Beispiel #1
def get_default_account(identity, type, oldest_if_none=False, session=None):
    Retrieves the default account mapped to an identity.

    :param identity: The identity key name. For example, x509DN, or a username.
    :param type: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass, saml, oidc).
    :param oldest_if_none: If True and no default account it found the oldes known
                           account of that identity will be chosen, if False and
                           no default account is found, exception will be raised.
    :param session: The database session to use.
    :returns: The default account name, None otherwise.

    tmp = session.query(models.IdentityAccountAssociation).filter_by(identity=identity,
    if tmp is None:
        if oldest_if_none:
            tmp = session.query(models.IdentityAccountAssociation)\
                         .filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type)\
            if tmp is None:
                raise exception.IdentityError('There is no account for identity (%s, %s)' % (identity, type))
            raise exception.IdentityError('There is no default account for identity (%s, %s)' % (identity, type))

    return tmp.account
Beispiel #2
def add_identity(identity, type, email, password=None, session=None):
    Creates a user identity.

    :param identity: The identity key name. For example x509 DN, or a username.
    :param type: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass, ssh, saml, oidc)
    :param email: The Email address associated with the identity.
    :param password: If type==userpass, this sets the password.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    if type == IdentityType.USERPASS and password is None:
        raise exception.IdentityError('You must provide a password!')

    new_id = models.Identity()
    new_id.update({'identity': identity, 'identity_type': type, 'email': email})

    if type == IdentityType.USERPASS and password is not None:
        salt = os.urandom(255)  # make sure the salt has the length of the hash
        if six.PY3:
            decoded_salt = b64encode(salt).decode()
            salted_password = ('%s%s' % (decoded_salt, password)).encode()
            salted_password = '******' % (salt, str(password))
        password = hashlib.sha256(salted_password).hexdigest()  # hash it
        new_id.update({'salt': salt, 'password': password, 'email': email})
    except IntegrityError as e:
        if match('.*IntegrityError.*1062.*Duplicate entry.*for key.*', e.args[0]):
            raise exception.Duplicate('Identity pair \'%s\',\'%s\' already exists!' % (identity, type))
        raise exception.DatabaseException(str(e))
Beispiel #3
def del_identity(identity, type, session=None):
    Deletes a user identity.

    :param identity: The identity key name. For example x509 DN, or a username.
    :param type: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass, saml, oidc).
    :param session: The database session in use.

    id = session.query(models.Identity).filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type).first()
    if id is None:
        raise exception.IdentityError('Identity (\'%s\',\'%s\') does not exist!' % (identity, type))
Beispiel #4
def del_account_identity(identity, type, account, session=None):
    Removes a membership association between identity and account.

    :param identity: The identity key name. For example x509 DN, or a username.
    :param type: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass, saml, oidc).
    :param account: The account name.
    :param session: The database session in use.
    aid = session.query(models.IdentityAccountAssociation).filter_by(identity=identity, identity_type=type, account=account).first()
    if aid is None:
        raise exception.IdentityError('Identity (\'%s\',\'%s\') does not exist!' % (identity, type))
Beispiel #5
def get_default_account(identity, type, session=None):
    Retrieves the default account mapped to an identity.

    :param identity: The identity key name. For example, x509DN, or a username.
    :param type: The type of the authentication (x509, gss, userpass).
    :param session: The database session to use.
    :returns: The default account name, None otherwise.

    tmp = session.query(models.IdentityAccountAssociation).filter_by(identity=identity,
    if tmp is None:
        raise exception.IdentityError('There is no default account for identity (%s, %s)' % (identity, type))

    return tmp.account