def __init__(self, A, gens=None, given_by_matrix=False):

            sage: A = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(GF(3), [Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, 1], [0, 0]])])
            sage: I = A.ideal(A([0,1]))
            sage: TestSuite(I).run(skip="_test_category") # Currently ideals are not using the category framework
        k = A.base_ring()
        n =
        if given_by_matrix:
            self._basis_matrix = gens
            gens = gens.rows()
        elif gens is None:
            self._basis_matrix = Matrix(k, 0, n)
        elif isinstance(gens, (list, tuple)):
            B = [
                FiniteDimensionalAlgebraIdeal(A, x).basis_matrix()
                for x in gens
            B = reduce(lambda x, y: x.stack(y), B, Matrix(k, 0, n))
            self._basis_matrix = B.echelon_form().image().basis_matrix()
        elif is_Matrix(gens):
            gens = FiniteDimensionalAlgebraElement(A, gens)
        elif isinstance(gens, FiniteDimensionalAlgebraElement):
            gens = gens.vector()
            B = Matrix([gens * b for b in A.table()])
            self._basis_matrix = B.echelon_form().image().basis_matrix()
        Ideal_generic.__init__(self, A, gens)
Beispiel #2
    def init_sdp(self):
		This method simply initializes the semidefinite program, 
		corresponding to the input data.
        n = self.NumVars
        N = self.NumMonomials(n, 2 * self.Relaxation)
        self.MatSize = [self.NumMonomials(n, self.Relaxation), N]
        Blck = [[] for i in range(N)]
        C = []

        for idx in range(self.NumberOfConstraints):
            d = self.NumMonomials(n, self.Relaxation - self.HalfDegs[idx])
            h = Matrix(self.Field, d, d, 0)
            Mmnt = self.LocalizedMomentMatrix(idx)

            for i in range(N):
                p = self.Monomials[i]
                A = self.Calpha(p, Mmnt)

        for i in range(N):
            Blck[i].append(Matrix(self.Field, 1, 1, 0))
            Blck[i].append(Matrix(self.Field, 1, 1, 0))

        Blck[0][self.NumberOfConstraints][0] = 1
        Blck[0][self.NumberOfConstraints + 1][0] = -1
        C.append(Matrix(self.Field, 1, 1, 1))
        C.append(Matrix(self.Field, 1, 1, -1))

        self.Matrice = [C, self.PolyCoefFullVec(), Blck]
    def __init__(self, F, Nbound = 50,Tbound = 5, prec = 500):
        self._F = F
        self._solved = False
        self._disc = self._F.discriminant()
        self._w = self._F.maximal_order().ring_generators()[0]
        self._eps = self._F.units()[0]
        self._Phi = self._F.real_embeddings(prec=prec)
        a = F.gen()
        self.Pointxy = namedtuple('Pointxy', 'x y')
        if self._disc % 2 ==0 :
            self._changebasismatrix = 1
            self._changebasismatrix = Matrix(IntegerRing(),2,2,[1,-1,0,2])

        # We assume here that Phi orders the embeddings to that
        # Phi[1] is the largest
        self._Rw = self._Phi[1](self._w)
        self._Rwconj = self._Phi[0](self._w)

        self._used_regions = []
        self._Nboundmin = 2
        self._Nboundmax = Nbound
        self._Nboundinc = 1
        self._Nbound = Nbound
        self._epsto = [self._F(1)]
        self._Dmax = self.embed(self._w)
        self._Tbound = Tbound
        self._ranget = sorted(range(-self._Tbound,self._Tbound+2),key=abs)
        self._M = ~Matrix(RealField(), 2, 2, [1,self._Rw,1,self._Rwconj])
        self._master_regs = Regions(self)
        self._maxdepth = 0
Beispiel #4
def find_correct_matrix(M, N):
    Given a matrix M1 that maps infinity to a/c this returns a matrix M2 Matrix([[A,B],[C,D]]) that maps infinity to a Gamma0(N)-equivalent cusp A/C and satisfies, C|N, C>0, (A,N)=1 and N|B.
    It also returns T^n = Matrix([[1,n],[0,1]]) such that M2*T^n*M1**(-1) is in Gamma0(N).
    a, b, c, d = list(map(lambda x: ZZ(x), M.list()))
    if (c > 0 and c.divides(N) and gcd(a, N) == 1 and b % N == 0):
        return M, identity_matrix(2)
    if c == 0:
        return Matrix([[1, 0], [N, 1]]), identity_matrix(2)
    cusps = cusps_of_gamma0(N)
    for cusp in cusps:
        if Cusp(QQ(a) / QQ(c)).is_gamma0_equiv(cusp, N):
    A, C = cusp.numerator(), cusp.denominator()
    _, D, b = xgcd(A, N * C)
    M2 = Matrix([[A, -N * b], [C, D]])
    n = 0
    T = Matrix([[1, 1], [0, 1]])
    tmp = identity_matrix(2)
    while True:
        if N.divides((M2 * tmp * M**(-1))[1][0]):
            return M2, tmp
        elif N.divides((M2 * tmp**(-1) * M**(-1))[1][0]):
            return M2, tmp**(-1)
        tmp = tmp * T
Beispiel #5
    def symmetric_matrix(self):
        The symmetric matrix `M` such that `(x y z) M (x y z)^t`
        is the defining equation of ``self``.

        EXAMPLES ::

            sage: R.<x, y, z> = QQ[]
            sage: C = Conic(x^2 + x*y/2 + y^2 + z^2)
            sage: C.symmetric_matrix()
            [  1 1/4   0]
            [1/4   1   0]
            [  0   0   1]

            sage: C = Conic(x^2 + 2*x*y + y^2 + 3*x*z + z^2)
            sage: v = vector([x, y, z])
            sage: v * C.symmetric_matrix() * v
            x^2 + 2*x*y + y^2 + 3*x*z + z^2
        a, b, c, d, e, f = self.coefficients()
        if self.base_ring().characteristic() == 2:
            if b == 0 and c == 0 and e == 0:
                return Matrix([[a,0,0],[0,d,0],[0,0,f]])
            raise ValueError("The conic self (= %s) has no symmetric matrix " \
                              "because the base field has characteristic 2" % \
        return Matrix([[  a , b/2, c/2 ],
                       [ b/2,  d , e/2 ],
                       [ c/2, e/2,  f  ]])
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self,F,Nbound=_sage_const_50 ,Tbound=_sage_const_5 ):
        self._w=self._F.maximal_order().ring_generators()[_sage_const_0 ]
        self._eps=self._F.units()[_sage_const_0 ]
        self._Phi=self._F.real_embeddings(prec=_sage_const_500 )
        self.Pointxy=namedtuple('Pointxy','x y')
        if(self._disc%_sage_const_2 ==_sage_const_0 ):
            self._changebasismatrix=Matrix(IntegerRing(),_sage_const_2 ,_sage_const_2 ,[_sage_const_1 ,-_sage_const_1 ,_sage_const_0 ,_sage_const_2 ])

        # We assume here that Phi orders the embeddings to that
        # Phi[1] is the largest
        self._Rw=self._Phi[_sage_const_1 ](self._w)
        self._Rwconj=self._Phi[_sage_const_0 ](self._w)

        self._epsto=[self._F(_sage_const_1 )]
        self._ranget=sorted(range(-self._Tbound,self._Tbound+_sage_const_2 ),key=abs)
        self._M=Matrix(RealField(),_sage_const_2 ,_sage_const_2 ,[_sage_const_1 ,self._Rw,_sage_const_1 ,self._Rwconj]).inverse()
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, A, elt=None, check=True):

            sage: A = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(GF(3), [Matrix([[1,0], [0,1]]), Matrix([[0,1], [0,0]])])
            sage: A(QQ(4))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: elt should be a vector, a matrix, or an element of the base field

            sage: B = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(QQ, [Matrix([[1,0], [0,1]]), Matrix([[0,1], [-1,0]])])
            sage: elt = B(Matrix([[1,1], [-1,1]])); elt
            e0 + e1
            sage: TestSuite(elt).run()
            sage: B(Matrix([[0,1], [1,0]]))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: matrix does not define an element of the algebra
        AlgebraElement.__init__(self, A)
        k = A.base_ring()
        n =
        if elt is None:
            self._vector = vector(k, n)
            self._matrix = Matrix(k, n)
            if isinstance(elt, int):
                elt = Integer(elt)
            elif isinstance(elt, list):
                elt = vector(elt)
            if A == elt.parent():
                self._vector = elt._vector.base_extend(k)
                self._matrix = elt._matrix.base_extend(k)
            elif k.has_coerce_map_from(elt.parent()):
                e = k(elt)
                if e == 0:
                    self._vector = vector(k, n)
                    self._matrix = Matrix(k, n)
                elif A.is_unitary():
                    self._vector = A._one * e
                    self._matrix = Matrix.identity(k, n) * e
                    raise TypeError("algebra is not unitary")
            elif is_Vector(elt):
                self._vector = elt.base_extend(k)
                self._matrix = Matrix(
                    k, sum([elt[i] * A.table()[i] for i in range(n)]))
            elif is_Matrix(elt):
                if not A.is_unitary():
                    raise TypeError("algebra is not unitary")
                self._vector = A._one * elt
                if not check or sum(
                    [self._vector[i] * A.table()[i] for i in range(n)]) == elt:
                    self._matrix = elt
                    raise ValueError(
                        "matrix does not define an element of the algebra")
                raise TypeError("elt should be a vector, a matrix, " +
                                "or an element of the base field")
Beispiel #8
    def decompose(self):
            Gives an SOS decomposition of f if exists as a list of polynomials
            of at most half degree of f.
            This method also fills the 'Info' as 'minimize' does. In addition,
            returns Info['is sos'] which is Boolean depending on the status of 
            sdp solver.
        n = self.NumVars
        N0 = self.NumMonomials(n, self.MainPolyHlfDeg)
        N1 = self.NumMonomials(n, self.MainPolyTotDeg)
        self.MatSize = [N0, N1]

        vec = self.MonomialsVec(self.MainPolyHlfDeg)
        m = Matrix(1, N0, vec)
        Mmnt = m.transpose() * m
        Blck = [[] for i in range(N1)]
        C = []

        h = Matrix(self.Field, N0, N0, 0)
        decomp = []

        for i in range(N1):
            p = self.Monomials[i]
            A = self.Calpha(p, Mmnt)

        from SDP import SDP
        sos_sdp = SDP.sdp(solver=self.solver, Settings={'detail': self.detail})
        sos_sdp.solve(C, self.PolyCoefFullVec(), Blck)

        if sos_sdp.Info['Status'] == 'Optimal':
            self.Info['status'] = 'Feasible'
            GramMtx = Matrix(sos_sdp.Info['X'][0])
                    'Message'] = "A SOS decomposition of the polynomial were found."
                self.Info['is sos'] = True
                H1 = GramMtx.cholesky()
                tmpM = Matrix(1, N0, vec)
                decomp = list(tmpM * H1)[0]
                self.Info['Wall'] = sos_sdp.Info['Wall']
                self.Info['CPU'] = sos_sdp.Info['CPU']
                    'Message'] = "The given polynomial seems to be a sum of squares, but no SOS decomposition were extracted."
                self.Info['is sos'] = False
                self.Info['Wall'] = sos_sdp.Info['Wall']
                self.Info['CPU'] = sos_sdp.Info['CPU']
                'Message'] = "The given polynomial is not a sum of squares."
            self.Info['status'] = 'Infeasible'
            self.Info['is sos'] = False

        self.Info["Size"] = self.MatSize
        return decomp
Beispiel #9
def projection_to_homology(tri,angle):
    non_tree_as_cycles = non_tree_edge_cycles(tri, angle)
    Q = Matrix(non_tree_as_cycles)
    S, U, V = faces_in_smith(tri,angle,[])
    rank, dimU, dimV = rank_of_quotient(S)
    U = Matrix(U)
    P = U.transpose().inverse()
    P = P.delete_rows(range(0, dimU-rank))
    A = P*Q
    return A
Beispiel #10
def Eij(i, j, N):
    #The matrix which just has one non-zero entry, 1, at (i+1,j+1).
    ei, ej = [], []
    for k in range(N):
        if k == i:
        if k == j:
    return Matrix(ei) * Matrix(ej).T
Beispiel #11
def qexp_to_basis(f, E, p=None, check=True):
    ncols = len(list(f))
        R = f.parent().base_ring()
    except (AttributeError,TypeError):
        R = E.parent().base_ring()
        fmat = Matrix(R,1,len(f), f.list())
    except AttributeError:
        fmat = Matrix(R,1,len(f), f)
    verbose('R = %s'%R)
    verbose('E.parent() = %s'%E.parent())
    return vector(solve_xAb_echelon(E.submatrix(0,0,ncols = ncols),fmat,p,check=check).list())
Beispiel #12
    def _get_powers_and_mult(self, a, b, c, d, lambd, vect):
        Compute the action of a matrix on the basis elements.



            xnew = self._powers[(a, b, c, d)]
        except KeyError:
            R = self._PowerSeries
            r = R([b, a])
            s = R([d, c])
            n = self._n

            if self._depth == n + 1:
                rpows = [R(1)]
                spows = [R(1)]
                for ii in range(n):
                    rpows.append(r * rpows[ii])
                    spows.append(s * spows[ii])
                x = Matrix(self._Rmod, n + 1, n + 1, 0)
                for ii in range(n + 1):
                    y = rpows[ii] * spows[n - ii]
                    for jj in range(self._depth):
                        x[ii, jj] = y[jj]
                ratio = r * (s**(-1))
                y = s**n
                x = Matrix(self._Rmod, self._depth, self._depth, 0)
                for jj in range(self._depth):
                    x[0, jj] = y[jj]
                for ii in range(1, self._depth):
                    y *= ratio
                    for jj in range(self._depth):
                        x[ii, jj] = y[jj]

            xnew = x.change_ring(self._R)  #ZZ)
            # if self._Rmod is self._R:
            #     xnew = x
            # else:
            #     #xnew = x.change_ring(self._R)
            #     xnew = x.change_ring(ZZ)

            self._powers[(a, b, c, d)] = xnew

        tmp = xnew * vect
        return self._R(lambd) * tmp  #.change_ring(self._R)
Beispiel #13
def solve_xAb_echelon(A,b, p=None, prec=None, check=False):


        sage: from functions import *
        sage: A = Matrix(ZZ,2,3,[1,0,2,0,2,3])
        sage: is_echelon(A)
        sage: b = vector(QQ,3,[4,5,6])
        sage: solve_xAb_echelon(A,b)
        (4, 5/2)
        sage: _ * A - b
        (0, 0, 19/2)

    R = b.parent().base_ring()
        R = R.fraction_field()
    except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass
    if p is None:
            p = R.cardinality().factor()[0][0] # DEBUG
        except AttributeError:
            p = 0
    if check and not is_echelon(A):
        raise ValueError("Not in echelon form")
    hnew = try_lift(b.parent()(b))
    ell = A.nrows()
    A = try_lift(A)
    col_list = []
    for j in range(ell):
        ej = A.row(j)
        ejleadpos, val = first_nonzero_pos(ej,return_val=True)
        newcol = [hnew[i,ejleadpos] / val for i in range(hnew.nrows())]
        tmp1 = Matrix(hnew.parent().base_ring(), hnew.nrows(),1, newcol)
        tmp2 = Matrix(ej.parent().base_ring(),1,len(ej),ej.list())
        hnew -= tmp1 * tmp2

    alphas = Matrix(R,ell,hnew.nrows(),col_list).transpose()
    verbose('Check = %s, p = %s'%(check,p))
    if check and p > 0:
        verbose('Check with p = %s'%p)
        err = min([o.valuation(p) for o in (alphas * try_lift(A) - try_lift(b)).list()])
        if err < 5:
            verbose('Check not passed!')
            raise RuntimeError("System appears not to be solvable. Minimal valuation is %s"%err)
    return alphas
Beispiel #14
def analyze_deeply(tri, angle):
    N = edge_equation_matrix_taut(tri, angle)
    N = Matrix(N)
    M = snappy.Manifold(tri.snappystring())

    # look at it
    alex = alex_is_monic(M)
    hyper = hyper_is_monic(M)
    non_triv, non_triv_sol = non_trivial_solution(N)
    full, full_sol = fully_carried_solution(N)
        assert non_triv or not full # full => non_triv
        assert alex or not full # full => fibered => alex is monic
        assert hyper or not full # full => fibered => hyper is monic
        assert alex or not hyper # hyper is monic => alex is monic
    except AssertError:
        print("contradiction in maths")
    if full:
    elif non_triv:
        print("non-triv sol (but not full)")
        print((alex, hyper))
    elif not alex or not hyper:
        print("no sol")
        print((alex, hyper))
    return None
Beispiel #15
    def unitary_reflection(self, r, alpha=-1):
        S = self.complex_gram_matrix()
        r_conj = vector([x.galois_conjugate() for x in r])
        r_norm = r * S * r_conj
        if not r_norm:
            raise ValueError('Not a valid reflection')
        d = self._hds_to_ds()
        d_inv = self._ds_to_hds()
        r0 = ((1 - alpha) / r_norm) * (S * r_conj)
        g = self.base_field().gens()[0]
        w = self._w()
        w_conj = w.galois_conjugate()
        M = Matrix(ZZ, [[2, w + w_conj], [0, (w - w_conj) * g]]).inverse()

        def f(x):
            v = vector(d_inv[tuple(x)])
            v = v - (v * r0) * r
            x = [0] * (2 * len(v))
            for i, v in enumerate(v):
                v_conj = v.galois_conjugate()
                a, b = (v + v_conj), (v - v_conj) * g
                x[i + i], x[i + i + 1] = M * vector([a, b])
            return tuple(map(frac, x))

        return WeilRepAutomorphism(self, f)
    def incidence_matrix(self):
        Return the incidence matrix `A` of the design. A is a `(v \times b)`
        matrix defined by: ``A[i,j] = 1`` if ``i`` is in block ``B_j`` and 0


            sage: BD = IncidenceStructure(range(7),[[0,1,2],[0,3,4],[0,5,6],[1,3,5],[1,4,6],[2,3,6],[2,4,5]])
            sage: BD.block_sizes()
            [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
            sage: BD.incidence_matrix()
            [1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
            [1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
            [1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
            [0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
            [0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
            [0 0 1 1 0 0 1]
            [0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
        if not self._incidence_matrix is None:
            return self._incidence_matrix
            from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix
            v = len(self.points())
            blks = self.blocks()
            b = len(blks)
            A = Matrix(ZZ, v, b, sparse=True)
            for j, b in enumerate(blks):
                for i in b:
                    A[i, j] = 1
            self._incidence_matrix = A
            return A
Beispiel #17
    def reflections(self):
        Return the reflections of ``self``.

        The reflections of a Coxeter group `W` are the conjugates of
        the simple reflections. They are in bijection with the positive
        roots, for given a positive root, we may have the reflection in
        the hyperplane orthogonal to it. This method returns a family
        indexed by the positive roots taking values in the reflections.
        This requires ``self`` to be a finite Weyl group.

        .. NOTE::

            Prior to :trac:`20027`, the reflections were the keys
            of the family and the values were the positive roots.


            sage: W = WeylGroup("B2", prefix="s")
            sage: refdict = W.reflections(); refdict
            Finite family {(1, -1): s1, (1, 1): s2*s1*s2, (1, 0): s1*s2*s1, (0, 1): s2}
            sage: [r+refdict[r].action(r) for r in refdict.keys()]
            [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]

        ret = {}
            for alp in self.domain().positive_roots():
                m = Matrix([self.domain().reflection(alp)(x).to_vector()
                            for x in self.domain().basis()])
                r = self(m)
                ret[alp] = r
            return Family(ret)
        except Exception:
            raise NotImplementedError("reflections are only implemented for finite Weyl groups")
Beispiel #18
 def godement_sheaf(self):
       Returns the Godement sheaf of ``self``.
     g0_stalks = dict()
     g0_res = dict()
     for p in self._domain_poset.list():
         g0_stalks[p] = sum(self._stalk_dict[x] for x in self._domain_poset.order_filter([p]))
     for relation in self._domain_poset.cover_relations():
         frombase = sorted(self._domain_poset.order_filter([relation[0]]))
         tobase = sorted(self._domain_poset.order_filter([relation[1]]))
         rows = []
         for row in tobase:
             m = self._stalk_dict[row]
             blocks = []
             for x in frombase:
                 if x == row:
                     blocks.append(Matrix(m, self._stalk_dict[x]))
         g0_res[tuple(relation)] = block_matrix(rows, subdivide=False)    
     G0 = LocallyFreeSheafFinitePoset(g0_stalks, g0_res, self._base_ring, self._domain_poset)
     hom = Hom(self, G0)
     eps_dict = dict()
     for p in self._domain_poset.list():
         rows = []
         for x in sorted(self._domain_poset.order_filter([p])):
             if x == p:
                 rows.append([identity_matrix(self._base_ring, self._stalk_dict[p])])
                 rows.append([self.restriction(p, x).matrix()])
         eps_dict[p] = block_matrix(rows, subdivide=False)
     epsilon = hom(eps_dict)
     return epsilon, G0  
Beispiel #19
def hecke_matrix_on_ord(ll, ord_basis, weight = 2, level = 1, eps = None, p=None, prec=None, check_is_operator=True):
    R = ord_basis.parent().base_ring()
    if prec is None:
            prec = R.precision_cap()
        except AttributeError:
    ncols = ZZ(floor( (ord_basis.ncols() - 1) / ll)) + 1
    if ncols < ord_basis.nrows():
        raise ValueError("Cannot compute the matrix of T_ell with ell=%s because of lack of precision. (nrows = %s, ncols = %s)"%(ll, ord_basis.nrows(), ncols))
    M = Matrix(R, ord_basis.nrows(), ncols, 0)
    if eps is None:
        eps = lambda ll : ZZ(1) if gcd(level,ll) == 1 else ZZ(0)
    if weight is None:
        assert eps(ll) == 0
        llpow_eps = 0
        llpow_eps = ll**(weight-1) * eps(ll)

    for i, b in enumerate(ord_basis):
        for j in range(ncols):
            M[i, j] = b[j * ll]
            if j % ll == 0:
                M[i, j] += R(llpow_eps) * b[j // ll]
    small_mat = ord_basis.submatrix(0,0,ncols = ncols)
    assert is_echelon(small_mat)
    ans = solve_xAb_echelon(small_mat,M,p, prec, check=check_is_operator)
    return ans
Beispiel #20
    def left_table(self):
        Return the list of matrices for left multiplication by the
        basis elements.


            sage: B = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(QQ, [Matrix([[1,0], [0,1]]), Matrix([[0,1],[-1,0]])])
            sage: T = B.left_table(); T
            [1 0]  [ 0  1]
            [0 1], [-1  0]

        We check immutability::

            sage: T[0] = "vandalized by h4xx0r"
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
            sage: T[1][0] = [13, 37]
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: matrix is immutable; please change a copy instead
             (i.e., use copy(M) to change a copy of M).
        B = self.table()
        n =
        table = [Matrix([B[j][i] for j in range(n)]) for i in range(n)]
        for b in table:
        return tuple(table)
Beispiel #21
 def _an_element_(self):
     return OCVnElement(self,
                        Matrix(self._R, self._depth, 1,
                               range(1, self._depth + 1)),
Beispiel #22
    def basis(self):
        A basis of the module.


         - ``x`` - integer (default: 1) the description of the
           argument x goes here.  If it contains multiple lines, all
           the lines after the first need to be indented.

         - ``y`` - integer (default: 2) the ...

            return self._basis
        self._basis = [
                               1, {(jj, 0): 1},
                        check=False) for jj in range(self._depth)
        return self._basis
Beispiel #23
 def _get_powers(self, abcd, emb=None):
     abcd = tuple(abcd.list())
         return self._cache_powers[abcd]
     except KeyError:
     R = self._PowerSeries
     if emb is None:
         a, b, c, d = abcd
         a, b, c, d = emb(abcd).list()
     r = R([b, a])
     s = R([d, c])
     ratio = r * s**-1
     ratio = ratio.change_ring(ZZ)
     y = R(1).change_ring(ZZ)
     xlist = [1] + [0 for o in range(self._depth - 1)]
     for ii in range(1, self._depth):
         y *= ratio
         ylist = y.list()[:self._depth]
         xlist.extend([ZZ(0) for o in range(self._depth - len(ylist))])
     x = Matrix(R.base_ring(), self._depth, self._depth,
     self._cache_powers[abcd] = x
     return x
Beispiel #24
def automorphy_factor_matrix(p, a, c, k, chi, p_prec, var_prec, R):
        sage: from sage.modular.pollack_stevens.families_util import automorphy_factor_matrix
        sage: automorphy_factor_matrix(3, 1, 3, 0, None, 4, 3, PowerSeriesRing(ZpCA(3), 'w'))
        [                                                          1 + O(3^20)                                                                     0                                                                     0                                                                     0]
        [O(3^20) + (3 + 3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w + (3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w^2                                                           1 + O(3^20)                                                                     0                                                                     0]
        [          O(3^20) + (3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w + (2*3^2 + O(3^20))*w^2 O(3^20) + (3 + 3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w + (3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w^2                                                           1 + O(3^20)                                                                     0]
        [            O(3^20) + (3^2 + 3^3 + O(3^20))*w + (2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w^2           O(3^20) + (3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w + (2*3^2 + O(3^20))*w^2 O(3^20) + (3 + 3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w + (3^2 + 2*3^3 + O(3^20))*w^2                                                           1 + O(3^20)]
        sage: p, a, c, k, chi, p_prec, var_prec, R = 11, -3, 11, 2, None, 6, 4, PowerSeriesRing(ZpCA(11, 6), 'w')
        sage: afm = automorphy_factor_matrix(p, a, c, k, chi, p_prec, var_prec, R)
        sage: for e in afm:
        ...     print e
        (9 + 6*11^2 + 11^3 + 9*11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6) + (8*11^2 + 8*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^3 + 11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^4 + 7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        (O(11^6) + (8*11 + 3*11^2 + 6*11^3 + 11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^2 + 4*11^3 + 5*11^4 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^3 + 3*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 9 + 6*11^2 + 11^3 + 9*11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6) + (8*11^2 + 8*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^3 + 11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^4 + 7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        (O(11^6) + (5*11^2 + 2*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (6*11^2 + 3*11^3 + 5*11^4 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (5*11^3 + 6*11^4 + 5*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (8*11 + 3*11^2 + 6*11^3 + 11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^2 + 4*11^3 + 5*11^4 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^3 + 3*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 9 + 6*11^2 + 11^3 + 9*11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6) + (8*11^2 + 8*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^3 + 11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^4 + 7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 0, 0, 0)
        (O(11^6) + (6*11^3 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (2*11^3 + 8*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (3*11^3 + 11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (5*11^2 + 2*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (6*11^2 + 3*11^3 + 5*11^4 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (5*11^3 + 6*11^4 + 5*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (8*11 + 3*11^2 + 6*11^3 + 11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^2 + 4*11^3 + 5*11^4 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^3 + 3*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 9 + 6*11^2 + 11^3 + 9*11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6) + (8*11^2 + 8*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^3 + 11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^4 + 7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 0, 0)
        (O(11^6) + (7*11^4 + 5*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (10*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (7*11^4 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (6*11^3 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (2*11^3 + 8*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (3*11^3 + 11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (5*11^2 + 2*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (6*11^2 + 3*11^3 + 5*11^4 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (5*11^3 + 6*11^4 + 5*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (8*11 + 3*11^2 + 6*11^3 + 11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^2 + 4*11^3 + 5*11^4 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^3 + 3*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 9 + 6*11^2 + 11^3 + 9*11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6) + (8*11^2 + 8*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^3 + 11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^4 + 7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 0)
        (O(11^6) + (7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (7*11^4 + 5*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (10*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (7*11^4 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (6*11^3 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (2*11^3 + 8*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (3*11^3 + 11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (5*11^2 + 2*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (6*11^2 + 3*11^3 + 5*11^4 + 11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (5*11^3 + 6*11^4 + 5*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, O(11^6) + (8*11 + 3*11^2 + 6*11^3 + 11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^2 + 4*11^3 + 5*11^4 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^3 + 3*11^4 + 4*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3, 9 + 6*11^2 + 11^3 + 9*11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6) + (8*11^2 + 8*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 6*11^5 + O(11^6))*w + (7*11^3 + 11^4 + 8*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^2 + (10*11^4 + 7*11^5 + O(11^6))*w^3)
    #RH: there's a problem when p_prec = 1
    aut = automorphy_factor_vector(p, a, c, k, chi, p_prec, var_prec, R)
    M = Matrix(R, p_prec)
    for c in range(min(p_prec, len(aut))):
        for r in range(min(p_prec, len(aut) - c)):
            M[r + c, c] = aut[r]
    return M
Beispiel #25
    def __init__(self, parent, val=0, check=True, normalize=False):
        ModuleElement.__init__(self, parent)
        self._parent = parent
        self._depth = self._parent._depth
        if not check:
            self._val = val
            if isinstance(val, self.__class__):
                if val._parent._depth == parent._depth:
                    self._val = val._val
                    d = min([val._parent._depth, parent._depth])
                    self._val = val._val.submatrix(0, 0, nrows=d)

            elif isinstance(val, Vector_integer_dense) or isinstance(
                    val, FreeModuleElement_generic_dense):
                self._val = MatrixSpace(self._parent._R, self._depth, 1)(0)
                for i, o in enumerate(val.list()):
                    self._val[i, 0] = o
                    self._val = Matrix(self._parent._R, self._depth, 1, val)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    self._val = self._parent._R(val) * MatrixSpace(
                        self._parent._R, self._depth, 1)(1)
        self._moments = self._val
Beispiel #26
    def is_start_of_basis_new(self, List):
        Determines if the inputed list of OMS's can be extended to a basis of this space


        - ``list`` -- a list of OMS's


        - True/False
        for Phi in List:
            assert Phi.valuation() >= 0, "Symbols must be integral"
        d = len(List)
        if d == 1:
            L = List[0].list_of_total_measures()
            for mu in L:
                if not mu.is_zero():
                    return True
            return False
        R = self.base()
        List = [Phi.list_of_total_measures() for Phi in List]
        A = Matrix(R.residue_field(), d, len(List[0]), List)
        return A.rank() == d
    def __call__(self, f, check=True, unitary=True):
        Construct a homomorphism.

        .. TODO::

            Implement taking generator images and converting them to a matrix.


            sage: A = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(QQ, [Matrix([1])])
            sage: B = FiniteDimensionalAlgebra(QQ, [Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, 1], [0, 0]])])
            sage: H = Hom(A, B)
            sage: H(Matrix([[1, 0]]))
            Morphism from Finite-dimensional algebra of degree 1 over Rational Field to
             Finite-dimensional algebra of degree 2 over Rational Field given by matrix
            [1 0]
        if isinstance(f, FiniteDimensionalAlgebraMorphism):
            if f.parent() is self:
                return f
            if f.parent() == self:
                return FiniteDimensionalAlgebraMorphism(
                    self, f._matrix, check, unitary)
        elif is_Matrix(f):
            return FiniteDimensionalAlgebraMorphism(self, f, check, unitary)
            from sage.matrix.constructor import Matrix
            return FiniteDimensionalAlgebraMorphism(self, Matrix(f), check,
        except Exception:
            return RingHomset_generic.__call__(self, f, check)
Beispiel #28
    def reflections(self):
        The reflections of W are the conjugates of the simple reflections.
        They are in bijection with the positive roots, for given a positive
        root, we may have the reflection in the hyperplane orthogonal to it.
        This method returns a dictionary indexed by the reflections taking
        values in the positive roots. This requires self to be a finite
        Weyl group.


            sage: W = WeylGroup("B2", prefix="s")
            sage: refdict = W.reflections(); refdict
            Finite family {s1: (1, -1), s2*s1*s2: (1, 1), s1*s2*s1: (1, 0), s2: (0, 1)}
            sage: [refdict[r]+r.action(refdict[r]) for r in refdict.keys()]
            [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)]

        ret = {}
            for alp in self.domain().positive_roots():
                m = Matrix([self.domain().reflection(alp)(x).to_vector()
                            for x in self.domain().basis()])
                r = self(m)
                ret[r] = alp
            return Family(ret)
        except StandardError:
            raise NotImplementedError, "reflections are only implemented for finite Weyl groups"
Beispiel #29
    def discriminant(self):
        Return the discriminant of this ring, which is the discriminant of
        the trace pairing.

        .. note::

           One knows that for modular abelian varieties, the
           endomorphism ring should be isomorphic to an order in a
           number field. However, the discriminant returned by this
           function will be `2^n` ( `n =`
           self.dimension()) times the discriminant of that order,
           since the elements are represented as 2d x 2d
           matrices. Notice, for example, that the case of a one
           dimensional abelian variety, whose endomorphism ring must
           be ZZ, has discriminant 2, as in the example below.


            sage: J0(33).endomorphism_ring().discriminant()
            sage: J0(46).endomorphism_ring().discriminant()  # long time (6s on sage.math, 2011)
            sage: J0(11).endomorphism_ring().discriminant()
        g = self.gens()
        M = Matrix(ZZ,len(g), [ (g[i]*g[j]).trace()
                                for i in range(len(g)) for j in range(len(g)) ])
        return M.determinant()
Beispiel #30
 def _godement_complex_differential(self, start_base, end_base):
       Construct the differential of the godement cochain complex from 
       the free module with basis ``start_base`` to the free module with basis
     rows = []
     for to_chain in end_base:
         blocks = []
         m = self._stalk_dict[to_chain[-1]]
         for from_chain in start_base:
             n = self._stalk_dict[from_chain[-1]]
             if all(x in to_chain for x in from_chain):
                 for point in to_chain:
                     if point not in from_chain:
                         index = to_chain.index(point)
                         sign = 1 if index % 2 == 0 else - 1
                         if index != len(to_chain) - 1:
                             blocks.append(sign*identity_matrix(self._base_ring, m))
                             mat = self.restriction(from_chain[-1], point).matrix()
                 blocks.append(Matrix(self._base_ring, m, n))
     return block_matrix(rows, subdivide=False)