def test_toggle_closing_mapper_on_error(self):
        class TestException(Exception):

        ex = TestException('test exception')

        with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

            lookup = {'a': [2, 3], 'b': [5], 'c': [7], 'd': [8, 9]}

            openings = hot('---a-------b------c---d-------|')
            a = cold('         ------1|')
            b = cold('                 ---#', error=ex)
            c = cold('                        ---1|')
            d = cold('                            -----1|')
            source = hot('  -1--2--3--4--5--6---7--8--9---|')
            expected = exp('---------a----#', lookup=lookup, error=ex)
            #               012345678901234567890123456789
            #               0         1         2
            closings = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d}

            def closing_mapper(key):
                return closings[key]

            obs = source.pipe(ops.buffer_toggle(openings, closing_mapper))
            results = start(obs)
            assert results == expected
    def test_when_source_on_error(self):
        class TestException(Exception):

        ex = TestException('test exception')

        with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

            def closing_mapper():
                return cold('-----1|')

            lookup = {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [3], 'c': [4, 5], 'd': [6], 'e': [7]}
            #               -----1|
            #                    -----1|
            #                         -----1|
            #                              -----1|
            #                                   -----1|
            source = hot('  -1--2---3--4--5--#', error=ex)
            expected = exp('-----a----b----c-#', lookup=lookup, error=ex)
            #               012345678901234567890123456789
            #               0         1         2

            obs = source.pipe(ops.buffer_when(closing_mapper))
            results = start(obs)
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #3
    def test_start_with_cold_empty(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            obs = cold("------|")
            "           012345678901234567890"

            def create():
                return obs

            results = start(create)
            expected = [ReactiveTest.on_completed(206)]
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #4
    def test_start_with_cold_never(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            obs = cold("----")
            "           012345678901234567890"

            def create():
                return obs

            results = start(create)
            expected = []
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #5
    def test_start_with_cold_and_exp_group(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            obs = cold("     12--(3,6.5)----(5,#)")
            expected = exp(" 12--(3,6.5)----(5,#)")
            "                012345678901234567890"

            def create():
                return obs

            results = start(create)
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #6
    def test_start_with_hot_and_exp(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            obs = hot("     --3--4--5-|")
            expected = exp("--3--4--5-|")
            "               012345678901234567890"

            def create():
                return obs

            results = start(create)
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #7
    def test_start_with_cold_no_create_function(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            obs = cold("12--3-|")
            "           012345678901234567890"

            results = start(obs)
            expected = [
                ReactiveTest.on_next(200.0, 12),
                ReactiveTest.on_next(204.0, 3),
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #8
    def test_exp(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            results = exp("12--3--4--5-|")
            "              012345678901234567890"

            expected = [
                ReactiveTest.on_next(200.0, 12),
                ReactiveTest.on_next(204.0, 3),
                ReactiveTest.on_next(207.0, 4),
                ReactiveTest.on_next(210.0, 5),
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #9
    def test_start_with_cold_normal(self):
        with marbles_testing() as (start, cold, hot, exp):
            obs = cold("12--3-|")
            "           012345678901234567890"

            def create():
                return obs

            results = start(create)
            expected = [
                ReactiveTest.on_next(200.0, 12),
                ReactiveTest.on_next(204.0, 3),
            assert results == expected
    def test_when_closing_only_on_first_item(self):
        with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

            def closing_mapper():
                return cold('-----1--2--3--4--|')

            lookup = {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [3], 'c': [4, 5], 'd': [6], 'e': [7]}
            #               -----1--2--3--4--|
            #                    -----1--2--3--4--|
            #                         -----1--2--3--4--|
            #                              -----1--2--3--4--|
            source = hot('  -1--2---3--4--5--6---7--|')
            expected = exp('-----a----b----c----d---(e,|)', lookup=lookup)
            #               012345678901234567890123456789
            #               0         1         2
            obs = source.pipe(ops.buffer_when(closing_mapper))
            results = start(obs)
            assert results == expected
    def test_when_closing_on_error(self):
        class TestException(Exception):

        ex = TestException('test exception')

        with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

            def closing_mapper():
                return cold('-----#', error=ex)

            #               -----#
            source = hot('  -1--2---3--4--5--6---7--|')
            expected = exp('-----#', error=ex)
            #               012345678901234567890123456789
            #               0         1         2
            obs = source.pipe(ops.buffer_when(closing_mapper))
            results = start(obs)
            assert results == expected
    def test_toggle_closing_with_only_first_item(self):
        with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

            lookup = {'a': [2, 3], 'b': [5], 'c': [7], 'd': [8, 9]}

            openings = hot('---a-------b------c---d-------|')
            a = cold('         ------1-2-|')
            b = cold('                 ----1-2-|')
            c = cold('                        ---1-2-|')
            d = cold('                            -----1-2|')
            source = hot('  -1--2--3--4--5--6---7--8--9---|')
            expected = exp('---------a-----b-----c-----d--|', lookup=lookup)
            #               012345678901234567890123456789
            #               0         1         2
            closings = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d}

            def closing_mapper(key):
                return closings[key]

            obs = source.pipe(ops.buffer_toggle(openings, closing_mapper))
            results = start(obs)
            assert results == expected
Beispiel #13
from rx import operators as ops
from rx.testing.marbles import marbles_testing

Tests MergeMap from rxjs

it should flat_map many regular interval inners
with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as context:
    start, cold, hot, exp = context

    a = cold(' ----a---a----a----(a,|)                     ')
    b = cold('     ----1----b----(b,|)                     ')
    c = cold('                 -------c---c---c----c---(c,|)')
    d = cold('                         -------(d,|)        ')
    e1 = hot('-a---b-----------c-------d------------|      ')
    ex = exp('-----a---(a,1)(a,b)(a,b)c---c---(c,d)c---(c,|)')
    expected = ex

    observableLookup = {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": d}

    obs = e1.pipe(
        ops.flat_map(lambda value: observableLookup[value])

    results = start(obs)
    assert results == expected

print('flat_map: results vs expected')
for r, e in zip(results, expected):
Beispiel #14
from rx import operators as ops
from rx.testing.marbles import marbles_testing
Tests debounceTime from rxjs

it should delay all element by the specified time
with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

    e1 = cold('-a--------b------c----|')
    ex = exp('------a--------b------(c,|)')
    expected = ex

    def create():
        return e1.pipe(ops.debounce(5), )

    results = start(create)
    assert results == expected

print('debounce: results vs expected')
for r, e in zip(results, expected):
    print(r, e)
from rx import operators as ops
from rx.testing.marbles import marbles_testing

Tests debounceTime from rxjs

it should delay all element by the specified time
with marbles_testing(timespan=1.0) as (start, cold, hot, exp):

    e1 = cold('-a--------b------c----|')
    ex = exp( '------a--------b------(c,|)')
    expected = ex

    def create():
        return e1.pipe(

    results = start(create)
    assert results == expected

print('debounce: results vs expected')
for r, e in zip(results, expected):
    print(r, e)