Beispiel #1
def translate_exception(e, msg=None):
    In many cases, we should be able to roughly infer the exception cause
    from the error message -- this is centrally done in this method.  If
    possible, it will return a new exception with a more concise error
    message and appropriate exception type.

    if not issubclass(e.__class__, se.SagaException):
        # we do not touch non-saga exceptions
        return e

    if not issubclass(e.__class__, se.NoSuccess):
        # this seems to have a specific cause already, leave it alone
        return e

    cmsg = e._plain_message

    if msg:
        cmsg = "%s (%s)" % (cmsg, msg)

    lmsg = cmsg.lower()

    if 'could not resolve hostname' in lmsg:
        e = se.BadParameter(cmsg)

    elif 'connection timed out' in lmsg:
        e = se.BadParameter(cmsg)

    elif 'connection refused' in lmsg:
        e = se.BadParameter(cmsg)

    elif 'auth' in lmsg:
        e = se.AuthorizationFailed(cmsg)

    elif 'pass' in lmsg:
        e = se.AuthenticationFailed(cmsg)

    elif 'ssh_exchange_identification' in lmsg:
        e = se.AuthenticationFailed(
            "too frequent login attempts, or sshd misconfiguration: %s" % cmsg)

    elif 'denied' in lmsg:
        e = se.PermissionDenied(cmsg)

    elif 'shared connection' in lmsg:
        e = se.NoSuccess("Insufficient system resources: %s" % cmsg)

    elif 'pty allocation' in lmsg:
        e = se.NoSuccess("Insufficient system resources: %s" % cmsg)

    elif 'Connection to master closed' in lmsg:
        e = se.NoSuccess(
            "Connection failed (insufficient system resources?): %s" % cmsg)

    return e
Beispiel #2
    def _initialize(self, session):

        # make sure we have can access the key
        api = self.get_api()

        key = None
        pub = None
        pwd = None

        if api.attribute_exists(saga.context.USER_KEY):
            key = api.get_attribute(saga.context.USER_KEY)
        if api.attribute_exists(saga.context.USER_CERT):
            pub = api.get_attribute(saga.context.USER_CERT)
        if api.attribute_exists(saga.context.USER_PASS):
            pwd = api.get_attribute(saga.context.USER_PASS)

        # either user_key or user_cert should be specified (or both),
        # then we complement the other, and convert to/from private
        # from/to public keys
        if pub and not key:
            key = pub

        if not key:
            # nothing to do, really.  This likely means that ssh setup is
            # done out-of-band.

        # convert public key into private key
        if key.endswith('.pub'):
            if not pub:
                pub = key
            key = key[:-4]
        elif key.endswith('.pem'):
            if not pub:
                pub = key
            if not pub:
                pub = key + '.pub'

        # update the context with these setting
        api.set_attribute(saga.context.USER_KEY, key)
        api.set_attribute(saga.context.USER_CERT, pub)

        # the private and public keys must exist
        if  not os.path.exists (key) or \
            not os.path.isfile (key)    :
            raise se.BadParameter("ssh key inaccessible: %s" % (key))

        if  not os.path.exists (pub) or \
            not os.path.isfile (pub)    :
            raise se.BadParameter("ssh public key inaccessible: %s" % (pub))

            fh_key = open(key)
        except Exception as e:
            raise se.PermissionDenied("ssh key '%s' not readable: %s" %
                                      (key, e))

            fh_pub = open(pub)
        except Exception as e:
            raise se.PermissionDenied("ssh public key '%s' not readable: %s" %
                                      (pub, e))

        import subprocess
        if not
            ["sh", "-c", "grep ENCRYPTED %s > /dev/null" % key]):
            if pwd:
                        "sh", "-c",
                        "ssh-keygen -y -f %s -P %s > /dev/null" % (key, pwd)
                    raise se.PermissionDenied(
                        "ssh key '%s' is encrypted, incorrect password" %
                    "ssh key '%s' is encrypted, unknown password" % (key))"init SSH context for key  at '%s' done" % key)