be FileSystem or Zip

rootnode = man.getRootSceneNode()
# july 21, 2011
import os, sys, time, ctypes

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('..')
import rpythonic

irr = rpythonic.module('Irrlicht')
assert irr

driverType = irr.E_DRIVER_TYPE['EDT_OPENGL']
windowSize = irr.dimension2du(0, 0, 0)
ier = irr.IEventReceiver()
abstract = irr.createDevice(driverType, windowSize,
                            16)  #, False, False, False, ier)
dev = irr.CIrrDeviceLinux(abstract)

abstract = dev.getVideoDriver()
driver = irr.COpenGLDriver(abstract)
#driver = irr.CNullDriver( abstract )	# scolor still random?

abstract = dev.getSceneManager()
man = irr.CSceneManager(abstract)

scolor = irr.SColor()
scolor.set(255, 0, 0, 128)  # should be blue - color becomes random?
assert scolor.getBlue() == 128

def draw():
    if dev.isWindowActive():
Beispiel #12
# july 21, 2011
import os,sys, time, ctypes

if '..' not in sys.path: sys.path.append( '..' )
import rpythonic
ogre = rpythonic.module( 'Ogre' )
assert ogre

# defaults: pluginFileName = "plugins.cfg" , configFileName = "ogre.cfg" , logFileName = "Ogre.log"
root = ogre.Root('data/plugins.cfg', 'data/ogre.cfg', 'data/ogre.log')
win = root.initialise( True, 'mywindow' )
man = root.createSceneManager('OctreeSceneManager', 'mymanager')
cam = man.createCamera( 'mycamera' )
cam.setPosition( 0, 0, 100 )
cam.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 )
view = win.addViewport( cam )
bg = view.getBackgroundColour()
bg.setHSB( 0.5, 0.5, 0.9 )	#Set a colour value from Hue, Saturation and Brightness.
view.setBackgroundColour( bg )

rgman = ogre.ResourceGroupManager.getSingleton()
rgman.addResourceLocation( './data', 'FileSystem', 'General' )	# can be FileSystem or Zip

rootnode = man.getRootSceneNode()
e = man.createEntity( 'mycube', 'Cube.mesh', groupName='General' )
node = rootnode.createChildSceneNode( ogre.Vector3(), ogre.Quaternion() )