Beispiel #1
def flatten():
    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.flat_map(func=lambda v: v, stack=stack)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #2
def controlled_zip(
    right: FlowableMixin,
    request_left: Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = None,
    request_right: Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = None,
    match_func: Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = None,
    Creates a new Flowable from two Flowables by combining their elements in pairs. Which
    element gets paired with an element from the other Flowable is determined by two functions
    called `request_left` and `request_right`.

    :param right: other Flowable
    :param request_left: a function that returns True, if a new element from the left \
    Flowable is requested to build the the next pair
    :param request_right: a function that returns True, if a new element from the left \
    Flowable is requested to build the the next pair
    :param match_func: a filter function that returns True, if the current pair is sent \
    :return: zipped Flowable

    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.controlled_zip(

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #3
def zip_with_index():
    Zip each item emitted by the source with the enumerated index.
    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.zip_with_index()

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #4
def first_or_default(lazy_val: Callable[[], Any]):
    Emit the first element only and stop the Flowable sequence thereafter.
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.first_or_default(lazy_val=lazy_val)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #5
def buffer(buffer_size: int = None):
    Buffer the element emitted by the source without back-pressure until the buffer is full.
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.buffer(buffer_size=buffer_size)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #6
def pairwise():
    Create a Flowable that emits a pair for each consecutive pairs of elements
    in the Flowable sequence.
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.pairwise()

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #7
def repeat_first():
    Return a Flowable that repeats the first element it receives from the source
    forever (until disposed).
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.repeat_first()

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
def set_base(val: Any):
    Overwrite the base of the current Flowable sequence.

    def op_func(source: IndexedFlowable):
        return source.set_base(val=val)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #9
def to_list():
    Create a new Flowable that collects the elements from the source sequence,
    and emits a single element of type List.
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.to_list()

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #10
def strategy(overflow_strategy: OverflowStrategy):
    Buffer the element emitted by the source use overflow strategy.

    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.strategy(overflow_strategy=overflow_strategy)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #11
def map(func: Callable[[Any], Any]):
    """ Map each element emitted by the source by applying the given function.

    :param func: function that defines the mapping applied to each element of the \
    Flowable sequence.
    def op_func(source: Flowable):

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #12
def merge(*others: Flowable):
    Merge the elements of this and the other Flowable sequences into a single *Flowable*.

    :param sources: other Flowables that get merged to this Flowable.
    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.merge(*others)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #13
def default_if_empty(lazy_val: Callable[[], Any]):
    Only the elements of the source or a default value if the source is an empty sequence

    :param lazy_val: a function that returns the default value
    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.default_if_empty(lazy_val=lazy_val)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #14
def fast_filter(predicate: Callable[[Any], bool]):
    Only emit those elements for which the given predicate holds.

    :param predicate: a function that returns True, if the current element passes the filter
    :return: filtered Flowable
    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.fast_filter(predicate=predicate)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #15
def map_to_iterator(func: Callable[[ValueType], Iterator[ValueType]], ):
    Create a Flowable that maps each element emitted by the source to an iterator
    and emits each element of these iterators.

    :param func: function that defines the mapping applied to each element to an iterator.
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.map_to_iterator(func=func)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #16
def concat(*sources: FlowableMixin):
    Concatentates Flowables sequences together by back-pressuring the tail Flowables until
    the current Flowable has completed.

    :param sources: other Flowables that get concatenate to this Flowable.
    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.concat(*sources)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #17
def observe_on(scheduler: Scheduler):
    Schedule elements emitted by the source on a dedicated scheduler.

    :param scheduler: a rxbackpressure scheduler
    :return: an Flowable running on specified scheduler
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.observe_on(scheduler=scheduler)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #18
def zip(*others: Flowable):
    Create a new Flowable from one or more Flowables by combining their item in pairs in a strict sequence.

    :param others: :param sources: other Flowables that get zipped to this Flowable.

    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return, stack=stack)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
def debug_base(
        base: Any,
        name: str = None,
    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(source: IndexedFlowable):
        return source.debug_base(

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #20
def scan(func: Callable[[Any, Any], Any], initial: Any):
    Apply an accumulator function over a Flowable sequence and return each intermediate result.

    The initial value is used as the initial accumulator value.

    :param func: An accumulator function to be invoked on each element
    :param initial: The initial accumulator value
    :return: a Flowable that emits the accumulated values
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.scan(func=func, initial=initial)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #21
def do_action(
    on_next: Callable[[Any], None] = None,
    on_completed: Callable[[], None] = None,
    on_error: Callable[[Exception], None] = None,
    on_disposed: Callable[[], None] = None,
    def op_func(left: Flowable):
        return left.do_action(

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #22
def reduce(
    func: Callable[[Any, Any], Any],
    initial: Any,
    Apply an accumulator function over a Flowable sequence and emits a single element.

    :param func: An accumulator function to be invoked on each element
    :param initial: The initial accumulator value
    :return: a Flowable that emits the final accumulated value
    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.reduce(func=func, initial=initial)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #23
def flat_map(func: Callable[[Any], Flowable]):
    Apply a function to each item emitted by the source and flattens the result.

    The specified function must return a Flowable. The resulting Flowable
    concatenates the elements of each inner Flowables.
    The resulting Flowable concatenates the items of each inner Flowable.

    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.flat_map(func=func, stack=stack)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #24
def subscribe_on(scheduler: Scheduler):
    Subscribe on the specified scheduler.

    This only performs the side-effects of subscription and
    unsubscription on the specified scheduler. In order to invoke
    observer callbacks on a scheduler, use observe_on.

    :param scheduler: a rxbackpressure scheduler

    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.subscribe_on(scheduler=scheduler)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
def match(
        *others: IndexedFlowable,
    Create a new Flowable from this and other Flowables by first filtering and duplicating (if necessary)
    the elements of each Flowable and zip the resulting Flowable sequences together.

    :param sources: other Flowables that get matched with this Flowable.

    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(left: IndexedFlowable):
        return left.match(

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #26
def last():
    Emit the last element of the Flowable sequence

    The `raise_exception` argument needs to be given as follows:


        rxbp.op.last(raise_exception=lambda f: f())

    The `raise_exception` argument is called in case there is no element.
    Like RxPY, a SequenceContainsNoElementsError is risen. But on top of that
    the place where the `last` argument is used is added to the traceback by
    providing the `raise_exception` argument.

    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.last(stack=stack)

    return PipeOperation(op_func)
Beispiel #27
def debug(
    name: str,
    on_next: Callable[[Any], Ack] = None,
    on_completed: Callable[[], None] = None,
    on_error: Callable[[Exception], None] = None,
    on_sync_ack: Callable[[Ack], None] = None,
    on_async_ack: Callable[[Ack], None] = None,
    on_observe: Callable[[ObserverInfo], None] = None,
    on_subscribe: Callable[[Subscriber], None] = None,
    on_raw_ack: Callable[[Ack], None] = None,
    verbose: bool = None,
    Print debug messages to the console when providing the `name` argument

    :on_next: customize the on next debug console print

    stack = get_stack_lines()

    def op_func(source: Flowable):
        return source.debug(

    return PipeOperation(op_func)