Beispiel #1
def create_protocol(rse_settings, operation, scheme=None, domain='wan'):
    Instanciates the protocol defined for the given operation.

    :param rse_attr:  RSE attributes
    :param operation: Intended operation for this protocol
    :param scheme:    Optional filter if no specific protocol is defined in rse_setting for the provided operation
    :param domain:    Optional specification of the domain
    :returns:         An instance of the requested protocol

    # Verify feasibility of Protocol
    operation = operation.lower()
    if operation not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
        raise exception.RSEOperationNotSupported(
            'Operation %s is not supported' % operation)

    if domain and domain not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
        raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported(
            'Domain %s not supported' % domain)

    protocol_attr = select_protocol(rse_settings, operation, scheme, domain)

    # Instantiate protocol
    comp = protocol_attr['impl'].split('.')
    mod = __import__('.'.join(comp[:-1]))
    for n in comp[1:]:
            mod = getattr(mod, n)
        except AttributeError:
            print('Protocol implementation not found')
            raise  # TODO: provide proper rucio exception
    protocol = mod(protocol_attr, rse_settings)
    return protocol
Beispiel #2
def _get_possible_protocols(rse_settings, operation, scheme=None):
    """ Filter the list of available protocols or provided by the supported ones.

        :param rse_settings: The rse settings.
        :param operation: The operation (write, read).
        :param scheme: optional filter if no specific protocol is defined in
                       rse_setting for the provided operation.

        :returns: The list of possible protocols.
    operation = operation.lower()
    candidates = rse_settings['protocols']
    if type(rse_settings['domain']) is not list:
        raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported(
            'Domain setting must be list.')

    for d in rse_settings['domain']:
        if d not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
            raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported(
                'Domain %s is not supported'
                ' by Rucio.' % d)

    # convert scheme to list, if given as string
    if scheme and not isinstance(scheme, list):
        scheme = scheme.split(',')

    tbr = []
    for protocol in candidates:
        # Check if scheme given and filter if so
        if scheme and protocol['scheme'] not in scheme:

        filtered = True
        for d in rse_settings['domain']:
            if protocol['domains'][d][operation] != 0:
                filtered = False
        if filtered:

    if len(candidates) <= len(tbr):
        raise exception.RSEProtocolNotSupported(
            'No protocol for provided settings'
            ' found : %s.' % str(rse_settings))

    return [c for c in candidates if c not in tbr]
Beispiel #3
def get_protocols_ordered(rse_settings, operation, scheme=None, domain='wan'):
    if operation not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
        raise exception.RSEOperationNotSupported('Operation %s is not supported' % operation)

    if domain and domain not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
        raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported('Domain %s not supported' % domain)

    candidates = _get_possible_protocols(rse_settings, operation, scheme, domain)
    candidates.sort(key=lambda k: k['domains'][domain][operation])
    return candidates
Beispiel #4
def select_protocol(rse_settings, operation, scheme=None, domain='wan'):
    if operation not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
        raise exception.RSEOperationNotSupported('Operation %s is not supported' % operation)

    if domain and domain not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
        raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported('Domain %s not supported' % domain)

    candidates = _get_possible_protocols(rse_settings, operation, scheme, domain)
    # Shuffle candidates to load-balance over equal sources
    return min(candidates, key=lambda k: k['domains'][domain][operation])
Beispiel #5
def select_protocol(rse_settings, operation, scheme=None):
    operation = operation.lower()
    candidates = copy.copy(rse_settings['protocols'])
    if type(rse_settings['domain']) is not list:
        raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported('Domain setting must be list.')

    for d in rse_settings['domain']:
        if d not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
            raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported('Domain %s is not supported by Rucio.' % d)

    tbr = list()
    for protocol in candidates:
        # Check if scheme given and filter if so
        if scheme:
            if not isinstance(scheme, list):
                scheme = scheme.split(',')
            if protocol['scheme'] not in scheme:
        for d in rse_settings['domain']:
            if protocol['domains'][d][operation] == 0:
    for r in tbr:

    if not len(candidates):
        raise exception.RSEProtocolNotSupported('No protocol for provided settings found : %s.' % str(rse_settings))

    # Select the one with the highest priority
    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda k: k['scheme'])
    best_choice = candidates[0]
    domain = rse_settings['domain'][0]
    for p in candidates:
        if p['domains'][domain][operation] < best_choice['domains'][domain][operation]:
            best_choice = p
    return best_choice
Beispiel #6
def create_protocol(rse_settings, operation, scheme=None, domain='wan', auth_token=None, protocol_attr=None, logger=logging.log):
    Instanciates the protocol defined for the given operation.

    :param rse_settings:  RSE attributes
    :param operation:     Intended operation for this protocol
    :param scheme:        Optional filter if no specific protocol is defined in rse_setting for the provided operation
    :param domain:        Optional specification of the domain
    :param auth_token:    Optionally passing JSON Web Token (OIDC) string for authentication
    :param protocol_attr: Optionally passing the full protocol availability information to correctly select WAN/LAN
    :param logger:        Optional decorated logger that can be passed from the calling daemons or servers.
    :returns:             An instance of the requested protocol

    # Verify feasibility of Protocol
    operation = operation.lower()
    if operation not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
        raise exception.RSEOperationNotSupported('Operation %s is not supported' % operation)

    if domain and domain not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
        raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported('Domain %s not supported' % domain)

    if not protocol_attr:
        protocol_attr = select_protocol(rse_settings, operation, scheme, domain)
        candidates = _get_possible_protocols(rse_settings, operation, scheme, domain)
        if protocol_attr not in candidates:
            raise exception.RSEProtocolNotSupported('Protocol %s operation %s on domain %s not supported' % (protocol_attr, operation, domain))

    # Instantiate protocol
    comp = protocol_attr['impl'].split('.')
    prefix = '.'.join(comp[-2:]) + ': '
    logger = formatted_logger(logger, prefix + "%s")
    mod = __import__('.'.join(comp[:-1]))
    for n in comp[1:]:
            mod = getattr(mod, n)
        except AttributeError as e:
            logger(logging.DEBUG, 'Protocol implementations not supported.')
            raise exception.RucioException(str(e))  # TODO: provide proper rucio exception
    protocol_attr['auth_token'] = auth_token
    protocol = mod(protocol_attr, rse_settings, logger=logger)
    return protocol
Beispiel #7
def add_protocol(rse, parameter, session=None):
    Add a protocol to an existing RSE. If entries with equal or less priority for
    an operation exist, the existing one will be reorded (i.e. +1).

    :param rse: the name of the new rse.
    :param parameter: parameters of the new protocol entry.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises RSENotFound: If RSE is not found.
    :raises RSEOperationNotSupported: If no scheme supported the requested operation for the given RSE.
    :raises RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported: If an undefined domain was provided.
    :raises RSEProtocolPriorityError: If the provided priority for the scheme is to big or below zero.
    :raises Duplicate: If scheme with identifier, hostname and port already exists
                       for the given RSE.

    rid = get_rse_id(rse=rse, session=session)
    if not rid:
        raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE \'%s\' not found')
    # Insert new protocol entry
    parameter['rse_id'] = rid

    # Default values
    parameter['port'] = parameter.get('port', 0)
    parameter['hostname'] = parameter.get('hostname', 'localhost')

    # Transform nested domains to match DB schema e.g. [domains][lan][read] => [read_lan]
    if 'domains' in parameter.keys():
        for s in parameter['domains']:
            if s not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
                raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported(
                    'The protocol domain \'%s\' is not defined in the schema.'
                    % s)
            for op in parameter['domains'][s]:
                if op not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
                    raise exception.RSEOperationNotSupported(
                        'Operation \'%s\' not defined in schema.' % (op))
                op_name = op if op == 'third_party_copy' else ''.join(
                    [op, '_', s]).lower()
                if parameter['domains'][s][op] < 0:
                    raise exception.RSEProtocolPriorityError(
                        'The provided priority (%s)for operation \'%s\' in domain \'%s\' is not supported.'
                        % (parameter['domains'][s][op], op, s))
                parameter[op_name] = parameter['domains'][s][op]
        del parameter['domains']

    if ('extended_attributes'
            in parameter) and parameter['extended_attributes']:
            parameter['extended_attributes'] = json.dumps(
                parameter['extended_attributes'], separators=(',', ':'))
        except ValueError:
            pass  # String is not JSON

    if parameter['scheme'] == 'srm':
        if ('extended_attributes'
                not in parameter) or ('web_service_path'
                                      not in parameter['extended_attributes']):
            raise exception.InvalidObject(
                'Missing values! For SRM, extended_attributes and web_service_path must be specified'

        new_protocol = models.RSEProtocols()
    except (IntegrityError, FlushError, OperationalError) as error:
        if ('UNIQUE constraint failed' in error.args[0]) or ('conflicts with persistent instance' in error.args[0]) \
           or match('.*IntegrityError.*ORA-00001: unique constraint.*RSE_PROTOCOLS_PK.*violated.*', error.args[0]) \
           or match('.*IntegrityError.*1062.*Duplicate entry.*for key.*', error.args[0]) \
           or match('.*IntegrityError.*duplicate key value violates unique constraint.*', error.args[0])\
           or match('.*IntegrityError.*columns.*are not unique.*', error.args[0]):
            raise exception.Duplicate(
                'Protocol \'%s\' on port %s already registered for  \'%s\' with hostname \'%s\'.'
                % (parameter['scheme'], parameter['port'], rse,
        elif 'may not be NULL' in error.args[0] \
             or match('.*IntegrityError.*ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into.*RSE_PROTOCOLS.*IMPL.*', error.args[0]) \
             or match('.*OperationalError.*cannot be null.*', error.args[0]):
            raise exception.InvalidObject('Missing values!')
        raise error
    return new_protocol
Beispiel #8
def update_protocols(rse, scheme, data, hostname, port, session=None):
    Updates an existing protocol entry for an RSE. If necessary, priorities for read,
    write, and delete operations of other protocol entires will be updated too.

    :param rse: the name of the new rse.
    :param scheme: Protocol identifer.
    :param data: Dict with new values (keys must match column names in the database).
    :param hostname: Hostname defined for the scheme, used if more than one scheme
                     is registered with the same identifier.
    :param port: The port registered for the hostename, used if more than one scheme
                 is regsitered with the same identifier and hostname.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises RSENotFound: If RSE is not found.
    :raises RSEProtocolNotSupported: If no macthing protocol was found for the given RSE.
    :raises RSEOperationNotSupported: If no protocol supported the requested operation for the given RSE.
    :raises RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported: If an undefined domain was provided.
    :raises RSEProtocolPriorityError: If the provided priority for the protocol is to big or below zero.
    :raises KeyNotFound: Invalid data for update provided.
    :raises Duplicate: If protocol with identifier, hostname and port already exists
                       for the given RSE.

    rid = get_rse_id(rse=rse, session=session)
    # Transform nested domains to match DB schema e.g. [domains][lan][read] => [read_lan]
    if 'domains' in data:
        for s in data['domains']:
            if s not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
                raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported(
                    'The protocol domain \'%s\' is not defined in the schema.'
                    % s)
            for op in data['domains'][s]:
                if op not in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
                    raise exception.RSEOperationNotSupported(
                        'Operation \'%s\' not defined in schema.' % (op))
                op_name = op
                if op != 'third_party_copy':
                    op_name = ''.join([op, '_', s])
                no = session.query(models.RSEProtocols).\
                    filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSEProtocols.rse_id == rid,
                                           getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) >= 0)).\
                if not 0 <= data['domains'][s][op] <= no:
                    raise exception.RSEProtocolPriorityError(
                        'The provided priority (%s)for operation \'%s\' in domain \'%s\' is not supported.'
                        % (data['domains'][s][op], op, s))
                data[op_name] = data['domains'][s][op]
        del data['domains']

    if 'extended_attributes' in data:
            data['extended_attributes'] = json.dumps(
                data['extended_attributes'], separators=(',', ':'))
        except ValueError:
            pass  # String is not JSON

    if not rid:
        raise exception.RSENotFound('RSE \'%s\' not found')

    terms = [
        models.RSEProtocols.rse_id == rid,
        models.RSEProtocols.scheme == scheme,
        models.RSEProtocols.hostname == hostname,
        models.RSEProtocols.port == port

        up = session.query(models.RSEProtocols).filter(*terms).first()
        if up is None:
            msg = 'RSE \'%s\' does not support protocol \'%s\' for hostname \'%s\' on port \'%s\'' % (
                rse, scheme, hostname, port)
            raise exception.RSEProtocolNotSupported(msg)

        # Preparing gaps if priority is updated
        for domain in utils.rse_supported_protocol_domains():
            for op in utils.rse_supported_protocol_operations():
                op_name = op
                if op != 'third_party_copy':
                    op_name = ''.join([op, '_', domain])
                if op_name in data:
                    prots = []
                    if (not getattr(up, op_name)) and data[
                            op_name]:  # reactivate protocol e.g. from 0 to 1
                        prots = session.query(models.RSEProtocols).\
                            filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSEProtocols.rse_id == rid,
                                                   getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) >= data[op_name])).\
                            order_by(getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name).asc())
                        val = data[op_name] + 1
                    elif getattr(up, op_name) and (
                            not data[op_name]
                    ):  # deactivate protocol e.g. from 1 to 0
                        prots = session.query(models.RSEProtocols).\
                            filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSEProtocols.rse_id == rid,
                                                   getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) > getattr(up, op_name))).\
                            order_by(getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name).asc())
                        val = getattr(up, op_name)
                    elif getattr(
                            up, op_name
                    ) > data[op_name]:  # shift forward e.g. from 5 to 2
                        prots = session.query(models.RSEProtocols).\
                            filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSEProtocols.rse_id == rid,
                                                   getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) >= data[op_name],
                                                   getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) < getattr(up, op_name))).\
                            order_by(getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name).asc())
                        val = data[op_name] + 1
                    elif getattr(
                            up, op_name
                    ) < data[op_name]:  # shift backward e.g. from 1 to 3
                        prots = session.query(models.RSEProtocols).\
                            filter(sqlalchemy.and_(models.RSEProtocols.rse_id == rid,
                                                   getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) <= data[op_name],
                                                   getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name) > getattr(up, op_name))).\
                            order_by(getattr(models.RSEProtocols, op_name).asc())
                        val = getattr(up, op_name)

                    for p in prots:
                        p.update({op_name: val})
                        val += 1

        up.update(data, flush=True, session=session)
    except (IntegrityError, OperationalError) as error:
        if 'UNIQUE'.lower() in error.args[0].lower(
        ) or 'Duplicate' in error.args[
                0]:  # Covers SQLite, Oracle and MySQL error
            raise exception.Duplicate(
                'Protocol \'%s\' on port %s already registered for  \'%s\' with hostname \'%s\'.'
                % (scheme, port, rse, hostname))
        elif 'may not be NULL' in error.args[
                0] or "cannot be null" in error.args[0]:
            raise exception.InvalidObject('Missing values: %s' % error.args[0])
        raise error
    except DatabaseError as error:
        if match(
                '.*DatabaseError.*ORA-01407: cannot update .*RSE_PROTOCOLS.*IMPL.*to NULL.*',
            raise exception.InvalidObject('Invalid values !')
        raise error
Beispiel #9
def find_matching_scheme(rse_settings_dest,
    Find the best matching scheme between two RSEs

    :param rse_settings_dest:    RSE settings for the destination RSE.
    :param rse_settings_src:     RSE settings for the src RSE.
    :param operation_src:        Source Operation such as read, write.
    :param operation_dest:       Dest Operation such as read, write.
    :param domain:               Domain such as lan, wan.
    :param scheme:               List of supported schemes.
    :returns:                    Tuple of matching schemes (dest_scheme, src_scheme).
    operation_src = operation_src.lower()
    operation_dest = operation_dest.lower()

    src_candidates = copy.copy(rse_settings_src['protocols'])
    dest_candidates = copy.copy(rse_settings_dest['protocols'])

    if not domain:
        if type(rse_settings_dest['domain']) is not list:
            raise exception.RSEProtocolDomainNotSupported(
                'Domain setting must be list.')
        domain = rse_settings_dest['domain'][0]

    # Clean up src_candidates
    tbr = list()
    for protocol in src_candidates:
        # Check if scheme given and filter if so
        if scheme:
            if not isinstance(scheme, list):
                scheme = scheme.split(',')
            if protocol['scheme'] not in scheme:
        if protocol['domains'].get(domain, {}).get(operation_src, 1) == 0:
    for r in tbr:

    # Clean up dest_candidates
    tbr = list()
    for protocol in dest_candidates:
        # Check if scheme given and filter if so
        if scheme:
            if not isinstance(scheme, list):
                scheme = scheme.split(',')
            if protocol['scheme'] not in scheme:
        if protocol['domains'].get(domain, {}).get(operation_dest, 1) == 0:
    for r in tbr:

    if not len(src_candidates) or not len(dest_candidates):
        raise exception.RSEProtocolNotSupported(
            'No protocol for provided settings found : %s.' %

    # Select the one with the highest priority
    dest_candidates = sorted(
        dest_candidates, key=lambda k: k['domains'][domain][operation_dest])
    src_candidates = sorted(src_candidates,
                            key=lambda k: k['domains'][domain][operation_src])

    for dest_protocol in dest_candidates:
        for src_protocol in src_candidates:
            if __check_compatible_scheme(dest_protocol['scheme'],
                return (dest_protocol['scheme'], src_protocol['scheme'])

    raise exception.RSEProtocolNotSupported(
        'No protocol for provided settings found : %s.' %