Beispiel #1
def get_mountpoint():
    mount_points = rs_plfs_config_query.get_mountpoints()
    if len(mount_points) > 0:
        mount_point = mount_points[-1]
        mount_point = None
    return mount_point
def get_target_paths():
    mount_path = []
    mount_points = rs_plfs_config_query.get_mountpoints()
    if len(mount_points) > 0:
        for mnt in mount_points:
            top_dir = tpa.append_path([mnt])[0]
            target = str(top_dir) + "/" + str(file)
        mount_path = None
    return mount_path
Beispiel #3
        of = open(out_file, "w")
    except OSError, detail:
        print("Error: unable to create log file " + str(out_file) + ": " + str(detail))
        return [-1]

    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    old_stderr = sys.stderr
    sys.stdout = of
    sys.stderr = of

    # Set up paths to plfs install directories

        # Get all mount points
        mount_points = pcq.get_mountpoints()
        if len(mount_points) <= 0:
            raise plfsMntError("unable to get mount point.\n")

        # overall_stat informs  the user that at least one test has failed over
        # multiple mounts.
        overall_stat = "PASSED"

        # Loop through all mount points
        for mount_point in mount_points:
            # Test status. This will be printed out at the end and will be used to
            # determine if the test passed when is called.
            test_stat = "PASSED"
            # Check for rs_mnt_append_path in experiment_management
            top_dir = tpa.append_path([mount_point])[0]
            # Define two targets
def get_mountpoint_cnt():
    mount_points = rs_plfs_config_query.get_mountpoints()
    return len(mount_points)
def get_mountpoints():
    mount_points = rs_plfs_config_query.get_mountpoints()
    if len(mount_points) <= 0:
        mount_points = None
    return mount_points