def get_authorization_stream(context: Context) -> Observable: return return_value(context).pipe( op.flat_map(call_async(validate_redirect_uri)), op.flat_map(call_async(validate_response_type)), op.flat_map(call_async(validate_scope)), op.flat_map(select_flow), )
def rmux_client(sources): response = sources.tcp_client.response.pipe(ops.share()) tcp_connect = rx.just(tcp_client.Connect( host='', port='8080' )) create_observable = response.pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda connection: rx.just({'what': 'subscribe', 'id':42, 'name': '1234'}).pipe( i: json.dumps(i)), frame, j: tcp_client.Write(, data=j.encode())) )) ) console = response.pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda connection: connection.observable.pipe( i:'utf-8')), unframe, i: json.loads(i)), ops.group_by(lambda i: i['id']), ops.flat_map(lambda subscription: subscription.pipe(, ops.dematerialize(), )) )), i: "item: {}\n".format(i)) ) tcp_sink = rx.merge(tcp_connect, create_observable) return Sink( tcp_client=tcp_client.Sink(request=tcp_sink), stdout=stdout.Sink(data=console), )
def test_walk_file_and_dir(self): expected_files = [ os.path.join('dfoo', 'foo'), os.path.join('dbar', 'bar'), os.path.join('dbiz', 'biz'), ] expected_dirs = ['dfoo', 'dbar', 'dbiz'] actual_files = [] create_file_tree(self.wordkir, expected_dirs, expected_files) source = walk.make_driver().call( walk.Sink(request=rx.just( walk.Walk(top=self.wordkir, id='test', recursive=True)))) class TestObserver(Observer): def on_next(self, i): actual_files.append(i) def on_completed(self): return def on_error(self, e): raise Exception(e) source.response.pipe( ops.filter(lambda i: type(i) is walk.WalkResponse), ops.flat_map(lambda i: i.content.directories), ops.flat_map(lambda i: i.files), ).subscribe(TestObserver()) for f in expected_files: self.assertIn(os.path.join(self.wordkir, f), actual_files)
def download_directory(file: dict, destination: str, matching: str = None, delete_after_download: bool = False) -> Observable: destination = os.path.abspath(destination) def get_destination(f): relative_path = f['path'][len(file['path']):] next_destination = '{}{}{}'.format( destination, '' if destination[-1] == '/' else '/', relative_path) return next_destination def initial_stats(files): return { 'progress': 0, 'total_files': len(files), 'total_bytes': sum([int(f.get('size', 0)) for f in files]), 'downloaded_files': 0, 'downloaded_bytes': 0 } def update_stats(stats, download): downloaded_files = stats['downloaded_files'] + ( 0 if download['progress'] < 1 else 1) downloaded_bytes = stats['downloaded_bytes'] + download[ 'downloaded_bytes'] progress = downloaded_bytes / stats['total_bytes'] return { 'progress': progress, 'total_files': stats['total_files'], 'total_bytes': stats['total_bytes'], 'downloaded_files': downloaded_files, 'downloaded_bytes': downloaded_bytes } def is_file_matching(f): return not matching or fnmatch.fnmatch(f['path'], matching) def delete_downloaded(downloaded): if delete_after_download: return delete_file(downloaded['file']).pipe( map(lambda _: downloaded)) else: return of(downloaded) def filter_files(files): return [f for f in files if not is_folder(f) and is_file_matching(f)] if is_folder(file): return list_folder_recursively(file).pipe( map(lambda files: filter_files(files)), flat_map(lambda files: of(True).pipe( flat_map(lambda _: of(*files).pipe( flat_map(lambda f: download_file(f, get_destination(f))), flat_map(delete_downloaded))), scan(update_stats, initial_stats(files))))) else: return download_file(file, destination)
def audio_encoder(sources): # Parse configuration parser = create_arg_parser() read_request, read_response = sources.argv.argv.pipe( ops.skip(1), argparse.parse(parser), ops.filter(lambda i: i.key == 'config'), i: file.Read(id='config', path=i.value)),, ) config = read_response.pipe( ops.filter(lambda i: == "config"), ops.flat_map(lambda i:, parse_config, ) # Transcode request handling encode_init = config.pipe( lambda i: encoder.Initialize(storage_path=i.encode.storage_path))) encode_request = sources.httpd.route.pipe( ops.filter(lambda i: == 'flac_transcode'), ops.flat_map(lambda i: i.request), i: encoder.EncodeMp3( id=i.context,, key=i.match_info['key'])), ) encoder_request = rx.merge(encode_init, encode_request) # http server http_init = config.pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda i: rx.from_([ httpd.Initialize(request_max_size=0), httpd.AddRoute( methods=['POST'], path='/api/transcode/v1/flac/{key:[a-zA-Z0-9-\._]*}', id='flac_transcode', ), httpd.StartServer(, port=i.server.http.port ), ]))) http_response = sources.encoder.response.pipe( i: httpd.Response( data='ok'.encode('utf-8'),, ))) http = rx.merge(http_init, http_response) # merge sink requests file_requests = read_request return Sink( encoder=encoder.Sink(request=encoder_request), file=file.Sink(request=file_requests), httpd=httpd.Sink(control=http), )
def select_flow(context: Context) -> Observable: response_type = next(iter(context.oauth2_request.response_type)) if response_type == 'code': return return_value(context).pipe( op.flat_map(call_async(authorization_code_grant))) if response_type == 'token': return return_value(context).pipe( op.flat_map(call_async(implicit_grant))) raise InvalidRequest('Invalid response_type parameter')
def __init__(self, protocol): # See comment in self._aio_scheduler = QtScheduler(QtCore) messages = protocol.register("game_info") = messages.pipe( ops.flat_map(self._split_game_info), ops.observe_on(self._aio_scheduler), ops.flat_map(self._process_game), ops.observe_on(ImmediateScheduler()), ops.filter(lambda x: x is not None), )
def _export_geometries(): def aggregate_progress(progresses, count): p = _sum_dicts(progresses.values(), excluded_keys=['geometry']) exported = round(100 * p['exported'] / count) downloaded = round(100 * p['downloaded'] / count) downloaded_bytes = format_bytes(p['downloaded_bytes']) processed = round(100 * p['processed'] / count) return progress( default_message='Exported {}%, Downloaded {}% ({}), Processed {}%'.format( exported, downloaded, downloaded_bytes, processed ), message_key='tasks.retrieve.time_series_to_sepal.progress', exported=exported, downloaded=downloaded, downloaded_bytes=downloaded_bytes, processed=processed ) features_collection = _to_features_collection(region) def export_geometry(geometry, i, geometry_count): geometry_description = str(i + 1).zfill(len(str(geometry_count))) return defer( lambda _: _export_geometry( geometry, geometry_description=geometry_description ) ) return concat( progress( default_message='Tiling AOI...', message_key='tasks.retrieve.time_series_to_sepal.tiling' ), _extract_feature_indexes(features_collection).pipe( flat_map( lambda feature_indexes: _to_geometries(features_collection, feature_indexes).pipe( flat_map( lambda geometries: concat( *[ export_geometry(geometry, i, len(feature_indexes)) for i, geometry in enumerate(geometries) ] ) ), scan(lambda acc, p: {**acc, p['geometry']: p}, {}), flat_map(lambda progresses: aggregate_progress( progresses, count=len(feature_indexes) * len(year_ranges) )) ) ) ) )
def getTestrunDependencies(testrun): return rx.of(testrun).pipe( ops.flat_map( lambda testrun: getTestrunProperties(testrun) ), ops.flat_map( lambda testrun: getTestcaseOwners(testrun) ), ops.flat_map( lambda testrun: getTestrunMatrix(testrun) ), )
def monitor(): def is_running(state): return state in [Task.State.UNSUBMITTED, Task.State.READY, Task.State.RUNNING] return interval(_MONITORING_FREQUENCY).pipe( flat_map(lambda _: execute( action=load_status, description='monitor task ' + str(task)) ), flat_map(extract_state), distinct_until_changed(), take_while(is_running, inclusive=True) )
def get_authorization_stream(request: OIDCRequest) -> Observable: response_params: Dict[str, Any] = {} # yapf: disable return just(request).pipe( op.flat_map(call_async(validate_redirect_uri)), op.flat_map(call_async(validate_response_type)), op.flat_map(call_async(validate_scope)), op.flat_map(select_flows), op.merge_all(), op.do_action(lambda x: response_params.update(asdict(x))), op.last(), x: AuthorizationResponse(**response_params)))
def main(): origin = rx.subjects.Subject() origin.pipe( ops.flat_map(rx.from_), x: bytes([x])), ops.filter(RemoveComments().next_character), ops.flat_map(Tokenize().next_character), ops.filter(bool), ops.flat_map(Parse().next_token), ).subscribe_(on_next=pprint.pprint, on_error=print) read_into("parse.lisp", origin)
def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() io_scheduler = AsyncIOThreadSafeScheduler(loop=loop) scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) semaphore = Subject() semaphore_stream = semaphore.pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda _: rx.of(True).pipe( ops.delay(ARGS.block_time, scheduler=scheduler), ops.start_with(False))), ops.start_with(True)) video_stream_observable = rx.using( lambda: VideoStreamDisposable(), lambda d: rx.from_iterable(video_stream_iterable(d.cap))) gated_video_stream = video_stream_observable.pipe( ops.subscribe_on(scheduler), ops.sample(1 / ARGS.fps), # sample frames based on fps ops.combine_latest(semaphore_stream), ops.filter(lambda tup: tup[1]), # proceed only if semaphore allows tup: tup[0]) # take only frame ) disposable = gated_video_stream.pipe( ops.filter(has_face), # filter frames without faces frame: Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))), # map frame to PIL image img: img.resize( (640, 360))), # resize image (inference will be faster) ops.observe_on(io_scheduler), img: ImageFacesPair(img, analyse_frame(img)) ), # analyse frame for faces ops.filter(lambda img_faces_pair: any([ face.top_prediction.confidence > ARGS.threshold for face in img_faces_pair.faces ])), # proceed only if there is a known face in the frame ops.throttle_first(1), ops.flat_map(unlock_request), # unlock the door ops.do_action( on_next=lambda _: semaphore.on_next(True) ) # trigger semaphore which will block stream for "block-seconds" seconds (doors are unlocked for that long after unlock request) ).subscribe(on_error=lambda e: logger.exception(e)) try: loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)"Smart lock face recognition engine shutdown") disposable.dispose()
def create(): def mapper(x_yy): x, yy = x_yy return yy.pipe( y: '{}{}'.format(x.value, y.value))) return xs.pipe( ops.group_join( ys, lambda x: rx.timer(x.interval), lambda y: rx.timer(y.interval).pipe( ops.flat_map(rx.throw(ex) if y.value == "tin" else rx.empty())), ), ops.flat_map(mapper), )
def _set_band_names(): band_names_stream = of(band_names) if band_names else get_band_names( credentials, image) return concat( progress( default_message='Setting band names...', message_key='tasks.retrieve.image_to_sepal.setting_band_names' ), band_names_stream.pipe( flat_map(lambda names: set_band_names( band_names=names, files= [destination_path + '/*.tif', destination_path + '/*.vrt']) ), flat_map(lambda _: empty())))
def configure_timed_read(self): interval = self.config.getfloat("fp50", "interval") if interval > 0:"Configuring timed read") # enabled rx.interval(interval, scheduler=NewThreadScheduler()).pipe( operators.flat_map(lambda x: self.control.get_power()), x: self.upload_power(x)), operators.delay(self.config.getfloat("fp50", "query_delay")), operators.flat_map( lambda x: self.control.get_internal_temperature()), x: self.upload_internal_temperature(x)), operators.catch(error_handler)).subscribe()
def list_folder_recursively(folder: dict) -> Observable: def recurse(file): if is_folder(file): return concat( of([file]), list_folder_recursively(file), ) else: return of([file]) return list_folder(folder).pipe( flat_map(lambda files: from_list(files)), flat_map(recurse), reduce(lambda acc, files: acc + files, []), )
def get_products(shop: Dict[str, str], search_term: str, options) -> Observable: domain = re.findall("\.(.+)\.com", shop['url'])[0] print(f"Lauching {domain}") browser = launch_browser(f"{shop['url']}{search_term}", options, shop) base_obs = rx.of(browser).pipe( ops.do_action( lambda el: print(f"Getting products prices from {domain}")), ops.flat_map(lambda browser: rx.from_( browser.find_elements_by_xpath(shop["xpath"]["parent"]))), ops.filter(lambda el: el.is_displayed()), el: ( get_property(el, shop["xpath"]["product_name"]), get_property(el, shop["xpath"]["price"]), )), ops.filter(lambda el: el[0] and el[1]), el: { "name": el[0], "price": el[1] }), product: transform_price(product, shop["priceRegexp"])), ops.finally_action(lambda: browser.close()), ) return base_obs
def __init__(self, concurrency_per_group, delay_seconds=0, description=None): self._queue = Subject() self._description = description self.request_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(concurrency_per_group) producer_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(concurrency_per_group) def on_next(result): output = result['output'] output.on_next({ 'value': result.get('value'), 'completed': result.get('completed') }) self._subscription = self._queue.pipe( observe_on(producer_scheduler), group_by(lambda r: r['group']), flat_map(lambda concurrency_group: concurrency_group.pipe( map(lambda r: r['work']), delay(delay_seconds), merge(max_concurrent=concurrency_per_group), merge_all(), )), take_until_disposed()).subscribe( on_next=on_next, on_error=lambda error: logging.exception( 'Error in {} request stream'.format(self)), scheduler=producer_scheduler)
def start(self): logging.debug("in MyObservable.start") rx.interval(1.0).pipe( ops.subscribe_on(self.scheduler), ops.flat_map(lambda i: self.fetch_subjects())).subscribe( on_next=lambda v: self.subject.on_next(v), on_error=lambda e: print_error("Error in interval loop", e))
def __init__( self, influxdb_client, write_options: WriteOptions = WriteOptions()) -> None: self._influxdb_client = influxdb_client self._write_service = WriteService(influxdb_client.api_client) self._write_options = write_options if self._write_options.write_type is WriteType.batching: # Define Subject that listen incoming data and produces writes into InfluxDB self._subject = Subject() # Define a scheduler that is used for processing incoming data - default singleton observable = self._subject.pipe( ops.observe_on(self._write_options.write_scheduler)) self._disposable = observable \ .pipe( # Split incoming data to windows by batch_size or flush_interval ops.window_with_time_or_count(count=write_options.batch_size, timespan=timedelta(milliseconds=write_options.flush_interval)), # Map incoming batch window in groups defined by 'organization', 'bucket' and 'precision' ops.flat_map(lambda v: _window_to_group(v)), # Write data into InfluxDB (possibility to retry if its fail) batch: self._retryable(data=batch, delay=self._jitter_delay())), # ops.merge_all()) \ .subscribe(self._on_next, self._on_error, self._on_complete) else: self._subject = None self._disposable = None
def demo_flatmap2(): '''tuple unpacking''' a = rx.of(1, 2, 3, 4) a.pipe(ops.flat_map(lambda x: range(0, x)) #ops.flat_map(range) ).subscribe(print)
def word_counter(file_name): # count words using `group_by()` # tuple the word with the count return words_from_file(file_name).pipe( ops.group_by(lambda word: word), ops.flat_map(lambda grp: grp.pipe(ops.count(), ct: (grp.key, ct)))))
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='entityfactssheetsharvester', description= 'Retrieves EntityFacts sheets from a given CSV with GND identifiers and returns them as line-delimited JSON records.', epilog= 'example: entityfactssheetsharvester < [INPUT CSV FILE WITH GND IDENTIFIERS] > [PATH TO THE OUTPUT LINE-DELIMITED JSON RECORDS FILE]', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) args = parser.parse_args() if hasattr(args, 'help') and parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) exit(-1) source = create(push_input) all_in_one = source.pipe( line: get_gnd_identifier(line)), gnd_identifier: retrieve_entityfacts_sheet_obs( gnd_identifier)), ef_sheet_tuple_obs: format_entityfacts_sheet_obs( ef_sheet_tuple_obs)), flat_ef_sheet_json_tuple_obs: write_entityfacts_sheet_obs(flat_ef_sheet_json_tuple_obs)), op.flat_map(lambda x: x)) all_in_one.subscribe(on_next=lambda gnd_identifier: eprint( "PROCESSED GND identifier '{0}': {1}".format(gnd_identifier, current_thread().name)), on_error=lambda e: eprint(e), on_completed=lambda: eprint("PROCESS done!"), scheduler=THREAD_POOL_SCHEDULER)
def create(): def mapper(x_yy): x, yy = x_yy return yy.pipe( y: '{}{}'.format(x.value, y.value))) return xs.pipe( ops.group_join( ys, lambda x: rx.timer(x.interval), lambda y: rx.timer(y.interval).pipe( ops.flat_map( rx.throw(ex) if y.value == "tin" else rx.empty())), ), ops.flat_map(mapper), )
def cartesian_product(): """ this method take stream of list (--[a,b]--[1,2]-->) convert each list to a stream (--a--b--> --1--2-->) convert output to a stream contain one list of streams (--[--a--b--> , --1--2-->]-->) convert output to a cartesian product stream (--[a,1]--[a,2]--[b,1]--[b,2]-->) """ def cartesian(sources): """ this method take list of streams (--[--a--b--> , --1--2-->]-->) convert output to a cartesian product stream (--[a,1]--[a,2]--[b,1]--[b,2]-->) """ if len(sources) == 0: return empty() result = sources[0].pipe( s: [s])) def two_streams_product(stream2, stream1): product = stream1.pipe( ops.flat_map( lambda s1: stream2.pipe( s2: s1 + [s2])))) return product for i in range(1, len(sources)): result = two_streams_product(sources[i], result) return result return pipe( _list: from_list(_list)), ops.to_list(), ops.flat_map(lambda i: cartesian(i)))
def getCategoryAndDependencies(selectedJobId): return rx.of(selectedJobId).pipe( ops.flat_map( lambda selectedJobId: getCategory(selectedJobId) ), ops.flat_map( lambda category: getTestruns(category) ), ops.flat_map( lambda testruns: rx.from_(testruns) ), lambda testrun: getTestrunDependencies(testrun) ), ops.merge(max_concurrent=1), )
def factory(): def projection(x): invoked[0] += 1 if invoked[0] == 3: raise Exception(ex) return x return xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(projection))
def logs(self, number_of_lines: int) -> Observable[str]: return rx.from_callable(lambda: self._client.post_json({'uri': self._uri, 'numberOfLines': number_of_lines}, url_postfix="/skill/logs"), self._scheduler) \ .pipe( r: json.loads(r.content)), ops.flat_map(lambda r: rx.from_iterable(r['logLines'])) )
def demo_flatmap3(): '''tuple unpacking''' a = rx.of([1, 2], [3, 4]) a.pipe(ops.flat_map(lambda x: x) #ops.flat_map(range) ).subscribe(print)
def execute_task(task): def start(): task.start() return task.status()['id'] def load_status(): return task.status() def extract_state(status): state = status['state'] if state == 'FAILED': return throw(ee.EEException(status.get('error_message'))) else: return of(state) def monitor(): def is_running(state): return state in [Task.State.UNSUBMITTED, Task.State.READY, Task.State.RUNNING] return interval(_MONITORING_FREQUENCY).pipe( flat_map(lambda _: execute( action=load_status, description='monitor task ' + str(task)) ), flat_map(extract_state), distinct_until_changed(), take_while(is_running, inclusive=True) ) return execute(start, description='start task ' + str(task)).pipe( flat_map(lambda _: monitor()) )
def create(): pfh = self.test_obs.pipe(pairwise_buffer, x: x[0])) w = pfh.pipe( ops.window( self.test_obs.pipe(pairwise_buffer, ops.filter(lambda x: x[0] != x[1])))) return w.pipe(ops.flat_map(lambda x: x.pipe(ops.to_list())))
def _buffer_with_time(timespan: typing.RelativeTime, timeshift: typing.RelativeTime = None, scheduler: typing.Scheduler = None) -> Callable[[Observable], Observable]: if not timeshift: timeshift = timespan return pipe( ops.window_with_time(timespan, timeshift, scheduler), ops.flat_map(lambda x: x.pipe(ops.to_iterable())) )
def create(): def mapper(x_yy): x, yy = x_yy return yy.pipe( y: '{}{}'.format(x.value, y.value))) return xs.pipe( ops.group_join( ys, lambda x: new_timer(xsd, x.interval, scheduler), lambda y: new_timer(ysd, y.interval, scheduler), ), ops.flat_map(mapper), )
def create(): def mapper(xy): x, y = xy return "{}{}".format(x.value, y.value) return xs.pipe( ops.join( ys, lambda x: rx.timer(x.interval), lambda y: rx.timer(y.interval).pipe(ops.flat_map(rx.throw(ex) if y.value == "tin" else rx.empty())), ),, )
def create(): def mapper(x_yy): x, yy = x_yy return yy.pipe( y: '{}{}'.format(x.value, y.value))) return xs.pipe( ops.group_join( ys, lambda x: rx.timer(x.interval).pipe(ops.filter(lambda _: False)), lambda y: rx.timer(y.interval).pipe(ops.filter(lambda _: False)), ), ops.flat_map(mapper), )
def buffer_with_count(source: Observable) -> Observable: nonlocal skip if skip is None: skip = count def mapper(value): return value.pipe(ops.to_iterable(), def predicate(value): return len(value) > 0 return source.pipe(ops.window_with_count(count, skip), ops.flat_map(mapper), ops.filter(predicate))
def test_flat_map_then_error_error(self): ex = 'ex' scheduler = TestScheduler() xs = scheduler.create_cold_observable( on_next(100, 4), on_next(200, 2), on_next(300, 3), on_next(400, 1), on_error(500, ex)) ys = scheduler.create_cold_observable( on_next(50, "foo"), on_next(100, "bar"), on_next(150, "baz"), on_next(200, "qux"), on_error(250, ex)) results = scheduler.start(lambda: xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(ys))) assert results.messages == [ on_next(350, "foo"), on_next(400, "bar"), on_next(450, "baz"), on_next(450, "foo"), on_next(500, "qux"), on_next(500, "bar"), on_error(550, ex)] assert xs.subscriptions == [subscribe(200, 550)] assert ys.subscriptions == [ subscribe(300, 550), subscribe(400, 550), subscribe(500, 550)]
def create(): def right_duration_mapper(y): if len(y.value) >= 0: raise Exception(ex) else: return rx.empty() def mapper(x_yy): x, yy = x_yy return yy.pipe( y: '{}{}'.format(x.value, y.value))) return xs.pipe( ops.group_join( ys, lambda x: rx.timer(x.interval), right_duration_mapper, ), ops.flat_map(mapper), )
def open(self): print("WebSocket opened") # A Subject is both an observable and observer, so we can both subscribe # to it and also feed (on_next) it with new values self.subject = Subject() # Now we take on our magic glasses and project the stream of bytes into # a ... query = self.subject.pipe( # 1. stream of keycodes obj: obj["keycode"]), # 2. stream of windows (10 ints long) ops.window_with_count(10, 1), # 3. stream of booleans, True or False ops.flat_map(lambda win: win.pipe(ops.sequence_equal(codes))), # 4. stream of Trues ops.filter(lambda equal: equal) ) # 4. we then subscribe to the Trues, and signal Konami! if we see any query.subscribe(lambda x: self.write_message("Konami!"))
def _buffer(buffer_openings=None, buffer_closing_mapper=None) -> Callable[[Observable], Observable]: """Projects each element of an observable sequence into zero or more buffers. Args: buffer_openings -- Observable sequence whose elements denote the creation of windows. buffer_closing_mapper -- [optional] A function invoked to define the closing of each produced window. If a closing mapper function is specified for the first parameter, this parameter is ignored. Returns: A function that takes an observable source and retuerns an observable sequence of windows. """ return pipe( ops.window(buffer_openings, buffer_closing_mapper), ops.flat_map(pipe(ops.to_iterable(), )
def test_flat_map_then_complete_never(self): scheduler = TestScheduler() xs = scheduler.create_cold_observable( on_next(100, 4), on_next(200, 2), on_next(300, 3), on_next(400, 1), on_completed(500)) ys = scheduler.create_cold_observable( on_next(50, "foo"), on_next(100, "bar"), on_next(150, "baz"), on_next(200, "qux")) results = scheduler.start(lambda: xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(ys))) assert results.messages == [ on_next(350, "foo"), on_next(400, "bar"), on_next(450, "baz"), on_next(450, "foo"), on_next(500, "qux"), on_next(500, "bar"), on_next(550, "baz"), on_next(550, "foo"), on_next(600, "qux"), on_next(600, "bar"), on_next(650, "baz"), on_next(650, "foo"), on_next(700, "qux"), on_next(700, "bar"), on_next(750, "baz"), on_next(800, "qux")] assert xs.subscriptions == [subscribe(200, 700)] assert ys.subscriptions == [ subscribe(300, 1000), subscribe(400, 1000), subscribe(500, 1000), subscribe(600, 1000)]
def factory(): def projection(x): return rx.interval(10).pipe(ops.map_indexed(lambda a, b: x), ops.take(x)) return xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(projection))
def _buffer_with_time_or_count(timespan, count, scheduler = None) -> Callable[[Observable], Observable]: return pipe( ops.window_with_time_or_count(timespan, count, scheduler), ops.flat_map(lambda x: x.pipe(ops.to_iterable())) )
import concurrent.futures import time import rx from rx import operators as ops seconds = [5, 1, 2, 4, 3] def sleep(tm): time.sleep(tm) return tm def output(result): print('%d seconds' % result) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(5) as executor: rx.from_(seconds).pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda s: executor.submit(sleep, s)) ).subscribe(output) # 1 seconds # 2 seconds # 3 seconds # 4 seconds # 5 seconds
def factory(): return xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(lambda x: x))
def create(): return xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(lambda x: x))
def factory(): return xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(ys))
def create(): def mapper(x): ys = [x] * x inners.append(ys) return ys return xs.pipe(ops.flat_map(mapper))
""" Tests MergeMap from rxjs it should flat_map many regular interval inners """ with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as context: start, cold, hot, exp = context a = cold(' ----a---a----a----(a,|) ') b = cold(' ----1----b----(b,|) ') c = cold(' -------c---c---c----c---(c,|)') d = cold(' -------(d,|) ') e1 = hot('-a---b-----------c-------d------------| ') ex = exp('-----a---(a,1)(a,b)(a,b)c---c---(c,d)c---(c,|)') expected = ex observableLookup = {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": d} obs = e1.pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda value: observableLookup[value]) ) results = start(obs) assert results == expected print('flat_map: results vs expected') for r, e in zip(results, expected): print(r, e)