def main(): number = 1 while number != 0: print('') print("------------------------------") print("Welcome to my sports diary!") print("------------------------------") print("#1 \t New entry") print("#2 \t Diary") print("#3 \t Running") number = int(input("Enter a number, 1 to 3. Enter 0 to exit: ")) if number == 1: diary.new_entry() if number == 2: diary.diary() if number == 3: running.running() print(number)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This program will automate the farming') parser.add_argument('-nf','--no_change_fodders', help='This will tell the program not to change fodders and stop when all fodders are full', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", dest="logLevel", choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], help="Set the logging level") parser.add_argument('-r','--recharge', default='0' , help='This is the number of recharges you want', required=False) parser.add_argument('-n','--number_of_time', default='0' , help='This is the number of times you want the stage to be run', required=False) parser.add_argument('-t','--stage_type', choices=['cairos','essence','xp', 'toa','hoh'], help='This is the stage that you want to automate.', required=False) parser.add_argument('-tst','--test', nargs=1, help='Just give the name of the picture to be tested through the screenshot', required=False) parser.add_argument('-lc','--log_console', help='This will log to console', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-w','--windows', help='This will, under Windows environment, give you all the windows that are present for you to configure the ini file', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-sm','--swap_monsters', nargs=1, help='This will swap the monsters that are max, you have to enter the number of fodders that are full for consistency test', required=False) parser.add_argument('-ru','--rune_upgrade', nargs=1, help='This will upgrade the runes n times', required=False) parser.add_argument('-ws','--workspace', help='This will show you the workspace by showing you a printscreen of the area', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-c','--calibration', help='This will, under Windows environment, help you to calibrate the screen to the right size', required=False, action='store_true') tolerance, wait_times, directories, allConfigs = functions_general.initConfigs() args = parser.parse_args() logginFormat = '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s][%(funcName)s]: %(message)s' if args.logLevel: if args.log_console: logging.basicConfig(level=args.logLevel, datefmt='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', format=logginFormat) else: logging.basicConfig(filename=allConfigs['logFiles'], level=args.logLevel, datefmt='%y%m%d %H:%M:%S', format=logginFormat) if args.calibration: functions_general.calibrate(tolerance, directories,allConfigs) sys.exit(0) if EnumWindows = ctypes.windll.user32.EnumWindows EnumWindowsProc = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)) GetWindowText = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextW GetWindowTextLength = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowTextLengthW IsWindowVisible = ctypes.windll.user32.IsWindowVisible titles = [] def foreach_window(hwnd, lParam): if IsWindowVisible(hwnd): length = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) buff = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length + 1) GetWindowText(hwnd, buff, length + 1) titles.append(buff.value) return True EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc(foreach_window), 0) print("Here are all the windows I found") print(titles) sys.exit(0) if allConfigs['position']['pos_resize'] == 'yes': #Before Starting, make sure to use wmctrl -r Vysor -e 1,0,0,800,-1 #The window size should be 800 x 450 #This is to ensure we have always the same siz and that pixels won't be off #We read the config file if allConfigs['position']['system'] == 'linux': os.system('wmctrl -r '+allConfigs['position']['window_name_1']+' -e 1,'+str(allConfigs['position']['window_pos_x_1'])+','+str(allConfigs['position']['window_pos_y_1'])+','+str(allConfigs['position']['window_width_1'])+',-1') #Now we make sure the window is active and in front on the desktop os.system('wmctrl -a '+allConfigs['position']['window_name']) if allConfigs['position']['system'] == 'windows': functions_general.windowResizeAndPosition(args.workspace,allConfigs) time.sleep(1) if args.workspace: screenshot = functions_screenshot.screenshotOpencv(allConfigs) cv2.imshow('showFound',screenshot) cv2.waitKey(0) sys.exit(0) if args.test: functions_general.imageTest(args.test[0],tolerance, directories,allConfigs) sys.exit(0) if args.swap_monsters: functions_change_fodders.swapMonsters(tolerance,directories,int(args.swap_monsters[0]),allConfigs) sys.exit(0) if args.rune_upgrade: rune_upgrade.rune_upgrade(tolerance,directories,int(args.rune_upgrade[0]),allConfigs, wait_times) sys.exit(0) if args.stage_type: running.running(args.stage_type,args.no_change_fodders,int(args.recharge),int(args.number_of_time),tolerance, wait_times, directories,allConfigs) else: print ('You must select a stage type and a stage name, help for more info')
from running import running import cv2 import tensorflow as tf if __name__ == '__main__': # 加载模型文件 model = tf.keras.models.load_model('M4.h5') # 创建一个级联分类器 eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'D:\PycharmProjects\haarcascade_eye.xml') test = running() test.detect_face_mask(model, eye_cascade)
def test_three_arguments(): assert running([0, 1, 2]) == [0, 1, 3]
def test_two_arguments(): assert running([0, 1]) == [0, 1]
def test_empty(): assert running([]) == []
def test_four_arguments(): assert running([0, 1, 2, 3]) == [0, 1, 3, 6]