Beispiel #1
    def ncusps(self):
        Return the number of orbits of cusps (regular or otherwise) for this subgroup.


            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).ncusps()
            sage: GammaH(32079, [21676]).ncusps()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        c = ZZ(0)
        for d in [d for d in N.divisors() if d**2 <= N]:
            Nd = lcm(d, N // d)
            Hd = set([x % Nd for x in H])
            lenHd = len(Hd)
            if Nd - 1 not in Hd: lenHd *= 2
            summand = euler_phi(d) * euler_phi(N // d) // lenHd
            if d**2 == N:
                c = c + summand
                c = c + 2 * summand
        return c
Beispiel #2
    def ncusps(self):
        Return the number of orbits of cusps (regular or otherwise) for this subgroup.


            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).ncusps()
            sage: GammaH(32079, [21676]).ncusps()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        c = ZZ(0)
        for d in [d for d in N.divisors() if d**2 <= N]:
            Nd = lcm(d,N//d)
            Hd = set([x % Nd for x in H])
            lenHd = len(Hd)
            if Nd-1 not in Hd: lenHd *= 2
            summand = euler_phi(d)*euler_phi(N//d)//lenHd
            if d**2 == N:
                c = c + summand
                c = c + 2*summand
        return c
Beispiel #3
    def nu3(self):
        Return the number of orbits of elliptic points of order 3 for this


            sage: [H.nu3() for n in [1..10] for H in Gamma0(n).gamma_h_subgroups()]
            [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).nu3()
            sage: GammaH(7,[2]).nu3()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        if N % 9 == 0: return ZZ(0)
        for p, r in N.factor():
            if p % 3 == 2: return ZZ(0)
        lenHpm = len(H)
        if N - ZZ(1) not in H: lenHpm*=2
        return (euler_phi(N)//lenHpm)*len([x for x in H if (x**2+x+1) % N == 0])
Beispiel #4
    def cardinality(self):
        Returns the number of integer necklaces with the evaluation e.
            sage: Necklaces([]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,3,2]).cardinality()
        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        Lyndon words generated.
            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: ns = [ Necklaces(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all( [ n.cardinality() == len(n.list()) for n in ns] )
        evaluation = self.e
        le = list(evaluation)
        if len(le) == 0:
            return 0

        n = sum(le)

        return sum([euler_phi(j)*factorial(n/j) / prod([factorial(ni/j) for ni in evaluation]) for j in divisors(gcd(le))])/n
Beispiel #5
def num_cusps_of_width(N, d):
    Return the number of cusps on `X_0(N)` of width d.


    -  ``N`` - (integer): the level

    -  ``d`` - (integer): an integer dividing N, the cusp


        sage: [num_cusps_of_width(18,d) for d in divisors(18)]
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
        sage: num_cusps_of_width(4,8)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: N and d must be positive integers with d|N
    N = ZZ(N)
    d = ZZ(d)
    if N <= 0 or d <= 0 or (N % d) != 0:
        raise ValueError("N and d must be positive integers with d|N")

    return euler_phi(gcd(d, N // d))
Beispiel #6
def num_cusps_of_width(N, d):
    Return the number of cusps on `X_0(N)` of width d.


    -  ``N`` - (integer): the level

    -  ``d`` - (integer): an integer dividing N, the cusp


        sage: [num_cusps_of_width(18,d) for d in divisors(18)]
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
        sage: num_cusps_of_width(4,8)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: N and d must be positive integers with d|N
    N = ZZ(N)
    d = ZZ(d)
    if N <= 0 or d <= 0 or (N % d) != 0:
        raise ValueError("N and d must be positive integers with d|N")

    return euler_phi(gcd(d, N//d))
Beispiel #7
def num_cusps_of_width(N, d):
    Return the number of cusps on `X_0(N)` of width d.
    -  ``N`` - (integer): the level
    -  ``d`` - (integer): an integer dividing N, the cusp
        sage: [num_cusps_of_width(18,d) for d in divisors(18)]
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
        N = ZZ(N)
        d = ZZ(d)
        assert N > 0
        assert d > 0
        assert ((N % d) == 0)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError, "N and d must be integers"
    except AssertionError:
        raise AssertionError, "N and d must be positive integers with d|N"

    return euler_phi(gcd(d, N // d))
Beispiel #8
    def nu2(self):
        Return the number of orbits of elliptic points of order 2 for this


            sage: [H.nu2() for n in [1..10] for H in Gamma0(n).gamma_h_subgroups()]
            [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]
            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).nu2()
            sage: GammaH(5,[2]).nu2()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        if N % 4 == 0: return ZZ(0)
        for p, r in N.factor():
            if p % 4 == 3: return ZZ(0)
        return (euler_phi(N) // len(H))*len([x for x in H if (x**2 + 1) % N == 0])
Beispiel #9
def num_cusps_of_width(N, d):
    Return the number of cusps on `X_0(N)` of width d.


    -  ``N`` - (integer): the level

    -  ``d`` - (integer): an integer dividing N, the cusp


        sage: [num_cusps_of_width(18,d) for d in divisors(18)]
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
        N = ZZ(N)
        d = ZZ(d)
        assert N>0
        assert d>0
        assert ((N % d) == 0)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError, "N and d must be integers"
    except AssertionError:
        raise AssertionError, "N and d must be positive integers with d|N"

    return euler_phi(gcd(d, N//d))
Beispiel #10
    def nu2(self):
        Return the number of orbits of elliptic points of order 2 for this


            sage: [H.nu2() for n in [1..10] for H in Gamma0(n).gamma_h_subgroups()]
            [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]
            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).nu2()
            sage: GammaH(5,[2]).nu2()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        if N % 4 == 0: return ZZ(0)
        for p, r in N.factor():
            if p % 4 == 3: return ZZ(0)
        return (euler_phi(N) // len(H)) * len(
            [x for x in H if (x**2 + 1) % N == 0])
Beispiel #11
    def nu3(self):
        Return the number of orbits of elliptic points of order 3 for this


            sage: [H.nu3() for n in [1..10] for H in Gamma0(n).gamma_h_subgroups()]
            [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            sage: GammaH(33,[2]).nu3()
            sage: GammaH(7,[2]).nu3()


        - Jordi Quer

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()
        if N % 9 == 0: return ZZ(0)
        for p, r in N.factor():
            if p % 3 == 2: return ZZ(0)
        lenHpm = len(H)
        if N - ZZ(1) not in H: lenHpm *= 2
        return (euler_phi(N) // lenHpm) * len(
            [x for x in H if (x**2 + x + 1) % N == 0])
Beispiel #12
def GammaH_constructor(level, H):
    Return the congruence subgroup `\Gamma_H(N)`, which is the subgroup of
    `SL_2(\ZZ)` consisting of matrices of the form `\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\
    c & d \end{pmatrix}` with `N | c` and `a, b \in H`, for `H` a specified
    subgroup of `(\ZZ/N\ZZ)^\times`.


    - level -- an integer
    - H -- either 0, 1, or a list
        * If H is a list, return `\Gamma_H(N)`, where `H`
          is the subgroup of `(\ZZ/N\ZZ)^*` **generated** by the
          elements of the list.
        * If H = 0, returns `\Gamma_0(N)`.
        * If H = 1, returns `\Gamma_1(N)`.


        sage: GammaH(11,0) # indirect doctest
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11)
        sage: GammaH(11,1)
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma1(11)
        sage: GammaH(11,[10])
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(11) with H generated by [10]
        sage: GammaH(11,[10,1])
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(11) with H generated by [10]
        sage: GammaH(14,[10])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ArithmeticError: The generators [10] must be units modulo 14
    from all import Gamma0, Gamma1, SL2Z
    if level == 1:
        return SL2Z
    elif H == 0:
        return Gamma0(level)
    elif H == 1:
        return Gamma1(level)

    H = _normalize_H(H, level)
    if H == []:
        return Gamma1(level)

    Hlist = _list_subgroup(level, H)
    if len(Hlist) == euler_phi(level):
        return Gamma0(level)

    key = (level, tuple(H))
        return _gammaH_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
        _gammaH_cache[key] = GammaH_class(level, H, Hlist)
        return _gammaH_cache[key]
Beispiel #13
    def unit_group_order(self):
        Return the order of the unit group of this residue class ring.


            sage: R = Integers(500)
            sage: R.unit_group_order()
        return euler_phi(self.order())
    def unit_group_order(self):
        Return the order of the unit group of this residue class ring.


            sage: R = Integers(500)
            sage: R.unit_group_order()
        return euler_phi(self.order())
Beispiel #15
def GammaH_constructor(level, H):
    Return the congruence subgroup `\Gamma_H(N)`, which is the subgroup of
    `SL_2(\ZZ)` consisting of matrices of the form `\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\
    c & d \end{pmatrix}` with `N | c` and `a, b \in H`, for `H` a specified
    subgroup of `(\ZZ/N\ZZ)^\times`.


    - level -- an integer
    - H -- either 0, 1, or a list
        * If H is a list, return `\Gamma_H(N)`, where `H`
          is the subgroup of `(\ZZ/N\ZZ)^*` **generated** by the
          elements of the list.
        * If H = 0, returns `\Gamma_0(N)`.
        * If H = 1, returns `\Gamma_1(N)`.


        sage: GammaH(11,0) # indirect doctest
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11)
        sage: GammaH(11,1)
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma1(11)
        sage: GammaH(11,[10])
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(11) with H generated by [10]
        sage: GammaH(11,[10,1])
        Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(11) with H generated by [10]
        sage: GammaH(14,[10])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ArithmeticError: The generators [10] must be units modulo 14
    from all import Gamma0, Gamma1, SL2Z
    if level == 1:
        return SL2Z
    elif H == 0:
        return Gamma0(level)
    elif H == 1:
        return Gamma1(level)

    H = _normalize_H(H, level)
    if H == []:
        return Gamma1(level)

    Hlist = _list_subgroup(level, H)
    if len(Hlist) == euler_phi(level):
        return Gamma0(level)

    key = (level, tuple(H))
        return _gammaH_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
        _gammaH_cache[key] = GammaH_class(level, H, Hlist)
        return _gammaH_cache[key]
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, N, q, D, poly=None, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct a Ring-LWE oracle in dimension ``n=phi(N)`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``N`` - index of cyclotomic polynomial (integer > 0, must be power of 2)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > N (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``poly`` - a polynomial of degree ``phi(N)``. If ``None`` the
          cyclotomic polynomial used (default: ``None``).
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret. See documentation of
          :class:`LWE` for details (default='uniform')
        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLWE
            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_polynomial import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], n=euler_phi(20), sigma=3.0)
            sage: RingLWE(N=20, q=next_prime(800), D=D);
            RingLWE(20, 809, Discrete Gaussian sampler for polynomials of degree < 8 with σ=3.000000 in each component, x^8 - x^6 + x^4 - x^2 + 1, 'uniform', None)
        self.N = ZZ(N)
        self.n = euler_phi(N)
        self.m = m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K = IntegerModRing(q)

        if self.n != D.n:
            raise ValueError("Noise distribution has dimensions %d != %d" %
                             (D.n, self.n))

        self.D = D
        self.q = q
        if poly is not None:
            self.poly = poly
            self.poly = cyclotomic_polynomial(self.N, 'x')

        self.R_q = self.K['x'].quotient(self.poly, 'x')

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = self.R_q.random_element()  # uniform sampling of secret
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = self.D()
            raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood." %
Beispiel #17
    def ncusps(self):
        Return the number of cusps of this subgroup `\Gamma_0(N)`.

            sage: [Gamma0(n).ncusps() for n in [1..19]]
            [1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 6, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 8, 2]
            sage: [Gamma0(n).ncusps() for n in prime_range(2,100)]
            [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        n = self.level()
        return sum([arith.euler_phi(arith.gcd(d,n//d)) for d in n.divisors()])
Beispiel #18
    def ncusps(self):
        Return the number of cusps of this subgroup `\Gamma_0(N)`.


            sage: [Gamma0(n).ncusps() for n in [1..19]]
            [1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 6, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 8, 2]
            sage: [Gamma0(n).ncusps() for n in prime_range(2,100)]
            [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        n = self.level()
        return sum([arith.euler_phi(arith.gcd(d,n//d)) for d in n.divisors()])
Beispiel #19
    def nregcusps(self):
        Return the number of orbits of regular cusps for this subgroup. A cusp is regular
        if we may find a parabolic element generating the stabiliser of that
        cusp whose eigenvalues are both +1 rather than -1. If G contains -1,
        all cusps are regular.


            sage: GammaH(20, [17]).nregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(20, [17]).nirregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(3212, [2045, 2773]).nregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(3212, [2045, 2773]).nirregcusps()


        - Jordi Quer
        if self.is_even():
            return self.ncusps()

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()

        c = ZZ(0)
        for d in [d for d in divisors(N) if d**2 <= N]:
            Nd = lcm(d, N // d)
            Hd = set([x % Nd for x in H])
            if Nd - 1 not in Hd:
                summand = euler_phi(d) * euler_phi(N // d) // (2 * len(Hd))
                if d**2 == N:
                    c = c + summand
                    c = c + 2 * summand
        return c
Beispiel #20
    def nregcusps(self):
        Return the number of orbits of regular cusps for this subgroup. A cusp is regular
        if we may find a parabolic element generating the stabiliser of that
        cusp whose eigenvalues are both +1 rather than -1. If G contains -1,
        all cusps are regular.


            sage: GammaH(20, [17]).nregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(20, [17]).nirregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(3212, [2045, 2773]).nregcusps()
            sage: GammaH(3212, [2045, 2773]).nirregcusps()


        - Jordi Quer
        if self.is_even():
            return self.ncusps()

        N = self.level()
        H = self._list_of_elements_in_H()

        c = ZZ(0)
        for d in [d for d in divisors(N) if d**2 <= N]:
            Nd = lcm(d,N//d)
            Hd = set([x%Nd for x in H])
            if Nd - 1 not in Hd:
                summand = euler_phi(d)*euler_phi(N//d)//(2*len(Hd))
                if d**2==N:
                    c = c + summand
                    c = c + 2*summand
        return c
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self, N, q, D, poly=None, secret_dist='uniform', m=None):
        Construct a Ring-LWE oracle in dimension ``n=phi(N)`` over a ring of order
        ``q`` with noise distribution ``D``.


        - ``N`` - index of cyclotomic polynomial (integer > 0, must be power of 2)
        - ``q`` - modulus typically > N (integer > 0)
        - ``D`` - an error distribution such as an instance of
          :class:`DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler` or :class:`UniformSampler`
        - ``poly`` - a polynomial of degree ``phi(N)``. If ``None`` the
          cyclotomic polynomial used (default: ``None``).
        - ``secret_dist`` - distribution of the secret. See documentation of
          :class:`LWE` for details (default='uniform')
        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` if no such limit exists
          (default: ``None``)


            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLWE
            sage: from sage.stats.distributions.discrete_gaussian_polynomial import DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler
            sage: D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], n=euler_phi(20), sigma=3.0)
            sage: RingLWE(N=20, q=next_prime(800), D=D);
            RingLWE(20, 809, Discrete Gaussian sampler for polynomials of degree < 8 with σ=3.000000 in each component, x^8 - x^6 + x^4 - x^2 + 1, 'uniform', None)
        self.N  = ZZ(N)
        self.n = euler_phi(N)
        self.m =  m
        self.__i = 0
        self.K  = IntegerModRing(q)

        if self.n != D.n:
            raise ValueError("Noise distribution has dimensions %d != %d"%(D.n, self.n))

        self.D = D
        self.q = q
        if poly is not None:
            self.poly = poly
            self.poly = cyclotomic_polynomial(self.N, 'x')

        self.R_q = self.K['x'].quotient(self.poly, 'x')

        self.secret_dist = secret_dist
        if secret_dist == 'uniform':
            self.__s = self.R_q.random_element()  # uniform sampling of secret
        elif secret_dist == 'noise':
            self.__s = self.D()
            raise TypeError("Parameter secret_dist=%s not understood."%(secret_dist))
Beispiel #22
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of integer necklaces with the evaluation ``content``.

        The formula for the number of necklaces of content `\alpha`
        a composition of `n` is:

        .. MATH::

            \sum_{d|gcd(\alpha)} \phi(d)
            \binom{n/d}{\alpha_1/d, \ldots, \alpha_\ell/d},

        where `\phi(d)` is the Euler `\phi` function.


            sage: Necklaces([]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,3,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([0,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        necklace words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2],[0,4,2],[2,0,4]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: ns = [ Necklaces(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all( [ n.cardinality() == len(n.list()) for n in ns] )
        evaluation = self._content
        le = list(evaluation)
        if not le:
            return 0

        n = sum(le)

        return sum(
            euler_phi(j) * factorial(n / j) /
            prod(factorial(ni / j) for ni in evaluation)
            for j in divisors(gcd(le))) / n
def find_m(n, k, bound = None):
    INPUT : an integers n, a base field k, an integer bound

    OUTPUT : an integer

    Algorithm :

    Functions that given an integer n (degree of an extension) and a bound 
    returns all the candidates m, such that :

    - n|phi(m), the euler totient function,

    - (n, phi(m)/n) = 1,

    - Another one ? Maybe for q = p^d we'd want (n,d) = 1,

    We can note that if m = r^e with (e-1,n) = 1 or e = 1, then r = a*n + 1 with
    (a,n) = 1 is a suitable form for m as then phi(m) = (a*n)(an + 1)^(e-1);

    It also works in the general case if all the prime factors of m are of the 
    form a*n + 1 with (a,n) = 1. You just have to apply that to them and 
    multiply the results.
    if bound is None:
        bound_a = 100 # Arbitrary value.  
        # if m = a*n + 1 < b, then a < (b- 1)/n.
        bound_a = (bound - 1) / n 

    sol = []

    for a in range(bound_a):
        m = a*n + 1
        # m composite not implemented yet
        if not m.is_prime_power():
        elif (euler_phi(m)/n).gcd(n) != 1:
            S_t = find_trace(n, m, k)
            if len(S_t) < 1:   # Some time in the future we'd like to have a 
                continue       # better bound than just 1.
                return m, S_t
Beispiel #24
    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of integer necklaces with the evaluation ``content``.

        The formula for the number of necklaces of content `\alpha`
        a composition of `n` is:

        .. MATH::

            \sum_{d|gcd(\alpha)} \phi(d)
            \binom{n/d}{\alpha_1/d, \ldots, \alpha_\ell/d},

        where `\phi(d)` is the Euler `\phi` function.


            sage: Necklaces([]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([2,3,2]).cardinality()
            sage: Necklaces([0,3,2]).cardinality()

        Check to make sure that the count matches up with the number of
        necklace words generated.


            sage: comps = [[],[2,2],[3,2,7],[4,2],[0,4,2],[2,0,4]]+Compositions(4).list()
            sage: ns = [ Necklaces(comp) for comp in comps]
            sage: all( [ n.cardinality() == len(n.list()) for n in ns] )
        evaluation = self._content
        le = list(evaluation)
        if not le:
            return 0

        n = sum(le)

        return sum(euler_phi(j)*factorial(n/j) / prod(factorial(ni/j)
                    for ni in evaluation) for j in divisors(gcd(le))) / n
def processDirichletNavigation(args):
    s = '<table>\n'
    s += '<tr>\n<th scope="col">Characters</th>\n</tr>\n'
    for i in range(0, euler_phi(modulus)):
        s += '<tr>\n<th scope="row">' + str(i) + '</th>\n'
        s += '<td>\n'
        j = i - N
        for k in range(len(chars[j][1])):
            s += '<a style=\'display:inline\' href="Character/Dirichlet/'
            s += str(i)
            s += '/'
            s += str(chars[j][1][k])
            s += '/&numcoeff='
            s += str(numcoeff)
            s += '">'
            s += '\(\chi_{' + str(chars[j][1][k]) + '}\)</a> '
        s += '</td>\n</tr>\n'
    s += '</table>\n'
    return s
Beispiel #26
def processDirichletNavigation(args):
    s = '<table>\n'
    s += '<tr>\n<th scope="col">Characters</th>\n</tr>\n'
    for i in range(0, euler_phi(modulus)):
        s += '<tr>\n<th scope="row">' + str(i) + '</th>\n'
        s += '<td>\n'
        j = i - N
        for k in range(len(chars[j][1])):
            s += '<a style=\'display:inline\' href="Character/Dirichlet/'
            s += str(i)
            s += '/'
            s += str(chars[j][1][k])
            s += '/&numcoeff='
            s += str(numcoeff)
            s += '">'
            s += '\(\chi_{' + str(chars[j][1][k]) + '}\)</a> '
        s += '</td>\n</tr>\n'
    s += '</table>\n'
    return s
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self, N, delta=0.01, m=None):
        Construct a Ring-LWE oracle in dimension ``n=phi(N)`` where
        the modulus ``q`` and the ``stddev`` of the noise is chosen as in


        - ``N`` - index of cyclotomic polynomial (integer > 0, must be power of 2)
        - ``delta`` - error probability per symbol (default: 0.01)
        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` in which case ``3*n`` is
          used (default: ``None``)


            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLindnerPeikert
            sage: RingLindnerPeikert(N=16)
            RingLWE(16, 1031, DiscreteGaussianPolynomialSamplerRejection(8, 2.803372, 53, 4), x^8 + 1, 'noise', 24)
        n = euler_phi(N)
        if m is None:
            m = 3 * n
        # Find c>=1 such that c*exp((1-c**2)/2))**(2*n) == 2**-40
        #  i.e c>=1 such that 2*n*log(c)+n*(1-c**2) + 40*log(2) == 0
        c = var('c')
        c = find_root(2 * n * log(c) + n * (1 - c**2) + 40 * log(2) == 0, 1,
        # Upper bound on s**2/t
        s_t_bound = (sqrt(2) * pi / c / sqrt(2 * n * log(2 / delta))).n()
        # Interpretation of "choose q just large enough to allow for a Gaussian parameter s>=8" in [LP11]_
        q = next_prime(floor(2**round(log(256 / s_t_bound, 2))))
        # Gaussian parameter as defined in [LP11]_
        s = sqrt(s_t_bound * floor(q / 4))
        # Transform s into stddev
        stddev = s / sqrt(2 * pi.n())
        D = DiscreteGaussianPolynomialSampler(n, stddev)
Beispiel #28
    def __cmp__(self, other):
        Compare self to other.

        The ordering on congruence subgroups of the form GammaH(N) for
        some H is first by level and then by the subgroup H. In
        particular, this means that we have Gamma1(N) < GammaH(N) <
        Gamma0(N) for every nontrivial subgroup H.


            sage: G = Gamma0(86)
            sage: G.__cmp__(G)
            sage: G.__cmp__(GammaH(86, [11])) is not 0
            sage: Gamma1(17) < Gamma0(17)
            sage: Gamma0(1) == SL2Z
            sage: Gamma0(11) == GammaH(11, [2])
            sage: Gamma0(2) == Gamma1(2) 
        if not is_CongruenceSubgroup(other):
            return cmp(type(self), type(other))

        c = cmp(self.level(), other.level())
        if c: return c

        # Since Gamma0(N) is GammaH(N) for H all of (Z/N)^\times,
        # we know how to compare it to any other GammaH without having
        # to look at self._list_of_elements_in_H().
        from all import is_GammaH, is_Gamma0
        if is_GammaH(other):
            if is_Gamma0(other):
                return 0
                H = other._list_of_elements_in_H()
                return cmp(len(H), arith.euler_phi(self.level()))
        return cmp(type(self), type(other))
Beispiel #29
def _GammaH_coset_helper(N, H):
    Return a list of coset representatives for H in (Z / NZ)^*.


        sage: from sage.modular.arithgroup.congroup_gammaH import _GammaH_coset_helper
        sage: _GammaH_coset_helper(108, [1, 107])
        [1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, 41, 43, 47, 49, 53]
    t = [Zmod(N)(1)]
    W = [Zmod(N)(h) for h in H]
    HH = [Zmod(N)(h) for h in H]
    k = euler_phi(N)

    for i in xrange(1, N):
        if gcd(i, N) != 1: continue
        if not i in W:
            W = W + [i*h for h in HH]
            if len(W) == k: break
    return t
Beispiel #30
def _GammaH_coset_helper(N, H):
    Return a list of coset representatives for H in (Z / NZ)^*.


        sage: from sage.modular.arithgroup.congroup_gammaH import _GammaH_coset_helper
        sage: _GammaH_coset_helper(108, [1, 107])
        [1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, 41, 43, 47, 49, 53]
    t = [Zmod(N)(1)]
    W = [Zmod(N)(h) for h in H]
    HH = [Zmod(N)(h) for h in H]
    k = euler_phi(N)

    for i in xrange(1, N):
        if gcd(i, N) != 1: continue
        if not i in W:
            t.append(t[0] * i)
            W = W + [i * h for h in HH]
            if len(W) == k: break
    return t
Beispiel #31
    def __init__(self, N, delta=0.01, m=None):
        Construct a Ring-LWE oracle in dimension ``n=phi(N)`` where
        the modulus ``q`` and the ``stddev`` of the noise is chosen as in


        - ``N`` - index of cyclotomic polynomial (integer > 0, must be power of 2)
        - ``delta`` - error probability per symbol (default: 0.01)
        - ``m`` - number of allowed samples or ``None`` in which case ``3*n`` is
          used (default: ``None``)


            sage: from sage.crypto.lwe import RingLindnerPeikert
            sage: RingLindnerPeikert(N=16)
            RingLWE(16, 1031, Discrete Gaussian sampler for polynomials of degree < 8 with σ=2.803372 in each component, x^8 + 1, 'noise', 24)
        n = euler_phi(N)
        if m is None:
            m = 3*n
        # Find c>=1 such that c*exp((1-c**2)/2))**(2*n) == 2**-40
        #  i.e c>=1 such that 2*n*log(c)+n*(1-c**2) + 40*log(2) == 0
        c = SR.var('c')
        c = find_root(2*n*log(c)+n*(1-c**2) + 40*log(2) == 0, 1, 10)
        # Upper bound on s**2/t
        s_t_bound = (sqrt(2) * pi / c / sqrt(2*n*log(2/delta))).n()
        # Interpretation of "choose q just large enough to allow for a Gaussian parameter s>=8" in [LP11]_
        q = next_prime(floor(2**round(log(256 / s_t_bound, 2))))
        # Gaussian parameter as defined in [LP11]_
        s = sqrt(s_t_bound*floor(q/4))
        # Transform s into stddev
        stddev = s/sqrt(2*pi.n())
        D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionPolynomialSampler(ZZ['x'], n, stddev)
        RingLWE.__init__(self, N=N, q=q, D=D, poly=None, secret_dist='noise', m=m)
Beispiel #32
def attack(m, q, r=4, sigma=3.0, subfield_only=False):
    K = CyclotomicField(m, 'z')
    z = K.gen()
    OK = K.ring_of_integers()
    G = K.galois_group()

    n = euler_phi(m)
    mprime = m / r
    nprime = euler_phi(mprime)
    Gprime = [tau for tau in G if tau(z**r) == z**r]

    R = PolynomialRing(IntegerRing(), 'a')
    a = R.gen()
    phim = a**n + 1
    D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(sigma)

    print "sampling f,g"
    while True:
        f = sum([D() * z**i for i in range(n)])
        fx = sum([f[i] * a**i for i in range(n)])

        res = inverse(fx, phim, q)
        if res[0]:
            f_inv = sum([res[1][i] * z**i for i in range(n)])
            print "f_inv * f = %s (mod %d)" % ((f * f_inv).mod(q), q)

    g = sum([D() * z**i for i in range(n)])
    print "done sampling f, g"

    #h = [g*f^{-1)]_q
    h = (g * f_inv).mod(q)

    lognorm_f = log(f.vector().norm(), 2)
    lognorm_g = log(g.vector().norm(), 2)

    print "f*h - g = %s" % (f * h - g).mod(q)
    print "log q = ", log(q, 2).n(precision)
    print "log |f| = %s, log |g| = %s" % (lognorm_f.n(precision),
    print "log |(f,g)| = ", log(
        sqrt(f.vector().norm()**2 + g.vector().norm()**2), 2).n(precision)

    print "begin computing N(f), N(g), N(h), Tr(h), fbar"
    fprime = norm(f, Gprime)
    gprime = norm(g, Gprime)
    hprime = norm(h, Gprime).mod(q)
    htr = trace(h, Gprime)
    fbar = prod([tau(f) for tau in Gprime[1:]])
    print "end computing N(f), N(g), N(h), Tr(h), fbar"

    lognorm_fp = log(fprime.vector().norm(), 2)
    lognorm_gp = log(gprime.vector().norm(), 2)

    print "%d * log |f| - log |f'| = %s" % (r, r * lognorm_f.n(precision) -
    print "log |(f', g')| = ", log(
        sqrt(fprime.vector().norm()**2 + gprime.vector().norm()**2),
    print "log |N(f), Tr(g fbar)| = ", log(
        sqrt(fprime.vector().norm()**2 +
             trace(g * fbar, Gprime).vector().norm()**2), 2).n(precision)

    #(fprime, gprime) lies in the lattice \Lambda_hprime^q
    print "f'*h' - g' = %s " % (hprime * fprime - gprime).mod(q)
    print "N(f) Tr(h) - Tr(g fbar) = %s" % (htr * fprime -
                                            trace(g * fbar, Gprime)).mod(q)

    if not subfield_only:
        ntru_full = NTRU(h, K, q)
        full_sv = ntru_full.shortest_vector()

        print "log |v| = %s" % log(full_sv.norm(), 2).n(precision)

    ntru_subfield = NTRU_subfield(hprime, q, nprime, r)
    ntru_trace_subfield = NTRU_subfield(htr, q, nprime, r)

    print "begin computing Shortest Vector of subfield lattice"
    norm_sv = ntru_subfield.shortest_vector()
    tr_sv = ntru_trace_subfield.shortest_vector()
    print "end computing Shortest Vector of subfield lattice"

    norm_xp = sum(
        [coerce(Integer, norm_sv[i]) * z**(r * i) for i in range(nprime)])
    tr_xp = sum(
        [coerce(Integer, tr_sv[i]) * z**(r * i) for i in range(nprime)])

    print "Norm map: log |(x',y')| = ", log(norm_sv.norm(), 2).n(precision)
    print "Trace map: log |(x', y')| = ", log(tr_sv.norm(), 2).n(precision)
    #test if xprime belongs to <fprime>
    mat = []
    for i in range(nprime):
        coordinate = (fprime * z**(r * i)).vector().list()
        mat.append([coordinate[r * j] for j in range(nprime)])
    FL = IntegerLattice(mat)
    print norm_sv[:nprime] in FL
    print tr_sv[:nprime] in FL

    norm_x = norm_xp
    norm_y = mod_q(norm_x * h, q)

    tr_x = tr_xp
    tr_y = mod_q(tr_x * h, q)

    print "Norm map: log |(x,y)| = ", log(
        sqrt(norm_x.vector().norm()**2 + norm_y.vector().norm()**2),
    print "Trace map: log |(x,y)| = ", log(
        sqrt(tr_x.vector().norm()**2 + tr_y.vector().norm()**2),
Beispiel #33
def find_unique_orbit_elliptic(E, m, case = 0, one_element = 0):
    INPUT : 
    - ``E`` -- an elliptic curve with the properties given in isom_elliptic 
      and/or find_elliptic_curve.

    - ``m`` -- an integer with the properties given in isom_elliptic and/or in 

    - ``case`` -- integer (default : 0) depends on the j-invariant's value :
        - ``0`` means j is not 0 nor 1728 or E is supersingular,
        - ``1`` means j is 1728,
        - ``2`` means j is 0.

    OUPUT : 
    - An element in the field K_E over which E is defined, with a unique orbit 
      under the action of the Galois group  K_E/k.


    - Case j != 0, 1728

        sage: E = EllipticCurve(j = GF(5)(1))

        sage: EK = E.change_ring(GF(5**19, prefix = 'z', conway = True)

        sage: m = 229

        sage: elem1 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem2 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem1.minpoly() == elem2.minpoly()


    - Case j = 1728 and trace != 0

        sage : E = EllipticCurve(j = GF(5)(1728))

        sage: EK = E.change_ring(GF(5**19, prefix = 'z', conway = True)

        sage: m = 229

        sage: elem1 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem2 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem1.minpoly() == elem2.minpoly()


    - Case j = 0 and trace != 0

        sage: E = EllipticCurve(j = GF(7)(0))

        sage: EK = E.change_ring(GF(7**23, prefix = 'z', conway = True)

        sage: m = 139

        sage: elem1 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem2 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem1.minpoly() == elem2.minpoly()



    From a point of order m on E/GF(q^n), we use its abscissas to generate a 
    uniquely defined element. To defined such element, we need to calculate 
    periods of the Galois action. The trace of the elliptic curve we are using 
    is of the form t = a + q/a, with a of order n in (Z/m)*. So for S a subgroup
    of the Galois groupe, we have (Z/m)* = <a> x S. To compute the elliptic
    periods, we use the formulas :

        - u = sum_{i \in S} (([i]P)[0])^2, for j not 0 nor 1728 or t = 0,
        - u = sum_{i \in S} (([i]P)[0])^4, for j = 1728,
        - u = sum_{i \in S} (([i]P)[0])^6, for j = 0.
    n = E.base_ring().degree()
    p = E.base_ring().characteristic()

    # Tbe case p = 2 or 3 can't use the XZ algorithm
    if p == 2 or p == 3:
        O = E([0,1,0])
        P = O
        cofactor = E.cardinality()/m
        while any(i*P == O for i in range(1,m)):
            P = ZZ(cofactor)*E.random_point()

        gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
        order = euler_phi(m)/(2*n)

        return sum( (ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[0] for i in range(order))
        P = XZ.find_ordm(E, m)

        if n%2 == 1:
            if case == 0:
        # Looking for a generator of order exactly phi(m)/n in 
        # (Z/m)*/something.
                gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
                order = euler_phi(m)/(2*n)
                return sum((XZ.ladder(P, ZZ(gen_G**i), E.a4(), E.a6())[0]) for i in 
            elif case == 1:
                gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
                order = euler_phi(m)/(4*n)
                return sum((XZ.ladder(P, ZZ(gen_G**i), E.a4(), E.a6())[0])**2 for i in 

            elif case == 2:
                gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
                order = euler_phi(m)/(6*n)

                return sum((XZ.ladder(P, ZZ(gen_G**i), E.a4(), E.a6())[0])**3 for i in

            if one_element == 1:
                return P 

            elif case == 0:
        # Looking for a generator of order exactly phi(m)/n in 
        # (Z/m)*/something.
                gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
                order = euler_phi(m)//(n)
                per = sum((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[1] for i in range(order)) 
                return per**2
                raise NotImplementedError
def find_trace(n,m,k):
    INPUT : an integer n, an integer m, a base field k

    OUTPUT : a list of integer mod m or a list of a couple of integers mod m

    Algorithm :

    If m is a power of p, then we look for class modulo m with order equal to n.
    Then, we return the list of all such class.

    If m is a power of prime different from p, we look for a in (Z/m)* such 
    that :

    - ord_m(a) < ord_m(q/a) and ord_m(a) = n,


    - ord_m(q/a) < ord_a and ord_m(q/a) = n.

    And we return a + q/a.

    Here a plays the role of one of the two roots of the future characteristic 
    polynomial of the Frobenius of the elliptic curve we'll use; i.e.

    X^2 - (a + q/a)*X + a*(q/a) = X^2 - t*X + q

    if we write t = a + q/a. From that, we will pick elliptic curves which have 
    one of the t's as trace of its Frobenius.
    Zm = Integers(m)
    p = k.characteristic()
    q = k.cardinality()
    sq = sqrt(float(2*q))
    q_m = Zm(q)

    # If m is a multiple of p, then we just need the trace to be of order 
    #exactly n in (Z/m)*
    if not m.is_prime_power():
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif m%p == 0:
        sol = []
        phi_m = euler_phi(m)
        alpha = phi_m/n
        g = Zm.unit_gens()[0]

        log_t = [i*alpha for i in n.coprime_integers(n)]

        for t in [g**i for i in log_t]:
            if abs(t.centerlift()) > sq:

        return set(sol)
    # We don't want q to be of order n or dividing n, then q/a would be of order
    # n; which is unacceptable.
    elif q_m**n == 1:
        return []
        sol = []
        phi_m = euler_phi(m)
        alpha = phi_m/phi_m.gcd(n)
        g = Zm.unit_gens()[0]
        Zphi_m = Integers(phi_m)
        log_a = [i*alpha for i in n.coprime_integers(n)]
        a = [g**i for i in log_a]
        log_q = q_m.log(g)

        for i in range(len(log_a)):
            diff = log_q - log_a[i]
            b = g**diff
            ord_b = diff.order()

            if ord_b <= n:
            elif abs((a[i] + b).centerlift()) > sq:
                sol.append(a[i] + b)

        return set(sol)
Beispiel #35
def find_m(n, k, bound = None, b = 1):
    INPUT :

    - ``n`` -- an integer, the degree,

    - ``k`` -- a finite field, the base field,

    - ``bound`` -- (default : None) a positive integer used as the max for m.

    OUTPUT :

    - A tuple containing an integer and a set of class modulo m.


    sage: find_m(281, GF(1747))

    (3373, {4, 14, 18, 43, 57, 3325, 3337, 3348, 3354, 3357, 3364})

    sage: find_m(23, GF(11))

    (47, {0, 1, 2, 3, 44, 45, 46})

    First and foremost we are looking for an integer m for which n | phi(m). A 
    good way to obtain such integers is to look for prime power of  the form 

    m = an + 1, 

    because then phi(m) = d.(an) which is divisible by n. We also want phi(m) 
    to be coprime with n, then choosing m to be a prime (which is possible 
    thanks to Dirichlet's theorem on the arithmetic progressions) we ensure 
    that it is actually the case.

    It still works fine, theoratically, if an + 1 is a prime power and d isn't 
    divisble by n. Though, we almost always get to pick a m that is prime.
    Once we have that integer, we try to compute good candidates for the 
    traces and see how many works. If less than a certain number works (this 
    number is equal to 1 at the moment), we discard it and test the next prime 
    power. When one is found, we return it with its trace class candidates.
    if bound is None:
        bound_a = 100 # Arbitrary value.  
        # if m = a*n + 1 < b, then a < (b- 1)/n.
        bound_a = (bound - 1) / n 

    for a in range(bound_a):
        m = a*n + b
            euphin = ZZ(euler_phi(m)/n)
        except TypeError:
        # m composite not implemented yet
        if not m.is_prime():
        #elif euphin == 1:
        #    temp = find_m(n, k, b = b+1)
        #    if temp  == None:
        #        continue
        #    else:
        #       return temp
        elif euphin.gcd(n) != 1:
            S_t = find_trace(n, m, k)
            # Some time in the future we'd like to have a 
            # better bound than just 1.
            if len(S_t) < 1:   
                return m, S_t, 0
Beispiel #36
def gen_lattice(type="modular", n=4, m=8, q=11, seed=None, quotient=None, dual=False, ntl=False, lattice=False):
    This function generates different types of integral lattice bases
    of row vectors relevant in cryptography.

    Randomness can be set either with ``seed``, or by using


    - ``type`` -- one of the following strings
        - ``'modular'`` (default) -- A class of lattices for which
          asymptotic worst-case to average-case connections hold. For
          more refer to [A96]_.
        - ``'random'`` -- Special case of modular (n=1). A dense class
          of lattice used for testing basis reduction algorithms
          proposed by Goldstein and Mayer [GM02]_.
        - ``'ideal'`` -- Special case of modular. Allows for a more
          compact representation proposed by [LM06]_.
        - ``'cyclotomic'`` -- Special case of ideal. Allows for
          efficient processing proposed by [LM06]_.
    - ``n`` -- Determinant size, primal:`det(L) = q^n`, dual:`det(L) = q^{m-n}`.
      For ideal lattices this is also the degree of the quotient polynomial.
    - ``m`` -- Lattice dimension, `L \subseteq Z^m`.
    - ``q`` -- Coefficent size, `q-Z^m \subseteq L`.
    - ``seed`` -- Randomness seed.
    - ``quotient`` -- For the type ideal, this determines the quotient
      polynomial. Ignored for all other types.
    - ``dual`` -- Set this flag if you want a basis for `q-dual(L)`, for example
      for Regev's LWE bases [R05]_.
    - ``ntl`` -- Set this flag if you want the lattice basis in NTL readable
    - ``lattice`` -- Set this flag if you want a
      :class:`FreeModule_submodule_with_basis_integer` object instead
      of an integer matrix representing the basis.

    OUTPUT: ``B`` a unique size-reduced triangular (primal: lower_left,
      dual: lower_right) basis of row vectors for the lattice in question.


    Modular basis::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, seed=42)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 2  4  3  5  1  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 1 -5 -4  2  0  1  0  0  0  0]
        [-4  3 -1  1  0  0  1  0  0  0]
        [-2 -3 -4 -1  0  0  0  1  0  0]
        [-5 -5  3  3  0  0  0  0  1  0]
        [-4 -3  2 -5  0  0  0  0  0  1]

    Random basis::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=1, m=10, q=11^4, seed=42)
        [14641     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [  431     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [-4792     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [ 1015     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [-3086     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0]
        [-5378     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0]
        [ 4769     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0]
        [-1159     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0]
        [ 3082     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0]
        [-4580     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1]

    Ideal bases with quotient x^n-1, m=2*n are NTRU bases::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='ideal', seed=42, quotient=x^4-1)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 4 -2 -3 -3  1  0  0  0]
        [-3  4 -2 -3  0  1  0  0]
        [-3 -3  4 -2  0  0  1  0]
        [-2 -3 -3  4  0  0  0  1]

    Ideal bases also work with polynomials::

        sage: R.<t> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='ideal', seed=1234, quotient=t^4-1)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 4  1  4 -3  1  0  0  0]
        [-3  4  1  4  0  1  0  0]
        [ 4 -3  4  1  0  0  1  0]
        [ 1  4 -3  4  0  0  0  1]

    Cyclotomic bases with n=2^k are SWIFFT bases::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='cyclotomic', seed=42)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 4 -2 -3 -3  1  0  0  0]
        [ 3  4 -2 -3  0  1  0  0]
        [ 3  3  4 -2  0  0  1  0]
        [ 2  3  3  4  0  0  0  1]

    Dual modular bases are related to Regev's famous public-key
    encryption [R05]_::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=10, seed=42, dual=True)
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 11]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 11  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 11  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0 11  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  1 -5 -2 -1  1 -3  5]
        [ 0  0  1  0 -3  4  1  4 -3 -2]
        [ 0  1  0  0 -4  5 -3  3  5  3]
        [ 1  0  0  0 -2 -1  4  2  5  4]

    Relation of primal and dual bases::

        sage: B_primal=sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42)
        sage: B_dual=sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42, dual=True)
        sage: B_dual_alt=transpose(11*B_primal.inverse()).change_ring(ZZ)
        sage: B_dual_alt.hermite_form() == B_dual.hermite_form()


    Test some bad quotient polynomials::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='ideal', seed=1234, quotient=cos(x))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: unable to convert cos(x) to an integer
        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='ideal', seed=1234, quotient=x^23-1)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: ideal basis requires n =
        sage: R.<u,v> = ZZ[]
        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='ideal', seed=1234, quotient=u+v)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: quotient should be a univariate polynomial

    We are testing output format choices::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 2  4  3  5  1  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 1 -5 -4  2  0  1  0  0  0  0]
        [-4  3 -1  1  0  0  1  0  0  0]
        [-2 -3 -4 -1  0  0  0  1  0  0]
        [-5 -5  3  3  0  0  0  0  1  0]
        [-4 -3  2 -5  0  0  0  0  0  1]

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42, ntl=True)
        [11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        [2 4 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 0]
        [1 -5 -4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0]
        [-4 3 -1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0]
        [-2 -3 -4 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0]
        [-5 -5 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 0]
        [-4 -3 2 -5 0 0 0 0 0 1]

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42, lattice=True)
        Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring
        User basis matrix:
        [ 0  0  1  1  0 -1 -1 -1  1  0]
        [-1  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  1  1]
        [-1  0  0  0 -1  1  1 -2  0  0]
        [-1 -1  0  1  1  0  0  1  1 -1]
        [ 1  0 -1  0  0  0 -2 -2  0  0]
        [ 2 -1  0  0  1  0  1  0  0 -1]
        [-1  1 -1  0  1 -1  1  0 -1 -2]
        [ 0  0 -1  3  0  0  0 -1 -1 -1]
        [ 0 -1  0 -1  2  0 -1  0  0  2]
        [ 0  1  1  0  1  1 -2  1 -1 -2]


    .. [A96] Miklos Ajtai.
      Generating hard instances of lattice problems (extended abstract).
      STOC, pp. 99--108, ACM, 1996.

    .. [GM02] Daniel Goldstein and Andrew Mayer.
      On the equidistribution of Hecke points.
      Forum Mathematicum, 15:2, pp. 165--189, De Gruyter, 2003.

    .. [LM06] Vadim Lyubashevsky and Daniele Micciancio.
      Generalized compact knapsacks are collision resistant.
      ICALP, pp. 144--155, Springer, 2006.

    .. [R05] Oded Regev.
      On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography.
      STOC, pp. 84--93, ACM, 2005.
    from sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod_ring import IntegerModRing
    from sage.matrix.constructor import identity_matrix, block_matrix
    from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
    from sage.rings.integer_ring import IntegerRing

    if seed is not None:
        from sage.misc.randstate import set_random_seed


    if type == "random":
        if n != 1:
            raise ValueError("random bases require n = 1")

    ZZ = IntegerRing()
    ZZ_q = IntegerModRing(q)
    A = identity_matrix(ZZ_q, n)

    if type == "random" or type == "modular":
        R = MatrixSpace(ZZ_q, m - n, n)
        A = A.stack(R.random_element())

    elif type == "ideal":
        if quotient is None:
            raise ValueError("ideal bases require a quotient polynomial")
            quotient = quotient.change_ring(ZZ_q)
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            quotient = quotient.polynomial(base_ring=ZZ_q)

        P = quotient.parent()
        # P should be a univariate polynomial ring over ZZ_q
        if not is_PolynomialRing(P):
            raise TypeError("quotient should be a univariate polynomial")
        assert P.base_ring() is ZZ_q

        if != n:
            raise ValueError("ideal basis requires n =")
        R = P.quotient(quotient)
        for i in range(m // n):
            A = A.stack(R.random_element().matrix())

    elif type == "cyclotomic":
        from sage.rings.arith import euler_phi
        from sage.misc.functional import cyclotomic_polynomial

        # we assume that n+1 <= min( euler_phi^{-1}(n) ) <= 2*n
        found = False
        for k in range(2 * n, n, -1):
            if euler_phi(k) == n:
                found = True
        if not found:
            raise ValueError("cyclotomic bases require that n " "is an image of Euler's totient function")

        R = ZZ_q["x"].quotient(cyclotomic_polynomial(k, "x"), "x")
        for i in range(m // n):
            A = A.stack(R.random_element().matrix())

    # switch from representatives 0,...,(q-1) to (1-q)/2,....,(q-1)/2
    def minrep(a):
        if abs(a - q) < abs(a):
            return a - q
            return a

    A_prime = A[n:m].lift().apply_map(minrep)

    if not dual:
        B = block_matrix([[ZZ(q),], [A_prime,]], subdivide=False)
        B = block_matrix([[, -A_prime.transpose()], [, ZZ(q)]], subdivide=False)
        for i in range(m // 2):
            B.swap_rows(i, m - i - 1)

    if ntl and lattice:
        raise ValueError("Cannot specify ntl=True and lattice=True " "at the same time")

    if ntl:
        return B._ntl_()
    elif lattice:
        from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice

        return IntegerLattice(B)
        return B
Beispiel #37
def gen_lattice(type='modular', n=4, m=8, q=11, seed=None, \
                quotient=None, dual=False, ntl=False):
    This function generates different types of integral lattice bases
    of row vectors relevant in cryptography.

    Randomness can be set either with ``seed``, or by using


    * ``type`` - one of the following strings
        * ``'modular'`` (default). A class of lattices for which
          asymptotic worst-case to average-case connections hold. For
          more refer to [A96]_.
        * ``'random'`` - Special case of modular (n=1). A dense class
          of lattice used for testing basis reduction algorithms
          proposed by Goldstein and Mayer [GM02]_.
        * ``'ideal'`` - Special case of modular. Allows for a more
          compact representation proposed by [LM06]_.
        * ``'cyclotomic'`` - Special case of ideal. Allows for
          efficient processing proposed by [LM06]_.
    * ``n`` - Determinant size, primal:`det(L) = q^n`, dual:`det(L) = q^{m-n}`.
      For ideal lattices this is also the degree of the quotient polynomial.
    * ``m`` - Lattice dimension, `L \subseteq Z^m`.
    * ``q`` - Coefficent size, `q*Z^m \subseteq L`.
    * ``seed`` - Randomness seed.
    * ``quotient`` - For the type ideal, this determines the quotient
      polynomial. Ignored for all other types.
    * ``dual`` - Set this flag if you want a basis for `q*dual(L)`, for example
      for Regev's LWE bases [R05]_.
    * ``ntl`` - Set this flag if you want the lattice basis in NTL readable

    OUTPUT: ``B`` a unique size-reduced triangular (primal: lower_left, 
      dual: lower_right) basis of row vectors for the lattice in question.


    * Modular basis ::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, seed=42)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 2  4  3  5  1  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 1 -5 -4  2  0  1  0  0  0  0]
        [-4  3 -1  1  0  0  1  0  0  0]
        [-2 -3 -4 -1  0  0  0  1  0  0]
        [-5 -5  3  3  0  0  0  0  1  0]
        [-4 -3  2 -5  0  0  0  0  0  1]

    * Random basis ::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=1, m=10, q=11^4, seed=42)
        [14641     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [  431     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [-4792     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [ 1015     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0     0]
        [-3086     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0]
        [-5378     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0     0]
        [ 4769     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0     0]
        [-1159     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0]
        [ 3082     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0]
        [-4580     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     1]

    * Ideal bases with quotient x^n-1, m=2*n are NTRU bases ::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='ideal', seed=42, quotient=x^4-1)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 4 -2 -3 -3  1  0  0  0]
        [-3  4 -2 -3  0  1  0  0]
        [-3 -3  4 -2  0  0  1  0]
        [-2 -3 -3  4  0  0  0  1]

    * Cyclotomic bases with n=2^k are SWIFFT bases ::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='cyclotomic', seed=42)
        [11  0  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0 11  0  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 4 -2 -3 -3  1  0  0  0]
        [ 3  4 -2 -3  0  1  0  0]
        [ 3  3  4 -2  0  0  1  0]
        [ 2  3  3  4  0  0  0  1]

    * Dual modular bases are related to Regev's famous public-key
      encryption [R05]_ ::

        sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=10, seed=42, dual=True)
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 11]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 11  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 11  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0  0 11  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  0 11  0  0  0  0  0]
        [ 0  0  0  1 -5 -2 -1  1 -3  5]
        [ 0  0  1  0 -3  4  1  4 -3 -2]
        [ 0  1  0  0 -4  5 -3  3  5  3]
        [ 1  0  0  0 -2 -1  4  2  5  4]

    * Relation of primal and dual bases ::

        sage: B_primal=sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42)
        sage: B_dual=sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, q=11, seed=42, dual=True)
        sage: B_dual_alt=transpose(11*B_primal.inverse()).change_ring(ZZ)
        sage: B_dual_alt.hermite_form() == B_dual.hermite_form()


.. [A96] Miklos Ajtai.
   Generating hard instances of lattice problems (extended abstract).
   STOC, pp. 99--108, ACM, 1996.

.. [GM02] Daniel Goldstein and Andrew Mayer.
   On the equidistribution of Hecke points.
   Forum Mathematicum, 15:2, pp. 165--189, De Gruyter, 2003.

.. [LM06] Vadim Lyubashevsky and Daniele Micciancio.
   Generalized compact knapsacks are collision resistant.
   ICALP, pp. 144--155, Springer, 2006.

.. [R05] Oded Regev.
   On lattices, learning with errors, random linear codes, and cryptography.
   STOC, pp. 84--93, ACM, 2005.
    from sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod_ring \
        import IntegerModRing
    from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix, \
        identity_matrix, block_matrix
    from sage.matrix.matrix_space import MatrixSpace
    from sage.rings.integer_ring import IntegerRing
    if seed != None:
        from sage.misc.randstate import set_random_seed

    if type == 'random':
        if n != 1: raise ValueError('random bases require n = 1')

    ZZ = IntegerRing()
    ZZ_q = IntegerModRing(q)
    A = identity_matrix(ZZ_q, n)

    if type == 'random' or type == 'modular':
        R = MatrixSpace(ZZ_q, m-n, n)
        A = A.stack(R.random_element())

    elif type == 'ideal':
        if quotient == None: raise \
            ValueError('ideal bases require a quotient polynomial')
        x = quotient.default_variable()
        if n != raise \
            ValueError('ideal bases require n  =')
        R = ZZ_q[x].quotient(quotient, x)
        for i in range(m//n):
            A = A.stack(R.random_element().matrix())

    elif type == 'cyclotomic':
        from sage.rings.arith import euler_phi
        from sage.misc.functional import cyclotomic_polynomial

        # we assume that n+1 <= min( euler_phi^{-1}(n) ) <= 2*n
        found = False
        for k in range(2*n,n,-1):
            if euler_phi(k) == n:
                found = True
        if not found: raise \
            ValueError('cyclotomic bases require that n is an image of' + \
                       'Euler\'s totient function')

        R = ZZ_q['x'].quotient(cyclotomic_polynomial(k, 'x'), 'x')
        for i in range(m//n):
            A = A.stack(R.random_element().matrix())

    # switch from representatives 0,...,(q-1) to (1-q)/2,....,(q-1)/2
    def minrep(a):
        if abs(a-q) < abs(a): return a-q
        else: return a
    A_prime = A[n:m].lift().apply_map(minrep)

    if not dual:
        B = block_matrix([[ZZ(q),], [A_prime,] ], \
        B = block_matrix([[, -A_prime.transpose()], [, \
                         ZZ(q)]], subdivide=False)
        for i in range(m//2): B.swap_rows(i,m-i-1)

    if not ntl:
        return B
        return B._ntl_()
def find_unique_orbit_elliptic(E, m, Y_coordinates = False, case = 0):
    INPUT : 
    - ``E`` -- an elliptic curve with the properties given in isom_elliptic 
      and/or find_elliptic_curve.

    - ``m`` -- an integer with the properties given in isom_elliptic and/or in 

    - ``Y_coordinates`` -- boolean (default : False) determines if X or Y 
      coordinates are used.

    - ``case`` -- integer (default : 0) depends on the j-invariant's value :
        - ``0`` means j is not 0 nor 1728 or t = 0,
        - ``1`` means j is 1728,
        - ``2`` means j is 0.

    OUPUT : 
    - A uniquely defined element of the field where E is defined, namely the 
      extension of degree n considered; unique means every produced elements 
      have the same minimal polynomial.


    - Case j != 0, 1728

        sage: E = EllipticCurve(j = GF(5)(1))

        sage: EK = E.change_ring(GF(5**19, prefix = 'z', conway = True)

        sage: m = 229

        sage: elem1 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem2 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem1.minpoly() == elem2.minpoly()


    - Case j = 1728 and trace != 0

        sage : E = EllipticCurve(j = GF(5)(1728))

        sage: EK = E.change_ring(GF(5**19, prefix = 'z', conway = True)

        sage: m = 229

        sage: elem1 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem2 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem1.minpoly() == elem2.minpoly()


    - Case j = 0 and trace != 0

        sage: E = EllipticCurve(j = GF(7)(0))

        sage: EK = E.change_ring(GF(7**23, prefix = 'z', conway = True)

        sage: m = 139

        sage: elem1 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem2 = find_unique_orbit_elliptic(EK,m)

        sage: elem1.minpoly() == elem2.minpoly()


    cofactor = E.cardinality()//m
    n = E.base_ring().degree()

    # Searching for a point of order exactly m.
    w = cputime()
    P = E(0)
    while any((m//i)*P == 0 for i in m.prime_divisors()):
        P = cofactor*E.random_point()
    w_ordm = cputime(w)
    w = cputime()

    if case == 0:
        # Looking for a generator of order exactly phi(m)/n in 
        # phi(m)/something.
        gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
        order = euler_phi(m)//(2*n)

        if not Y_coordinates:
            r = sum((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[0] for i in range(order))
            w_period = cputime(w)
            return w_ordm, w_period
            return sum(((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[1])**2 for i in range(order))
    elif case == 1:
        gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
        order = euler_phi(m)/(4*n)
        if not Y_coordinates:
            r = sum(((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[0])**2 for i in range(order))
            w_period = cputime(w)
            return w_ordm, w_period
            return sum(((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[1])**4 for i in range(order))

    elif case == 2:
        gen_G = Integers(m).unit_gens()[0]**n
        order = euler_phi(m)/(6*n)

        if not Y_coordinates:
            r = sum(((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[0])**3 for i in range(order))
            w_period = cputime(w)
            return w_ordm, w_period
            return sum(((ZZ(gen_G**i)*P)[1])**6 for i in range(order))