Beispiel #1
    def cohomology(self, d):
        Return the ``d``-th cohomology group.


            sage: E.<x,y> = ExteriorAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: H = E.hochschild_complex(E)
            sage: H.cohomology(0)
            Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(1)
            Vector space of dimension 4 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(2)
            Vector space of dimension 6 over Rational Field

            sage: SGA = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ, 3)
            sage: T = SGA.trivial_representation()
            sage: H = SGA.hochschild_complex(T)
            sage: H.cohomology(0)
            Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(1)
            Vector space of dimension 0 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(2)
            Vector space of dimension 0 over Rational Field

        When working over general rings (except `\ZZ`) and we can
        construct a unitriangular basis for the image quotient,
        we fallback to a slower implementation using (combinatorial)
        free modules::

            sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
            sage: SGA = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(R, 2)
            sage: T = SGA.trivial_representation()
            sage: H = SGA.hochschild_complex(T)
            sage: H.cohomology(1)
            Free module generated by {} over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
        if self._A.category() is not self._A.category().FiniteDimensional():
            raise NotImplementedError("the algebra must be finite dimensional")

        maps = {
            d + 1: self.coboundary(d + 1).matrix(),
            d: self.coboundary(d).matrix()
        C = ChainComplex(maps, degree_of_differential=1)
            return C.homology(d + 1)
        except NotImplementedError:
        # Fallback if we are not working over a field or \ZZ
        cb = self.coboundary(d)
        cb1 = self.coboundary(d + 1)
        ker = cb1.kernel()
        im_retract = ker.submodule([ker.retract(b) for b in cb.image_basis()],
        return ker.quotient_module(im_retract)
Beispiel #2
    def cohomology(self, d):
        Return the ``d``-th cohomology group.


            sage: E.<x,y> = ExteriorAlgebra(QQ)
            sage: H = E.hochschild_complex(E)
            sage: H.cohomology(0)
            Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(1)
            Vector space of dimension 4 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(2)
            Vector space of dimension 6 over Rational Field

            sage: SGA = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(QQ, 3)
            sage: T = SGA.trivial_representation()
            sage: H = SGA.hochschild_complex(T)
            sage: H.cohomology(0)
            Vector space of dimension 1 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(1)
            Vector space of dimension 0 over Rational Field
            sage: H.cohomology(2)
            Vector space of dimension 0 over Rational Field

        When working over general rings (except `\ZZ`) and we can
        construct a unitriangular basis for the image quotient,
        we fallback to a slower implementation using (combinatorial)
        free modules::

            sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
            sage: SGA = SymmetricGroupAlgebra(R, 2)
            sage: T = SGA.trivial_representation()
            sage: H = SGA.hochschild_complex(T)
            sage: H.cohomology(1)
            Free module generated by {} over Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
        if self._A.category() is not self._A.category().FiniteDimensional():
            raise NotImplementedError("the algebra must be finite dimensional")

        maps = {d+1: self.coboundary(d+1).matrix(), d: self.coboundary(d).matrix()}
        C = ChainComplex(maps, degree_of_differential=1)
            return C.homology(d+1)
        except NotImplementedError:
        # Fallback if we are not working over a field or \ZZ
        cb = self.coboundary(d)
        cb1 = self.coboundary(d+1)
        ker = cb1.kernel()
        im_retract = ker.submodule([ker.retract(b) for b in cb.image_basis()],
        return ker.quotient_module(im_retract)
Beispiel #3
def random_chain_complex(level=1):
    Return a random chain complex, defined by specifying a single
    random matrix in a random degree, with differential of degree
    either 1 or -1.  The matrix is randomly sparse or dense.

    :param level: measure of complexity: the larger this is, the
      larger the matrix can be, and the larger its degree can be in
      the chain complex.
    :type level: positive integer; optional, default 1


        sage: from sage.homology.tests import random_chain_complex
        sage: C = random_chain_complex()
        sage: C
        Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Integer Ring
        sage: C.degree_of_differential() # random: either 1 or -1
    bound = 50*level
    nrows = randint(0, bound)
    ncols = randint(0, bound)
    sparseness = bool(randint(0, 1))
    mat = random_matrix(ZZ, nrows, ncols, sparse=sparseness)
    dim = randint(-bound, bound)
    deg = 2 * randint(0, 1) - 1  # -1 or 1
    return ChainComplex({dim: mat}, degree = deg)
Beispiel #4
def SChainComplex(kchaincomplex, start=0, end=15):
    Convert the KenzoChainComplex ``kchcm`` (between dimensions ``start`` and
    ``end``) to a ChainComplex.


    - ``kchaincomplex``- A KenzoChainComplex

    - ``start``- An integer number (optional, default 0)

    - ``end``- An integer number greater than or equal to ``start`` (optional, default 15)


    - A ChainComplex


        sage: from sage.interfaces.kenzo import KChainComplex, SChainComplex    # optional - kenzo
        sage: m1 = matrix(ZZ, 3, 2, [-1, 1, 3, -4, 5, 6])
        sage: m4 = matrix(ZZ, 2, 2, [1, 2, 3, 6])
        sage: m5 = matrix(ZZ, 2, 3, [2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1])
        sage: sage_chcm = ChainComplex({1: m1, 4: m4, 5: m5}, degree = -1)     # optional - kenzo
        sage: SChainComplex(KChainComplex(sage_chcm)) == sage_chcm             # optional - kenzo
    matrices = {}
    for i in range(start, end):
        dffr_i = chcm_mat2(kchaincomplex._kenzo, i)
        if ((nlig(dffr_i).python() != 0) and (ncol(dffr_i).python() != 0)):
            matrices[i] = k2s_matrix(convertmatrice(dffr_i))
    return ChainComplex(matrices, degree=-1)
Beispiel #5
 def godement_cochain_complex(self):
       Construct the Godement cochain complex of ``self``. 
     # The case that the domain_space has dimension 0
     if self._domain_poset.height() == 1:
         rank = sum(self._stalk_dict[key] for key in self._stalk_dict)
         differential = matrix(self._base_ring, 0, rank)
         return ChainComplex([rank, differential], base_ring=self._base_ring)
     # Other cases
     end_base = sorted([[x] for x in self._domain_poset.list()])
     diff_dict = dict()
     for p in range(1, self._domain_poset.height()):
         start_base = end_base
         end_base = list(filter(lambda c: len(c)==p+1, self._domain_poset.chains()))
         end_base = sorted(end_base)
         diff_dict[p-1] = self._godement_complex_differential(start_base, end_base)
     return ChainComplex(diff_dict, base_ring = self._base_ring)
Beispiel #6
    def cohomology_complex(self, m):
        Return the "cohomology complex" `C^*(m)`

        See [Klyachko]_, equation 4.2.


        - ``m`` -- tuple of integers or `M`-lattice point. A point in
          the dual lattice of the fan. Must be immutable.


        The "cohomology complex" as a chain complex over the


            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3)
            sage: rays = [(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)]
            sage: F1 = FilteredVectorSpace(rays, {0:[0], 1:[2], 2:[1]})
            sage: F2 = FilteredVectorSpace(rays, {0:[1,2], 1:[0]})
            sage: r =
            sage: V = P3.sheaves.Klyachko({r[0]:F1, r[1]:F2, r[2]:F2, r[3]:F2})
            sage: tau = Cone([(1,0,0), (0,1,0)])
            sage: sigma = Cone([(1, 0, 0)])
            sage: M =
            sage: m = M(1, 1, 0); m.set_immutable()
            sage: V.cohomology_complex(m)
            Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Rational Field

            sage: F = CyclotomicField(3)
            sage: P3 = toric_varieties.P(3).change_ring(F)
            sage: V = P3.sheaves.Klyachko({r[0]:F1, r[1]:F2, r[2]:F2, r[3]:F2})
            sage: V.cohomology_complex(m)
            Chain complex with at most 2 nonzero terms over Cyclotomic
            Field of order 3 and degree 2
        fan =
        C = fan.complex()
        CV = []
        F = self.base_ring()
        for dim in range(1, fan.dim() + 1):
            codim = fan.dim() - dim
            d_C = C.differential(codim)
            d_V = []
            for j in range(d_C.ncols()):
                tau = fan(dim)[j]
                d_V_row = []
                for i in range(d_C.nrows()):
                    sigma = fan(dim - 1)[i]
                    if sigma.is_face_of(tau):
                        pr = self.E_quotient_projection(sigma, tau, m)
                        d = d_C[i, j] * pr.matrix().transpose()
                        E_sigma = self.E_quotient(sigma, m)
                        E_tau = self.E_quotient(tau, m)
                        d = zero_matrix(F, E_tau.dimension(),
            d_V = block_matrix(d_V, ring=F)
        from sage.homology.chain_complex import ChainComplex
        return ChainComplex(CV, base_ring=self.base_ring())