Beispiel #1
 def f(i):
     if i == 0:
         return QQ(scalar) * y[0] * exp(tau * omega[0])
     elif i in I:
         return tau / (1 - exp(tau * omega[i]))
         return 1 / (1 - y[i] * exp(tau * omega[i]))
    def setup_fields_and_triangles(self):
        from sage.all import RealIntervalField, ComplexIntervalField, sin, cos, exp

        self.RIF = RealIntervalField(120)
        self.CIF = ComplexIntervalField(120)

        alpha = self.RIF(0.4)

        self.finiteTriangle1 = FiniteTriangle([
            FinitePoint(z=exp(self.CIF(0, 2.1 * i + 0.1)) * cos(alpha),
                        t=sin(alpha)) for i in range(3)

        self.idealTriangle1 = IdealTriangle([
            ProjectivePoint(z=exp(self.CIF(0, 2.1 * i + 0.1)))
            for i in range(3)

        self.idealTriangle2 = IdealTriangle(
            [ProjectivePoint(self.CIF(z)) for z in [-1, 0, 1]])

        self.idealTriangle3 = IdealTriangle([
            ProjectivePoint(self.CIF(0), True)
Beispiel #3
def number_of_coefficients_needed(Q, kappa_fe, lambda_fe, max_t):
    # TODO: This doesn't work. Trouble when computing t0
    # We completely mimic what lcalc does when it decides whether
    # to print a warning.

    DIGITS = 14    # These are names of lcalc parameters, and we are
    DIGITS2 = 2    # mimicking them.

    logger.debug("Start NOC")
    theta = sum(kappa_fe)
    c = DIGITS2 * log(10.0)
    a = len(kappa_fe)

    c1 = 0.0
    for j in range(a):
        logger.debug("In loop NOC")
        t0 = kappa_fe[j] * max_t + complex(lambda_fe[j]).imag()
        logger.debug("In loop 2 NOC")
        if abs(t0) < 2 * c / (math.pi * a):
            logger.debug("In loop 3_1 NOC")
            c1 += kappa_fe[j] * pi / 2.0
            c1 += kappa_fe[j] * abs(c / (t0 * a))
            logger.debug("In loop 3_2 NOC")

    return int(round(Q * exp(log(2.3 * DIGITS * theta / c1) * theta) + 10))
Beispiel #4
def signature_function_of_integral_matrix(V, prec=53):
    Computes the signature function sigma of V via numerical methods.
    Returns two lists, the first representing a partition of [0, 1]:

         x_0 = 0 < x_1 < x_2 < ... < x_n = 1

    and the second list consisting of the values [v_0, ... , v_(n-1)]
    of sigma on the interval (x_i, x_(i+1)).  Currently, the value of
    sigma *at* x_i is not computed.
    poly = alexander_poly_from_seifert(V)
    RR = RealField(prec)
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    pi = RR.pi()
    I = CC.gen()
    partition = [RR(0)] + [a for a, e in roots_on_unit_circle(poly, prec)
                           ] + [RR(1)]
    n = len(partition) - 1
    values = []
    for i in range(n):
        omega = exp((2 * pi * I) * (partition[i] + partition[i + 1]) / 2)
        A = (1 - omega) * V + (1 - omega.conjugate()) * V.transpose()

    assert list(reversed(values)) == values
    return partition, values
Beispiel #5
    def from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial(self, index):
        """ A function converting from a conjugacy class index (starting at 1) to the local Euler polynomial.
            Saves a sequence of processed polynomials, obtained from the local factors table, so it can reuse computations from prime to prime
            This sequence is indexed by conjugacy class indices (starting at 1, filled with dummy first) and gives the corresponding polynomials in the form
            [coeff_deg_0, coeff_deg_1, ...], where coeff_deg_i is in ComplexField(). This could be changed later, or made parametrizable
            return self._from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial_fn(index)
        except AttributeError:
            local_factors = self.local_factors_table()
            field = ComplexField()
            root_of_unity = exp(
                (field.gen()) * 2 * field.pi() / int(self.character_field()))
            local_factor_processed_pols = [
            ]  # dummy to account for the shift in indices
            for pol in local_factors:
                        pol, field, root_of_unity))

            def tmp(conjugacy_class_index_start_1):
                return local_factor_processed_pols[

            self._from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial_fn = tmp
            return self._from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial_fn(index)
Beispiel #6
def compute_z_and_parities_from_flattening_w0_w1(w0, w1):
    Given a pair (w0, w1) with +- exp(w0) +- exp(-w1) = 1, compute (z, p, q)
    such that z = (-1)^p * exp(w0) and 1/(1-z) = (-1)^q exp(w1)
    where p, q in {0,1}.

    e0 = exp(w0)
    e1 = exp(-w1)

    l = [(((-1)**p) * e0, p, q) for p in [0, 1] for q in [0, 1]
         if Integer(1) in ((-1)**p) * e0 + ((-1)**q) * e1]
    if not len(l) == 1:
        raise Exception("Bad flattening %s %s %s" % (w0, w1, len(l)))

    return l[0]
Beispiel #7
def string2number(s):
    # a start to replace p2sage (used for the paramters in the FE)
    strs = str(s).replace(' ','')
        if 'e' in strs:
            # check for e(m/n) := exp(2*pi*i*m/n), used by Dirichlet characters, for example
            r = re.match(r'^\$?e\\left\(\\frac\{(?P<num>\d+)\}\{(?P<den>\d+)\}\\right\)\$?$',strs)
            if not r:
                r = re.match(r'^e\((?P<num>\d+)/(?P<den>\d+)\)$',strs)
            if r:
                q = Rational(r.groupdict()['num'])/Rational(r.groupdict()['den'])
                return CDF(exp(2*pi*I*q))
        if 'I' in strs:
            return CDF(strs)
        elif (type(s) is list or type(s) is tuple) and len(s) == 2:
            return CDF(tuple(s))
        elif '/' in strs:
            return Rational(strs)
        elif strs=='0.5':  # Temporary fix because 0.5 in db for EC
            return Rational('1/2')
        elif '.' in strs:
            return float(strs)
            return Integer(strs)
        return s
Beispiel #8
def string2number(s):
    # a start to replace p2sage (used for the paramters in the FE)

    strs = str(s).replace(' ','')
        if 'e' in strs:
            # check for e(m/n) := exp(2*pi*i*m/n), used by Dirichlet characters, for example
            r = re.match('^\$?e\\\\left\(\\\\frac\{(?P<num>\d+)\}\{(?P<den>\d+)\}\\\\right\)\$?$',strs)
            if not r:
                r = re.match('^e\((?P<num>\d+)/(?P<den>\d+)\)$',strs)
            if r:
                q = Rational(r.groupdict()['num'])/Rational(r.groupdict()['den'])
                return CDF(exp(2*pi*I*q))
        if 'I' in strs:
            return CDF(strs)
        elif '/' in strs:
            return Rational(strs)
        elif strs=='0.5':  # Temporary fix because 0.5 in db for EC
            return Rational('1/2')
        elif '.' in strs:
            return float(strs)
            return Integer(strs)
        return s
    def __init__(self, mcomplex, cut_off):
        # A list of pairs (lower bound, tile, generator) of corresponding to
        # unglued faces.

        self.unglued_generators = []

        super(SpineTilingEngine, self).__init__(mcomplex)

        z = self.mcomplex.Tetrahedra[0].ShapeParameters[simplex.E01]
        self.CIF = z.parent()
        self.RIF = z.real().parent()
        self.cut_off = cut_off

        for tet in self.mcomplex.Tetrahedra:
            tet.SpineRadius = self.RIF(0)

            for f in simplex.TwoSubsimplices:
                tet.SpineRadius = tet.SpineRadius.max(
            for e in simplex.OneSubsimplices:
                tet.SpineRadius = tet.SpineRadius.max(

            tet.SpineRadiusPlusCutOff = tet.SpineRadius + self.cut_off
            e = exp(tet.SpineRadiusPlusCutOff)
            tet.CutOffFactor = (e * e - 1) / (2 * e)

        for tet in self.mcomplex.Tetrahedra:
            tet.transform_taking_face_to_0_1_inf = {
                f : _compute_transform_taking_face_to_0_1_inf(
                    tet, f, self.CIF)
                for f in simplex.TwoSubsimplices }
        self.initial_tile.word = []
Beispiel #10
 def exp(self):
     val = zero_vector(self.val[0].parent(), + 1)
     val[0] = exp(self.val[0])
     for k in range(1, + 1):
         for i in range(1, k + 1):
             val[k] += i * self.val[i] * val[k - i]
         val[k] = val[k] / k
     return Taylor(val.list(),
Beispiel #11
 def value(self, z, embedding=0):
     if self.prec == 0:
         return 0
         q = exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0, 1) * z)
         return sum(
             self.coefficient_embedding(n, embedding) * q**n
             for n in range(self.prec))
Beispiel #12
def main4():
    print("MAIN 4:")
    zeta = CDF(exp(Integer(2) * pi * I / Integer(5)))
    v = [legendre_symbol(n, Integer(5)) * zeta**(Integer(2) * n)
         for n in range(Integer(1), Integer(5))]
    S = sum([point(tuple(z), pointsize=Integer(100)) for z in v])
    G = point(tuple(sum(v)), pointsize=Integer(100), rgbcolor='red')
    (S + G).save(filename="gauss_sum.png")
Beispiel #13
        def laplace(cls, self, parameters, variable, x='x', s='t'):
            Returns the Laplace transform of self with respect to the variable


            -  ``x`` - variable of self

            -  ``s`` - variable of Laplace transform.

            We assume that a piecewise function is 0 outside of its domain and
            that the left-most endpoint of the domain is 0.


                sage: x, s, w = var('x, s, w')
                sage: f = piecewise([[(0,1),1],[[1,2], 1-x]])
                sage: f.laplace(x, s)
                -e^(-s)/s + (s + 1)*e^(-2*s)/s^2 + 1/s - e^(-s)/s^2
                sage: f.laplace(x, w)
                -e^(-w)/w + (w + 1)*e^(-2*w)/w^2 + 1/w - e^(-w)/w^2


                sage: y, t = var('y, t')
                sage: f = piecewise([[[1,2], 1-y]])
                sage: f.laplace(y, t)
                (t + 1)*e^(-2*t)/t^2 - e^(-t)/t^2


                sage: s = var('s')
                sage: t = var('t')
                sage: f1(t) = -t
                sage: f2(t) = 2
                sage: f = piecewise([[[0,1],f1],[(1,infinity),f2]])
                sage: f.laplace(t,s)
                (s + 1)*e^(-s)/s^2 + 2*e^(-s)/s - 1/s^2
            from sage.all import assume, exp, forget
            x = SR.var(x)
            s = SR.var(s)
            assume(s > 0)
            result = 0
            for domain, f in parameters:
                for interval in domain:
                    a = interval.lower()
                    b = interval.upper()
                    result += (SR(f) * exp(-s * x)).integral(x, a, b)
            forget(s > 0)
            return result
Beispiel #14
        def laplace(cls, self, parameters, variable, x='x', s='t'):
            Returns the Laplace transform of self with respect to the variable


            -  ``x`` - variable of self

            -  ``s`` - variable of Laplace transform.

            We assume that a piecewise function is 0 outside of its domain and
            that the left-most endpoint of the domain is 0.


                sage: x, s, w = var('x, s, w')
                sage: f = piecewise([[(0,1),1],[[1,2], 1-x]])
                sage: f.laplace(x, s)
                -e^(-s)/s + (s + 1)*e^(-2*s)/s^2 + 1/s - e^(-s)/s^2
                sage: f.laplace(x, w)
                -e^(-w)/w + (w + 1)*e^(-2*w)/w^2 + 1/w - e^(-w)/w^2


                sage: y, t = var('y, t')
                sage: f = piecewise([[[1,2], 1-y]])
                sage: f.laplace(y, t)
                (t + 1)*e^(-2*t)/t^2 - e^(-t)/t^2


                sage: s = var('s')
                sage: t = var('t')
                sage: f1(t) = -t
                sage: f2(t) = 2
                sage: f = piecewise([[[0,1],f1],[(1,infinity),f2]])
                sage: f.laplace(t,s)
                (s + 1)*e^(-s)/s^2 + 2*e^(-s)/s - 1/s^2
            from sage.all import assume, exp, forget
            x = SR.var(x)
            s = SR.var(s)
            result = 0
            for domain, f in parameters:
                for interval in domain:
                    a = interval.lower()
                    b = interval.upper()
                    result += (SR(f)*exp(-s*x)).integral(x,a,b)
            return result
    def example_plane_plane(self):
        from sage.all import exp

        d = self.RIF(1.125)

        i = IdealTriangle([
            ProjectivePoint(exp(self.CIF(d, 2.1 * i + 0.1))) for i in range(3)

        e = FiniteIdealTriangleDistanceEngine(self.finiteTriangle1, i)

        if not abs(e.compute_lowerbound() - d) < 1e-20:
            raise Exception("Wrong distance")
Beispiel #16
    def volf(cls, m, p, klen_list, prec=53):
        Lattice volume.

        :param m: number of samples
        :param p: ECDSA modulus
        :param klen_list: list of lengths of key to recover
        :param prec: precision to use

        w = 2 ** (max(klen_list) - 1)
        RR = RealField(prec)
        f_list = [Integer(w / (2 ** (klen - 1))) for klen in klen_list]
        return RR(exp(log(p) * (m - 1) + sum(map(log, f_list)) + log(w)))
Beispiel #17
def spurious_keys_probability(k, n, r, S):
    Inner parallelization can result in reducing the number of plaintext-ciphertext blocks
    required for a success probability=1 attack, by separating spurious keys in 
    different search spaces.

    We compute here the probability that this is _not_ the case.

    :params k:  key length
    :params n:  block size
    :params r:  number of plaintext-ciphertext pairs
    :params S:  number of key space subsets/parallel instances
    p = 1 - exp(-2**(k-n*r)/S)
    return p
    def example_line_line(self):
        from sage.all import exp, sin, cos

        d = self.RIF(1.09375)
        r = exp(d)

        alpha = self.RIF(0.4)

        for l in [0, 0.8, 1.2, self.RIF.pi() / 2]:
            z = self.CIF(r) * exp(self.CIF(0, l)) * cos(alpha)

            for z1 in [self.CIF(0), self.CIF(0.1, 0.1)]:

                f = FiniteTriangle([
                    FinitePoint(z=z, t=r * sin(alpha)),
                    FinitePoint(z=-z, t=r * sin(alpha)),
                    FinitePoint(z1, t=self.RIF(10.0))

                e = FiniteIdealTriangleDistanceEngine(f, self.idealTriangle2)

                if not abs(e.compute_lowerbound() - d) < 1e-20:
                    raise Exception("Wrong distance %r" %
Beispiel #19
def _gen_rbt_Si( rbt ):
    var('a theta alpha d',domain=RR)
    D_exp2trig = { e**(SR.wild(0)) : e**SR.wild(0).real_part() * ( cos(SR.wild(0).imag_part()) + I*sin(SR.wild(0).imag_part()) ) }
    M = matrix(SR,[[1,0,0,a],[0,cos(alpha),-sin(alpha),0],[0,sin(alpha),cos(alpha),d],[0,0,0,1]])
    P = matrix([[0,-1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
    ePtM = (exp(P*theta)*M).expand().subs(D_exp2trig).simplify_rational()
    restore('a theta alpha d')
    if bool( ePtM != rbt.T_dh ):
        raise Exception('_gen_rbt_Si: interlink transformation does not follows implemented DH formulation')
    S = ( inverse_T(M) * P * M ).expand().simplify_trig()
    dof = rbt.dof
    Si = range(dof+1)
    for l in range(dof): Si[l+1] = se3unskew( S.subs(LoP_to_D(zip(rbt.params_dh , rbt.links_dh[l]))) )
    return Si
    def example_plane_line(self):
        from sage.all import exp

        d = self.RIF(1.375)

        z = exp(self.CIF(d))

        for z1 in [self.CIF(0), self.CIF(0.1, 0.1)]:
            i = IdealTriangle([
                ProjectivePoint(z1, inverted=True)

            e = FiniteIdealTriangleDistanceEngine(self.finiteTriangle1, i)

            if not abs(e.compute_lowerbound() - d) < 1e-20:
                raise Exception("Wrong distance %r" % e.compute_lowerbound())
Beispiel #21
 def show_slopes(self):
     M = self.elevation.manifold.copy()
     plotlist = []
     for n, arc in enumerate(self._show_homological_data()):
         slopes = []
         for p in arc:
             if p.real != 0:
                 z = (1 + 0.01 * n) * exp(-arg(p) * 1j)
             elif len(slopes) > 1:
     self.slope_plot = Plot(plotlist,
                            limits=((-1.25, 1.25), (-1.25, 1.25)),
                            margins=(0, 0),
                            position=(0.07, 0.07, 0.8, 0.85),
                            title='Realized slopes of %s' %
Beispiel #22
    def ghf(cls, m, p, klen_list, prec=53):
        Estimate norm of shortest vector according to Gaussian Heuristic.

        :param m: number of samples
        :param p: ECDSA modulus
        :param klen_list: list of lengths of key to recover
        :param prec: precision to use

        # NOTE: The Gaussian Heuristic does not hold in small dimensions
        w = 2 ** (max(klen_list) - 1)
        RR = RealField(prec)
        w = RR(w)
        f_list = [Integer(w / (2 ** (klen - 1))) for klen in klen_list]
        d = m + 1
        log_vol = log(p) * (m - 1) + sum(map(log, f_list)) + log(w)
        lgh = log_gamma(1 + d / 2.0) * (1.0 / d) - log(sqrt(pi)) + log_vol * (1.0 / d)
        return RR(exp(lgh))
Beispiel #23
    def from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial(self, index):
        """ A function converting from a conjugacy class index (starting at 1) to the local Euler polynomial.
            Saves a sequence of processed polynomials, obtained from the local factors table, so it can reuse computations from prime to prime
            This sequence is indexed by conjugacy class indices (starting at 1, filled with dummy first) and gives the corresponding polynomials in the form
            [coeff_deg_0, coeff_deg_1, ...], where coeff_deg_i is in ComplexField(). This could be changed later, or made parametrizable
            return self._from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial_fn(index)
        except AttributeError:
            local_factors = self.local_factors_table()
            field = ComplexField()
            root_of_unity = exp((field.gen()) * 2 * field.pi() / int(self.character_field()))
            local_factor_processed_pols = [0]   # dummy to account for the shift in indices
            for pol in local_factors:
                    process_polynomial_over_algebraic_integer(pol, field, root_of_unity))

            def tmp(conjugacy_class_index_start_1):
                return local_factor_processed_pols[conjugacy_class_index_start_1]
            self._from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial_fn = tmp
            return self._from_conjugacy_class_index_to_polynomial_fn(index)
Beispiel #24
def DLMV(K):
    """Compute the DLMV bound"""

    # First compute David's C_0

    Delta_K = K.discriminant().abs()
    h_K = K.class_number()
    R_K = K.regulator()
    r_K = K.unit_group().rank()
    delta_K = log(2) / (r_K + 1)
    C_1_K = r_K**(r_K + 1) * delta_K**(-(r_K - 1)) / 2
    C_2_K = exp(24 * C_1_K * R_K)
    CHEB_DEN_BOUND = (4 * log(Delta_K**h_K) + 5 * h_K + 5)**2
    C_0 = ((CHEB_DEN_BOUND**(12 * h_K)) * C_2_K + CHEB_DEN_BOUND**(6 * h_K))**4

    # Now the Type 1 and 2 bounds

    type_1_bound = (1 + 3**(12 * h_K))**2
    type_2_bound = get_type_2_bound(K)

    return max(C_0, type_1_bound, type_2_bound)
Beispiel #25
 def value(self, z, embedding=0):
     if self.prec == 0:
         return 0
         q = exp(2*CC.pi()*CC(0,1)*z)
         return sum(self.coefficient_embedding(n,embedding)*q**n for n in range(self.prec))
Beispiel #26
    def dimension(self,k,ignore=False, debug = 0):
        if k < 2 and not ignore:
            raise NotImplementedError("k has to >= 2")
        s = self._signature
        if not (2*k in ZZ):
            raise ValueError("k has to be integral or half-integral")
        if (2*k+s)%4 != 0 and not ignore:
            raise NotImplementedError("2k has to be congruent to -signature mod 4")
        if self._v2.has_key(0):
            v2 = self._v2[0]
            v2 = 1

        if self._g != None:
            if not self._aniso_formula:
                vals = self._g.values()
                #print "using aniso_formula"
            M = self._g
            vals = self._M.values()
            M = self._M
        prec = ceil(max(log(M.order(),2),52)+1)+17
        #print prec
        RR = RealField(prec)
        CC = ComplexField(prec)
        d = self._d
        m = self._m
        if debug > 0: print d,m
        if self._alpha3 == None:
            if self._aniso_formula:
                self._alpha4 = 1
                self._alpha3 = -sum([BB(a)*mm for a,mm in self._v2.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 += Integer(d) - Integer(1) - self._g.beta_formula()
                #print self._alpha3, self._g.a5prime_formula()
                self._alpha3 = self._alpha3/RR(2)
                self._alpha3 = sum([(1-a)*mm for a,mm in self._v2.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 += sum([(1-a)*mm for a,mm in vals.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 = self._alpha3 / Integer(2)
                self._alpha4 = 1/Integer(2)*(vals[0]+v2) # the codimension of SkL in MkL
        alpha3 = self._alpha3
        alpha4 = self._alpha4
        if debug > 0: print alpha3, alpha4
        #print g1
        if debug > 0: print g2, g2.parent()
        if debug > 0: print RR(d) / RR(4), sqrt(RR(m)) / RR(4), CC(exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (2 * k + s) / Integer(8)))
        alpha1 = RR(d) / RR(4) - (sqrt(RR(m)) / RR(4)  * CC(exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (2 * k + s) / Integer(8))) * g2)
        if debug > 0: print alpha1
        alpha2 = RR(d) / RR(3) + sqrt(RR(m)) / (3 * sqrt(RR(3))) * real(exp(CC(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (4 * k + 3 * s - 10) / 24)) * (g1+g3))
        if debug > 0: print alpha1, alpha2, g1, g2, g3, d, k, s
        dim = real(d + (d * k / Integer(12)) - alpha1 - alpha2 - alpha3)
        if debug > 0:
            print "dimension:", dim
        if abs(dim-round(dim)) > 1e-6:
            raise RuntimeError("Error ({0}) too large in dimension formula for {1} and k={2}".format(abs(dim-round(dim)), self._M if self._M is not None else self._g, k))
        dimr = dim
        dim = Integer(round(dim))
        if k >=2 and dim < 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Negative dimension (= {0}, {1})!".format(dim, dimr))
        return dim
Beispiel #27
def draw_fundamental_domain(N, group="Gamma0", model="H", axes=None, filename=None, **kwds):
    r""" Draw fundamental domain
    - ''model'' -- (default ''H'')
    = ''H'' -- Upper halfplane
    = ''D'' -- Disk model
    - ''filename''-- filename to print to
    - ''**kwds''-- additional arguments to matplotlib
    - ''axes''  -- set geometry of output
    =[x0,x1,y0,y1] -- restrict figure to [x0,x1]x[y0,y1]


    sage: G=MySubgroup(Gamma0(3))
    sage: G.draw_fundamental_domain()

    if group.strip() == "Gamma0":
        G = Gamma0(N)
    elif group.strip() == "Gamma1":
        G = Gamma1(N)
    elif group.strip() == "Gamma":
        G = Gamma(N)
        raise ValueError('group must be one of: "Gamma0", "Gamma1", "Gamma"')
    s = "$" + latex(G) + "$"
    s = s.replace("mbox", "mathrm")
    s = s.replace("Bold", "mathbb")
    name = s
    # name ="$\mbox{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$"
    # need a "nice" set of coset representatives to draw a connected
    # fundamental domain. Only implemented for Gamma_0(N)
    coset_reps = nice_coset_reps(G)
    # if(group=='Gamma0'):
    # else:
    # coset_reps = list(G.coset_reps())
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

    if model == "D":
        g = _draw_funddom_d(coset_reps, format, I)
        g = _draw_funddom(coset_reps, format)
    if axes is not None:
        [x0, x1, y0, y1] = axes
    elif model == "D":
        x0 = -1
        x1 = 1
        y0 = -1.1
        y1 = 1
        # find the width of the fundamental domain
        # w = 0  # self.cusp_width(Cusp(Infinity)) FIXME: w is never used
        wmin = 0
        wmax = 1
        max_x = RR(0.55)
        rho = CC(exp(2 * pi * I / 3))
        for V in coset_reps:
            ## we also compare the real parts of where rho and infinity are mapped
            r1 = (V.acton(rho)).real()
            if V[1, 0] != 0:
                inf1 = RR(V[0, 0] / V[1, 0])
                inf1 = 0
            if V[1, 0] == 0 and V[0, 0] == 1:
                if V[0, 1] > wmax:
                    wmax = V[0, 1]
                if V[0, 1] < wmin:
                    wmin = V[0, 1]
            if max(r1, inf1) > max_x:
                max_x = max(r1, inf1)
            logging.debug("wmin,wmax=%s,%s" % (wmin, wmax))
        # x0=-1; x1=1; y0=-0.2; y1=1.5
        x0 = RR(-max_x)
        x1 = RR(max_x)
        y0 = RR(-0.15)
        y1 = RR(1.5)
        ## Draw the axes manually (since  can't figure out how to do it automatically)
    ax = line([[x0, 0.0], [x1, 0.0]], color="black")
    # ax = ax + line([[0.0,y0],[0.0,y1]],color='black')
    ## ticks
    ax = ax + line([[-0.5, -0.01], [-0.5, 0.01]], color="black")
    ax = ax + line([[0.5, -0.01], [0.5, 0.01]], color="black")
    g = g + ax
    if model == "H":
        t = text(name, (0, -0.1), fontsize=16, color="black")
        t = t + text("$ -\\frac{1}{2} $", (-0.5, -0.1), fontsize=12, color="black")
        t = t + text("$ \\frac{1}{2} $", (0.5, -0.1), fontsize=12, color="black")
        t = text(name, (0, -1.1), fontsize=16, color="black")
    g = g + t
    g.set_axes_range(x0, x1, y0, y1)

    if filename is not None:
        fig = g.matplotlib()
        axes = fig.get_axes()[0]
        fig.savefig(filename, **kwds)
        return g
Beispiel #28
def draw_fundamental_domain(N,group='Gamma0',model="H",axes=None,filename=None,**kwds):
    r""" Draw fundamental domain
        - ''model'' -- (default ''H'')
        - ''H'' -- Upper halfplane
        - ''D'' -- Disk model
        - ''filename''-- filename to print to
        - ''**kwds''-- additional arguments to matplotlib 
        - ''axes''  -- set geometry of output
        =[x0,x1,y0,y1] -- restrict figure to [x0,x1]x[y0,y1]


        sage: G=MySubgroup(Gamma0(3))
        sage: G.draw_fundamental_domain()

    #print G
    name ="$"+latex(G)+"$"
    ## need a "nice" set of coset representatives to draw a connected fundamental domain. Only implemented for Gamma_0(N)
    coset_reps = nice_coset_reps(G)
        x0=-1 ; x1=1 ; y0=-1.1 ; y1=1 
        # find the width of the fundamental domain
        w=0  #self.cusp_width(Cusp(Infinity))
        wmin=0 ; wmax=1
        max_x = RR(0.55)
        rho = CC( exp(2*pi*I/3))
        for V in coset_reps:
            ## we also compare the real parts of where rho and infinity are mapped
            r1 = (V.acton(rho)).real()
                inf1 = RR(V[0,0] / V[1,0])
                inf1 = 0
            if(V[1 ,0 ]==0  and V[0 ,0 ]==1 ):
                if(V[0 ,1 ]>wmax):
                    wmax=V[0 ,1 ]
                if(V[0 ,1 ]<wmin):
                    wmin=V[0 ,1 ]
            if( max(r1,inf1) > max_x):
                max_x = max(r1,inf1)
            #print "wmin,wmax=",wmin,wmax
            #x0=-1; x1=1; y0=-0.2; y1=1.5
        x0=RR(-max_x) ; x1=RR(max_x) ; y0=RR(-0.15) ; y1=RR(1.5) 
    ## Draw the axes manually (since  can't figure out how to do it automatically)
    ax = line([[x0,0.0],[x1,0.0]],color='black')
        #ax = ax + line([[0.0,y0],[0.0,y1]],color='black')
        ## ticks
    ax = ax + line([[-0.5,-0.01],[-0.5,0.01]],color='black')
    ax = ax + line([[0.5,-0.01],[0.5,0.01]],color='black')
    g = g + ax
    if model=="H":
        t = text(name, (0, -0.1), fontsize=16, color='black')
        t = text(name, (0, -1.1), fontsize=16, color='black')
        g = g + t
            fig = g.matplotlib()
            axes = fig.get_axes()[0]
            return g
 def compute_cm_values_numeric(self,digits=12,insert_in_db=True):
     Compute CM-values numerically.
     if isinstance(self._cm_values,dict) and self._cm_values  <> {}:
         return self._cm_values
      # the points we want are i and rho. More can be added later...
     bits = ceil(int(digits) * int(4))
     CF = ComplexField(bits)
     RF = ComplexField(bits)
     eps = RF(10 ** - (digits + 1))
     if(self._verbose > 1):
     K = self.base_ring()
     # recall that
     degree =
     cm_vals = dict()
     rho = CyclotomicField(3).gen()
     zi = CyclotomicField(4).gen()
     points = [rho, zi]
     maxprec = 1000  # max size of q-expansion
     minprec = 10  # max size of q-expansion
     for tau in points:
         q = CF(exp(2 * pi * I * tau))
         fexp = dict()
         cm_vals[tau] = dict()
         if(tau == I and self.level() == -1):
             # cv=    #"Exact(soon...)" #_cohen_exact_formula(k)
             for h in range(degree):
                 cm_vals[tau][h] = cv
         if K.absolute_degree()==1:
             v1 = CF(0)
             v2 = CF(1)
                 for prec in range(minprec, maxprec, 10):
                     if(self._verbose > 1):
                     v2 = self.as_factor().q_eigenform(prec).truncate(prec)(q)
                     err = abs(v2 - v1)
                     if(self._verbose > 1):
                     if(err < eps):
                         raise StopIteration()
                     v1 = v2
                 cm_vals[tau][0] = None
             except StopIteration:
                 cm_vals[tau][0] = v2
             v1 = dict()
             v2 = dict()
             err = dict()
             for h in range(degree):
                 v1[h] = 1
                 v2[h] = 0
                 for prec in range(minprec, maxprec, 10):
                     if(self._verbose > 1):
                     c = self.coefficients(range(prec),insert_in_db=insert_in_db)
                     for h in range(degree):
                         fexp[h] = list()
                         v2[h] = 0
                         for n in range(prec):
                             cn = c[n]
                             if hasattr(cn, 'complex_embeddings'):
                                 cc = cn.complex_embeddings(CF.prec())[h]
                                 cc = CF(cn)
                             v2[h] = v2[h] + cc * q ** n
                         err[h] = abs(v2[h] - v1[h])
                         if(self._verbose > 1):
                         if(max(err.values()) < eps):
                             raise StopIteration()
                         v1[h] = v2[h]
             except StopIteration:
             for h in range(degree):
                 if(err[h] < eps):
                     cm_vals[tau][h] = v2[h]
                     cm_vals[tau][h] = None
     self._cm_values = cm_vals
    def __init__(self, f, ring, verbose = False):
        input: f a polynomial over a number field
        ring:  Complex Field (with some prescribed precision) where we will work over

        We represent a divisor z \in Pic**0 by a divisor in D on X
        such that z = [D - D_0] where D_0 is a fixed divisor of degree d_0
        \deg D = d_0
        A divisor D on X is then represented by vector space H**0(\delta - D)
        for this representation to be faithful we need \delta - D to be base point free
        for that is sufficient \deg \delta >= \deg D + 2g, 
        as we will be dealing with divisors of degree d_0 and 2d_0 we pick \delta = 3 * D_0

        a vector space H**0(-) is represented by a bases of rational functions on X
        and these functions are represented by its evaluation at an effective divisor Z

        During our computations every function will lie in H**0(3D_0) or H**0(6D_0).
        Hence, for this representation to be faithful, it is necessary and sufficient that 
        H**0({3,6}D_0 - Z) = {0}, eg \deg D_0 = 6 d_0 + 1.
        If possible \supp D_0 \cap \supp Z = empty set would be ideal.

        In summary, a vector space W will be represented with \deg Z rows and \dim columns.

        self.verbose = verbose;
        assert is_CF(ring)
        self.R = ring;
        self.prec = ring.precision()
        self.f = f;
        self.a0 = list(f)[0]; = list(f)[-1];
        self.g = int(ceil( / 2 ) - 1); 
        self.d0 = 2 * self.g + 2;
        self.extraprec = self.prec + 3 * self.d0 + 16;
        self.Rextraprec = ComplexField(self.extraprec);
        self.Rdoubleextraprec =  ComplexField(2*self.extraprec)
        self.Pi = self.Rdoubleextraprec.pi();
        self.I = self.Rdoubleextraprec(0, 1);
        self.almostzero = self.R(2)**(- self.prec * 0.7);
        self.notzero = self.R(2)**(- self.prec * 0.1);
        self.lower = 0; 

        # D_0 = (g + 1)*( \infty_{-} + \infty_{+} ) = (g + 1) * \infty

        # Pick the effective divisor Z, ie, the evaluation points
        # Pick evaluation points /!\ Weierstrass pts !
        # in theory we only need \deg Z >= 6 d_0 + 1
        # in practice we aim for >= 6 d_0 + 2
        self.nZ = 6 * self.d0 + 2;
        if self.verbose:
            print "Using %s points on the unit circle, almost uniformly spaced, to represent each function" % ( self.nZ, )
        n = self.nZ;
        n = ceil(self.nZ/2);
        while len(Z) < self.nZ:
            # X computed in self.Rdoubleextraprec
            X = [ exp( 2 * k * self.I * self.Pi / n ) for k in range(n) ]
            Z = [];
            for i, x in enumerate(X):
                #y = (-1)**i * sqrt( f(x) )
                #Z.append( (x, y) )
                # x  in self.Rdoubleextraprec !
                y =  self.Rextraprec( sqrt( self.f(x) ) )
                x =  self.Rextraprec( x )
                # making sure the points don't collide
                if y.abs() < 1e-2:
                    Z.append( (x, y) )
                    Z.append( (x, y) )
                    Z.append( (x, -y) )
            n += 1

        self.Z = Z;
        self.nZ = len(Z); 
        #alternatively self.Z = Z[:self.nZ], but this might lose some of the good properties of having the points uniformly on the unit circle
        # V represents H**0 (3 D_0)
        V = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, self.nZ, 3 * self.d0 + 1 - self.g) # \dim = 6g + 6 + 1 - g = 5 g + 7

        # Vout represents H**0(D_0)
        Vout = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, self.nZ, self.d0 + 1 - self.g) # \dim = g + 3
        # H**0(D_0) = <1, x, x**2, ..., x**(g + 1), y>
        # H**0(3*D_0) = <1, x, x**2, ...,x**g, x**(g + 1), y, x**(g + 2) , y x, ..., x**(g + 1 + 2g + 2), y x**(2g + 2)>, dim = 5 g + 7 = 1 + g + 2*(2*g + 3)

        Vexps = [None]* (3 * self.d0 + 1 - self.g)
        i = 0;
        for n in xrange( 3 * (self.g + 1) + 1):
            Vexps[i] =  [ n, 0];
            i += 1;
            if n > self.g:
                Vexps[i] = [ n - self.g - 1, 1];
                i += 1;
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(self.Z):
            for j in range( 3 * self.d0 + 1 - self.g):
                V[ i, j] = x ** Vexps[j][0] * y ** Vexps[j][1]

            for j in range( self.g + 2 ):
                Vout[i,j] = x**j

            Vout[ i, self.g + 2] = y

        self.V = V;
        self.Vout = Vout;
        self.Vexps = Vexps;
        # W0 represents H**0 (2 D_0)
        W0 = Matrix(self.Rextraprec, self.nZ, 2 * self.d0 + 1 - self.g) 
        for i in range( self.nZ ):
            for j in range( 2 * self.d0 + 1 - self.g):
                W0[i,j] = V[i,j]
        # KV = Ker(V***) = col(V)**perp 
        KV, upper, lower = EqnMatrix(V, 3 * self.d0 + 1 - self.g);
        assert self.threshold_check(upper, lower), "upper = %s lower = %s" % (RealField(35)(upper), RealField(35)(lower))
        self.lower = max(self.lower, lower)

        self.KV = KV;
        self.W0 = W0;
Beispiel #31
def stratum2print(stratum):
    if not stratum: return '[]'
    stratum = Counter(stratum)
    ans = ['[']
    for order in sorted(stratum.keys(), reverse=True):
        mult = stratum[order]
        if mult == 1:
            ans.extend([f'{order}', ','])
            ans.extend([f'{order}^{mult}', ','])
    ans[-1] = ']'
    return ''.join(ans)

time_for_F = lambda w: N(exp(0.39 * w - 6.7))
time_for_Fs2 = lambda w: N(exp(0.38 * w - 5.2))
time_for_Fs3 = lambda w: N(exp(0.38 * w - 5))
time_for_Fs4 = lambda w: N(exp(0.71 * w - 6.4))
time_for_Fs22 = lambda w: N(exp(0.63 * w - 4.8))
time_for_Fs5 = lambda w: N(exp(0.68 * w - 5.5))
time_for_Fs23 = lambda w: N(exp(0.75 * w - 4.6))
time_for_Fs6 = lambda w: N(exp(0.885 * w - 3.8))
time_for_Fs24 = lambda w: N(exp(0.96 * w - 3.6))
time_for_Fs33 = lambda w: N(exp(0.745 * w - 3.8))
time_for_Fs7 = lambda w: N(exp(0.96 * w - 3.6))
time_for_Fs222 = lambda w: N(exp(w - 2.25))

def dfactorial(n):
Beispiel #32
    def dimension(self, k, ignore=False, debug=0):
        if k < 2 and not ignore:
            raise NotImplementedError("k has to >= 2")
        s = self._signature
        if not (2 * k in ZZ):
            raise ValueError("k has to be integral or half-integral")
        if (2 * k + s) % 4 != 0 and not ignore:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "2k has to be congruent to -signature mod 4")
        if self._v2.has_key(0):
            v2 = self._v2[0]
            v2 = 1

        if self._g != None:
            if not self._aniso_formula:
                vals = self._g.values()
            #print "using aniso_formula"
            M = self._g
            vals = self._M.values()
            M = self._M

        prec = ceil(max(log(M.order(), 2), 52) + 1) + 17
        #print prec
        RR = RealField(prec)
        CC = ComplexField(prec)
        d = self._d
        m = self._m
        if debug > 0: print d, m

        if self._alpha3 == None:
            if self._aniso_formula:
                self._alpha4 = 1
                self._alpha3 = -sum(
                    [BB(a) * mm for a, mm in self._v2.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 += Integer(d) - Integer(
                    1) - self._g.beta_formula()
                #print self._alpha3, self._g.a5prime_formula()
                self._alpha3 = self._alpha3 / RR(2)
                self._alpha3 = sum([(1 - a) * mm
                                    for a, mm in self._v2.iteritems()
                                    if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 += sum([(1 - a) * mm
                                     for a, mm in vals.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 = self._alpha3 / Integer(2)
                self._alpha4 = 1 / Integer(2) * (
                    vals[0] + v2)  # the codimension of SkL in MkL
        alpha3 = self._alpha3
        alpha4 = self._alpha4
        if debug > 0: print alpha3, alpha4
        g1 = M.char_invariant(1)
        g1 = CC(g1[0] * g1[1])
        #print g1
        g2 = M.char_invariant(2)
        g2 = RR(real(g2[0] * g2[1]))
        if debug > 0: print g2, g2.parent()
        g3 = M.char_invariant(-3)
        g3 = CC(g3[0] * g3[1])
        if debug > 0:
            print RR(d) / RR(4), sqrt(RR(m)) / RR(4), CC(
                exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0, 1) * (2 * k + s) / Integer(8)))
        alpha1 = RR(d) / RR(4) - (sqrt(RR(m)) / RR(4) * CC(
            exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0, 1) * (2 * k + s) / Integer(8))) * g2)
        if debug > 0: print alpha1
        alpha2 = RR(d) / RR(3) + sqrt(RR(m)) / (3 * sqrt(RR(3))) * real(
            exp(CC(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0, 1) * (4 * k + 3 * s - 10) / 24)) *
            (g1 + g3))
        if debug > 0: print alpha1, alpha2, g1, g2, g3, d, k, s
        dim = real(d + (d * k / Integer(12)) - alpha1 - alpha2 - alpha3)
        if debug > 0:
            print "dimension:", dim
        if abs(dim - round(dim)) > 1e-6:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Error ({0}) too large in dimension formula for {1} and k={2}".
                format(abs(dim - round(dim)),
                       self._M if self._M is not None else self._g, k))
        dimr = dim
        dim = Integer(round(dim))
        if k >= 2 and dim < 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Negative dimension (= {0}, {1})!".format(
                dim, dimr))
        return dim
Beispiel #33
def draw_fundamental_domain(N,
    r""" Draw fundamental domain
    - ''model'' -- (default ''H'')
    = ''H'' -- Upper halfplane
    = ''D'' -- Disk model
    - ''filename''-- filename to print to
    - ''**kwds''-- additional arguments to matplotlib
    - ''axes''  -- set geometry of output
    =[x0,x1,y0,y1] -- restrict figure to [x0,x1]x[y0,y1]


    sage: G=MySubgroup(Gamma0(3))
    sage: G.draw_fundamental_domain()

    if group.strip() == 'Gamma0':
        G = Gamma0(N)
    elif group.strip() == 'Gamma1':
        G = Gamma1(N)
    elif group.strip() == 'Gamma':
        G = Gamma(N)
        raise ValueError('group must be one of: "Gamma0", "Gamma1", "Gamma"')
    s = "$" + latex(G) + "$"
    s = s.replace("mbox", "mathrm")
    s = s.replace("Bold", "mathbb")
    name = s
    # name ="$\mbox{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$"
    # need a "nice" set of coset representatives to draw a connected
    # fundamental domain. Only implemented for Gamma_0(N)
    coset_reps = nice_coset_reps(G)
    # if(group=='Gamma0'):
    # else:
    # coset_reps = list(G.coset_reps())
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
    if (model == "D"):
        g = _draw_funddom_d(coset_reps, format, I)
        g = _draw_funddom(coset_reps, format)
    if (axes is not None):
        [x0, x1, y0, y1] = axes
    elif (model == "D"):
        x0 = -1
        x1 = 1
        y0 = -1.1
        y1 = 1
        # find the width of the fundamental domain
        # w = 0  # self.cusp_width(Cusp(Infinity)) FIXME: w is never used
        wmin = 0
        wmax = 1
        max_x = RR(0.55)
        rho = CC(exp(2 * pi * I / 3))
        for V in coset_reps:
            ## we also compare the real parts of where rho and infinity are mapped
            r1 = (V.acton(rho)).real()
            if (V[1, 0] != 0):
                inf1 = RR(V[0, 0] / V[1, 0])
                inf1 = 0
            if (V[1, 0] == 0 and V[0, 0] == 1):
                if (V[0, 1] > wmax):
                    wmax = V[0, 1]
                if (V[0, 1] < wmin):
                    wmin = V[0, 1]
            if (max(r1, inf1) > max_x):
                max_x = max(r1, inf1)
            logging.debug("wmin,wmax=%s,%s" % (wmin, wmax))
        # x0=-1; x1=1; y0=-0.2; y1=1.5
        x0 = RR(-max_x)
        x1 = RR(max_x)
        y0 = RR(-0.15)
        y1 = RR(1.5)
        ## Draw the axes manually (since  can't figure out how to do it automatically)
    ax = line([[x0, 0.0], [x1, 0.0]], color='black')
    # ax = ax + line([[0.0,y0],[0.0,y1]],color='black')
    ## ticks
    ax = ax + line([[-0.5, -0.01], [-0.5, 0.01]], color='black')
    ax = ax + line([[0.5, -0.01], [0.5, 0.01]], color='black')
    g = g + ax
    if model == "H":
        t = text(name, (0, -0.1), fontsize=16, color='black')
        t = t + text(
            "$ -\\frac{1}{2} $", (-0.5, -0.1), fontsize=12, color='black')
        t = t + text(
            "$ \\frac{1}{2} $", (0.5, -0.1), fontsize=12, color='black')
        t = text(name, (0, -1.1), fontsize=16, color='black')
    g = g + t
    g.set_axes_range(x0, x1, y0, y1)

    if (filename is not None):
        fig = g.matplotlib()
        axes = fig.get_axes()[0]
        fig.savefig(filename, **kwds)
        return g
def directionalFailureboosting(lwe_n, q, sd, B, m, name, limitedqueries=False, multitarget=False):
    alphabetalist = []
    for i in range(0, CIPHERTEXTS):
        alpha = np.loadtxt('%s/tmp/alpha%d.txt' % (name, i))
        beta = np.loadtxt('%s/tmp/beta%d.txt' % (name, i))
        alphabetalist.append((alpha, beta, i))

    # save the work needed to get x ciphertexts
    worklist = []
    querylist = []
    problist = []

    # save the work needed to get x ciphertexts (old method)
    workoldlist = []
    queryoldlist = []
    proboldlist = []

    # save the work needed to get the next ciphertext
    worknextciphertext = []
    querynextciphertext = []

    # number of ciphertexts x
    ciphertextlist = []

    # list of optimal alpha beta values
    ablist = []

    # set by hand
    if multitarget and limitedqueries:
        LMT = 59.5

    if not multitarget and limitedqueries:
        LMT = 57.2

    firstmt = not multitarget  # if multitarget attack: don't restrict first sample
    for alphabetavalues in alphabetalist:
        # add new ciphertext
        alphac, betac, ciphertexts = alphabetavalues
        optimalab = min([(np.sqrt(a) * b**-1, b**-1, a) for a, b in zip(alphac, betac)], key=lambda x: x[0])
        if limitedqueries and firstmt and optimalab[1] > 2**LMT:
            if max(betac) <= 2**-LMT:
                with open(name + '/attackcost.txt', 'a') as f:
                    print('attack not possible for: limited queries: %r,  multitarget %r'
                          % (limitedqueries, multitarget))
                    print('attack not possible for: limited queries: %r,  multitarget %r'
                          % (limitedqueries, multitarget), file=f)
                return 0
            idx = np.where(betac > 2**-LMT)[0][-1]
            optimalab = (np.sqrt(alphac[idx]) * betac[idx]**-1, betac[idx]**-1, alphac[idx])
        firstmt = True


        # calculate the best attack strategy
        # setup the lagrange function and solve
        vlam = var('vlam')
        eq = 1
        normalizer = ablist[0][0]
        for ab, b, a in ablist:
            eq *= vlam + (ab / normalizer)

        eq -= vlam**len(ablist) / (1 - exp(-1))
        lam = find_root(eq, 0.001, 500000)

        # calculate the amount of work to get the next failure and sum
        work = 0
        prob = 1
        queries = 0

        ab, b, a = ablist[0]
        l = np.log(lam * (normalizer / ab) + 1)
        if multitarget:
            queries += l * b / 2**64
            queries = l * b
        work += l * ab
        prob *= 1 - exp(-l)
        for ab, b, a in ablist[1:]:
            l = np.log(lam * (normalizer / ab) + 1)
            queries += l * b
            work += l * ab
            prob *= 1 - exp(-l)

        # traditional method
        ab, b, a = ablist[0]
        queriesold = b * len(ablist)
        workold = ab * len(ablist)
        probold = 1 - exp(-1)

        # save all our results


        # and print
        with open(name + '/attackcost.txt', 'a') as f:
            print('\n limited queries: %r,  multitarget %r' % (limitedqueries, multitarget), file=f)
            print('work to obtain %d ciphertexts with same probability:' % len(ablist), file=f)
            print('queries: %f, total work:%f, probability: %f'
                  % (np.log2(float(queries)), np.log2(float(work)), prob), file=f)

    #  Let's plot  #
    plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, worklist, label='work', basex=2, basey=2)
    if not multitarget:
        plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, workoldlist, label='work - traditional', basex=2, basey=2)
    plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, querylist, label='queries', basex=2, basey=2)
    if not multitarget:
        plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, queryoldlist, label='queries - traditional', basex=2, basey=2)
    plt.title('work/queries to obtain n ciphertexts')
    plt.ylabel(u'total work/queries')
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')
    plt.savefig(name + '/workqueriesforxciphertexts-LQ%r,MT%r.pdf' % (limitedqueries, multitarget))

    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
    plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, worklist, label='work', basex=2, basey=2)
    if not multitarget:
        plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, workoldlist, label='work - traditional', basex=2, basey=2, linestyle='dashed')
    plt.title('work to obtain n ciphertexts')
    plt.ylabel(u'total work')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig(name + '/workforxciphertexts-LQ%r,MT%r.pdf' % (limitedqueries, multitarget))

    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
    plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, querylist, label='queries', basex=2, basey=2)
    if not multitarget:
        plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, queryoldlist, label='queries - traditional', basex=2, basey=2, linestyle='dashed')
    plt.title('queries to obtain n ciphertexts')
    plt.ylabel(u'total queries')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    plt.savefig(name + '/queriesforxciphertexts-LQ%r,MT%r.pdf' % (limitedqueries, multitarget))

    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
    plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, worknextciphertext, label='work', basex=2, basey=2)
    plt.loglog(ciphertextlist, querynextciphertext, label='query', basex=2, basey=2)
    plt.title('work/queries to obtain next ciphertexts')
    plt.xlabel(u'available failing ciphertexts')
    plt.ylabel(u'total work/queries')
    plt.legend(loc='lower left')
    plt.savefig(name + '/worknextciphertext-LQ%r,MT%r.pdf' % (limitedqueries, multitarget))

    plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10})
Beispiel #35
def draw_fundamental_domain(N,
    r""" Draw fundamental domain
        - ''model'' -- (default ''H'')
        - ''H'' -- Upper halfplane
        - ''D'' -- Disk model
        - ''filename''-- filename to print to
        - ''**kwds''-- additional arguments to matplotlib 
        - ''axes''  -- set geometry of output
        =[x0,x1,y0,y1] -- restrict figure to [x0,x1]x[y0,y1]


        sage: G=MySubgroup(Gamma0(3))
        sage: G.draw_fundamental_domain()

    G = eval(group + '(' + str(N) + ')')
    #print G
    name = "$" + latex(G) + "$"
    ## need a "nice" set of coset representatives to draw a connected fundamental domain. Only implemented for Gamma_0(N)
    coset_reps = nice_coset_reps(G)
    if (model == "D"):
        g = draw_funddom_d(coset_reps, format, I)
        g = draw_funddom(coset_reps, format)
    if (axes <> None):
        [x0, x1, y0, y1] = axes
    elif (model == "D"):
        x0 = -1
        x1 = 1
        y0 = -1.1
        y1 = 1
        # find the width of the fundamental domain
        w = 0  #self.cusp_width(Cusp(Infinity))
        wmin = 0
        wmax = 1
        max_x = RR(0.55)
        rho = CC(exp(2 * pi * I / 3))
        for V in coset_reps:
            ## we also compare the real parts of where rho and infinity are mapped
            r1 = (V.acton(rho)).real()
            if (V[1, 0] <> 0):
                inf1 = RR(V[0, 0] / V[1, 0])
                inf1 = 0
            if (V[1, 0] == 0 and V[0, 0] == 1):
                if (V[0, 1] > wmax):
                    wmax = V[0, 1]
                if (V[0, 1] < wmin):
                    wmin = V[0, 1]
            if (max(r1, inf1) > max_x):
                max_x = max(r1, inf1)
            #print "wmin,wmax=",wmin,wmax
            #x0=-1; x1=1; y0=-0.2; y1=1.5
        x0 = RR(-max_x)
        x1 = RR(max_x)
        y0 = RR(-0.15)
        y1 = RR(1.5)
    ## Draw the axes manually (since  can't figure out how to do it automatically)
    ax = line([[x0, 0.0], [x1, 0.0]], color='black')
    #ax = ax + line([[0.0,y0],[0.0,y1]],color='black')
    ## ticks
    ax = ax + line([[-0.5, -0.01], [-0.5, 0.01]], color='black')
    ax = ax + line([[0.5, -0.01], [0.5, 0.01]], color='black')
    g = g + ax
    if model == "H":
        t = text(name, (0, -0.1), fontsize=16, color='black')
        t = text(name, (0, -1.1), fontsize=16, color='black')
        g = g + t
        g.set_axes_range(x0, x1, y0, y1)
        if (filename <> None):
            fig = g.matplotlib()
            axes = fig.get_axes()[0]
            fig.savefig(filename, **kwds)
            return g
 def _sage_(self):
     import sage.all as sage
     return sage.exp(self.args[0]._sage_())
Beispiel #37
def populate_rational_rows(orbits, euler_factors_cc, rows, instances):
    rational_rows = {}
    order_of_vanishing = schema_lf_dict['order_of_vanishing']
    accuracy = schema_lf_dict['accuracy']
    positive_zeros = schema_lf_dict['positive_zeros']
    sign_arg = schema_lf_dict['sign_arg']
    Lhash = schema_lf_dict['Lhash']
    plot_delta = schema_lf_dict['plot_delta']
    plot_values = schema_lf_dict['plot_values']
    central_character = schema_lf_dict['central_character']
    positive_zeros = schema_lf_dict['positive_zeros']
    leading_term = schema_lf_dict['leading_term']
    root_number = schema_lf_dict['root_number']
    k = 0
    for mf_orbit_label, labels in orbits.iteritems():
            level, weight, char_orbit, hecke_orbit = mf_orbit_label.split(".")
            level, weight = map(int, [level, weight])
            # read and convert zeros to str
            # is important to do this before converting them
            zeros_as_real = []
            root_numbers = []
            for elt in labels:
                zeros_factor = rows[elt][positive_zeros]
                zeros_as_real.extend( zeros_factor )
                # and now convert them to strings
                zeros_factor = [ z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_factor]
                rows[elt][positive_zeros] = str(zeros_factor).replace("'","\"")
                # same for root numbers
                rows[elt][root_number] = rows[elt][root_number].str(style="question").replace('?', '')

            # for now skip degree > 80
            # no more, now the limit is 40
            if len(labels) > 20: # the real limit is 87
            degree = 2*len(labels)
            row = constant_lf(level, weight, degree)
            row['origin'] = "ModularForm/GL2/Q/holomorphic/%d/%d/%s/%s" % (level, weight, char_orbit, hecke_orbit)
            row['self_dual'] = True
            row['conjugate'] = '\N'
            row['order_of_vanishing'] = sum([rows[elt][order_of_vanishing] for elt in labels])
            row['accuracy'] = min([rows[elt][accuracy] for elt in labels])

            zeros_as_str = [ z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_as_real]
            row['positive_zeros'] = str(zeros_as_str).replace("'","\"")
            row['Lhash'] = ",".join(map(str, sorted([int(rows[elt][Lhash]) for elt in labels])))
            for i in range(0,3):
                row['z' + str(i + 1)] = str(zeros_as_real[i])

            # character
            if degree == 2:
                row['central_character'] = rows[labels[0]][central_character]
                G = DirichletGroup_conrey(level)
                chiprod = prod([G[ int(rows[elt][central_character].split(".")[-1]) ] for elt in labels])
                chiprod_index = chiprod.number()
                row['central_character'] = "%s.%s" % (level, chiprod_index)

            row['sign_arg'] = sum([rows[elt][sign_arg] for elt in labels])
            while row['sign_arg'] > 0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] -= 1
            while row['sign_arg'] <= -0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] += 1

            deltas = [rows[elt][plot_delta] for elt in labels]
            values = [rows[elt][plot_values] for elt in labels]
            row['plot_delta'], row['plot_values'] = prod_plot_values(deltas, values)
            row['leading_term'] = (prod(toRRR(rows[elt][leading_term], drop=False) for elt in labels)).str(style="question").replace('?', '')
                row['root_number'] = str(RRR(prod(root_numbers).real()).unique_integer())
                if row['root_number'] == str(1):
                    row['sign_arg'] = 0
                elif row['root_number'] == str(-1):
                    row['sign_arg'] = 0.5
                    assert row['root_number'] in map(str, [1, -1]), "%s" % row['root_number']
            except ValueError:
                # couldn't pin down the unique integer through root_numbers
                row['root_number'] = str(RRR(CDF(exp(2*pi*I*row['sign_arg'])).real()).unique_integer())
            row['coefficient_field'] = ''

            euler_factors = [euler_factors_cc[elt] for elt in labels]
            row['euler_factors'], row['bad_lfactors'], dirichlet = rational_euler_factors(euler_factors, level, weight)

            # fill in ai
            for i, ai in enumerate(dirichlet):
                if i > 1:
                    row['a' + str(i)] = int(dirichlet[i])
                    #print 'a' + str(i), dirichlet[i]

            for key in schema_lf:
                assert key in row, "%s not in row = %s" % (key, row.keys())
            for key in row.keys():
                assert key in schema_lf, "%s unexpected"  % key
            assert len(row) == len(schema_lf), "%s != %s" % (len(row) , len(schema_lf))

            #rewrite row as a list
            rational_rows[mf_orbit_label] = [row[key] for key in schema_lf]
            instances[mf_orbit_label] = (row['origin'], row['Lhash'], 'CMF')

            # if dim == 1, drop row
            if len(labels) == 1:
        except Exception:
            print mf_orbit_label, labels

        k += 1
        if len(orbits) > 10:
            if (k % (len(orbits)//10)) == 0:
                print "populate_rational_rows %.2f%% done" % (k*100./len(orbits))

    print "populate_rational_rows done"
    return rational_rows
Beispiel #38
def gaussum(n, N, prec=53):
    CC = ComplexField(prec)
    return sum(CC(exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0, 1) * n * m ** 2 / N)) for m in range(N))
Beispiel #39
    def _hyperbolic_arc_d(self, z0, z3, first=False):
        Function to construct Bezier path as an approximation to
        the hyperbolic arc between the complex numbers z0 and z3 in the
        hyperbolic plane.

        w0 = self._cayley_transform(z0)
        w3 = self._cayley_transform(z3)
        if self._verbose>0:
            print "in plane z0,z3=",z0,z3
            print "in disc: ",w0,w3
        npts = 10
        if z0 == infinity or z0==CC(infinity):
            zm = [z3 + I*(j+0.5) for j in range(npts)]
            wm = [self._cayley_transform(x) for x in zm]
            pts = [w3]
            opt = self._options
            self._graphics.add_primitive(BezierPath([[(x.real(),x.imag()) for x in pts ]],opt))
        if z3 == infinity  or z3==CC(infinity):
            zm = [z0 + I*(j+0.5) for j in range(npts)]
            wm = [self._cayley_transform(x) for x in zm]
            pts = [w0]
            opt = self._options
            self._graphics.add_primitive(BezierPath([[(x.real(),x.imag()) for x in pts ]],opt))
            #self.path.append([(0,w0.imag()),CC(0,y), (0,w3.imag())])
        x0=z0.real(); y0 = z0.imag()
        x3=z3.real(); y3 = z3.imag()
        if y0 == 0 and y3 == 0:
            p = (z0.real()+z3.real())/2
            r = abs(z0-p)
            zm = CC(p, r)
            self._hyperbolic_arc_d(z0, zm, first)
            self._hyperbolic_arc_d(zm, z3)
            p = ((x0+x3)*(x3-x0)+(y0+y3)*(y3-y0))/(2*(x3-x0)) 
            r = sqrt((p - x0)**2 + y0**2)  # radius of the circle in H
            zm = ((z0+z3)/2-p)/abs((z0+z3)/2-p)*r+p  # midpoint (at least approximately) of geodesic between z0 and z3
            t0 = CC(z0 - p).argument()
            t3 = CC(z3 - p).argument()
            if x0 <= x3:
                zm = [p + r*exp(I*(t0+t*(t3-t0)/npts)) for t in range(npts+1)]
                #print "zm=",zm
                zm = [p + r*exp(I*(t0+t*(t3-t0)/npts)) for t in range(npts+1)]            
                #print "zm=",zm
            wm = [self._cayley_transform(x) for x in zm]
            opt = self._options
            w0 = self._cayley_transform(z0)
            w3 = self._cayley_transform(z3)
            pts = [w0]
            self._graphics.add_primitive(BezierPath([[(x.real(),x.imag()) for x in pts ]],opt))
            #print "z0_test=",(p+r*exp(t0*I))
                #print "z3_test=",(p+r*exp(t3*I))
#t = (8*zm-4*(z0+z3)).imag()/3/(z3-z0).real()
            # I have no idea what these points should represent....
            #z1 = z0 + t*CC(z0.imag(), (p-z0.real()))
            #z2 = z3 - t*CC(z3.imag(), (p-z3.real()))
            wm = [self._cayley_transform(x) for x in zm]
            pp = self._cayley_transform(CC(p,0))
            w1 = self._cayley_transform(z0)
            w2 = self._cayley_transform(z3)
            c = self._cayley_transform(CC(p,0)) # center of circle on the unit disk.
            if self._verbose>0:
                print "p,r=",p,r     
                print "zm=",zm
                #print "t=",t
                #print "tt=",(8*zm-4*(z0+z3)).imag()/3/(z3-z0).real()

                print "C(c)=",pp
                print "C(zm)=",wm
                print "C(z0)=",w1
                print "C(z3)=",w2
                #print "z2=",z2
            r = abs(w1-c) # radius
            t0 = CC(w0 - pp).argument()
            t3 = CC(w3 - pp).argument()
            t = abs(t0-t3)
        if self._verbose>0:
            print "adding a:rc ",zm.real(),zm.imag(),r,r,t,t0,t3
Beispiel #40
    def populate_rational_rows():
        order_of_vanishing = schema_lf_dict['order_of_vanishing']
        accuracy = schema_lf_dict['accuracy']
        sign_arg = schema_lf_dict['sign_arg']
        Lhash = schema_lf_dict['Lhash']
        plot_delta = schema_lf_dict['plot_delta']
        plot_values = schema_lf_dict['plot_values']
        central_character = schema_lf_dict['central_character']
        # reverse euler factors from the table for  p^d < 1000
        rational_keys = {}
        for chi, a, n in rows.keys():
            orbit_label = orbit_labels[chi]
            if (orbit_label, a) not in rational_keys:
                rational_keys[(orbit_label, a)] = []
            rational_keys[(orbit_label, a)].append((chi, a, n))

        for (orbit_label, a), triples in rational_keys.iteritems():
            # for now skip degree >= 100
            if len(triples) > 80:  # the real limit is 87
            pairs = [original_pair[elt] for elt in triples]
            #print a, pairs, triples
            chi = triples[0][0]
            degree = 2 * len(triples)
            row = constant_lf(level, weight, degree)
            row['origin'] = rational_origin(chi, a)
            print row['origin']
            row['self_dual'] = 't'
            row['conjugate'] = '\N'
            row['order_of_vanishing'] = sum(
                [rows[elt][order_of_vanishing] for elt in triples])
            row['accuracy'] = min([rows[elt][accuracy] for elt in triples])

            zeros_as_real = []
            for elt in triples:
            zeros_as_str = [z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_as_real]
            row['positive_zeros'] = str(zeros_as_str).replace("'", "\"")
            zeros_hash = sorted([(rows[elt][Lhash], real_zeros[elt][0])
                                 for elt in triples],
                                key=lambda x: x[1])
            row['Lhash'] = ",".join([elt[0] for elt in zeros_hash])
            # character
            if degree == 2:
                row['central_character'] = rows[triples[0]][central_character]
                G = DirichletGroup_conrey(level)
                chiprod = prod([
                    for elt in triples
                chiprod_index = chiprod.number()
                row['central_character'] = "%s.%s" % (level, chiprod_index)

            row['sign_arg'] = sum([rows[elt][sign_arg] for elt in triples])
            while row['sign_arg'] > 0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] -= 1
            while row['sign_arg'] <= -0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] += 1
            zeros_zi = []
            for i in range(0, 3):
                for elt in triples:
                    zeros_zi.append(rows[elt][schema_lf_dict['z' +
                                                             str(i + 1)]])
            zeros_zi.sort(key=lambda x: RealNumber(x))
            for i in range(0, 3):
                row['z' + str(i + 1)] = zeros_zi[i]

            deltas = [rows[elt][plot_delta] for elt in triples]
            values = [rows[elt][plot_values] for elt in triples]
            row['plot_delta'], row['plot_values'] = prod_plot_values(
                deltas, values)
            row['leading_term'] = '\N'
            row['root_number'] = str(
                RRR(CDF(exp(2 * pi * I *
            if row['root_number'] == str(1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0
            elif row['root_number'] == str(-1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0.5
            row['coefficient_field'] = ''

            for chi, _, _ in triples:
                if (level, weight, chi) in traces_lists:
                    for elt in traces_lists[(level, weight, chi)]:
                        if set(elt[1]) <= set(pairs):
                            traces = elt[0]
                        print pairs
                        print traces_lists[(level, weight, chi)]
                        assert False
                print pairs
                print traces_lists
                assert False

            euler_factors_cc = [euler_factors[elt] for elt in pairs]
            row['euler_factors'], row[
                'bad_lfactors'], dirichlet = rational_euler_factors(
                    traces, euler_factors_cc, level, weight)
            #handling Nones
            row['euler_factors'] = json.dumps(row['euler_factors'])
            row['bad_lfactors'] = json.dumps(row['bad_lfactors'])

            # fill in ai
            for i, ai in enumerate(dirichlet):
                if i > 1:
                    row['a' + str(i)] = int(dirichlet[i])
                    #print 'a' + str(i), dirichlet[i]

            for key in schema_lf:
                assert key in row, "%s not in row = %s" % (key, row.keys())
            for key in row.keys():
                assert key in schema_lf, "%s unexpected" % key
            assert len(row) == len(schema_lf), "%s != %s" % (len(row),

            #rewrite row as a list
            rational_rows[(orbit_label, a)] = [row[key] for key in schema_lf]
            instances[(orbit_label, a)] = tuple_instance(row)

            # if dim == 1, drop row
            if len(triples) == 1:
Beispiel #41
    def populate_complex_row(Ldbrow):
        row = dict(constant_lf(level, weight, 2))
        chi = int(Ldbrow['chi'])
        j = int(Ldbrow['j'])
        chil, a, n = label(chi, j)
        assert chil == chi

        row['order_of_vanishing'] = int(Ldbrow['rank'])
        zeros_as_int = zeros[(chi, j)][row['order_of_vanishing']:]
        prec = row['accuracy'] = Ldbrow['zeroprec']
        two_power = 2**prec
        double_zeros = [float(z / two_power) for z in zeros_as_int]
        zeros_as_real = [
            RealNumber(z.str() + ".") / two_power for z in zeros_as_int
        real_zeros[(chi, a, n)] = zeros_as_real
        zeros_as_str = [z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_as_real]
        for i, z in enumerate(zeros_as_str):
            assert float(z) == double_zeros[i]
            assert (RealNumber(z) * two_power).round() == zeros_as_int[i]

        row['positive_zeros'] = str(zeros_as_str).replace("'", "\"")

        row['origin'] = origin(chi, a, n)
        row['central_character'] = "%s.%s" % (level, chi)
        row['self_dual'] = self_dual(chi, a, n)
        row['conjugate'] = None
        row['Lhash'] = str((zeros_as_int[0] * 2**(100 - prec)).round())
        if prec < 100:
            row['Lhash'] = '_' + row['Lhash']
        Lhashes[(chi, a, n)] = row['Lhash']
        row['sign_arg'] = float(Ldbrow['signarg'] / (2 * pi))
        for i in range(0, 3):
            row['z' + str(i + 1)] = (RealNumber(str(zeros_as_int[i]) + ".") /

        row['plot_delta'] = Ldbrow['valuesdelta']
        row['plot_values'] = [
            for elt in struct.unpack('{}d'.format(len(Ldbrow['Lvalues']) /
                                                  8), Ldbrow['Lvalues'])

        row['leading_term'] = '\N'
        if row['self_dual']:
            row['root_number'] = str(
                RRR(CDF(exp(2 * pi * I *
            if row['root_number'] == str(1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0
            elif row['root_number'] == str(-1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0.5
            row['root_number'] = str(CDF(exp(2 * pi * I * row['sign_arg'])))
        #row['dirichlet_coefficients'] = [None] * 10
        #print label(chi,j)
        for i, ai in enumerate(coeffs[(chi, j)][2:12]):
            if i + 2 <= 10:
                row['a' + str(i + 2)] = CBF_to_pair(ai)
                # print 'a' + str(i+2), ai_jsonb
            #row['dirichlet_coefficients'][i] = ai_jsonb

        row['coefficient_field'] = 'CDF'

        # only 30
        row['euler_factors'] = map(lambda x: map(CBF_to_pair, x),
                                   euler_factors[(chi, j)][:30])
        row['bad_lfactors'] = map(
            lambda x: [int(x[0]), map(CBF_to_pair, x[1])],
            bad_euler_factors[(chi, j)])

        for key in schema_lf:
            assert key in row, "%s not in row = %s" % (key, row)
        assert len(row) == len(schema_lf), "%s != %s" % (len(row),

        #rewrite row as a list
        rows[(chi, a, n)] = [row[key] for key in schema_lf]
        instances[(chi, a, n)] = tuple_instance(row)
Beispiel #42
    def dimension(self,k,ignore=False, debug = 0):
        if k < 2 and not ignore:
            raise NotImplementedError("k has to >= 2")
        s = self._signature
        if not (2*k in ZZ):
            raise ValueError("k has to be integral or half-integral")
        if (2*k+s)%2 != 0:
            return 0
        m = self._m
        n2 = self._n2
        if self._v2.has_key(0):
            v2 = self._v2[0]
            v2 = 1

        if self._g != None:
            if not self._aniso_formula:
                vals = self._g.values()
                #print "using aniso_formula"
            M = self._g
            vals = self._M.values()
            M = self._M

        if (2*k+s)%4 == 0:
            d = Integer(1)/Integer(2)*(m+n2) # |dimension of the Weil representation on even functions|
            self._d = d
            self._alpha4 = 1/Integer(2)*(vals[0]+v2) # the codimension of SkL in MkL
            d = Integer(1)/Integer(2)*(m-n2) # |dimension of the Weil representation on odd functions|
            self._d = d
            self._alpha4 = 1/Integer(2)*(vals[0]-v2) # the codimension of SkL in MkL
        prec = ceil(max(log(M.order(),2),52)+1)+17
        #print prec
        RR = RealField(prec)
        CC = ComplexField(prec)
        if debug > 0: print "d, m = {0}, {1}".format(d,m)
        eps = exp( 2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (s + 2*k) / Integer(4) )
        eps = round(real(eps))        
        if self._alpha3 is None or self._last_eps != eps:
            self._last_eps = eps
            if self._aniso_formula:
                self._alpha4 = 1
                self._alpha3 = -sum([BB(a)*mm for a,mm in self._v2.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 += Integer(d) - Integer(1) - self._g.beta_formula()
                #print self._alpha3, self._g.a5prime_formula()
                self._alpha3 = self._alpha3/RR(2)
                self._alpha3 = eps*sum([(1-a)*mm for a,mm in self._v2.iteritems() if a != 0])
                if debug>0: print "alpha3t = ", self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 += sum([(1-a)*mm for a,mm in vals.iteritems() if a != 0])
                #print self._alpha3
                self._alpha3 = self._alpha3 / Integer(2)
        alpha3 = self._alpha3
        alpha4 = self._alpha4
        if debug > 0: print alpha3, alpha4
        #print g1
        if debug > 0: print g2, g2.parent()
        if debug > 0: print "eps = {0}".format(eps)
        if debug > 0: print "d/4 = {0}, m/4 = {1}, e^(2pi i (2k+s)/8) = {2}".format(RR(d) / RR(4), sqrt(RR(m)) / RR(4), CC(exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (2 * k + s) / Integer(8))))
        if eps == 1:
            g2_2 = real(g2)
            g2_2 = imag(g2)*CC(0,1)
        alpha1 = RR(d) / RR(4) - sqrt(RR(m)) / RR(4)  * CC(exp(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (2 * k + s) / Integer(8)) * g2_2)
        if debug > 0: print alpha1
        alpha2 = RR(d) / RR(3) + sqrt(RR(m)) / (3 * sqrt(RR(3))) * real(exp(CC(2 * CC.pi() * CC(0,1) * (4 * k + 3 * s - 10) / 24)) * (g1 + eps*g3))
        if debug > 0: print "alpha1 = {0}, alpha2 = {1}, alpha3 = {2}, g1 = {3}, g2 = {4}, g3 = {5}, d = {6}, k = {7}, s = {8}".format(alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, g1, g2, g3, d, k, s)
        dim = real(d + (d * k / Integer(12)) - alpha1 - alpha2 - alpha3)
        if debug > 0:
            print "dimension:", dim
        if abs(dim-round(dim)) > 1e-6:
            raise RuntimeError("Error ({0}) too large in dimension formula for {1} and k={2}".format(abs(dim-round(dim)), self._M if self._M is not None else self._g, k))
        dimr = dim
        dim = Integer(round(dim))
        if k >=2 and dim < 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Negative dimension (= {0}, {1})!".format(dim, dimr))
        return dim