Beispiel #1
    def _seg(self, n_bkps=None, pen=None, epsilon=None):
        """Sequential peak search.

        The stopping rule depends on the parameter passed to the function.

            n_bkps (int): number of breakpoints to find before stopping.
            penalty (float): penalty value (>0)
            epsilon (float): reconstruction budget (>0)

            list: breakpoint index list

        # initialization
        bkps = [self.n_samples]
        stop = False
        error = self.cost.sum_of_costs(bkps)
        # peak search
        peak_inds_shifted, = argrelmax(self.score,
                                       order=max(self.width, self.min_size) //
                                       (2 * self.jump),

        if peak_inds_shifted.size == 0:  # no peaks if the score is constant
            return bkps
        gains = np.take(self.score, peak_inds_shifted)
        peak_inds_arr = np.take(self.inds, peak_inds_shifted)
        # sort according to score value
        _, peak_inds = unzip(sorted(zip(gains, peak_inds_arr)))
        peak_inds = list(peak_inds)

        while not stop:
            stop = True
            # _, bkp = max((v, k) for k, v in enumerate(self.score, start=1)
            # if not any(abs(k - b) < self.width // 2 for b in bkps[:-1]))

                # index with maximum score
                bkp = peak_inds.pop()
            except IndexError:  # peak_inds is empty

            if n_bkps is not None:
                if len(bkps) - 1 < n_bkps:
                    stop = False
            elif pen is not None:
                gain = error - self.cost.sum_of_costs(sorted([bkp] + bkps))
                if gain > pen:
                    stop = False
            elif epsilon is not None:
                if error > epsilon:
                    stop = False

            if not stop:
                error = self.cost.sum_of_costs(bkps)

        return bkps
Beispiel #2
    def _seg(self, n_bkps=None, pen=None, epsilon=None):
        """Sequential peak search.

        The stopping rule depends on the parameter passed to the function.

            n_bkps (int): number of breakpoints to find before stopping.
            penalty (float): penalty value (>0)
            epsilon (float): reconstruction budget (>0)

            list: breakpoint index list

        # initialization
        bkps = [self.n_samples]
        stop = False
        error = self.cost.sum_of_costs(bkps)
        # peak search
        # forcing order to be above one in case jump is too large (issue #16)
        order = max(max(self.width, 2 * self.min_size) // (2 * self.jump), 1)
        peak_inds_shifted = argrelmax(self.score, order=order, mode="wrap")[0]

        if peak_inds_shifted.size == 0:  # no peaks if the score is constant
            return bkps
        gains = np.take(self.score, peak_inds_shifted)
        peak_inds_arr = np.take(self.inds, peak_inds_shifted)
        # sort according to score value
        _, peak_inds = unzip(sorted(zip(gains, peak_inds_arr)))
        peak_inds = list(peak_inds)

        while not stop:
            stop = True
            # _, bkp = max((v, k) for k, v in enumerate(self.score, start=1)
            # if not any(abs(k - b) < self.width // 2 for b in bkps[:-1]))

                # index with maximum score
                bkp = peak_inds.pop()
            except IndexError:  # peak_inds is empty

            if n_bkps is not None:
                if len(bkps) - 1 < n_bkps:
                    stop = False
            elif pen is not None:
                gain = error - self.cost.sum_of_costs(sorted([bkp] + bkps))
                if gain > pen:
                    stop = False
            elif epsilon is not None:
                if error > epsilon:
                    stop = False

            if not stop:
                error = self.cost.sum_of_costs(bkps)

        # remove shifts if they last too long
        start_index = 0
        end_index = 1
        to_delete = []

        if self.max_samples is not None and len(bkps) > 1:
            for i in range(math.floor(len(bkps) / 2)):
                if (bkps[end_index] - bkps[start_index]) > self.max_samples:
                start_index += 2
                end_index += 2
            bkps = list(np.delete(bkps, to_delete))

        # remove changepoint if it starts but never ends
        if self.remove_single:
            if (len(bkps) % 2) != 0:
                del bkps[-1]

        return bkps