Beispiel #1
def decrypt_bigfile(infile, outfile, priv_key):
    """Decrypts an encrypted VARBLOCK file, writing it to 'outfile'

    .. deprecated:: 3.4
        This function was deprecated in Python-RSA version 3.4 due to security issues
        in the VARBLOCK format. See the documentation_ for more information.

    .. _documentation:

    :param infile: file-like object to read the crypto in VARBLOCK format from
    :param outfile: file-like object to write the cleartext to
    :param priv_key: :py:class:`rsa.PrivateKey` to decrypt with


    warnings.warn("The 'rsa.bigfile.decrypt_bigfile' function was deprecated in Python-RSA version "
                  "3.4 due to security issues in the VARBLOCK format. See "
                  " "
                  "for more information.",
                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    if not isinstance(priv_key, key.PrivateKey):
        raise TypeError('Private key required, but got %r' % priv_key)

    for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(infile):
        cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)
Beispiel #2
def decrypt_bigfile(infile, outfile, priv_key):
    """Decrypts an encrypted VARBLOCK file, writing it to 'outfile'

    .. deprecated:: 3.4
        This function was deprecated in Python-RSA version 3.4 due to security issues
        in the VARBLOCK format. See the documentation_ for more information.

    .. _documentation:

    :param infile: file-like object to read the crypto in VARBLOCK format from
    :param outfile: file-like object to write the cleartext to
    :param priv_key: :py:class:`rsa.PrivateKey` to decrypt with


    warnings.warn("The 'rsa.bigfile.decrypt_bigfile' function was deprecated in Python-RSA version "
                  "3.4 due to security issues in the VARBLOCK format. See "
                  " "
                  "for more information.",
                  DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    if not isinstance(priv_key, key.PrivateKey):
        raise TypeError('Private key required, but got %r' % priv_key)

    for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(infile):
        cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)
Beispiel #3
    def test_enc_dec(self):
        message = struct.pack('>IIII', 0, 0, 0, 1)
        print("\tMessage:   %r" % message)

        encrypted = pkcs1.encrypt(message,
        print("\tEncrypted: %r" % encrypted)

        decrypted = pkcs1.decrypt(encrypted, self.priv)
        print("\tDecrypted: %r" % decrypted)

        self.assertEqual(message, decrypted)
Beispiel #4
    def test_enc_dec(self):
        message = struct.pack('>IIII', 0, 0, 0, 1)
        print("\tMessage:   %r" % message)

        encrypted = pkcs1.encrypt(message,
        print("\tEncrypted: %r" % encrypted)

        decrypted = pkcs1.decrypt(encrypted, self.priv)
        print("\tDecrypted: %r" % decrypted)

        self.assertEqual(message, decrypted)
def decrypt_bigfile(infile, outfile, priv_key):
    """Decrypts an encrypted VARBLOCK file, writing it to 'outfile'
    :param infile: file-like object to read the crypto in VARBLOCK format from
    :param outfile: file-like object to write the cleartext to
    :param priv_key: :py:class:`rsa.PrivateKey` to decrypt with
    if not isinstance(priv_key, key.PrivateKey):
        raise TypeError('Private key required, but got %r' % priv_key)
    for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(infile):
        cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)
Beispiel #6
def decrypt_bigfile(infile, outfile, priv_key):
    '''Decrypts an encrypted VARBLOCK file, writing it to 'outfile'
    :param infile: file-like object to read the crypto in VARBLOCK format from
    :param outfile: file-like object to write the cleartext to
    :param priv_key: :py:class:`rsa.PrivateKey` to decrypt with


    if not isinstance(priv_key, key.PrivateKey):
        raise TypeError('Private key required, but got %r' % priv_key)
    for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(infile):
        cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)
Beispiel #7
def decrypt(ciphertext, private_key):
    cleartext = cry.decrypt(ciphertext, private_key)
    return cleartext
Beispiel #8
def decrypt_bigfile(infile, outfile, priv_key):
    if not isinstance(priv_key, key.PrivateKey):
        raise TypeError('Private key required, but got %r' % priv_key)
    for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(infile):
        cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)
Beispiel #9
def decrypt_bigfile(infile, outfile, priv_key):
    if not isinstance(priv_key, key.PrivateKey):
        raise TypeError('Private key required, but got %r' % priv_key)
    for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(infile):
        cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)
with open('private.pem', mode='rb') as privatefile:
	keydata =
priv_key = rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(keydata)

with open(inpfile, 'rb') as infile, open(outfile, 'wb') as oufile:
	encrypt_bigfile(infile, oufile, pub_key)

key_bytes = common.byte_size(pub_key.n) * BITS
padding_bytes = 11 * BITS

messages = []
ciphers = []
with open(outfile, 'rb') as oufile:
	for block in varblock.yield_varblocks(oufile):
		cleartext = pkcs1.decrypt(block, priv_key)

		message = BitArray(bytes=cleartext).bin
		cipher = BitArray(bytes=block).bin
		if len(message) == (key_bytes - padding_bytes):
			messages.append(np.array(map(int, message)))
			ciphers.append(np.array(map(int, cipher)))

messages = np.array(messages)
ciphers = np.array(ciphers)

training_dataset = (messages, ciphers)
with open("m2c_training_dataset.p", "wb") as f:
	pickle.dump(training_dataset, f)