def default_super_categories(cls, category, *args):
        Returns the default super categories of ``...``


         - ``category`` -- a category

        OUTPUT: a join category

        This implements the property that an induced subcategory is a


        A subquotient of a monoid is a monoid, and a subquotient of

            sage: Monoids().Subquotients().super_categories()
            [Category of monoids, Category of subquotients of semigroups]


            sage: C = Monoids().Subquotients()
            sage: C.__class__.default_super_categories(C.base_category(), *C._args)
            Join of Category of monoids and Category of subquotients of semigroups
        return Category.join([category, super(RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory, cls).default_super_categories(category, *args)])
Beispiel #2
    def default_super_categories(cls, category, *args):
        Returns the default super categories of `F_{Cat}(A,B,C)` for `A,B,C`
        parents in `Cat`.


         - ``cls`` -- the category class for the functor `F`
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`
         - ``*args`` -- further arguments for the functor

        OUTPUT: a (join) category

        The default implementation is to return the join of the
        categories of `F(A,B,C)` for `A,B,C` in turn in each of the
        super categories of ``category``.

        This is implemented as a class method, in order to be able to
        reconstruct the functorial category associated to each of the
        super categories of ``category``.


        Bialgebras are both algebras and coalgebras::

            sage: Bialgebras(QQ).super_categories()
            [Category of algebras over Rational Field, Category of coalgebras over Rational Field]

        Hence tensor products of bialgebras are tensor products of
        algebras and tensor products of coalgebras::

            sage: Bialgebras(QQ).TensorProducts().super_categories()
            [Category of tensor products of algebras over Rational Field, Category of tensor products of coalgebras over Rational Field]

        Here is how :meth:`default_super_categories` was called internally::

            sage: sage.categories.tensor.TensorProductsCategory.default_super_categories(Bialgebras(QQ))
            Join of Category of tensor products of algebras over Rational Field and Category of tensor products of coalgebras over Rational Field

        We now show a similar example, with the ``Algebra`` functor
        which takes a parameter `\QQ`::

            sage: FiniteMonoids().super_categories()
            [Category of finite semigroups, Category of monoids]
            sage: FiniteMonoids().Algebras(QQ).super_categories()
            [Category of semigroup algebras over Rational Field]

        Note that neither the category of *finite* semigroup algebras
        nor that of monoid algebras appear in the result; this is
        because there is currently nothing specific implemented about them.

        Here is how :meth:`default_super_categories` was called internally::

            sage: sage.categories.algebra_functor.AlgebrasCategory.default_super_categories(FiniteMonoids(), QQ)
            Category of monoid algebras over Rational Field
        return Category.join([
            getattr(cat, cls._functor_category)(*args)
            for cat in category._super_categories
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, cartan_type):
        Construct this Coxeter group as a Sage permutation group, by
        fetching the permutation representation of the generators from
        Chevie's database.


            sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.coxeter_group import CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup
            sage: W = CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup(CartanType(["H",3])) # optional - chevie
            sage: TestSuite(W).run()             # optional - chevie
        assert cartan_type.is_finite()
        assert cartan_type.is_irreducible()
        self._semi_simple_rank = cartan_type.n
        from sage.interfaces.gap3 import gap3
        self._gap_group = gap3('CoxeterGroup("%s",%s)'%(cartan_type.letter,cartan_type.n))
        # Following #9032, x.N is an alias for x.numerical_approx in every Sage object ...
        N = self._gap_group.__getattr__("N").sage()
        generators = [str(x) for x in self._gap_group.generators]
        self._is_positive_root = [None] + [ True ] * N + [False]*N
        PermutationGroup_generic.__init__(self, gens = generators,
                                          category = Category.join([FinitePermutationGroups(), FiniteCoxeterGroups()]))
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, sets, category, order=None, **kwargs):
        See :class:`CartesianProductPoset` for details.


            sage: P = Poset((srange(3), lambda left, right: left <= right))
            sage: C = cartesian_product((P, P), order='notexisting')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: No order 'notexisting' known.
            sage: C = cartesian_product((P, P), category=(Groups(),))
            sage: C.category()
            Join of Category of groups and Category of posets
        if order is None:
            self._le_ = self.le_product
        elif isinstance(order, str):
                self._le_ = getattr(self, 'le_' + order)
            except AttributeError:
                raise ValueError("No order '%s' known." % (order,))
            self._le_ = order

        from sage.categories.category import Category
        from sage.categories.posets import Posets
        if not isinstance(category, tuple):
            category = (category,)
        category = Category.join(category + (Posets(),))
        super(CartesianProductPoset, self).__init__(
            sets, category, **kwargs)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, cartan_type):
        Construct this Coxeter group as a Sage permutation group, by
        fetching the permutation representation of the generators from
        Chevie's database.


            sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.coxeter_group import CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup
            sage: W = CoxeterGroupAsPermutationGroup(CartanType(["H",3])) # optional - chevie
            sage: TestSuite(W).run()             # optional - chevie
        assert cartan_type.is_finite()
        assert cartan_type.is_irreducible()
        self._semi_simple_rank = cartan_type.n
        from sage.interfaces.gap3 import gap3
        self._gap_group = gap3('CoxeterGroup("%s",%s)' %
                               (cartan_type.letter, cartan_type.n))
        # Following #9032, x.N is an alias for x.numerical_approx in every Sage object ...
        N = self._gap_group.__getattr__("N").sage()
        generators = [str(x) for x in self._gap_group.generators]
        self._is_positive_root = [None] + [True] * N + [False] * N
Beispiel #6
    def default_super_categories(cls, category, *args):
        Return the default super categories of `F_{Cat}(A,B,...)` for
        `A,B,...` parents in `Cat`.


        - ``cls`` -- the category class for the functor `F`
        - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`
        - ``*args`` -- further arguments for the functor


        A join category.

        This implements the property that an induced subcategory is a


        A subquotient of a monoid is a monoid, and a subquotient of

            sage: Monoids().Subquotients().super_categories()
            [Category of monoids, Category of subquotients of semigroups]


            sage: C = Monoids().Subquotients()
            sage: C.__class__.default_super_categories(C.base_category(), *C._args)
            Category of unital subquotients of semigroups
        return Category.join([category, super(RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory, cls).default_super_categories(category, *args)])
Beispiel #7
    def __classcall_private__(cls, crystals, facade=True, keepkey=False, category=None):
        Normalization of arguments; see :class:`UniqueRepresentation`.


        We check that direct sum of crystals have unique representation::

            sage: B = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
            sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
            sage: D1 = crystals.DirectSum([B, C])
            sage: D2 = crystals.DirectSum((B, C))
            sage: D1 is D2
            sage: D3 = crystals.DirectSum([B, C, C])
            sage: D4 = crystals.DirectSum([D1, C])
            sage: D3 is D4
        if not isinstance(facade, bool) or not isinstance(keepkey, bool):
            raise TypeError
        # Normalize the facade-keepkey by giving keepkey dominance
        facade = not keepkey

        # We expand out direct sums of crystals
        ret = []
        for x in Family(crystals):
            if isinstance(x, DirectSumOfCrystals):
                ret += list(x.crystals)
        category =[Category.join(c.categories()) for c in ret])
        return super(DirectSumOfCrystals, cls).__classcall__(cls,
            Family(ret), facade=facade, keepkey=keepkey, category=category)
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, sets, category, order=None, **kwargs):
        See :class:`CartesianProductPoset` for details.


            sage: P = Poset((srange(3), lambda left, right: left <= right))
            sage: C = cartesian_product((P, P), order='notexisting')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: No order 'notexisting' known.
            sage: C = cartesian_product((P, P), category=(Groups(),))
            sage: C.category()
            Join of Category of groups and Category of posets
        if order is None:
            self._le_ = self.le_product
        elif isinstance(order, str):
                self._le_ = getattr(self, 'le_' + order)
            except AttributeError:
                raise ValueError("No order '%s' known." % (order, ))
            self._le_ = order

        from sage.categories.category import Category
        from sage.categories.posets import Posets
        if not isinstance(category, tuple):
            category = (category, )
        category = Category.join(category + (Posets(), ))
        super(CartesianProductPoset, self).__init__(sets, category, **kwargs)
    def default_super_categories(cls, category, *args):
        Returns the default super categories of `F_{Cat}(A,B,C)` for `A,B,C`
        parents in `Cat`.


         - ``cls`` -- the category class for the functor `F`
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`
         - ``*args`` -- further arguments for the functor

        OUTPUT: a (join) category

        The default implementation is to return the join of the
        categories of `F(A,B,C)` for `A,B,C` in turn in each of the
        super categories of ``category``.

        This is implemented as a class method, in order to be able to
        reconstruct the functorial category associated to each of the
        super categories of ``category``.


        Bialgebras are both algebras and coalgebras::

            sage: Bialgebras(QQ).super_categories()
            [Category of algebras over Rational Field, Category of coalgebras over Rational Field]

        Hence tensor products of bialgebras are tensor products of
        algebras and tensor products of coalgebras::

            sage: Bialgebras(QQ).TensorProducts().super_categories()
            [Category of tensor products of algebras over Rational Field, Category of tensor products of coalgebras over Rational Field]

        Here is how :meth:`default_super_categories` was called internally::

            sage: sage.categories.tensor.TensorProductsCategory.default_super_categories(Bialgebras(QQ))
            Join of Category of tensor products of algebras over Rational Field and Category of tensor products of coalgebras over Rational Field

        We now show a similar example, with the ``Algebra`` functor
        which takes a parameter `\QQ`::

            sage: FiniteMonoids().super_categories()
            [Category of finite semigroups, Category of monoids]
            sage: FiniteMonoids().Algebras(QQ).super_categories()
            [Category of semigroup algebras over Rational Field]

        Note that neither the category of *finite* semigroup algebras
        nor that of monoid algebras appear in the result; this is
        because there is currently nothing specific implemented about them.

        Here is how :meth:`default_super_categories` was called internally::

            sage: sage.categories.algebra_functor.AlgebrasCategory.default_super_categories(FiniteMonoids(), QQ)
            Category of monoid algebras over Rational Field
        return Category.join([getattr(cat, cls._functor_category)(*args) for cat in category._super_categories])
    def __init__(self, order, cache=None, category=None):
        Create with the command ``IntegerModRing(order)``.


            sage: FF = IntegerModRing(29)
            sage: TestSuite(FF).run()
            sage: F19 = IntegerModRing(19, category = Fields())
            sage: TestSuite(F19).run()
            sage: F23 = IntegerModRing(23)
            sage: F23 in Fields()
            sage: TestSuite(F23).run()
            sage: Z16 = IntegerModRing(16)
            sage: TestSuite(Z16).run()
            sage: R = Integers(100000)
            sage: TestSuite(R).run()  # long time (17s on sage.math, 2011)
        order = ZZ(order)
        if order <= 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("order must be positive")
        self.__order = order
        self._pyx_order = integer_mod.NativeIntStruct(order)
        if category is None:
            from sage.categories.commutative_rings import CommutativeRings
            from sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets import FiniteEnumeratedSets
            from sage.categories.category import Category
            category = Category.join(

#            category = default_category
# If the category is given then we trust that is it right.
# Give the generator a 'name' to make quotients work.  The
# name 'x' is used because it's also used for the ring of
# integers: see the __init__ method for IntegerRing_class in
# sage/rings/integer_ring.pyx.
                                                    names=('x', ),
        # Calling ParentWithGens is not needed, the job is done in
        # the quotient ring initialisation.
        #ParentWithGens.__init__(self, self, category = category)
        # We want that the ring is its own base ring.
        self._base = self
        if cache is None:
            cache = order < 500
        if cache:
        self._zero_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 0)
        self._one_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 1)
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, A, gens=None):
        A subring of the endomorphism ring.
        -  ``A`` - an abelian variety
        -  ``gens`` - (default: None); optional; if given
           should be a tuple of the generators as matrices
            sage: J0(23).endomorphism_ring()
            Endomorphism ring of Abelian variety J0(23) of dimension 2
            sage: sage.modular.abvar.homspace.EndomorphismSubring(J0(25))
            Endomorphism ring of Abelian variety J0(25) of dimension 0
            sage: E = J0(11).endomorphism_ring()
            sage: type(E)
            <class 'sage.modular.abvar.homspace.EndomorphismSubring_with_category'>
            sage: E.category()
            Join of Category of hom sets in Category of sets and Category of rings
            sage: E.homset_category()
            Category of modular abelian varieties over Rational Field
            sage: TestSuite(E).run(skip=["_test_elements"])


        The following tests against a problem on 32 bit machines that
        occured while working on trac ticket #9944::

            sage: sage.modular.abvar.homspace.EndomorphismSubring(J1(12345))
            Endomorphism ring of Abelian variety J1(12345) of dimension 5405473

        self._J = A.ambient_variety()
        self._A = A

        # Initialise self with the correct category.
        # TODO: a category should be able to specify the appropriate
        # category for its endomorphism sets
        # We need to initialise it as a ring first
        homset_cat = A.category()
        cat = Category.join([homset_cat.hom_category(), Rings()])
        Ring.__init__(self, A.base_ring())
        Homspace.__init__(self, A, A, cat=homset_cat)
        if gens is None:
            self._gens = None
            self._gens = tuple([self._get_matrix(g) for g in gens])
        self._is_full_ring = gens is None
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, A, gens=None):
        A subring of the endomorphism ring.


        -  ``A`` - an abelian variety

        -  ``gens`` - (default: None); optional; if given
           should be a tuple of the generators as matrices


            sage: J0(23).endomorphism_ring()
            Endomorphism ring of Abelian variety J0(23) of dimension 2
            sage: sage.modular.abvar.homspace.EndomorphismSubring(J0(25))
            Endomorphism ring of Abelian variety J0(25) of dimension 0
            sage: E = J0(11).endomorphism_ring()
            sage: type(E)
            <class 'sage.modular.abvar.homspace.EndomorphismSubring_with_category'>
            sage: E.category()
            Join of Category of hom sets in Category of sets and Category of rings
            sage: E.homset_category()
            Category of modular abelian varieties over Rational Field
            sage: TestSuite(E).run(skip=["_test_elements"])


        The following tests against a problem on 32 bit machines that
        occured while working on trac ticket #9944::

            sage: sage.modular.abvar.homspace.EndomorphismSubring(J1(12345))
            Endomorphism ring of Abelian variety J1(12345) of dimension 5405473

        self._J = A.ambient_variety()
        self._A = A

        # Initialise self with the correct category.
        # TODO: a category should be able to specify the appropriate
        # category for its endomorphism sets
        # We need to initialise it as a ring first
        homset_cat = A.category()
        cat = Category.join([homset_cat.hom_category(),Rings()])
        Ring.__init__(self, A.base_ring())
        Homspace.__init__(self, A, A, cat=homset_cat)
        if gens is None:
            self._gens = None
            self._gens = tuple([ self._get_matrix(g) for g in gens ])
        self._is_full_ring = gens is None
Beispiel #13
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Returns the default super categories of ``category.IsomorphicObjects()``

        Mathematical meaning: if `A` is the image of `B` by an
        isomorphism in the category `C`, then `A` is both a subobject
        of `B` and a quotient of `B` in the category `C`.


         - ``cls`` -- the class ``IsomorphicObjectsCategory``
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`

        OUTPUT: a (join) category

        In practice, this returns ``category.Subobjects()`` and
        ``category.Quotients()``, joined together with the result of the method
        :meth:`RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories() <sage.categories.covariant_functorial_construction.RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories>`
        (that is the join of ``category`` and
        ``cat.IsomorphicObjects()`` for each ``cat`` in the super
        categories of ``category``).


        Consider ``category=Groups()``, which has ``cat=Monoids()`` as
        super category. Then, the image of a group `G'` by a group
        isomorphism is simultaneously a subgroup of `G`, a subquotient
        of `G`, a group by itself, and the image of `G` by a monoid

            sage: Groups().IsomorphicObjects().super_categories()
            [Category of groups,
             Category of subquotients of monoids,
             Category of quotients of semigroups,
             Category of isomorphic objects of sets]

        Mind the last item above: there is indeed currently nothing
        implemented about isomorphic objects of monoids.

        This resulted from the following call::

            sage: sage.categories.isomorphic_objects.IsomorphicObjectsCategory.default_super_categories(Groups())
            Join of Category of groups and
            Category of subquotients of monoids and
            Category of quotients of semigroups and
            Category of isomorphic objects of sets
        return Category.join([
    def super_categories(self):
        Returns the super categories of a construction category


            sage: Sets().Subquotients().super_categories()
            [Category of sets]
            sage: Semigroups().Quotients().super_categories()
            [Category of subquotients of semigroups, Category of quotients of sets]
        return Category.join(self.extra_super_categories() +
                             [self.__class__.default_super_categories(self.base_category(), *self._args)],
                             as_list = True)
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, order, cache=None, category=None):
        Create with the command ``IntegerModRing(order)``.


            sage: FF = IntegerModRing(29)
            sage: TestSuite(FF).run()
            sage: F19 = IntegerModRing(19, category = Fields())
            sage: TestSuite(F19).run()
            sage: F23 = IntegerModRing(23)
            sage: F23 in Fields()
            sage: TestSuite(F23).run()
            sage: Z16 = IntegerModRing(16)
            sage: TestSuite(Z16).run()
            sage: R = Integers(100000)
            sage: TestSuite(R).run()  # long time (17s on sage.math, 2011)
        order = ZZ(order)
        if order <= 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("order must be positive")
        self.__order = order
        self._pyx_order = integer_mod.NativeIntStruct(order)
        if category is None:
            from sage.categories.commutative_rings import CommutativeRings
            from sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets import FiniteEnumeratedSets
            from sage.categories.category import Category
            category = Category.join([CommutativeRings(), FiniteEnumeratedSets()])
#            category = default_category
        # If the category is given then we trust that is it right.
        # Give the generator a 'name' to make quotients work.  The
        # name 'x' is used because it's also used for the ring of
        # integers: see the __init__ method for IntegerRing_class in
        # sage/rings/integer_ring.pyx.
        quotient_ring.QuotientRing_generic.__init__(self, ZZ, ZZ.ideal(order),
        # Calling ParentWithGens is not needed, the job is done in
        # the quotient ring initialisation.
        #ParentWithGens.__init__(self, self, category = category)
        # We want that the ring is its own base ring.
        self._base = self
        if cache is None:
            cache = order < 500
        if cache:
        self._zero_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 0)
        self._one_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 1)
Beispiel #16
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Returns the default super categories of ``category.IsomorphicObjects()``

        Mathematical meaning: if `A` is the image of `B` by an
        isomorphism in the category `C`, then `A` is both a subobject
        of `B` and a quotient of `B` in the category `C`.


         - ``cls`` -- the class ``IsomorphicObjectsCategory``
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`

        OUTPUT: a (join) category

        In practice, this returns ``category.Subobjects()`` and
        ``category.Quotients()``, joined together with the result of the method
        :meth:`RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories() <sage.categories.covariant_functorial_construction.RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories>`
        (that is the join of ``category`` and
        ``cat.IsomorphicObjects()`` for each ``cat`` in the super
        categories of ``category``).


        Consider ``category=Groups()``, which has ``cat=Monoids()`` as
        super category. Then, the image of a group `G'` by a group
        isomorphism is simultaneously a subgroup of `G`, a subquotient
        of `G`, a group by itself, and the image of `G` by a monoid

            sage: Groups().IsomorphicObjects().super_categories()
            [Category of groups,
             Category of subquotients of monoids,
             Category of quotients of semigroups,
             Category of isomorphic objects of sets]

        Mind the last item above: there is indeed currently nothing
        implemented about isomorphic objects of monoids.

        This resulted from the following call::

            sage: sage.categories.isomorphic_objects.IsomorphicObjectsCategory.default_super_categories(Groups())
            Join of Category of groups and
            Category of subquotients of monoids and
            Category of quotients of semigroups and
            Category of isomorphic objects of sets
        return Category.join([category.Subobjects(), category.Quotients(),
                              super(IsomorphicObjectsCategory, cls).default_super_categories(category)])
Beispiel #17
    def default_super_categories_yacop(cls, category, *args):

            sage: import yacop

            sage: # an earlier version of this hack broke the MRO for quasi symmetric functions:
            sage: QuasiSymmetricFunctions(GF(3))
            Quasisymmetric functions over the Finite Field of size 3

        sageresult = Category.join([
                  cls).default_super_categories(category, *args)
        ans = sageresult
        if isinstance(ans, sage.categories.category.JoinCategory):
            j = [
                cat for cat in sageresult.super_categories()
                if not hasattr(cat, "yacop_no_default_inheritance")
            ans = Category.join(j)
        return ans
Beispiel #18
    def _test_homsets_category(self, **options):
        Run generic tests on this homsets category

        .. SEEALSO:: :class:`TestSuite`.


            sage: Sets().Homsets()._test_homsets_category()
        # TODO: remove if unneeded
        #from sage.categories.objects    import Objects
        #from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
        tester = self._tester(**options)
Beispiel #19
    def __init__(self, crystals, **options):

            sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
            sage: B = crystals.DirectSum([C,C], keepkey=True)
            sage: B
            Direct sum of the crystals Family (The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2], The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2])
            sage: B.cartan_type()
            ['A', 2]

            sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.direct_sum import DirectSumOfCrystals
            sage: isinstance(B, DirectSumOfCrystals)
        if 'keepkey' in options:
            keepkey = options['keepkey']
            keepkey = False
#        facade = options['facade']
        if keepkey:
            facade = False
            facade = True
        category =
            [Category.join(crystal.categories()) for crystal in crystals])
        Parent.__init__(self, category=category)
        self.rename("Direct sum of the crystals %s" % (crystals, ))
        self._keepkey = keepkey
        self.crystals = crystals
        if len(crystals) == 0:
            raise ValueError("The direct sum is empty")
            assert (crystal.cartan_type() == crystals[0].cartan_type()
                    for crystal in crystals)
            self._cartan_type = crystals[0].cartan_type()
        if keepkey:
            self.module_generators = [
                self(tuple([i, b])) for i in range(len(crystals))
                for b in crystals[i].module_generators
            self.module_generators = sum(
                (list(B.module_generators) for B in crystals), [])
Beispiel #20
    def _test_homsets_category(self, **options):
        Run generic tests on this homsets category

        .. SEEALSO:: :class:`TestSuite`.


            sage: Sets().Homsets()._test_homsets_category()
        # TODO: remove if unneeded
        #from sage.categories.objects    import Objects
        #from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
        tester = self._tester(**options)
Beispiel #21
    def __classcall_private__(cls,
        Normalization of arguments; see :class:`UniqueRepresentation`.


        We check that direct sum of crystals have unique representation::

            sage: B = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
            sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
            sage: D1 = crystals.DirectSum([B, C])
            sage: D2 = crystals.DirectSum((B, C))
            sage: D1 is D2
            sage: D3 = crystals.DirectSum([B, C, C])
            sage: D4 = crystals.DirectSum([D1, C])
            sage: D3 is D4
        if not isinstance(facade, bool) or not isinstance(keepkey, bool):
            raise TypeError
        # Normalize the facade-keepkey by giving keepkey dominance
        if keepkey:
            facade = False
            facade = True

        # We expand out direct sums of crystals
        ret = []
        for x in Family(crystals):
            if isinstance(x, DirectSumOfCrystals):
                ret += list(x.crystals)
        category =[Category.join(c.categories()) for c in ret])
        return super(DirectSumOfCrystals, cls).__classcall__(cls,
Beispiel #22
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Homsets()``


         - ``cls`` -- the category class for the functor `F`
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`

        OUTPUT: a category

        .. TODO:: adapt everything below

        The default implementation is to return the join of the
        categories of `F(A,B,...)` for `A,B,...` in turn in each of
        the super categories of ``category``.

        This is implemented as a class method, in order to be able to
        reconstruct the functorial category associated to each of the
        super categories of ``category``.


            sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of additive magmas]
            sage: AdditiveMagmas().AdditiveUnital().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of additive unital additive magmas]

        For now nothing specific is implemented for homsets of
        additive groups compared to homsets of monoids::

            sage: from sage.categories.additive_groups import AdditiveGroups
            sage: AdditiveGroups().Homsets()
            Category of homsets of additive monoids

        Similarly for rings; so a ring homset is a homset of unital
        magmas and additive magmas::

            sage: Rings().Homsets()
            Category of homsets of unital magmas and additive unital additive magmas
        return Category.join([getattr(cat, cls._functor_category)()
                              for cat in category.full_super_categories()])
    def super_categories(self):

            sage: from sage.categories.magmatic_algebras import MagmaticAlgebras
            sage: MagmaticAlgebras(ZZ).super_categories()
            [Category of additive commutative additive associative additive unital distributive magmas and additive magmas, Category of modules over Integer Ring]

            sage: from sage.categories.additive_semigroups import AdditiveSemigroups
            sage: MagmaticAlgebras(ZZ).is_subcategory((AdditiveSemigroups() & Magmas()).Distributive())

        R = self.base_ring()
        # Note: The specifications impose `self` to be a subcategory
        # of the join of its super categories. Here the join is non
        # trivial, since some of the axioms of Modules (like the
        # commutativity of '+') are added to the left hand side.  We
        # might want the infrastructure to take this join for us.
        return Category.join([(Magmas() & AdditiveMagmas()).Distributive(), Modules(R)], as_list=True)
Beispiel #24
    def super_categories(self):

            sage: from sage.categories.magmatic_algebras import MagmaticAlgebras
            sage: MagmaticAlgebras(ZZ).super_categories()
            [Category of additive commutative additive associative additive unital distributive magmas and additive magmas, Category of modules over Integer Ring]

            sage: from sage.categories.additive_semigroups import AdditiveSemigroups
            sage: MagmaticAlgebras(ZZ).is_subcategory((AdditiveSemigroups() & Magmas()).Distributive())

        R = self.base_ring()
        # Note: The specifications impose `self` to be a subcategory
        # of the join of its super categories. Here the join is non
        # trivial, since some of the axioms of Modules (like the
        # commutativity of '+') are added to the left hand side.  We
        # might want the infrastructure to take this join for us.
        return Category.join([(Magmas() & AdditiveMagmas()).Distributive(), Modules(R)], as_list=True)
Beispiel #25
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Metric()``.

        Mathematical meaning: if `A` is a metric space in the
        category `C`, then `A` is also a topological space.


        - ``cls`` -- the class ``MetricSpaces``
        - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`


        A (join) category

        In practice, this returns ``category.Metric()``, joined
        together with the result of the method
        (that is the join of ``category`` and ``cat.Metric()`` for
        each ``cat`` in the super categories of ``category``).


        Consider ``category=Groups()``. Then, a group `G` with a metric
        is simultaneously a topological group by itself, and a
        metric space::

            sage: Groups().Metric().super_categories()
            [Category of topological groups, Category of metric spaces]

        This resulted from the following call::

            sage: sage.categories.metric_spaces.MetricSpacesCategory.default_super_categories(Groups())
            Join of Category of topological groups and Category of metric spaces
        return Category.join([
            super(MetricSpacesCategory, cls).default_super_categories(category)
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(self, crystals, **options):

            sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
            sage: B = crystals.DirectSum([C,C], keepkey=True)
            sage: B
            Direct sum of the crystals Family (The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2], The crystal of letters for type ['A', 2])
            sage: B.cartan_type()
            ['A', 2]

            sage: from sage.combinat.crystals.direct_sum import DirectSumOfCrystals
            sage: isinstance(B, DirectSumOfCrystals)
        if "keepkey" in options:
            keepkey = options["keepkey"]
            keepkey = False
        #        facade = options['facade']
        if keepkey:
            facade = False
            facade = True
        category =[Category.join(crystal.categories()) for crystal in crystals])
        Parent.__init__(self, category=category)
        DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets.__init__(self, crystals, keepkey=keepkey, facade=facade)
        self.rename("Direct sum of the crystals %s" % (crystals,))
        self._keepkey = keepkey
        self.crystals = crystals
        if len(crystals) == 0:
            raise ValueError("The direct sum is empty")
            assert (crystal.cartan_type() == crystals[0].cartan_type() for crystal in crystals)
            self._cartan_type = crystals[0].cartan_type()
        if keepkey:
            self.module_generators = [
                self(tuple([i, b])) for i in range(len(crystals)) for b in crystals[i].module_generators
            self.module_generators = sum((list(B.module_generators) for B in crystals), [])
Beispiel #27
    def default_super_categories(cls, category, *args):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Graded()``.

        Mathematical meaning: every graded object (module, algebra,
        etc.) is a filtered object with the (implicit) filtration
        defined by `F_i = \bigoplus_{j \leq i} G_j`.


        - ``cls`` -- the class ``GradedModulesCategory``
        - ``category`` -- a category

        OUTPUT: a (join) category

        In practice, this returns ``category.Filtered()``, joined
        together with the result of the method
        :meth:`RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories() <sage.categories.covariant_functorial_construction.RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories>`
        (that is the join of ``category.Filtered()`` and ``cat`` for
        each ``cat`` in the super categories of ``category``).


        Consider ``category=Algebras()``, which has ``cat=Modules()``
        as super category. Then, a grading of an algebra `G`
        is also a filtration of `G`::

            sage: Algebras(QQ).Graded().super_categories()
            [Category of filtered algebras over Rational Field,
             Category of graded modules over Rational Field]

        This resulted from the following call::

            sage: sage.categories.graded_modules.GradedModulesCategory.default_super_categories(Algebras(QQ))
            Join of Category of filtered algebras over Rational Field
             and Category of graded modules over Rational Field
        cat = super(GradedModulesCategory,
                    cls).default_super_categories(category, *args)
        return Category.join([category.Filtered(), cat])
Beispiel #28
    def default_super_categories(cls, category, *args):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Graded()``.

        Mathematical meaning: every graded object (module, algebra,
        etc.) is a filtered object with the (implicit) filtration
        defined by `F_i = \bigoplus_{j \leq i} G_j`.


        - ``cls`` -- the class ``GradedModulesCategory``
        - ``category`` -- a category

        OUTPUT: a (join) category

        In practice, this returns ``category.Filtered()``, joined
        together with the result of the method
        :meth:`RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories() <sage.categories.covariant_functorial_construction.RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories>`
        (that is the join of ``category.Filtered()`` and ``cat`` for
        each ``cat`` in the super categories of ``category``).


        Consider ``category=Algebras()``, which has ``cat=Modules()``
        as super category. Then, a grading of an algebra `G`
        is also a filtration of `G`::

            sage: Algebras(QQ).Graded().super_categories()
            [Category of filtered algebras over Rational Field,
             Category of graded modules over Rational Field]

        This resulted from the following call::

            sage: sage.categories.graded_modules.GradedModulesCategory.default_super_categories(Algebras(QQ))
            Join of Category of filtered algebras over Rational Field
             and Category of graded modules over Rational Field
        cat = super(GradedModulesCategory, cls).default_super_categories(category, *args)
        return Category.join([category.Filtered(), cat])
Beispiel #29
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Metric()``.

        Mathematical meaning: if `A` is a metric space in the
        category `C`, then `A` is also a topological space.


        - ``cls`` -- the class ``MetricSpaces``
        - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`


        A (join) category

        In practice, this returns ``category.Metric()``, joined
        together with the result of the method
        (that is the join of ``category`` and ``cat.Metric()`` for
        each ``cat`` in the super categories of ``category``).


        Consider ``category=Groups()``. Then, a group `G` with a metric
        is simultaneously a topological group by itself, and a
        metric space::

            sage: Groups().Metric().super_categories()
            [Category of topological groups, Category of metric spaces]

        This resulted from the following call::

            sage: sage.categories.metric_spaces.MetricSpacesCategory.default_super_categories(Groups())
            Join of Category of topological groups and Category of metric spaces
        return Category.join([category.Topological(),
                              super(MetricSpacesCategory, cls).default_super_categories(category)])
Beispiel #30
    def __init__(self, abvar, field_of_definition=QQ):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = J0(11)
            sage: G = A.torsion_subgroup(2)
            sage: TestSuite(G).run() # long time
        from sage.categories.category import Category
        from sage.categories.fields import Fields
        from sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets import FiniteEnumeratedSets
        from sage.categories.modules import Modules
        from .abvar import is_ModularAbelianVariety
        if field_of_definition not in Fields():
            raise TypeError("field_of_definition must be a field")
        if not is_ModularAbelianVariety(abvar):
            raise TypeError("abvar must be a modular abelian variety")
        category = Category.join((Modules(ZZ), FiniteEnumeratedSets()))
        Module.__init__(self, ZZ, category=category)
        self.__abvar = abvar
        self.__field_of_definition = field_of_definition
Beispiel #31
    def __init__(self, abvar, field_of_definition=QQ):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = J0(11)
            sage: G = A.torsion_subgroup(2)
            sage: TestSuite(G).run() # long time
        from sage.categories.category import Category
        from sage.categories.fields import Fields
        from sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets import FiniteEnumeratedSets
        from sage.categories.modules import Modules
        from .abvar import is_ModularAbelianVariety
        if field_of_definition not in Fields():
            raise TypeError("field_of_definition must be a field")
        if not is_ModularAbelianVariety(abvar):
            raise TypeError("abvar must be a modular abelian variety")
        category = Category.join((Modules(ZZ), FiniteEnumeratedSets()))
        Module.__init__(self, ZZ, category=category)
        self.__abvar = abvar
        self.__field_of_definition = field_of_definition
    def __init__(self, cartan_type, prefix, finite=True):


            sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.fundamental_group import FundamentalGroupOfExtendedAffineWeylGroup
            sage: F = FundamentalGroupOfExtendedAffineWeylGroup(['A',3,1])
            sage: F in Groups().Commutative().Finite()
            sage: TestSuite(F).run()
        def leading_support(beta):
            Given a dictionary with one key, return this key
            supp =
            assert len(supp) == 1
            return supp[0]

        self._cartan_type = cartan_type
        self._prefix = prefix
        special_node = cartan_type.special_node()
        self._special_nodes = cartan_type.special_nodes()

        # initialize dictionaries with the entries for the
        # distinguished special node

        # dictionary of inverse elements
        inverse_dict = {}
        inverse_dict[special_node] = special_node
        # dictionary for the action of special automorphisms by
        # permutations of the affine Dynkin nodes
        auto_dict = {}
        for i in cartan_type.index_set():
            auto_dict[special_node, i] = i
        # dictionary for the finite Weyl component of the special automorphisms
        reduced_words_dict = {}
        reduced_words_dict[0] = tuple([])

        if cartan_type.dual().is_untwisted_affine():
            # this combines the computations for an untwisted affine
            # type and its affine dual
            cartan_type = cartan_type.dual()
        if cartan_type.is_untwisted_affine():
            cartan_type_classical = cartan_type.classical()
            I = [i for i in cartan_type_classical.index_set()]
            Q = RootSystem(cartan_type_classical).root_lattice()
            alpha = Q.simple_roots()
            omega = RootSystem(
            W = Q.weyl_group(prefix="s")
            for i in self._special_nodes:
                if i == special_node:
                antidominant_weight, reduced_word = omega[
                    i].to_dominant_chamber(reduced_word=True, positive=False)
                reduced_words_dict[i] = tuple(reduced_word)
                w0i = W.from_reduced_word(reduced_word)
                idual = leading_support(-antidominant_weight)
                inverse_dict[i] = idual
                auto_dict[i, special_node] = i
                for j in I:
                    if j == idual:
                        auto_dict[i, j] = special_node
                        auto_dict[i, j] = leading_support(w0i.action(alpha[j]))

        self._action = Family(
            self._special_nodes, lambda i: Family(cartan_type.index_set(),
                                                  lambda j: auto_dict[i, j]))
        self._dual_node = Family(self._special_nodes, inverse_dict.__getitem__)
        self._reduced_words = Family(self._special_nodes,

        if finite:
            cat = Category.join(
                (Groups().Commutative().Finite(), EnumeratedSets()))
            cat = Groups().Commutative().Infinite()
        Parent.__init__(self, category=cat)
Beispiel #33
    def __init__(self, order, cache=None, category=None):
        Create with the command IntegerModRing(order)
        -  ``order`` - an integer 1

        - ``category`` - a subcategory of ``CommutativeRings()`` (the default)
          (currently only available for subclasses)

        -  ``IntegerModRing`` - the ring of integers modulo
        First we compute with integers modulo `29`.
            sage: FF = IntegerModRing(29)
            sage: FF
            Ring of integers modulo 29
            sage: FF.category()
            Join of Category of commutative rings and Category of subquotients of monoids and Category of quotients of semigroups and Category of finite enumerated sets
            sage: FF.is_field()
            sage: FF.characteristic()
            sage: FF.order()
            sage: gens = FF.unit_gens()
            sage: a = gens[0]
            sage: a
            sage: a.is_square()
            sage: def pow(i): return a**i
            sage: [pow(i) for i in range(16)]
            [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 3, 6, 12, 24, 19, 9, 18, 7, 14, 28, 27]
            sage: TestSuite(FF).run()

        We have seen above that an integer mod ring is, by default, not
        initialised as an object in the category of fields. However, one
        can force it to be. Moreover, testing containment in the category
        of fields my re-initialise the category of the integer mod ring::

            sage: F19 = IntegerModRing(19, category = Fields())
            sage: F19.category().is_subcategory(Fields())
            sage: F23 = IntegerModRing(23)
            sage: F23.category().is_subcategory(Fields())
            sage: F23 in Fields()
            sage: F23.category().is_subcategory(Fields())
            sage: TestSuite(F19).run()
            sage: TestSuite(F23).run()
        Next we compute with the integers modulo `16`.
            sage: Z16 = IntegerModRing(16)
            sage: Z16.category()
            Join of Category of commutative rings and Category of subquotients of monoids and Category of quotients of semigroups and Category of finite enumerated sets
            sage: Z16.is_field()
            sage: Z16.order()
            sage: Z16.characteristic() 
            sage: gens = Z16.unit_gens()
            sage: gens
            [15, 5]
            sage: a = gens[0]
            sage: b = gens[1]
            sage: def powa(i): return a**i
            sage: def powb(i): return b**i
            sage: gp_exp = FF.unit_group_exponent()
            sage: gp_exp
            sage: [powa(i) for i in range(15)]
            [1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1]
            sage: [powb(i) for i in range(15)]
            [1, 5, 9, 13, 1, 5, 9, 13, 1, 5, 9, 13, 1, 5, 9]
            sage: a.multiplicative_order()
            sage: b.multiplicative_order()
            sage: TestSuite(Z16).run()
        Saving and loading::
            sage: R = Integers(100000)
            sage: TestSuite(R).run()  # long time (17s on sage.math, 2011)

        Testing ideals and quotients::

            sage: Z10 = Integers(10)
            sage: I = Z10.principal_ideal(0)
            sage: Z10.quotient(I) == Z10
            sage: I = Z10.principal_ideal(2)
            sage: Z10.quotient(I) == Z10
            sage: I.is_prime()
        order = ZZ(order)
        if order <= 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError, "order must be positive"
        self.__order = order
        self._pyx_order = integer_mod.NativeIntStruct(order)
        self.__unit_group_exponent = None
        self.__factored_order = None
        self.__factored_unit_order = None
        if category is None:
            from sage.categories.commutative_rings import CommutativeRings
            from sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets import FiniteEnumeratedSets
            from sage.categories.category import Category
            category = Category.join(

#            category = default_category
# If the category is given then we trust that is it right.
# Give the generator a 'name' to make quotients work.  The
# name 'x' is used because it's also used for the ring of
# integers: see the __init__ method for IntegerRing_class in
# sage/rings/integer_ring.pyx.
                                                    names=('x', ),
        # Calling ParentWithGens is not needed, the job is done in
        # the quotient ring initialisation.
        #ParentWithGens.__init__(self, self, category = category)
        # We want that the ring is its own base ring.
        self._base = self
        if cache is None:
            cache = order < 500
        if cache:
        self._zero_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 0)
        self._one_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 1)
Beispiel #34
        def __init_extra__(self):
            Declare the canonical coercion from ``self.base_ring()``
            to ``self``, if there has been none before.


                sage: A = AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ).example(); A
                An example of an algebra with basis: the free algebra on the generators ('a', 'b', 'c') over Rational Field
                sage: coercion_model = sage.structure.element.get_coercion_model()
                sage: coercion_model.discover_coercion(QQ, A)
                (Generic morphism:
                  From: Rational Field
                  To:   An example of an algebra with basis: the free algebra on the generators ('a', 'b', 'c') over Rational Field, None)
                sage: A(1)          # indirect doctest
                B[word: ]


            Ensure that :trac:`28328` is fixed and that non-associative
            algebras are supported::

                sage: class Foo(CombinatorialFreeModule):
                ....:     def one(self):
                ....:         return self.monomial(0)
                sage: from sage.categories.magmatic_algebras \
                ....:   import MagmaticAlgebras
                sage: C = MagmaticAlgebras(QQ).WithBasis().Unital()
                sage: F = Foo(QQ,(1,),category=C)
                sage: F(0)
                sage: F(3)

            # If self has an attribute _no_generic_basering_coercion
            # set to True, then this declaration is skipped.
            # This trick, introduced in #11900, is used in
            # and
            # sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring.
            # It will hopefully be refactored into something more
            # conceptual later on.
            if getattr(self, '_no_generic_basering_coercion', False):

            base_ring = self.base_ring()
            if base_ring is self:
                # There are rings that are their own base rings. No need to register that.
            if self._is_coercion_cached(base_ring):
                # We will not use any generic stuff, since a (presumably) better conversion
                # has already been registered.

            # Pick a homset for the morphism to live in...
            if self in Rings():
                # The algebra is associative, and thus a ring. The
                # base ring is also a ring. Everything is OK.
                H = Hom(base_ring, self, Rings())
                # If the algebra isn't associative, we would like to
                # use the category of unital magmatic algebras (which
                # are not necessarily associative) instead. But,
                # unfortunately, certain important rings like QQ
                # aren't in that category. As a result, we have to use
                # something weaker.
                cat = Magmas().Unital()
                cat = Category.join([cat, CommutativeAdditiveGroups()])
                cat = cat.Distributive()
                H = Hom(base_ring, self, cat)

            # We need to register a coercion from the base ring to self.
            # There is a generic method from_base_ring(), that just does
            # multiplication with the multiplicative unit. However, the
            # unit is constructed repeatedly, which is slow.
            # So, if the unit is available *now*, then we can create a
            # faster coercion map.
            # This only applies for the generic from_base_ring() method.
            # If there is a specialised from_base_ring(), then it should
            # be used unconditionally.
            generic_from_base_ring = self.category(
            if type(self).from_base_ring != generic_from_base_ring:
                # Custom from_base_ring()
                use_from_base_ring = True
            if isinstance(generic_from_base_ring, lazy_attribute):
                # If the category implements from_base_ring() as lazy
                # attribute, then we always use it.
                # This is for backwards compatibility, see Trac #25181
                use_from_base_ring = True
                    one =
                    use_from_base_ring = False
                except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError, TypeError):
                    # The unit is not available, yet. But there are cases
                    # in which it will be available later. So, we use
                    # the generic from_base_ring() after all.
                    use_from_base_ring = True

            mor = None
            if use_from_base_ring:
                mor = SetMorphism(function=self.from_base_ring, parent=H)
                # We have the multiplicative unit, so implement the
                # coercion from the base ring as multiplying with that.
                # But first we check that it actually works. If not,
                # then the generic implementation of from_base_ring()
                # would fail as well so we don't use it.
                    if one._lmul_(base_ring.an_element()) is not None:
                        # There are cases in which lmul returns None,
                        # which means that it's not implemented.
                        # One example: Hecke algebras.
                        mor = SetMorphism(function=one._lmul_, parent=H)
                except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError, TypeError):
            if mor is not None:
                except AssertionError:
Beispiel #35
    def category_of(cls, category, *args):
        Return the homsets category of ``category``.

        This classmethod centralizes the construction of all homset

        The ``cls`` and ``args`` arguments below are essentially
        unused. Their purpose is solely to let the code deviate as
        little as possible from the generic implementation of this
        method: :meth:`FunctorialConstructionCategory.category_of`.
        The reason for this deviation is that, unlike in the other
        functorial constructions which are covariant, we recurse only
        on *full* supercategories; then, we need a special treatment
        for the base case were a category neither defines the
        ``Homsets`` construction, nor inherits it from its full


         - ``cls`` -- :class:`HomsetsCategory` or a subclass thereof
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`
         - ``*args`` -- (unused)


        If ``category`` implements a ``Homsets`` class, then this
        class is used to build the homset category::

            sage: from sage.categories.homsets import HomsetsCategory
            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.category_of(Modules(ZZ)); H
            Category of homsets of modules over Integer Ring
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.modules.Modules.Homsets_with_category'>

        Otherwise, if ``category`` has one or more full super
        categories, then the join of their respective homsets category
        is returned. In this example, the join consists of a single

            sage: C = Modules(ZZ).WithBasis().FiniteDimensional()
            sage: C.full_super_categories()
            [Category of modules with basis over Integer Ring,
             Category of finite dimensional modules over Integer Ring]
            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.category_of(C); H
            Category of homsets of modules with basis over Integer Ring
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.modules_with_basis.ModulesWithBasis.Homsets_with_category'>

        As a last resort, a :class:`HomsetsOf` of the categories
        forming the structure of ``self`` is constructed::

            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.category_of(Magmas()); H
            Category of homsets of magmas
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf_with_category'>

            sage: HomsetsCategory.category_of(Rings())
            Category of homsets of unital magmas and additive unital additive magmas
        functor_category = getattr(category.__class__, cls._functor_category)
        if isinstance(functor_category, type) and issubclass(functor_category, Category):
            return functor_category(category, *args)
        elif category.full_super_categories():
            return cls.default_super_categories(category, *args)
            return HomsetsOf(Category.join(category.structure()))
        def _coerce_map_from_base_ring(self):
            Return a suitable coercion map from the base ring of ``self``.


                sage: A = cartesian_product((QQ['z'],)); A
                The Cartesian product of (Univariate Polynomial Ring in z over Rational Field,)
                sage: A.base_ring()
                Rational Field
                sage: A._coerce_map_from_base_ring()
                Generic morphism:
                From: Rational Field
                To:   The Cartesian product of (Univariate Polynomial Ring in z over Rational Field,)

            Check that :trac:`29312` is fixed::

                sage: F.<x,y,z> = FreeAlgebra(QQ, implementation='letterplace')
                sage: F._coerce_map_from_base_ring()
                Generic morphism:
                  From: Rational Field
                  To:   Free Associative Unital Algebra on 3 generators (x, y, z) over Rational Field
            base_ring = self.base_ring()

            # Pick a homset for the morphism to live in...
            if self in Rings():
                # The algebra is associative, and thus a ring. The
                # base ring is also a ring. Everything is OK.
                H = Hom(base_ring, self, Rings())
                # If the algebra isn't associative, we would like to
                # use the category of unital magmatic algebras (which
                # are not necessarily associative) instead. But,
                # unfortunately, certain important rings like QQ
                # aren't in that category. As a result, we have to use
                # something weaker.
                cat = Magmas().Unital()
                cat = Category.join([cat, CommutativeAdditiveGroups()])
                cat = cat.Distributive()
                H = Hom(base_ring, self, cat)

            # We need to construct a coercion from the base ring to self.
            # There is a generic method from_base_ring(), that just does
            # multiplication with the multiplicative unit. However, the
            # unit is constructed repeatedly, which is slow.
            # So, if the unit is available *now*, then we can create a
            # faster coercion map.
            # This only applies for the generic from_base_ring() method.
            # If there is a specialised from_base_ring(), then it should
            # be used unconditionally.
            generic_from_base_ring = self.category(
            from_base_ring = self.from_base_ring  # bound method
            if from_base_ring.__func__ != generic_from_base_ring:
                # Custom from_base_ring()
                use_from_base_ring = True
            elif isinstance(generic_from_base_ring, lazy_attribute):
                # If the category implements from_base_ring() as lazy
                # attribute, then we always use it.
                # This is for backwards compatibility, see Trac #25181
                use_from_base_ring = True
                    one =
                    use_from_base_ring = False
                except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError, TypeError):
                    # The unit is not available, yet. But there are cases
                    # in which it will be available later. So, we use
                    # the generic from_base_ring() after all.
                    use_from_base_ring = True

            mor = None
            if use_from_base_ring:
                mor = SetMorphism(function=from_base_ring, parent=H)
                # We have the multiplicative unit, so implement the
                # coercion from the base ring as multiplying with that.
                # But first we check that it actually works. If not,
                # then the generic implementation of from_base_ring()
                # would fail as well so we don't use it.
                    if one._lmul_(base_ring.an_element()) is not None:
                        # There are cases in which lmul returns None,
                        # which means that it's not implemented.
                        # One example: Hecke algebras.
                        mor = SetMorphism(function=one._lmul_, parent=H)
                except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError, TypeError):
            return mor
    def __init__(self, cartan_type, prefix, finite=True):


            sage: from sage.combinat.root_system.fundamental_group import FundamentalGroupOfExtendedAffineWeylGroup
            sage: F = FundamentalGroupOfExtendedAffineWeylGroup(['A',3,1])
            sage: F in Groups().Commutative().Finite()
            sage: TestSuite(F).run()
        def leading_support(beta):
            Given a dictionary with one key, return this key
            supp =
            assert len(supp) == 1
            return supp[0]

        self._cartan_type = cartan_type
        self._prefix = prefix
        special_node = cartan_type.special_node()
        self._special_nodes = cartan_type.special_nodes()

        # initialize dictionaries with the entries for the distinguished special node
        # dictionary of inverse elements
        inverse_dict = {}
        inverse_dict[special_node] = special_node
        # dictionary for the action of special automorphisms by permutations of the affine Dynkin nodes
        auto_dict = {}
        for i in cartan_type.index_set():
            auto_dict[special_node,i] = i
        # dictionary for the finite Weyl component of the special automorphisms
        reduced_words_dict = {}
        reduced_words_dict[0] = tuple([])

        if cartan_type.dual().is_untwisted_affine():
            # this combines the computations for an untwisted affine type and its affine dual
            cartan_type = cartan_type.dual()
        if cartan_type.is_untwisted_affine():
            cartan_type_classical = cartan_type.classical()
            I = [i for i in cartan_type_classical.index_set()]
            Q = RootSystem(cartan_type_classical).root_lattice()
            alpha = Q.simple_roots()
            omega = RootSystem(cartan_type_classical).weight_lattice().fundamental_weights()
            W = Q.weyl_group(prefix="s")
            for i in self._special_nodes:
                if i == special_node:
                antidominant_weight, reduced_word = omega[i].to_dominant_chamber(reduced_word=True, positive=False)
                reduced_words_dict[i] = tuple(reduced_word)
                w0i = W.from_reduced_word(reduced_word)
                idual = leading_support(-antidominant_weight)
                inverse_dict[i] = idual
                auto_dict[i,special_node] = i
                for j in I:
                    if j == idual:
                        auto_dict[i,j] = special_node
                        auto_dict[i,j] = leading_support(w0i.action(alpha[j]))

        self._action = Family(self._special_nodes, lambda i: Family(cartan_type.index_set(), lambda j: auto_dict[i,j]))
        self._dual_node = Family(self._special_nodes, inverse_dict.__getitem__)
        self._reduced_words = Family(self._special_nodes, reduced_words_dict.__getitem__)

        if finite:
            cat = Category.join((Groups().Commutative().Finite(),EnumeratedSets()))
            cat = Groups().Commutative().Infinite()
        Parent.__init__(self, category = cat)
Beispiel #38
    def __init__(self, order, cache=None, category=None):
        Create with the command IntegerModRing(order)


        -  ``order`` - an integer 1

        - ``category`` - a subcategory of ``CommutativeRings()`` (the default)
          (currently only available for subclasses)


        -  ``IntegerModRing`` - the ring of integers modulo


        First we compute with integers modulo `29`.


            sage: FF = IntegerModRing(29)
            sage: FF
            Ring of integers modulo 29
            sage: FF.category()
            Join of Category of commutative rings and Category of subquotients of monoids and Category of quotients of semigroups and Category of finite enumerated sets
            sage: FF.is_field()
            sage: FF.characteristic()
            sage: FF.order()
            sage: gens = FF.unit_gens()
            sage: a = gens[0]
            sage: a
            sage: a.is_square()
            sage: def pow(i): return a**i
            sage: [pow(i) for i in range(16)]
            [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 3, 6, 12, 24, 19, 9, 18, 7, 14, 28, 27]
            sage: TestSuite(FF).run()

        We have seen above that an integer mod ring is, by default, not
        initialised as an object in the category of fields. However, one
        can force it to be. Moreover, testing containment in the category
        of fields my re-initialise the category of the integer mod ring::

            sage: F19 = IntegerModRing(19, category = Fields())
            sage: F19.category().is_subcategory(Fields())
            sage: F23 = IntegerModRing(23)
            sage: F23.category().is_subcategory(Fields())
            sage: F23 in Fields()
            sage: F23.category().is_subcategory(Fields())
            sage: TestSuite(F19).run()
            sage: TestSuite(F23).run()

        Next we compute with the integers modulo `16`.


            sage: Z16 = IntegerModRing(16)
            sage: Z16.category()
            Join of Category of commutative rings and Category of subquotients of monoids and Category of quotients of semigroups and Category of finite enumerated sets
            sage: Z16.is_field()
            sage: Z16.order()
            sage: Z16.characteristic()
            sage: gens = Z16.unit_gens()
            sage: gens
            (15, 5)
            sage: a = gens[0]
            sage: b = gens[1]
            sage: def powa(i): return a**i
            sage: def powb(i): return b**i
            sage: gp_exp = FF.unit_group_exponent()
            sage: gp_exp
            sage: [powa(i) for i in range(15)]
            [1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1, 15, 1]
            sage: [powb(i) for i in range(15)]
            [1, 5, 9, 13, 1, 5, 9, 13, 1, 5, 9, 13, 1, 5, 9]
            sage: a.multiplicative_order()
            sage: b.multiplicative_order()
            sage: TestSuite(Z16).run()

        Saving and loading::

            sage: R = Integers(100000)
            sage: TestSuite(R).run()  # long time (17s on sage.math, 2011)

        Testing ideals and quotients::

            sage: Z10 = Integers(10)
            sage: I = Z10.principal_ideal(0)
            sage: Z10.quotient(I) == Z10
            sage: I = Z10.principal_ideal(2)
            sage: Z10.quotient(I) == Z10
            sage: I.is_prime()
        order = ZZ(order)
        if order <= 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError, "order must be positive"
        self.__order = order
        self._pyx_order = integer_mod.NativeIntStruct(order)
        self.__unit_group_exponent = None
        self.__factored_order = None
        self.__factored_unit_order = None
        if category is None:
            from sage.categories.commutative_rings import CommutativeRings
            from sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets import FiniteEnumeratedSets
            from sage.categories.category import Category
            category = Category.join([CommutativeRings(), FiniteEnumeratedSets()])
#            category = default_category
        # If the category is given then we trust that is it right.
        # Give the generator a 'name' to make quotients work.  The
        # name 'x' is used because it's also used for the ring of
        # integers: see the __init__ method for IntegerRing_class in
        # sage/rings/integer_ring.pyx.
        quotient_ring.QuotientRing_generic.__init__(self, ZZ, ZZ.ideal(order),
        # Calling ParentWithGens is not needed, the job is done in
        # the quotient ring initialisation.
        #ParentWithGens.__init__(self, self, category = category)
        # We want that the ring is its own base ring.
        self._base = self
        if cache is None:
            cache = order < 500
        if cache:
        self._zero_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 0)
        self._one_element = integer_mod.IntegerMod(self, 1)
Beispiel #39
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Homsets()``.


         - ``cls`` -- the category class for the functor `F`
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`

        OUTPUT: a category

        As for the other functorial constructions, if ``category``
        implements a nested ``Homsets`` class, this method is used in
        combination with ``category.Homsets().extra_super_categories()``
        to compute the super categories of ``category.Homsets()``.


        If ``category`` has one or more full super categories, then
        the join of their respective homsets category is returned. In
        this example, this join consists of a single category::

            sage: from sage.categories.homsets import HomsetsCategory
            sage: from sage.categories.additive_groups import AdditiveGroups

            sage: C = AdditiveGroups()
            sage: C.full_super_categories()
            [Category of additive inverse additive unital additive magmas,
             Category of additive monoids]
            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(C); H
            Category of homsets of additive monoids
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.additive_monoids.AdditiveMonoids.Homsets_with_category'>

        and, given that nothing specific is currently implemented for
        homsets of additive groups, ``H`` is directly the category

            sage: C.Homsets()
            Category of homsets of additive monoids

        Similarly for rings: a ring homset is just a homset of unital
        magmas and additive magmas::

            sage: Rings().Homsets()
            Category of homsets of unital magmas and additive unital additive magmas

        Otherwise, if ``category`` implements a nested class
        ``Homsets``, this method returns the category of all homsets::

            sage: AdditiveMagmas.Homsets
            <class 'sage.categories.additive_magmas.AdditiveMagmas.Homsets'>
            sage: HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(AdditiveMagmas())
            Category of homsets

        which gives one of the super categories of

            sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of additive magmas, Category of homsets]
            sage: AdditiveMagmas().AdditiveUnital().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of additive unital additive magmas, Category of homsets]

        the other coming from ``category.Homsets().extra_super_categories()``::

            sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().extra_super_categories()
            [Category of additive magmas]

        Finally, as a last resort, this method returns a stub category
        modelling the homsets of this category::

            sage: hasattr(Posets, "Homsets")
            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(Posets()); H
            Category of homsets of posets
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf_with_category'>
            sage: Posets().Homsets()
            Category of homsets of posets


            sage: Objects().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of homsets]
            sage: Sets().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of homsets]
            sage: (Magmas() & Posets()).Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of homsets]
        if category.full_super_categories():
            return Category.join([
                getattr(cat, cls._functor_category)()
                for cat in category.full_super_categories()
            functor_category = getattr(category.__class__,
            if isinstance(functor_category, type) and issubclass(
                    functor_category, Category):
                return Homsets()
                return HomsetsOf(Category.join(category.structure()))
Beispiel #40
    def default_super_categories(cls, category):
        Return the default super categories of ``category.Homsets()``.


         - ``cls`` -- the category class for the functor `F`
         - ``category`` -- a category `Cat`

        OUTPUT: a category

        As for the other functorial constructions, if ``category``
        implements a nested ``Homsets`` class, this method is used in
        combination with ``category.Homsets().extra_super_categories()``
        to compute the super categories of ``category.Homsets()``.


        If ``category`` has one or more full super categories, then
        the join of their respective homsets category is returned. In
        this example, this join consists of a single category::

            sage: from sage.categories.homsets import HomsetsCategory
            sage: from sage.categories.additive_groups import AdditiveGroups

            sage: C = AdditiveGroups()
            sage: C.full_super_categories()
            [Category of additive inverse additive unital additive magmas,
             Category of additive monoids]
            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(C); H
            Category of homsets of additive monoids
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.additive_monoids.AdditiveMonoids.Homsets_with_category'>

        and, given that nothing specific is currently implemented for
        homsets of additive groups, ``H`` is directly the category

            sage: C.Homsets()
            Category of homsets of additive monoids

        Similarly for rings: a ring homset is just a homset of unital
        magmas and additive magmas::

            sage: Rings().Homsets()
            Category of homsets of unital magmas and additive unital additive magmas

        Otherwise, if ``category`` implements a nested class
        ``Homsets``, this method returns the category of all homsets::

            sage: AdditiveMagmas.Homsets
            <class 'sage.categories.additive_magmas.AdditiveMagmas.Homsets'>
            sage: HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(AdditiveMagmas())
            Category of homsets

        which gives one of the super categories of

            sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of additive magmas, Category of homsets]
            sage: AdditiveMagmas().AdditiveUnital().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of additive unital additive magmas, Category of homsets]

        the other coming from ``category.Homsets().extra_super_categories()``::

            sage: AdditiveMagmas().Homsets().extra_super_categories()
            [Category of additive magmas]

        Finally, as a last resort, this method returns a stub category
        modelling the homsets of this category::

            sage: hasattr(Posets, "Homsets")
            sage: H = HomsetsCategory.default_super_categories(Posets()); H
            Category of homsets of posets
            sage: type(H)
            <class 'sage.categories.homsets.HomsetsOf_with_category'>
            sage: Posets().Homsets()
            Category of homsets of posets


            sage: Objects().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of homsets]
            sage: Sets().Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of homsets]
            sage: (Magmas() & Posets()).Homsets().super_categories()
            [Category of homsets]
        if category.full_super_categories():
            return Category.join([getattr(cat, cls._functor_category)()
                                  for cat in category.full_super_categories()])
            functor_category = getattr(category.__class__, cls._functor_category)
            if isinstance(functor_category, type) and issubclass(functor_category, Category):
                return Homsets()
                return HomsetsOf(Category.join(category.structure()))