Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, base_ring):

            sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
            sage: TestSuite(FSym).run()
        cat = HopfAlgebras(base_ring).Graded().Connected()
        Parent.__init__(self, base=base_ring, category=cat.WithRealizations())
Beispiel #2
class FreeQuasisymmetricFunctions(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
    The free quasi-symmetric functions.

    The Hopf algebra `FQSym` of free quasi-symmetric functions
    over a commutative ring `R` is the free `R`-module with basis
    indexed by all permutations (i.e., the indexing set is
    the disjoint union of all symmetric groups).
    Its product is determined by the shifted shuffles of two
    permutations, whereas its coproduct is given by splitting
    a permutation (regarded as a word) into two (at every
    possible point) and standardizing the two pieces.
    This Hopf algebra was introduced in [MR]_.
    See [GriRei16]_ (Chapter 8) for a treatment using modern

    In more detail:
    For each `n \geq 0`, consider the symmetric group `S_n`.
    Let `S` be the disjoint union of the `S_n` over all
    `n \geq 0`.
    Then, `FQSym` is the free `R`-module with basis
    `(F_w)_{w \in S}`.
    This `R`-module is graded, with the `n`-th graded
    component being spanned by all `F_w` for `w \in S_n`.
    A multiplication is defined on `FQSym` as follows:
    For any two permutations `u \in S_k` and `v \in S_l`,
    we set

    .. MATH::

        F_u F_v = \sum F_w ,

    where the sum is over all shuffles of `u` with `v[k]`.
    Here, the permutations `u` and `v` are regarded as words
    (by writing them in one-line notation), and `v[k]` means
    the word obtained from `v` by increasing each letter by
    `k` (for example, `(1,4,2,3)[5] = (6,9,7,8)`); and the
    shuffles `w` are translated back into permutations.
    This defines an associative multiplication on `FQSym`;
    its unity is `F_e`, where `e` is the identity
    permutation in `S_0`.

    As an associative algebra, `FQSym` has the richer structure
    of a dendriform algebra. This means that the associative
    product ``*`` is decomposed as a sum of two binary operations

    .. MATH::

        x y = x \succ y + x \prec y

    that satisfy the axioms:

    .. MATH::

        (x \succ y) \prec z = x \succ (y \prec z),

    .. MATH::

        (x \prec y) \prec z = x \prec (y z),

    .. MATH::

        (x y) \succ z = x \succ (y \succ z).

    These two binary operations are defined similarly to the
    (associative) product above: We set

    .. MATH::

        F_u \prec F_v = \sum F_w ,

    where the sum is now over all shuffles of `u` with `v[k]`
    whose first letter is taken from `u` (rather than from
    `v[k]`). Similarly,

    .. MATH::

        F_u \succ F_v = \sum F_w ,

    where the sum is over all remaining shuffles of `u` with

    .. TODO::

        Explain what `1 \prec 1` and `1 \succ 1` are.

    .. TODO::

        Doctest all 6 possibilities involving `1` on one
        side of a `\prec` or `\succ`.

    .. NOTE::

        The usual binary operator ``*`` is used for the
        associative product.


        sage: F = algebras.FQSym(ZZ).F()
        sage: x,y,z = F([1]), F([1,2]), F([1,3,2])
        sage: (x * y) * z
        F[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5] + ...

    The product of `FQSym` is associative::

        sage: x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z

    The associative product decomposes into two parts::

        sage: x * y == F.prec(x, y) + F.succ(x, y)

    The axioms of dendriform algebra hold::

        sage: F.prec(F.succ(x, y), z) == F.succ(x, F.prec(y, z))
        sage: F.prec(F.prec(x, y), z) == F.prec(x, y * z)
        sage: F.succ(x * y, z) == F.succ(x, F.succ(y, z))

    `FQSym` is also known as the Malvenuto-Reutenauer algebra::

        sage: algebras.MalvenutoReutenauer(ZZ)
        Free Quasi-symmetric functions over Integer Ring


    - [MR]_
    - [LodayRonco]_
    - [GriRei16]_
    def __init__(self, R):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ); A
            Free Quasi-symmetric functions over Rational Field
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()  # long time (3s)

            sage: F = algebras.FQSym(QQ)
            sage: TestSuite(F).run() # long time (3s)
        self._category = HopfAlgebras(R).Graded().Connected()

    def _repr_(self):
        Return the string representation of ``self``.


            sage: algebras.FQSym(QQ)  # indirect doctest
            Free Quasi-symmetric functions over Rational Field
        s = "Free Quasi-symmetric functions over {}"
        return s.format(self.base_ring())

    def a_realization(self):
        Return a particular realization of ``self`` (the F-basis).


            sage: FQSym = algebras.FQSym(QQ)
            sage: FQSym.a_realization()
            Free Quasi-symmetric functions over Rational Field in the F basis
        return self.F()

    class F(FQSymBasis_abstract):
        The F-basis of `FQSym`.

        This is the basis `(F_w)`, with `w` ranging over all
        permutations. See the documentation of :class:`FQSym`
        for details.


            sage: FQSym = algebras.FQSym(QQ)
            sage: FQSym.F()
            Free Quasi-symmetric functions over Rational Field in the F basis
        _prefix = "F"
        _basis_name = "F"

        def _element_constructor_(self, x):
            Convert ``x`` into ``self``.


                sage: R = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: x, y, z = R([1]), R([2,1]), R([3,2,1])
                sage: R(x)
                sage: R(x+4*y)
                F[1] + 4*F[2, 1]
                sage: R(1)

                sage: D = algebras.FQSym(ZZ).F()
                sage: X, Y, Z = D([1]), D([2,1]), D([3,2,1])
                sage: R(X-Y).parent()
                Free Quasi-symmetric functions over Rational Field in the F basis

                sage: R([1, 3, 2])
                F[1, 3, 2]
                sage: R(Permutation([1, 3, 2]))
                F[1, 3, 2]
                sage: R(SymmetricGroup(4)(Permutation([1,3,4,2])))
                F[1, 3, 4, 2]
            if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, PermutationGroupElement)):
                x = Permutation(x)
                P = x.parent()
                if isinstance(P, FreeQuasisymmetricFunctions.F):
                    if P is self:
                        return x
                    return self.element_class(self, x.monomial_coefficients())
            except AttributeError:
            return CombinatorialFreeModule._element_constructor_(self, x)

        def degree_on_basis(self, t):
            Return the degree of a permutation in
            the algebra of free quasi-symmetric functions.

            This is the size of the permutation (i.e., the `n`
            for which the permutation belongs to `S_n`).


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: u = Permutation([2,1])
                sage: A.degree_on_basis(u)
            return len(t)

        def an_element(self):
            Return an element of ``self``.


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: A.an_element()
                F[1] + 2*F[1, 2] + 2*F[2, 1]
            o = self([1])
            return o + 2 * o * o

        def some_elements(self):
            Return some elements of the free quasi-symmetric functions.


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: A.some_elements()
                [F[], F[1], F[1, 2] + F[2, 1],
                 F[] + F[1, 2] + F[2, 1]]
            u =
            o = self([1])
            x = o * o
            y = u + x
            return [u, o, x, y]

        def one_basis(self):
            Return the index of the unit.


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: A.one_basis()
            Perm = self.basis().keys()
            return Perm([])

        def product_on_basis(self, x, y):
            Return the `*` associative product of two permutations.

            This is the shifted shuffle of `x` and `y`.

            .. SEEALSO::

                :meth:`succ_product_on_basis`, :meth:`prec_product_on_basis`


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: x = Permutation([1])
                sage: A.product_on_basis(x, x)
                F[1, 2] + F[2, 1]
            n = len(x)
            basis = self.basis()
            return self.sum(basis[u] for u in x.shifted_shuffle(y))

        def succ_product_on_basis(self, x, y):
            Return the `\succ` product of two permutations.

            This is the shifted shuffle of `x` and `y` with the additional
            condition that the first letter of the result comes from `y`.

            The usual symbol for this operation is `\succ`.

            .. SEEALSO::

                - :meth:`product_on_basis`, :meth:`prec_product_on_basis`


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: x = Permutation([1,2])
                sage: A.succ_product_on_basis(x, x)
                F[3, 1, 2, 4] + F[3, 1, 4, 2] + F[3, 4, 1, 2]
                sage: y = Permutation([])
                sage: A.succ_product_on_basis(x, y) == 0
                sage: A.succ_product_on_basis(y, x) == A(x)


                sage: u =[0]
                sage: A.succ_product_on_basis(u, u)
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                ValueError: products | < | and | > | are not defined
            if not y:
                if not x:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "products | < | and | > | are not defined")
            basis = self.basis()
            if not x:
                return basis[y]
            K = basis.keys()
            n = len(x)
            shy = Word([a + n for a in y])
            shy0 = shy[0]
            return self.sum(basis[K([shy0] + list(u))]
                            for u in Word(x).shuffle(Word(shy[1:])))

        def prec_product_on_basis(self, x, y):
            Return the `\prec` product of two permutations.

            This is the shifted shuffle of `x` and `y` with the additional
            condition that the first letter of the result comes from `x`.

            The usual symbol for this operation is `\prec`.

            .. SEEALSO::

                :meth:`product_on_basis`, :meth:`succ_product_on_basis`


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: x = Permutation([1,2])
                sage: A.prec_product_on_basis(x, x)
                F[1, 2, 3, 4] + F[1, 3, 2, 4] + F[1, 3, 4, 2]
                sage: y = Permutation([])
                sage: A.prec_product_on_basis(x, y) == A(x)
                sage: A.prec_product_on_basis(y, x) == 0


                sage: u =[0]
                sage: A.prec_product_on_basis(u, u)
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                ValueError: products | < | and | > | are not defined
            if not x and not y:
                raise ValueError("products | < | and | > | are not defined")
            if not x:
            basis = self.basis()
            if not y:
                return basis[x]
            K = basis.keys()
            n = len(x)
            shy = Word([a + n for a in y])
            x0 = x[0]
            return self.sum(basis[K([x0] + list(u))]
                            for u in Word(x[1:]).shuffle(shy))

        def coproduct_on_basis(self, x):
            Return the coproduct of `F_{\sigma}` for `\sigma` a permutation.


                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: x = A([1])
                sage: ascii_art(A.coproduct(  # indirect doctest
                1 # 1

                sage: ascii_art(A.coproduct(x))  # indirect doctest
                1 # F    + F    # 1
                     [1]    [1]

                sage: A = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
                sage: x, y, z = A([1]), A([2,1]), A([3,2,1])
                sage: A.coproduct(z)
                F[] # F[3, 2, 1] + F[1] # F[2, 1] + F[2, 1] # F[1]
                + F[3, 2, 1] # F[]
            if not len(x):
            return sum(
                for i in range(len(x) + 1))