Run convergence test with changing kpoints subdivision values, and plot figures. You should set a 'kpoints_test' tag in the specs file, like kpoints_test: density_change: [1000, 2000, 4000] force_gamma: True Obviously, 'kpoints' tag should be omitted. """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) rmd.init_stdout() rmd.infer_from_json(run_specs) structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) kpoints_specs = run_specs['kpoints_test'] if 'force_gamma' in kpoints_specs: force_gamma = kpoints_specs['force_gamma'] else: force_gamma = False if 'density_change' in kpoints_specs: density_change = np.array(kpoints_specs['density_change']) else:
structures will be concatenated and sorted according to the volume value. If you set a 'slice' tag in the under the tag 'phonopy', like phonopy: volumes_and_structures: slice: [null, -4] The slice is applied to the volume and structure list. """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() cwd = os.getcwd() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) phonopy_specs = run_specs['phonopy'] phonopy_specs['dim'] = ' '.join(map(str, phonopy_specs['dim'])) incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) if os.path.isfile('../properties.json'): properties = rmd.fileload('../properties.json') if 'ISPIN' not in incar: if rmd.detect_is_mag(properties['mag']): incar.update({'ISPIN': 2}) else: incar.update({'ISPIN': 1}) # higher priority for run_specs if 'poscar' in run_specs: structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs)
sample_point_num: 5 In this case, an intial run will take action and obtain the fitting parameters and find the correct volumes corresponding to the given pressure range. A second run is done using those volume values. the tag 'skip_test_run' tells the code to just use the fitting_params.json in the working directory without doing the test run. If 'dump_to_json' exists in the specs file and is set to a path, output some important results to that file. """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) rmd.init_stdout() rmd.infer_from_json(run_specs) structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) kpoints = rmd.read_kpoints(run_specs, structure) is_mag = incar['ISPIN'] == 2 if 'ISPIN' in incar else False if 'volume' in run_specs and run_specs['volume']: volume_params = run_specs['volume'] V_begin = volume_params['begin'] V_end = volume_params['end'] V_sample_point_num = volume_params['sample_point_num'] else:
def volume_fitting(structure, is_mag, fitting_results): """ Construct a loop to get and fit the energy with changing volumes, return some indicators showing if the fit is "good" or not. """ volume = np.linspace(V_begin, V_end, V_sample_point_num) energy = np.zeros(len(volume)) mag = np.zeros(len(volume)) structures = [] for i, V in enumerate(volume): incar.write_file('INCAR') kpoints.write_file('KPOINTS') structure.scale_lattice(V)'POSCAR') rmd.write_potcar(run_specs) rmd.run_vasp() oszicar ='OSZICAR') energy[i] = oszicar.final_energy structure = mg.Structure.from_file('CONTCAR') structures.append(structure.as_dict()) if is_mag: mag[i] = oszicar.ionic_steps[-1]['mag'] # dump in case error in fitting fitting_results.append({'volume': volume.tolist(), 'energy': energy.tolist(), 'mag': mag.tolist(), 'structures': structures}) rmd.filedump(fitting_results, 'fitting_results.json') # plot in case error in fitting plt.plot(volume, energy, 'o') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('eos_fit.pdf') plt.close() # fitting and dumping fitting_result_raw = pv.fitting.eos_fit(volume, energy, plot=True) plt.savefig('eos_fit.pdf') plt.close() params = fitting_result_raw['params'] fitting_results[-1]['pressure'] = pv.fitting.birch_murnaghan_p(volume, params['V0'], params['B0'], params['B0_prime']).tolist() fitting_results[-1]['params'] = params fitting_results[-1]['r_squared'] = fitting_result_raw['r_squared'] rmd.filedump(fitting_results, 'fitting_results.json') # a simplifed version of the file dump fitting_params = params.copy() fitting_params['r_squared'] = fitting_result_raw['r_squared'] rmd.filedump(fitting_params, 'fitting_params.json') # uncomment to make calculation faster by switching off ISPIN if possible # is_mag = rmd.detect_is_mag(mag) # if not is_mag: # incar.update({'ISPIN': 1}) V0 = params['V0'] V0_ralative_pos = (V0 - V_begin) / (V_end - V_begin) is_V0_within_valley = V0_ralative_pos > 0.4 and V0_ralative_pos < 0.6 is_range_proportional = (volume[-1] - volume[0])/V0 < 0.25 is_well_fitted = (is_V0_within_valley and is_range_proportional) return is_well_fitted, V0, structure, is_mag
energy values from each strain set to a polynomial, extract the parameters and plot figures, and then linearly solve for the elastic constants. The strain sets used to solve the elastic constants are detailed in You should set a 'elastic' tag in the specs file, like elastic: cryst_sys: cubic """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) cryst_sys = run_specs['elastic']['cryst_sys'] rmd.infer_from_json(run_specs) structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) kpoints = rmd.read_kpoints(run_specs, structure) is_mag = incar['ISPIN'] == 2 if 'ISPIN' in incar else False fitting_results_summary = {} rmd.chdir('nostrain') rmd.init_stdout() incar.write_file('INCAR')
like elastic: num_norm: 2 num_shear: 2 After the set of VASP runs, you need to use the process script process_elastic_stress_strain to solve for the elastic constants. """ # pre-config run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() cwd = os.getcwd() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) # read settings incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) kpoints = rmd.read_kpoints(run_specs, structure) # elastic if 'elastic' in run_specs and ('num_norm' in run_specs['elastic'] or 'num_shear' in run_specs['elastic']): dss = elasticity.strain.DeformedStructureSet(structure, num_norm=run_specs['elastic']['num_norm'], num_shear=run_specs['elastic']['num_shear']) else: dss = elasticity.strain.DeformedStructureSet(structure) strain_list = [i.green_lagrange_strain for i in dss.deformations] rmd.filedump([i.tolist() for i in strain_list], 'strain_list.json') for idx, defo in enumerate(dss.deformations): rmd.chdir(str(idx))
rmd.chdir(test_type) energy = np.zeros(len(delta)) mag = np.zeros(len(delta)) for ind, value in enumerate(delta): rmd.chdir(str(value)) oszicar ='OSZICAR') energy[ind] = oszicar.final_energy if is_mag: mag[ind] = oszicar.ionic_steps[-1]['mag'] os.chdir('..') fitting_results = pydass_vasp.fitting.curve_fit(rmd_e.central_poly, delta, energy, plot=True) plt.savefig(test_type + '.pdf') plt.close() fitting_results['params'] = fitting_results['params'].tolist() fitting_results.pop('fitted_data') fitting_results.pop('ax') fitting_results['delta'] = delta.tolist() fitting_results['energy'] = energy.tolist() fitting_results['mag'] = mag.tolist() rmd.filedump(fitting_results, 'fitting_results.json') # higher level fitting_results.json if os.path.isfile('../fitting_results.json'): fitting_results_summary = rmd.fileload('../fitting_results.json') else: fitting_results_summary = {} fitting_results_summary[test_type] = fitting_results rmd.filedump(fitting_results_summary, '../fitting_results.json') shutil.copy(test_type + '.pdf', '..') os.chdir('..')
Not a VASP run script that requires a job submission. You can directly use it as python INPUT/ INPUT/run_elastic_stress_strain.yaml to read a specs file at INPUT/run_elastic_stress_strain.yaml, which is the file you used to actually run the routine script before this. """ # pre-config run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) rmd.init_stdout() # read settings structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) # elastic strain_list = [i for i in rmd.fileload('strain_list.json')] stress_list = [] for idx, strain in enumerate(strain_list): vasprun = + '/vasprun.xml') stress_list.append( elasticity.stress.Stress(vasprun.ionic_steps[-1]['stress']) / -10) rmd.filedump([i.tolist() for i in stress_list], 'stress_list.json') elastic_tensor = elasticity.elastic.ElasticTensor.from_strain_stress_list(
skip_test_run: True begin: -1 end: 50 sample_point_num: 5 In this case, an intial run will take action and obtain the fitting parameters and find the correct volumes corresponding to the given pressure range. A second run is done using those volume values. the tag 'skip_test_run' tells the code to just use the fitting_params.json in the working directory without doing the test run. """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) rmd.init_stdout() incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) is_properties = None if os.path.isfile(('../properties.json')): is_properties = True properties = rmd.fileload('../properties.json') if 'ISPIN' in incar: is_mag = incar['ISPIN'] == 2 elif is_properties: is_mag = rmd.detect_is_mag(properties['mag']) if is_mag: incar.update({'ISPIN': 2}) else:
run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) cryst_sys = run_specs['elastic']['cryst_sys'] is_properties = None if os.path.isfile(('../properties.json')): is_properties = True properties = rmd.fileload('../properties.json') # higher priority for run_specs if 'poscar' in run_specs: structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) elif os.path.isfile('../POSCAR'): structure = mg.Structure.from_file('../POSCAR') rmd.insert_elem_types(run_specs, structure) test_type_list, strain_list, delta_list = rmd_e.get_test_type_strain_delta_list(cryst_sys) fitting_results_summary = rmd.fileload('fitting_results.json') # fitting_results_summary['c11+2c12'] = {} # fitting_results_summary['c11+2c12']['params'] = [properties['B0'] * structure.volume / 160.2 * 9/2.] combined_econst_array = [fitting_results_summary[test_type]['params'][0] for test_type in test_type_list] combined_econst_array = np.array(combined_econst_array) * 160.2 / structure.volume solved = rmd_e.solve(cryst_sys, combined_econst_array) rmd.filedump(solved, 'elastic.json') if is_properties: properties['elastic'] = solved rmd.filedump(properties, '../properties.json')
elastic: cryst_sys: cubic test_type: c11-c12 The 'test_type' tag defines the name of the strain set, whose mathematical form is detailed in After this kind of VASP run for for all the independent strain sets, you need to use the process script to obtain the elastic constants. """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) cryst_sys = run_specs['elastic']['cryst_sys'] test_type_input = run_specs['elastic']['test_type'] rmd.infer_from_json(run_specs) structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) kpoints = rmd.read_kpoints(run_specs, structure) is_mag = incar['ISPIN'] == 2 if 'ISPIN' in incar else False test_type_list, strain_list, delta_list = rmd_e.get_test_type_strain_delta_list(cryst_sys) for test_type, strain, delta in zip(test_type_list, strain_list, delta_list): if test_type == test_type_input: rmd.chdir(test_type)
elastic: cryst_sys: cubic test_type: c11-c12 The 'test_type' tag defines the name of the strain set, whose mathematical form is detailed in After this kind of VASP run for for all the independent strain sets, you need to use the process script to obtain the elastic constants. """ run_specs, filename = rmd.get_run_specs_and_filename() rmd.chdir(rmd.get_run_dir(run_specs)) rmd.filedump(run_specs, filename) cryst_sys = run_specs['elastic']['cryst_sys'] test_type_input = run_specs['elastic']['test_type'] rmd.infer_from_json(run_specs) structure = rmd.get_structure(run_specs) incar = rmd.read_incar(run_specs) kpoints = rmd.read_kpoints(run_specs, structure) is_mag = incar['ISPIN'] == 2 if 'ISPIN' in incar else False test_type_list, strain_list, delta_list = rmd_e.get_test_type_strain_delta_list( cryst_sys) for test_type, strain, delta in zip(test_type_list, strain_list, delta_list):
def volume_fitting(structure, is_mag, fitting_results): """ Construct a loop to get and fit the energy with changing volumes, return some indicators showing if the fit is "good" or not. """ volume = np.linspace(V_begin, V_end, V_sample_point_num) energy = np.zeros(len(volume)) mag = np.zeros(len(volume)) structures = [] for i, V in enumerate(volume): incar.write_file('INCAR') kpoints.write_file('KPOINTS') structure.scale_lattice(V)'POSCAR') rmd.write_potcar(run_specs) rmd.run_vasp() oszicar ='OSZICAR') energy[i] = oszicar.final_energy structure = mg.Structure.from_file('CONTCAR') structures.append(structure.as_dict()) if is_mag: mag[i] = oszicar.ionic_steps[-1]['mag'] # dump in case error in fitting fitting_results.append({ 'volume': volume.tolist(), 'energy': energy.tolist(), 'mag': mag.tolist(), 'structures': structures }) rmd.filedump(fitting_results, 'fitting_results.json') # plot in case error in fitting plt.plot(volume, energy, 'o') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('eos_fit.pdf') plt.close() # fitting and dumping fitting_result_raw = pv.fitting.eos_fit(volume, energy, plot=True) plt.savefig('eos_fit.pdf') plt.close() params = fitting_result_raw['params'] fitting_results[-1]['pressure'] = pv.fitting.birch_murnaghan_p( volume, params['V0'], params['B0'], params['B0_prime']).tolist() fitting_results[-1]['params'] = params fitting_results[-1]['r_squared'] = fitting_result_raw['r_squared'] rmd.filedump(fitting_results, 'fitting_results.json') # a simplifed version of the file dump fitting_params = params.copy() fitting_params['r_squared'] = fitting_result_raw['r_squared'] rmd.filedump(fitting_params, 'fitting_params.json') # uncomment to make calculation faster by switching off ISPIN if possible # is_mag = rmd.detect_is_mag(mag) # if not is_mag: # incar.update({'ISPIN': 1}) V0 = params['V0'] V0_ralative_pos = (V0 - V_begin) / (V_end - V_begin) is_V0_within_valley = V0_ralative_pos > 0.4 and V0_ralative_pos < 0.6 is_range_proportional = (volume[-1] - volume[0]) / V0 < 0.25 is_well_fitted = (is_V0_within_valley and is_range_proportional) return is_well_fitted, V0, structure, is_mag