Beispiel #1
    def test_add_rule_container_dataset_with_weights(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add a replication rule on a container, DATASET Grouping, WEIGHTS"""
        scope = 'mock'
        container = 'container_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, container, DIDType.from_sym('CONTAINER'), 'jdoe')
        all_files = []
        dataset_files = []
        for i in xrange(3):
            files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
            dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
            add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
            attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')
            attach_dids(scope, container, [{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], 'jdoe')
            dataset_files.append({'scope': scope, 'name': dataset, 'files': files})

        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': container}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='DATASET', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        t1 = set([self.rse1_id, self.rse3_id, self.rse5_id])
        for dataset in dataset_files:
            first_locks = None
            for file in dataset['files']:
                if first_locks is None:
                    first_locks = set([lock['rse_id'] for lock in get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])])
                rse_locks = set([lock['rse_id'] for lock in get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])])
                assert(len(t1.intersection(rse_locks)) == 2)
                assert(len(first_locks.intersection(rse_locks)) == 2)
                assert_in(self.rse1_id, rse_locks)
    def test_judge_evaluate_detach_datasetlock(self):
        """ JUDGE EVALUATOR: Test if the a datasetlock is detached correctly when removing a dataset from a container"""

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        container = 'container_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, container, DIDType.from_sym('CONTAINER'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, container, [{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], 'jdoe')

        # Add a rule to the Container
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': container}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        # Check if the datasetlock is there
        locks = [ds_lock for ds_lock in get_dataset_locks(scope=scope, name=dataset)]
        assert(len(locks) > 0)

        detach_dids(scope, container, [{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}])

        # Fake judge

        locks = [ds_lock for ds_lock in get_dataset_locks(scope=scope, name=dataset)]
        assert(len(locks) == 0)
    def test_account_counter_judge_evaluate_detach(self):
        """ JUDGE EVALUATOR: Test if the account counter is updated correctly when a file is removed from a DS"""

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        # Add a first rule to the DS
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='ALL', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)


        account_counter_before = get_counter(self.rse1_id, 'jdoe')

        detach_dids(scope, dataset, [files[0]])

        # Fake judge

        account_counter_after = get_counter(self.rse1_id, 'jdoe')
        assert(account_counter_before['bytes'] - 100 == account_counter_after['bytes'])
        assert(account_counter_before['files'] - 1 == account_counter_after['files'])
Beispiel #4
def non_attached(scope, names, session=None):
    List data identifier contents.

    :param scope: The scope name.
    :param names: The data identifier name.
    :param session: The database session in use.
    attached_dids = []
    detached_dids = []
    file = DIDType.from_sym('FILE')
        query = session.query(models.DataIdentifierAssociation).filter_by(scope=scope)
        # query2 = session.query(models.DataIdentifier).filter_by(scope=scope, did_type=file)
        for tmp_did in query.yield_per(5):
        for name in names:
            if name not in attached_dids:
        # for tmp_did in query2.yield_per(5):
        #     dids_full.append(
        # return {'non_attached':list(set(dids_full) - set(dids))}
        return {'non_attached':detached_dids}
    def test_to_repair_a_rule_with_only_1_rse_whose_transfers_failed(self):
        """ JUDGE REPAIRER: Test to repair a rule with only 1 rse whose transfers failed (lock)"""

        rule_repairer(once=True)  # Clean out the repairer
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(4, scope, self.rse4, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[0]['name'], rse_id=get_replica_locks(scope=files[0]['scope'], name=files[2]['name'])[0].rse_id, nowait=False)
        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[1]['name'], rse_id=get_replica_locks(scope=files[1]['scope'], name=files[2]['name'])[0].rse_id, nowait=False)
        failed_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[2]['name'], rse_id=get_replica_locks(scope=files[2]['scope'], name=files[2]['name'])[0].rse_id)
        failed_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[3]['name'], rse_id=get_replica_locks(scope=files[3]['scope'], name=files[3]['name'])[0].rse_id)
        cancel_request_did(scope=scope, name=files[2]['name'], dest_rse_id=get_replica_locks(scope=files[2]['scope'], name=files[2]['name'])[0].rse_id)
        cancel_request_did(scope=scope, name=files[3]['name'], dest_rse_id=get_replica_locks(scope=files[3]['scope'], name=files[2]['name'])[0].rse_id)

        assert(rule_id == get_rule(rule_id)['id'].replace('-', '').lower())
        assert(RuleState.STUCK == get_rule(rule_id)['state'])
        # Stil assert STUCK because of delays:
        assert(RuleState.STUCK == get_rule(rule_id)['state'])
        assert(get_replica_locks(scope=files[2]['scope'], name=files[2]['name'])[0].rse_id == get_replica_locks(scope=files[3]['scope'], name=files[3]['name'])[0].rse_id)
    def test_repair_a_rule_with_source_replica_expression(self):
        """ JUDGE EVALUATOR: Test the judge when a with two rules with source_replica_expression"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse4)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        # Add a first rule to the DS
        rule_id1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]
        rule_id2 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse3, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None, source_replica_expression=self.rse1)[0]

        assert(RuleState.REPLICATING == get_rule(rule_id1)['state'])
        assert(RuleState.STUCK == get_rule(rule_id2)['state'])

        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[0]['name'], rse_id=self.rse1_id, nowait=False)
        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[1]['name'], rse_id=self.rse1_id, nowait=False)
        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[2]['name'], rse_id=self.rse1_id, nowait=False)
        # Also make replicas AVAILABLE
        session = get_session()
        replica = session.query(models.RSEFileAssociation).filter_by(scope=scope, name=files[0]['name'], rse_id=self.rse1_id).one()
        replica.state = ReplicaState.AVAILABLE
        replica = session.query(models.RSEFileAssociation).filter_by(scope=scope, name=files[1]['name'], rse_id=self.rse1_id).one()
        replica.state = ReplicaState.AVAILABLE
        replica = session.query(models.RSEFileAssociation).filter_by(scope=scope, name=files[2]['name'], rse_id=self.rse1_id).one()
        replica.state = ReplicaState.AVAILABLE


        assert(RuleState.OK == get_rule(rule_id1)['state'])
        assert(RuleState.REPLICATING == get_rule(rule_id2)['state'])
def upgrade():
    op.add_column('requests', sa.Column('did_type',

    # we don't want checks on the history table
    op.add_column('requests_history', sa.Column('did_type', sa.String(1)))
Beispiel #8
def list_new_dids(type=None, worker_number=None, total_workers=None, chunk_size=1000):
    List recent identifiers.

    :param type : The DID type.
    return did.list_new_dids(did_type=type and DIDType.from_sym(type), worker_number=worker_number, total_workers=total_workers, chunk_size=chunk_size)
Beispiel #9
def add_dids(dids, account, session=None):
    Bulk add data identifiers.

    :param dids: A list of dids.
    :param account: The account owner.
    :param session: The database session in use.

        for did in dids:

                if isinstance(did['type'], str) or isinstance(did['type'], unicode):
                    did['type'] = DIDType.from_sym(did['type'])

                if did['type'] == DIDType.FILE:
                    raise exception.UnsupportedOperation("Only collection (dataset/container) can be registered." % locals())

                # Lifetime
                expired_at = None
                if did.get('lifetime'):
                    expired_at = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=did['lifetime'])

                # Insert new data identifier
                new_did = models.DataIdentifier(scope=did['scope'], name=did['name'], account=did.get('account') or account,
                                                did_type=did['type'], monotonic=did.get('statuses', {}).get('monotonic', False),
                                                is_open=True, expired_at=expired_at)
                # Add metadata
                # ToDo: metadata validation
                # validate_meta(did.get('meta', {}))
                for key in did.get('meta', {}):
                    new_did.update({key: did['meta'][key]})

      , flush=False)

                if did.get('rules', None):
                    rucio.core.rule.add_rules(dids=[did, ], rules=did['rules'], session=session)

                event_type = None
                if did['type'] == DIDType.CONTAINER:
                    event_type = 'REGISTER_CNT'
                if did['type'] == DIDType.DATASET:
                    event_type = 'REGISTER_DTS'
                if event_type:
                    add_message(event_type, {'account': account,
                                             'scope': did['scope'],
                                             'name': did['name'],
                                             'expires': str(expired_at)},

            except KeyError, e:
                # ToDo

Beispiel #10
    def test_add_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Add a replication rule """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        ret = self.rule_client.add_replication_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE')
        assert_is_instance(ret, list)
Beispiel #11
    def test_add_rule_container_none(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add a replication rule on a container, NONE Grouping"""
        scope = 'mock'
        container = 'container_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, container, DIDType.from_sym('CONTAINER'), 'jdoe')
        all_files = []
        for i in xrange(3):
            files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
            dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
            add_did(scope, dataset,  DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
            attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')
            attach_dids(scope, container, [{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], 'jdoe')

        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': container}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.T2, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)
        for file in all_files:
            rse_locks = set([lock['rse_id'] for lock in get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])])
            assert_in(self.rse4_id, rse_locks)
            assert_not_in(self.rse5_id, rse_locks)
Beispiel #12
    def test_get_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test to get a previously created rule"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]
        assert(rule_id == get_rule(rule_id)['id'].replace('-', '').lower())
        assert_raises(RuleNotFound, get_rule, uuid())
Beispiel #13
    def test_dataset_lock(self):
        """ DATASETLOCK (CLIENT): Get a datasetlock for a specific dataset"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=True, subscription_id=None)[0]

        rule_ids = [lock['rule_id'] for lock in self.lock_client.get_dataset_locks(scope=scope, name=dataset)]
        assert_in(rule_id_1, rule_ids)
Beispiel #14
    def test_add_rules_datasets_none(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add replication rules to multiple datasets, NONE Grouping"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files1 = create_files(3, scope, self.rse4)
        dataset1 = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset1, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset1, files1, 'jdoe')

        files2 = create_files(3, scope, self.rse4)
        dataset2 = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset2, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset2, files2, 'jdoe')

        # Add the rules to both DS
        add_rules(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset1}, {'scope': scope, 'name': dataset2}],
                  rules=[{'account': 'jdoe',
                          'copies': 1,
                          'rse_expression':  self.T1,
                          'grouping': 'NONE',
                          'weight': None,
                          'lifetime': None,
                          'locked': False,
                          'subscription_id': None},
                         {'account': 'root',
                          'copies': 1,
                          'rse_expression': self.T1,
                          'grouping': 'NONE',
                          'weight': 'fakeweight',
                          'lifetime': None,
                          'locked': False,
                          'subscription_id': None}])

        # Check if the Locks are created properly
        for file in files1:
            rse_locks = [lock['rse_id'] for lock in get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])]
            assert(rse_locks[0] == rse_locks[1])

        for file in files2:
            rse_locks = [lock['rse_id'] for lock in get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])]
            assert(rse_locks[0] == rse_locks[1])
Beispiel #15
    def test_add_rule_duplicate(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add a replication rule duplicate"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        # Add a first rule to the DS
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        # Add a second rule and check if the right locks are created
        assert_raises(DuplicateRule, add_rule, dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)
Beispiel #16
    def test_locked_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Delete a locked replication rule"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=True, subscription_id=None)[0]

        assert_raises(AccessDenied, delete_rule, rule_id_1)
        self.rule_client.update_replication_rule(rule_id=rule_id_1, options={'locked': False})
Beispiel #17
    def test_get_rule_by_account(self):
        """ ACCOUNT (CLIENT): Get Replication Rule by account """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        ret = self.rule_client.add_replication_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE')
        get = self.account_client.list_account_rules('jdoe')
        rules = [rule['id'] for rule in get]

        assert_in(ret[0], rules)
Beispiel #18
    def test_delete_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Delete a replication rule """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        ret = self.rule_client.delete_replication_rule(rule_id=rule_id)
        assert(ret is True)
        assert_raises(RuleNotFound, self.rule_client.delete_replication_rule, rule_id)
Beispiel #19
    def test_delete_rule(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test to delete a previously created rule"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='DATASET', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]
        for file in files:
            rse_locks = get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])
            assert(len(rse_locks) == 0)
        assert_raises(RuleNotFound, delete_rule, uuid())
Beispiel #20
    def test_rule_add_fails_account_limit(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test if a rule fails correctly when account limit conflict"""

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        set_account_limit(account='jdoe', rse_id=self.rse1_id, bytes=5)

        assert_raises(InsufficientAccountLimit, add_rule, dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='ALL', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        delete_account_limit(account='jdoe', rse_id=self.rse1_id)
    def test_judge_add_dataset_to_container(self):
        """ JUDGE EVALUATOR: Test the judge when adding dataset to container"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        parent_container = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, parent_container, DIDType.from_sym('CONTAINER'), 'jdoe')
        # Add a first rule to the DS
        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': parent_container}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)
        attach_dids(scope, parent_container, [{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], 'jdoe')
        # Fake judge

        # Check if the Locks are created properly
        for file in files:
            assert(len(get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])) == 2)

        # Check if the DatasetLocks are created properly
        dataset_locks = [lock for lock in get_dataset_locks(scope=scope, name=dataset)]
        assert(len(dataset_locks) == 2)
Beispiel #22
    def test_add_rule_dataset_none_with_weights(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add a replication rule on a dataset, NONE Grouping, WEIGHTS"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=2, rse_expression=self.T1, grouping='NONE', weight="fakeweight", lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        # Check if the Locks are created properly
        t1 = set([self.rse1_id, self.rse3_id, self.rse5_id])
        for file in files:
            rse_locks = set([lock['rse_id'] for lock in get_replica_locks(scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])])
            assert(len(t1.intersection(rse_locks)) == 2)
            assert_in(self.rse1_id, rse_locks)
Beispiel #23
    def test_add_rule_with_purge(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add a replication rule with purge setting"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse4, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None, purge_replicas=True)[0]


        # Check if the Locks are created properly
        for file in files:
            replica = get_replica(rse=self.rse4, scope=file['scope'], name=file['name'])
            assert(replica['tombstone'] == OBSOLETE)
Beispiel #24
    def test_add_rule_with_ignore_availability(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Add a replication rule with ignore_availability setting"""
        rse = rse_name_generator()
        update_rse(rse, {'availability_write': False})

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        with assert_raises(InvalidRSEExpression):
            add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=rse, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=rse, grouping='NONE', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None, ignore_availability=True)[0]
Beispiel #25
    def test_list_rules_by_did(self):
        """ DID (CLIENT): List Replication Rules per DID """
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        rule_id_2 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse3, grouping='NONE', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)[0]

        ret = self.did_client.list_did_rules(scope=scope, name=dataset)
        ids = [rule['id'] for rule in ret]

        assert_in(rule_id_1, ids)
        assert_in(rule_id_2, ids)
Beispiel #26
    def test_change_rule_lifetime(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CLIENT): Change rule lifetime"""
        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        rule_id_1 = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='DATASET', weight='fakeweight', lifetime=150, locked=True, subscription_id=None)[0]

        get = self.rule_client.get_replication_rule(rule_id_1)

        self.rule_client.update_replication_rule(rule_id_1, options={'lifetime': 10000})

        get2 = self.rule_client.get_replication_rule(rule_id_1)

        assert(get['expires_at'] != get2['expires_at'])
Beispiel #27
    def test_dataset_callback_no(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test dataset callback should not be sent"""

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        set_status(scope=scope, name=dataset, open=False)

        rule_id = add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse3, grouping='DATASET', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None, notify='C')[0]

        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[0]['name'], rse_id=self.rse3_id, nowait=False)
        successful_transfer(scope=scope, name=files[1]['name'], rse_id=self.rse3_id, nowait=False)

        # Check if rule exists
        assert(False == check_dataset_ok_callback(scope, dataset, self.rse3, rule_id))
Beispiel #28
    def test_account_counter_rule_create(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test if the account counter is updated correctly when new rule is created"""

        account_counter_before = get_account_counter(self.rse1_id, 'jdoe')

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse1, grouping='ALL', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        # Check if the counter has been updated correctly
        account_counter_after = get_account_counter(self.rse1_id, 'jdoe')
        assert(account_counter_before['bytes'] + 3*100 == account_counter_after['bytes'])
        assert(account_counter_before['files'] + 3 == account_counter_after['files'])
Beispiel #29
    def test_rse_counter_unavailable_replicas(self):
        """ REPLICATION RULE (CORE): Test if creating UNAVAILABLE replicas updates the RSE Counter correctly"""

        rse_counter_before = get_rse_counter(self.rse3_id)

        scope = 'mock'
        files = create_files(3, scope, self.rse1, bytes=100)
        dataset = 'dataset_' + str(uuid())
        add_did(scope, dataset, DIDType.from_sym('DATASET'), 'jdoe')
        attach_dids(scope, dataset, files, 'jdoe')

        add_rule(dids=[{'scope': scope, 'name': dataset}], account='jdoe', copies=1, rse_expression=self.rse3, grouping='ALL', weight=None, lifetime=None, locked=False, subscription_id=None)

        # Check if the rse has been updated correctly
        rse_counter_after = get_rse_counter(self.rse3_id)
        assert(rse_counter_before['bytes'] + 3*100 == rse_counter_after['bytes'])
        assert(rse_counter_before['files'] + 3 == rse_counter_after['files'])
Beispiel #30
def add_did(scope, name, type, issuer, account=None, statuses={}, meta=[], rules=[], lifetime=None):
    Add data did.

    :param scope: The scope name.
    :param name: The data identifier name.
    :param type: The data identifier type.
    :param issuer: The issuer account.
    :param account: The account owner. If None, then issuer is selected as owner.
    :param statuses: Dictionary with statuses, e.g.g {'monotonic':True}.
    :meta: Meta-data associated with the data identifier is represented using key/value pairs in a dictionary.
    :param lifetime: DID's lifetime (in seconds).
    :rules: Replication rules associated with the data did. A list of dictionaries, e.g., [{'copies': 2, 'rse_expression': 'TIERS1'}, ].
    kwargs = {'scope': scope, 'name': name, 'type': type, 'issuer': issuer, 'account': account, 'statuses': statuses, 'meta': meta, 'rules': rules, 'lifetime': lifetime}
    if not rucio.api.permission.has_permission(issuer=issuer, action='add_did', kwargs=kwargs):
        raise rucio.common.exception.AccessDenied('Account %s can not add data identifier to scope %s' % (issuer, scope))

    return did.add_did(scope=scope, name=name, type=DIDType.from_sym(type), account=account or issuer, statuses=statuses, meta=meta, rules=rules, lifetime=lifetime)