Beispiel #1
def process_single_day(day):
    SES_CLIENT = 0
    SES_AP = 1
    SES_START = 2
    SES_END = 3

    seslen_qry = "select client,ap,start,end from seslen where day = " + str(
    rses = RunSQL("syslog_final.db")
    rflows = RunSQL("unc.db")
    sesres = rses.sqlq(seslen_qry)

    fcount = list()
    for single_ses in sesres:
        flows_qry = "select count(*) from flows where client = " + str(
            single_ses[SES_CLIENT]) + " and ap = " + str(
                single_ses[SES_AP]) + " and ts >= " + str(
                    single_ses[SES_START]) + " and ts <= " + str(
                        single_ses[SES_END]) + " and day = " + str(
                            day) + " group by client, ap"

        flowres = rflows.sqlq(flows_qry)
        if (flowres != None and len(flowres) > 0):

    return fcount
def process_single_day(day):
    SES_CLIENT = 0
    SES_AP = 1
    SES_START = 2
    SES_END = 3

    SNMP_INB = 0
    SNMP_OUTB = 1
    seslen_qry = "select client,ap,start,end from seslen where day = " + str(
    rses = RunSQL("syslog_final.db")
    rsnmp = RunSQL("unc.db")
    sesres = rses.sqlq(seslen_qry)

    inb = list()
    outb = list()
    for single_ses in sesres:
        snmp_qry = "select sum(bytr), sum(byts) from snmp where client = " + str(
            single_ses[SES_CLIENT]) + " and ap = " + str(
                single_ses[SES_AP]) + " and ts >= " + str(
                    single_ses[SES_START]) + " and ts <= " + str(
                        single_ses[SES_END]) + " and day = " + str(
                            day) + " group by client, ap"

        snmpres = rsnmp.sqlq(snmp_qry)
        if (snmpres != None and len(snmpres) > 0 and snmpres[0][SNMP_INB] > 0
                and snmpres[0][SNMP_OUTB] > 0):

    return (inb, outb)
Beispiel #3
def create_seslen():
    dl = get_day_list()
    r = RunSQL("unc-proc.db")

    slen = list()
    inb = list()
    outb = list()

    for d in dl:
        q = "select seslen, bin, bout from sessions where day = " + str(
            d) + " and seslen > 0 and bin > 0 and bout > 0"
        print "Getting data for day - ", d
        slist = r.sqlq(q)
        n = len(slist)
        for i in xrange(n):

        fname = "day_" + str(d)
        slenf = get_output_dir("seslen") + "/" + fname
        inbf = get_output_dir("inb") + "/" + fname
        outbf = get_output_dir("outb") + "/" + fname

        print "Writing slen - " + slenf
        write_data(slenf, slen)

        print "Writing inb - " + inbf
        write_data(inbf, inb)

        print "Writing outb - " + outbf
        write_data(outbf, outb)
Beispiel #4
def create_seslen():
	dl = get_day_list()
	r = RunSQL("unc-proc.db")
	slen = list()
	inb = list()
	outb = list()

	for d in dl:
		q = "select seslen, bin, bout from sessions where day = " + str(d) + " and seslen > 0 and bin > 0 and bout > 0"
		print "Getting data for day - ", d
		slist = r.sqlq(q)
		n = len(slist)
		for i in xrange(n):
		fname = "day_" + str(d)
		slenf = get_output_dir("seslen") + "/" + fname
		inbf = get_output_dir("inb") + "/" + fname
		outbf = get_output_dir("outb") + "/" + fname
		print "Writing slen - " + slenf
		write_data(slenf, slen)

		print "Writing inb - " + inbf
		write_data(inbf, inb)

		print "Writing outb - " + outbf
		write_data(outbf, outb)
def get_dataset_info(tag):
    q = "select filename from datasets where unique_id = '" + tag + "'"
    r = RunSQL("files_and_analysis.db")
    rs = r.sqlq(q)
    filename = rs[0].replace("/home/gautam", os.getenv("HOME"))
    return {
        "dir": os.path.dirname(filename),
        "file": os.path.basename(filename)
Beispiel #6
def create_ses_count_inter():
	dl = get_day_list()
	r = RunSQL("unc.db")
	r1 = RunSQL("syslog_final.db")

	for d in dl:
		print "Processing day - ", d
		q1 = "select client, ap, start, end from seslen where day = " + str(d)
		l1 = r1.sqlq(q1)

		fcount = list()
		sesinter = list()

		for ses in l1:
			start_ts = ses[2]
			end_ts = ses[3]
			client = ses[0]
			ap = ses[1]

			q = "select ts from flows" + \
				 " where day = " + str(d) + \
				 " and ts >= " + str(start_ts) + \
				 " and ts <= " + str(end_ts) + \
				 " and client = " + str(client) + \
				 " and ap = " + str(ap) + \
				 " order by ts"
			l = r.sqlq(q)
			if ( l != None and len(l) > 0 ):
				n = len(l)
				npl = np.array(l)
				inpl = (npl[1:n] - npl[0:n-1])
				inpl1 = inpl[np.where(inpl>0)]
				if ( len(inpl1) > 0 ):
		ifname = get_output_dir("intrases") + "/day_" + str(d)
		cfname = get_output_dir("fcount") + "/day_" + str(d)

		print "Writing file - ", ifname
		write_data(ifname, sesinter)

		print "Writing file - ", cfname
		write_data(cfname, fcount)
def process_single_day(day):

	seslen_qry = "select client,ap,start,end from seslen where day = " + str(day)
	rses = RunSQL("syslog_final.db")
	rflows = RunSQL("unc.db")
	sesres = rses.sqlq(seslen_qry)
	fcount = list()
	for single_ses in sesres:
		flows_qry = "select count(*) from flows where client = " + str(single_ses[SES_CLIENT]) + " and ap = " + str(single_ses[SES_AP]) + " and ts >= " + str(single_ses[SES_START]) + " and ts <= " + str(single_ses[SES_END]) + " and day = " + str(day) + " group by client, ap"
		flowres = rflows.sqlq(flows_qry)
		if ( flowres != None and len(flowres) > 0 ):

	return fcount
Beispiel #8
def main(args):
	r1 = RunSQL("files_and_analysis.db")
	r2 = RunSQL("logn_fits.db")

	unique_id = args[0].upper()
	distribution = args[1].upper()

	r1q = "select type, ks_fit, q_fit from fits where unique_id='" + unique_id + "' and distribution='" + distribution + "'"
	r2q = "select type, ks_fit, q_fit from logn_fits where unique_id='" + unique_id + "'"

	if "LOGN" == distribution:
		# Do something
		rs = r2.sqlq(r2q)
		for rss in rs:
			print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "KS: " + kstex(rss[1])
			print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "FIT:" + qprint(rss[2]) + " " +  qtex(rss[2])
		# Do something
		rs = r1.sqlq(r1q)
		rss = rs[0]
		print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "KS: " + kstex(rss[1])
		print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "FIT:" + qprint(rss[2]) + " " +  qtex(rss[2])
Beispiel #9
def create_ses_inter():
	dl = get_day_list()
	r = RunSQL("unc.db")
	for d in dl:
		q = "select ts from flows where day = " + str(d) + " and term > 1 order by ts"
		print "Running query for day - ", str(d)
		ts = np.array(r.sqlq(q))
		n = len(ts)
		its = ts[1:n] - ts[0:n-1]
		nits = its[np.where(its > 0)]
		fname = get_output_dir("interses") + "/day_" + str(d)
		print "Writing to file - ", fname
		write_data(fname, nits)
def process_single_day(day):

	seslen_qry = "select client,ap,start,end from seslen where day = " + str(day)
	rses = RunSQL("syslog_final.db")
	rsnmp = RunSQL("unc.db")
	sesres = rses.sqlq(seslen_qry)
	inb = list()
	outb = list()
	for single_ses in sesres:
		snmp_qry = "select sum(bytr), sum(byts) from snmp where client = " + str(single_ses[SES_CLIENT]) + " and ap = " + str(single_ses[SES_AP]) + " and ts >= " + str(single_ses[SES_START]) + " and ts <= " + str(single_ses[SES_END]) + " and day = " + str(day) + " group by client, ap"
		snmpres = rsnmp.sqlq(snmp_qry)
		if ( snmpres != None and len(snmpres) > 0  and snmpres[0][SNMP_INB] > 0 and snmpres[0][SNMP_OUTB] > 0 ):

	return (inb, outb)
Beispiel #11
def main(args):
    r1 = RunSQL("files_and_analysis.db")
    r2 = RunSQL("logn_fits.db")

    unique_id = args[0].upper()
    distribution = args[1].upper()

    r1q = "select type, ks_fit, q_fit from fits where unique_id='" + unique_id + "' and distribution='" + distribution + "'"
    r2q = "select type, ks_fit, q_fit from logn_fits where unique_id='" + unique_id + "'"

    if "LOGN" == distribution:
        # Do something
        rs = r2.sqlq(r2q)
        for rss in rs:
            print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "KS: " + kstex(rss[1])
            print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "FIT:" + qprint(
                rss[2]) + " " + qtex(rss[2])
        # Do something
        rs = r1.sqlq(r1q)
        rss = rs[0]
        print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "KS: " + kstex(rss[1])
        print distribution + "-" + rss[0] + "-" + "FIT:" + qprint(
            rss[2]) + " " + qtex(rss[2])
def processClientVisits(dayNum, clientNum):

	qry = "select ts, ap, event, reason from syslog where client = " + str(clientNum) + " and day = " + str(dayNum) + " order by ts,ap"
	r = RunSQL("syslog_tmp.db")
	l = r.sqlq(qry)

	current_ap = None
	event_map = dict()

	for l1 in l:
		event_ts = l1[TS]
		event_ap = l1[AP]
		event = l1[EVENT]
		event_reason = l1[REASON]

		emap_key = str(clientNum) + "-" + str(event_ap)
		if emap_key in event_map:
			# Exists
			if ( "deauthenticated" == event.lower() or "disassociated" == event.lower() ):
				if ( event_reason.lower().find("is leaving") > 0 or event_reason.lower().find("success") > 0 ):
					event_entry = event_map[emap_key]
					event_entry["ets"] = event_ts
					event_entry["valid"] = True
			#First entry
			if ( "associated" == event.lower() or "reassociated" == event.lower() ):
				event_entry = dict()
				event_entry["day"] = dayNum
				event_entry["sts"] = event_ts
				event_entry["ets"] = None
				event_entry["valid"] = False
				event_entry["ap"] = event_ap
				event_entry["client"] = clientNum
				event_entry["event"] = event
				event_map[emap_key] = event_entry
				## Do nothing - invalid
	return event_list
Beispiel #13
def main(args):
	r2 = RunSQL("logn_fits.db")

	unique_id = args[0].upper()

	r2q = "select type, mu, sigma from logn_fits where unique_id='" + unique_id + "'"

	rs = r2.sqlq(r2q)
	txstr = "$%MLE-MU%$ & $%MLE-SIG%$ & $%MME-MU%$ & $%MME-SIG%$ & $%FITMIN-MU%$ & $%FITMIN-SIG%$ \\tabularnewline"
	for rss in rs:
		print "LOGN-" + rss[0]
		print "\t mu: " + vtex(rss[1])
		print "\t sigma: " + vtex(rss[2])
		replace_str_mu = "%"+rss[0]+"-MU%"
		replace_str_sig = "%"+rss[0]+"-SIG%"
		txstr = txstr.replace(replace_str_mu, vtex(rss[1]))
		txstr = txstr.replace(replace_str_sig, vtex(rss[2]))
	print txstr
Beispiel #14
def main(args):
    r2 = RunSQL("logn_fits.db")

    unique_id = args[0].upper()

    r2q = "select type, mu, sigma from logn_fits where unique_id='" + unique_id + "'"

    rs = r2.sqlq(r2q)
    txstr = "$%MLE-MU%$ & $%MLE-SIG%$ & $%MME-MU%$ & $%MME-SIG%$ & $%FITMIN-MU%$ & $%FITMIN-SIG%$ \\tabularnewline"
    for rss in rs:
        print "LOGN-" + rss[0]
        print "\t mu: " + vtex(rss[1])
        print "\t sigma: " + vtex(rss[2])
        replace_str_mu = "%" + rss[0] + "-MU%"
        replace_str_sig = "%" + rss[0] + "-SIG%"
        txstr = txstr.replace(replace_str_mu, vtex(rss[1]))
        txstr = txstr.replace(replace_str_sig, vtex(rss[2]))
    print txstr
def getClientList(dayNum):
	qry = "select distinct client from syslog where client > 0 and day = " + str(dayNum)
	r = RunSQL("syslog_tmp.db")
	clientList = r.sqlq(qry)
	return clientList
def getDayList():
	r = RunSQL("syslog_tmp.db")
	dayList = r.sqlq("select distinct day from syslog")
	return dayList
def get_dataset_info(tag):
	q = "select filename from datasets where unique_id = '" + tag + "'"
	r = RunSQL("files_and_analysis.db")
	rs = r.sqlq(q)
	filename = rs[0].replace("/home/gautam", os.getenv("HOME"))
	return {"dir": os.path.dirname(filename), "file": os.path.basename(filename)}