Beispiel #1
def slfm_gp(num_outputs, slfm_rank):
    kgen = lambda: []
    rgen = lambda: []
    slfmgen = lambda: [RBF(name='slfm{}'.format(i)) for i in range(slfm_rank)]
    indepgen = lambda: [
        Scaled(RBF(name='rbf{}'.format(i))) for i in range(num_outputs)
    return kgen, rgen, slfmgen, indepgen
Beispiel #2
def gen_random_k():
    """Generates a Q=2 SLFM kernel with varying lengthscales for 5 outputs."""
    ks = [
        RBF(name='rbf1', inv_lengthscale=5),
        RBF(name='rbf2', inv_lengthscale=0.5)
    indeps = [
        RBF(name='indep{}'.format(i), inv_lengthscale=2) for i in range(5)
    return FunctionalKernel(D=5,
Beispiel #3
def gen_kernels(q):
    kern_funcs = [RBF, lambda period: StdPeriodic(1, period), Matern32]
    kernels = [[kfunc(gamma) for gamma in np.logspace(0, 1, q)]
               for kfunc in kern_funcs]
    mix = [
        kfunc(gamma) for gamma in np.logspace(0, 1, max(q // 3, 1))
        for kfunc in kern_funcs
    if len(mix) > q:
        mix = mix[:q]
        for i in range(len(mix), q):
    return kernels + [mix]
Beispiel #4
def toy_sinusoid():
    # Adapts the 2-output toy problem from
    # Collaborative Multi-output Gaussian Processes
    # Nguyen and Bonilla et al. 2014

    # Their example uses a grid of inputs. To make it harder (for runlmc)
    # we instead look at uniformly distributed inputs.

    sz = 1500
    xss = [np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=sz) for _ in range(2)]
    f1 = lambda x: np.sin(x) + 1e-7 + np.random.randn(len(x)) * 1e-2
    f2 = lambda x: -np.sin(x) + 1e-7 + np.random.randn(len(x)) * 1e-2
    yss = [f1(xss[0]), f2(xss[1])]
    ks = [RBF(name='rbf0')]
    ranks = [1]
    pred_xss = [np.linspace(-11, 11, 100) for _ in range(2)]
    test_yss = [f1(pred_xss[0]), f2(pred_xss[1])]
    return None
Beispiel #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# In[2]:

n_per_output = [65, 100]
xss = list(map(np.random.rand, n_per_output))
nout = len(n_per_output)
yss = [np.sin(2 * np.pi * xs + i * 2 * np.pi / nout)
       + np.random.randn(len(xs)) * (i + 1) * 0.1 / nout
       for i, xs in enumerate(xss)]
ks = [RBF(name='rbf{}'.format(i)) for i in range(nout)]
ranks = [1, 1]
fk = FunctionalKernel(D=len(xss), lmc_kernels=ks, lmc_ranks=ranks)

# In[3]:

def print_diagram(lmc):
    plot_xs =  np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    ys, var = lmc.predict([plot_xs for _ in range(nout)])
    for i, (y, v, xs, ys) in enumerate(zip(ys, var, xss, yss)):
        sd = np.sqrt(v)
        order = xs.argsort()
        plt.scatter(xs[order], ys[order])
        plt.title('output {} (95%)'.format(i))
Beispiel #6
def alvarez_and_lawrence_gp():
    # Nguyen 2014 COGP uses Q=2 R=1, but that is not LMC
    # Álvarez and Lawrence 2010 Convolved GP has R=4, sort of.
    # Álvarez and Lawrence 2010 find that vanilla LMC works best with Q=1 R=2
    # that is what we use here
    return lambda: [RBF(name='rbf0')], lambda: [2], lambda: [], lambda: []
Beispiel #7
from runlmc.models.optimization import AdaDelta
from runlmc.models.gpy_lmc import GPyLMC
from runlmc.lmc.functional_kernel import FunctionalKernel

import sys

outdir = sys.argv[1] + '/'

print('publishing results into out directory', outdir)

print('FX2007 picture')
# Nguyen 2014 COGP uses Q=2 R=1, but that is not LMC
# Álvarez and Lawrence 2010 Convolved GP has R=4, sort of.
# Álvarez and Lawrence 2010 find that vanilla LMC works best with Q=1 R=2
# that is what we use here
ks = [RBF(name='rbf0')]
ranks = [2]
# the columns with nonzero test holdout are in test_fx
xss, yss, test_xss, test_yss, test_fx, cols = foreign_exchange_2007()

fk = FunctionalKernel(D=len(xss), lmc_kernels=ks, lmc_ranks=ranks)
lmc = InterpolatedLLGP(xss,
                       max_procs=(nthreads if nthreads else None))
opt = AdaDelta(verbosity=20, min_grad_ratio=0.2)
print('training LLGP')
with contexttimer.Timer() as t:
pred_yss, pred_vss = lmc.predict(test_xss)
Beispiel #8
def synth_gen():
    """Kernel generators associated for gen_random_k()"""
    return lambda: [], lambda: [], \
        lambda: [RBF(name='rbf1'), RBF(name='rbf2')], \
        lambda: [RBF(name='indep{}'.format(i)) for i in range(5)]
Beispiel #9
 def indepgen():
     return [
         Scaled(RBF(name='rbf{}'.format(i))) for i in range(num_outputs)
Beispiel #10
 def slfmgen():
     return [RBF(name='slfm{}'.format(i)) for i in range(slfm_rank)]