def local_density(self, p, m):
    Gives the local density -- should be called by the user. =)

    NOTE: This screens for imprimitive forms, and puts the quadratic
    form in local normal form, which is a *requirement* of the
    routines performing the computations!


        `p` -- a prime number > 0
        `m` -- an integer


        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1])   ## NOTE: This is already in local normal form for *all* primes p!
        sage: Q.local_density(p=2, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=3, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=5, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=7, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=11, m=1)

    n = self.dim()
    if (n == 0):
        raise TypeError("Oops!  We currently don't handle 0-dim'l forms. =(")

    ## Find the local normal form and p-scale of Q     --  Note: This uses the valuation ordering of local_normal_form.
    ##                                                     TO DO:  Write a separate p-scale and p-norm routines!
    Q_local = self.local_normal_form(p)
    if n == 1:
        p_valuation = valuation(Q_local[0, 0], p)
        p_valuation = min(valuation(Q_local[0, 0], p),
                          valuation(Q_local[0, 1], p))

    ## If m is less p-divisible than the matrix, return zero
    if (
        (m != 0) and (valuation(m, p) < p_valuation)
    ):  ## Note: The (m != 0) condition protects taking the valuation of zero.
        return QQ(0)

    ## If the form is imprimitive, rescale it and call the local density routine
    p_adjustment = QQ(1) / p**p_valuation
    m_prim = QQ(m) / p**p_valuation
    Q_prim = Q_local.scale_by_factor(p_adjustment)

    ## Return the densities for the reduced problem
    return Q_prim.local_density_congruence(p, m_prim)
def local_density(self, p, m):
    Gives the local density -- should be called by the user. =)

    NOTE: This screens for imprimitive forms, and puts the quadratic
    form in local normal form, which is a *requirement* of the
    routines performing the computations!


        `p` -- a prime number > 0
        `m` -- an integer


        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1])   ## NOTE: This is already in local normal form for *all* primes p!
        sage: Q.local_density(p=2, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=3, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=5, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=7, m=1)
        sage: Q.local_density(p=11, m=1)

    n = self.dim()
    if (n == 0):
        raise TypeError("Oops!  We currently don't handle 0-dim'l forms. =(")

    ## Find the local normal form and p-scale of Q     --  Note: This uses the valuation ordering of local_normal_form.
    ##                                                     TO DO:  Write a separate p-scale and p-norm routines!
    Q_local = self.local_normal_form(p)
    if n == 1:
        p_valuation = valuation(Q_local[0,0], p)
        p_valuation = min(valuation(Q_local[0,0], p), valuation(Q_local[0,1], p))

    ## If m is less p-divisible than the matrix, return zero
    if ((m != 0) and (valuation(m,p) < p_valuation)):   ## Note: The (m != 0) condition protects taking the valuation of zero.
        return QQ(0)

    ## If the form is imprimitive, rescale it and call the local density routine
    p_adjustment = QQ(1) / p**p_valuation
    m_prim = QQ(m) / p**p_valuation
    Q_prim = Q_local.scale_by_factor(p_adjustment)

    ## Return the densities for the reduced problem
    return Q_prim.local_density_congruence(p, m_prim)
def find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(self, p):
    Finds the entry of the quadratic form with minimal scale at the
    prime p, preferring diagonal entries in case of a tie.  (I.e.  If
    we write the quadratic form as a symmetric matrix M, then this
    entry M[i,j] has the minimal valuation at the prime p.)

    Note: This answer is independent of the kind of matrix (Gram or
    Hessian) associated to the form.


        `p` -- a prime number > 0


        a pair of integers >= 0


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [6, 2, 20]); Q
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 6 2 ]
        [ * 20 ]
        sage: Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(2)
        (0, 1)
        sage: Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(3)
        (1, 1)
        sage: Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(5)
        (0, 0)

    n = self.dim()
    min_val = Infinity
    ij_index = None
    val_2 = valuation(2, p)
    for d in range(n):  ## d = difference j-i
        for e in range(n -
                       d):  ## e is the length of the diagonal with value d.

            ## Compute the valuation of the entry
            if d == 0:
                tmp_val = valuation(self[e, e + d], p)
                tmp_val = valuation(self[e, e + d], p) - val_2

            ## Check if it's any smaller than what we have
            if tmp_val < min_val:
                ij_index = (e, e + d)
                min_val = tmp_val

    ## Return the result
    return ij_index
def find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(self, p):
    Finds the entry of the quadratic form with minimal scale at the
    prime p, preferring diagonal entries in case of a tie.  (I.e.  If
    we write the quadratic form as a symmetric matrix M, then this
    entry M[i,j] has the minimal valuation at the prime p.)

    Note: This answer is independent of the kind of matrix (Gram or
    Hessian) associated to the form.


        `p` -- a prime number > 0


        a pair of integers >= 0


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [6, 2, 20]); Q
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 6 2 ]
        [ * 20 ]
        sage: Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(2)
        (0, 1)
        sage: Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(3)
        (1, 1)
        sage: Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(5)
        (0, 0)

    n = self.dim()
    min_val = Infinity
    ij_index = None
    val_2 = valuation(2, p)
    for d in range(n):           ## d = difference j-i
        for e in range(n - d):    ## e is the length of the diagonal with value d.

            ## Compute the valuation of the entry
            if d == 0:
                tmp_val = valuation(self[e, e+d], p)
                tmp_val = valuation(self[e, e+d], p) - val_2

            ## Check if it's any smaller than what we have
            if tmp_val < min_val:
                ij_index = (e,e+d)
                min_val = tmp_val

    ## Return the result
    return ij_index
Beispiel #5
    def _push(self, x):
        f = self._t
        level = valuation(x.parent().degree(), self._degree)

        p = [self[level-1](list(c))
             for c in izip_longest(*decompose(x.lift(), f), fillvalue=0)]
        return p if p else [self[level-1](0)]
Beispiel #6
 def _e_bounds(self, n, prec):
     p = self._p
     prec = max(2,prec)
     R = PowerSeriesRing(ZZ,'T',prec+1)
     T = R(R.gen(),prec +1)
     w = (1+T)**(p**n) - 1
     return [infinity] + [valuation(w[j],p) for j in range(1,min(,prec))]
Beispiel #7
    def _push(self, x):
        level = valuation(x.parent().degree(), self._degree)
        f, g = self._rel_polys[-level % len(self._rel_polys)]
        deg = self._degree**(level - 1) - 1
        x *= x.parent(g**deg)

        p = [self[level-1](list(c))
             for c in izip_longest(*decompose(x.lift(), f, g, deg), fillvalue=0)]
        return p if p else [self[level-1](0)]
Beispiel #8
    def _lift(self, xs):
        if not xs:
            raise RuntimeError("Don't know where to lift to.")

        f = self._t
        Ps = map(self._P.__call__, izip_longest(*xs))
        level = valuation(xs[0].parent().degree(), self._degree)

        return self[level+1](compose(Ps, f))
Beispiel #9
    def _lift(self, xs):
        if not xs:
            raise RuntimeError("Don't know where to lift to.")

        level = valuation(xs[0].parent().degree(), self._degree)
        f, g = self._rel_polys[(-level-1) % len(self._rel_polys)]
        Ps = map(self._P.__call__, izip_longest(*xs))

        return (self[level+1](compose(Ps, f, g)) / 
Beispiel #10
	def valuation(self,p):
		"""returns the exponent of the highest power of p which divides all coefficients of self"""
		#assert self.base_ring==QQ, "need to be working over Q in valuation"
		for j in range(k+1):
		return min(v)
    def _find_scaling_L_ratio(self):
        This function is use to set ``_scaling``, the factor used to adjust the
        scalar multiple of the modular symbol.
        If `[0]`, the modular symbol evaluated at 0, is non-zero, we can just scale
        it with respect to the approximation of the L-value. It is known that
        the quotient is a rational number with small denominator.
        Otherwise we try to scale using quadratic twists.

        ``_scaling`` will be set to a rational non-zero multiple if we succeed and to 1 otherwise.
        Even if we fail we scale at least to make up the difference between the periods
        of the `X_0`-optimal curve and our given curve `E` in the isogeny class.


            sage : m = EllipticCurve('11a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage : m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a2').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a3').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a2').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a3').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('37a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('37a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('389a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('389a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('196a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling

        Some harder cases fail::

            sage: m = EllipticCurve('121b1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            Warning : Could not normalize the modular symbols, maybe all further results will be multiplied by -1, 2 or -2.
            sage: m._scaling


            sage: rk0 = ['11a1', '11a2', '15a1', '27a1', '37b1']
            sage: for la in rk0:  # long time (3s on sage.math, 2011)
            ...          E = EllipticCurve(la)
            ...          me = E.modular_symbol(use_eclib = True)
            ...          ms = E.modular_symbol(use_eclib = False)
            ...          print E.lseries().L_ratio()*E.real_components(), me(0), ms(0)
            1/5 1/5 1/5
            1 1 1
            1/4 1/4 1/4
            1/3 1/3 1/3
            2/3 2/3 2/3

            sage: rk1 = ['37a1','43a1','53a1', '91b1','91b2','91b3']
            sage: [EllipticCurve(la).modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)(0) for la in rk1]  # long time (1s on sage.math, 2011)
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            sage: for la in rk1:  # long time (8s on sage.math, 2011)
            ...       E = EllipticCurve(la)
            ...       m = E.modular_symbol(use_eclib = True)
            ...       lp = E.padic_lseries(5)
            ...       for D in [5,17,12,8]:
            ...           ED = E.quadratic_twist(D)
            ...           md = sum([kronecker(D,u)*m(ZZ(u)/D) for u in range(D)])
            ...           etaa = lp._quotient_of_periods_to_twist(D)
            ...           assert ED.lseries().L_ratio()*ED.real_components()*etaa == md

        E = self._E
        self._scaling = 1 # by now.
        self._failed_to_scale = False

        if self._sign == 1 :
            at0 = self(0)
            # print 'modular symbol evaluates to ',at0,' at 0'
            if at0 != 0 :
                l1 = self.__lalg__(1)
                if at0 != l1:
                    verbose('scale modular symbols by %s'%(l1/at0))
                    self._scaling = l1/at0
            else :
                # if [0] = 0, we can still hope to scale it correctly by considering twists of E
                Dlist = [5,8,12,13,17,21,24,28,29, 33, 37, 40, 41, 44, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 65, 69, 73, 76, 77, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 97]  # a list of positive fundamental discriminants
                j = 0
                at0 = 0
                # computes [0]+ for the twist of E by D until one value is non-zero
                while j < 30 and at0 == 0 :
                    D = Dlist[j]
                    # the following line checks if the twist of the newform of E by D is a newform
                    # this is to avoid that we 'twist back'
                    if all( valuation(E.conductor(),ell)<= valuation(D,ell) for ell in prime_divisors(D) ) :
                        at0 = sum([kronecker_symbol(D,u) * self(ZZ(u)/D) for u in range(1,abs(D))])
                    j += 1
                if j == 30 and at0 == 0: # curves like "121b1", "225a1", "225e1", "256a1", "256b1", "289a1", "361a1", "400a1", "400c1", "400h1", "441b1", "441c1", "441d1", "441f1 .. will arrive here
                    self._failed_to_scale = True
                else :
                    l1 = self.__lalg__(D)
                    if at0 != l1:
                        verbose('scale modular symbols by %s found at D=%s '%(l1/at0,D), level=2)
                        self._scaling = l1/at0

        else : # that is when sign = -1
            Dlist = [-3,-4,-7,-8,-11,-15,-19,-20,-23,-24, -31, -35, -39, -40, -43, -47, -51, -52, -55, -56, -59, -67, -68, -71, -79, -83, -84, -87, -88, -91]  # a list of negative fundamental discriminants
            j = 0
            at0 = 0
            while j < 30 and at0 == 0 :
                # computes [0]+ for the twist of E by D until one value is non-zero
                D = Dlist[j]
                if all( valuation(E.conductor(),ell)<= valuation(D,ell) for ell in prime_divisors(D) ) :
                    at0 = - sum([kronecker_symbol(D,u) * self(ZZ(u)/D) for u in range(1,abs(D))])
                j += 1
            if j == 30 and at0 == 0: # no more hope for a normalization
                # we do at least a scaling with the quotient of the periods
                self._failed_to_scale = True
            else :
                l1 = self.__lalg__(D)
                if at0 != l1:
                    verbose('scale modular symbols by %s'%(l1/at0))
                    self._scaling = l1/at0
def local_primitive_density(self, p, m):
    Gives the local primitive density -- should be called by the user. =)

    NOTE: This screens for imprimitive forms, and puts the
    quadratic form in local normal form, which is a *requirement* of
    the routines performing the computations!


        `p` -- a prime number > 0
        `m` -- an integer


        a rational number


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 4, range(10))
        sage: Q[0,0] = 5
        sage: Q[1,1] = 10
        sage: Q[2,2] = 15
        sage: Q[3,3] = 20
        sage: Q
        Quadratic form in 4 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 5 1 2 3 ]
        [ * 10 5 6 ]
        [ * * 15 8 ]
        [ * * * 20 ]
        sage: Q.theta_series(20)
        1 + 2*q^5 + 2*q^10 + 2*q^14 + 2*q^15 + 2*q^16 + 2*q^18 + O(q^20)
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(2)
        Quadratic form in 4 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 0 1 0 0 ]
        [ * 0 0 0 ]
        [ * * 0 1 ]
        [ * * * 0 ]

        sage: Q.local_primitive_density(2, 1)
        sage: Q.local_primitive_density(5, 1)

        sage: Q.local_primitive_density(2, 5)
        sage: Q.local_density(2, 5)

    n = self.dim()
    if (n == 0):
        raise TypeError("Oops!  We currently don't handle 0-dim'l forms. =(")

    ## Find the local normal form and p-scale of Q     --  Note: This uses the valuation ordering of local_normal_form.
    ##                                                     TO DO:  Write a separate p-scale and p-norm routines!
    Q_local = self.local_normal_form(p)
    if n == 1:
        p_valuation = valuation(Q_local[0, 0], p)
        p_valuation = min(valuation(Q_local[0, 0], p),
                          valuation(Q_local[0, 1], p))

    ## If m is less p-divisible than the matrix, return zero
    if (
        (m != 0) and (valuation(m, p) < p_valuation)
    ):  ## Note: The (m != 0) condition protects taking the valuation of zero.
        return QQ(0)

    ## If the form is imprimitive, rescale it and call the local density routine
    p_adjustment = QQ(1) / p**p_valuation
    m_prim = QQ(m) / p**p_valuation
    Q_prim = Q_local.scale_by_factor(p_adjustment)

    ## Return the densities for the reduced problem
    return Q_prim.local_primitive_density_congruence(p, m_prim)
Beispiel #13
def local_badII_density_congruence(self, p, m, Zvec=None, NZvec=None):
    Finds the Bad-type II local density of Q representing `m` at `p`.
    (Assuming that `p` > 2 and Q is given in local diagonal form.)


        Q -- quadratic form assumed to be block diagonal and p-integral

        `p` -- a prime number

        `m` -- an integer

        Zvec, NZvec -- non-repeating lists of integers in range(self.dim()) or None


        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,2,3])
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(2, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(2, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(2, 4, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 27, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,3,3,9,9])
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 3, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badII_density_congruence(3, 18, None, None)

    verbose(" In local_badII_density_congruence with ")
    verbose(" Q is: \n" + str(self))
    verbose(" p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" m = " + str(m))
    verbose(" Zvec = " + str(Zvec))
    verbose(" NZvec = " + str(NZvec))

    ## Put the Zvec congruence condition in a standard form
    if Zvec is None:
        Zvec = []

    n = self.dim()

    ## Sanity Check on Zvec and NZvec:
    ## -------------------------------
    Sn = Set(range(n))
    if (Zvec is not None) and (len(Set(Zvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("Zvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")
    if (NZvec is not None) and (len(Set(NZvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("NZvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")

    ## Define the indexing sets S_i:
    ## -----------------------------
    S0 = []
    S1 = []
    S2plus = []

    for i in range(n):

        ## Compute the valuation of each index, allowing for off-diagonal terms
        if (self[i,i] == 0):
            if (i == 0):
                val = valuation(self[i,i+1], p)    ## Look at the term to the right
            elif (i == n-1):
                val = valuation(self[i-1,i], p)    ## Look at the term above
                val = valuation(self[i,i+1] + self[i-1,i], p)    ## Finds the valuation of the off-diagonal term since only one isn't zero
            val = valuation(self[i,i], p)

        ## Sort the indices into disjoint sets by their valuation
        if (val == 0):
            S0 += [i]
        elif (val == 1):
            S1 += [i]
        elif (val >= 2):
            S2plus += [i]

    ## Check that S2 is non-empty and p^2 divides m to proceed, otherwise return no solutions.
    p2 = p * p
    if (S2plus == []) or (m % p2 != 0):
        return 0

    ## Check some conditions for no bad-type II solutions to exist
    if (NZvec is not None) and (len(Set(S2plus).intersection(Set(NZvec))) == 0):
        return 0

    ## Check that the form is primitive...                     WHY IS THIS NECESSARY?
    if (S0 == []):
        print " Using Q = " + str(self)
        print " and p = " + str(p)
        raise RuntimeError("Oops! The form is not primitive!")

    verbose("\n Entering BII routine ")
    verbose(" S0 is " + str(S0))
    verbose(" S1 is " + str(S1))
    verbose(" S2plus is " + str(S2plus))
    verbose(" m = " + str(m) + "   p = " + str(p))

    ## Make the form Qnew for the reduction procedure:
    ## -----------------------------------------------
    Qnew = deepcopy(self)                                          ## TO DO:  DO THIS WITHOUT A copy(). =)
    for i in range(n):
        if i in S2plus:
            Qnew[i,i] = Qnew[i,i] / p2
            if (p == 2) and (i < n-1):
                Qnew[i,i+1] = Qnew[i,i+1] / p2

    verbose("\n\n Check of Bad-type II reduction: \n")
    verbose(" Q is " + str(self))
    verbose(" Qnew is " + str(Qnew))

    ## Perform the reduction formula
    Zvec_geq_2 = list(Set([i  for i in Zvec  if i in S2plus]))
    if NZvec is None:
        NZvec_geq_2 = NZvec
        NZvec_geq_2 = list(Set([i  for i in NZvec  if i in S2plus]))

    return QQ(p**(len(S2plus) + 2 - n)) \
        * (Qnew.local_density_congruence(p, m / p2, Zvec_geq_2, NZvec_geq_2) \
        - Qnew.local_density_congruence(p, m / p2, S2plus , NZvec_geq_2))
Beispiel #14
def has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(self, other, p):
    Determines if the given quadratic form has a Jordan decomposition
    equivalent to that of self.

        a QuadraticForm



        sage: Q1 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 3, [1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 3])
        sage: Q2 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 3, [1, 0, 0, 2, -2, 6])
        sage: Q3 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 3, [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 11])
        sage: [Q1.level(), Q2.level(), Q3.level()]
        [44, 44, 44]
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q2,2)
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q2,11)
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,2)
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,11)
        sage: Q2.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,2)
        sage: Q2.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,11)

    ## Sanity Checks
    #if not isinstance(other, QuadraticForm):
    if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
        raise TypeError(
            "Oops!  The first argument must be of type QuadraticForm.")
    if not is_prime(p):
        raise TypeError("Oops!  The second argument must be a prime number.")

    ## Get the relevant local normal forms quickly
    self_jordan = self.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(p,
    other_jordan = other.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(p,

    #print "self_jordan = ", self_jordan
    #print "other_jordan = ", other_jordan

    ## Check for the same number of Jordan components
    if len(self_jordan) != len(other_jordan):
        return False

    ## Deal with odd primes:  Check that the Jordan component scales, dimensions, and discriminants are the same
    if p != 2:
        for i in range(len(self_jordan)):
            if (self_jordan[i][0] != other_jordan[i][0]) \
               or (self_jordan[i][1].dim() != other_jordan[i][1].dim()) \
               or (legendre_symbol(self_jordan[i][1].det() * other_jordan[i][1].det(), p) != 1):
                return False

        ## All tests passed for an odd prime.
        return True

    ## For p = 2:  Check that all Jordan Invariants are the same.
    elif p == 2:

        ## Useful definition
        t = len(self_jordan)  ## Define t = Number of Jordan components

        ## Check that all Jordan Invariants are the same (scale, dim, and norm)
        for i in range(t):
            if (self_jordan[i][0] != other_jordan[i][0]) \
               or (self_jordan[i][1].dim() != other_jordan[i][1].dim()) \
               or (valuation(GCD(self_jordan[i][1].coefficients()), p) != valuation(GCD(other_jordan[i][1].coefficients()), p)):
                return False

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        #print "Passed the Jordan invariant test."

        ## Use O'Meara's isometry test 93:29 on p277.
        ## ------------------------------------------

        ## List of norms, scales, and dimensions for each i
        scale_list = [ZZ(2)**self_jordan[i][0] for i in range(t)]
        norm_list = [
            ZZ(2)**(self_jordan[i][0] +
                    valuation(GCD(self_jordan[i][1].coefficients()), 2))
            for i in range(t)
        dim_list = [(self_jordan[i][1].dim()) for i in range(t)]

        ## List of Hessian determinants and Hasse invariants for each Jordan (sub)chain
        ## (Note: This is not the same as O'Meara's Gram determinants, but ratios are the same!)  -- NOT SO GOOD...
        ## But it matters in condition (ii), so we multiply all by 2 (instead of dividing by 2 since only square-factors matter, and it's easier.)
        j = 0
        self_chain_det_list = [
            self_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() * (scale_list[j]**dim_list[j])
        other_chain_det_list = [
            other_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() * (scale_list[j]**dim_list[j])
        self_hasse_chain_list = [
        other_hasse_chain_list = [

        for j in range(1, t):
            self_chain_det_list.append(self_chain_det_list[j - 1] *
                                       self_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() *
            other_chain_det_list.append(other_chain_det_list[j - 1] *
                                        other_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() *
            self_hasse_chain_list.append(self_hasse_chain_list[j-1] \
                                         * hilbert_symbol(self_chain_det_list[j-1], self_jordan[j][1].Gram_det(), 2) \
                                         * self_jordan[j][1].hasse_invariant__OMeara(2))
            other_hasse_chain_list.append(other_hasse_chain_list[j-1] \
                                          * hilbert_symbol(other_chain_det_list[j-1], other_jordan[j][1].Gram_det(), 2) \
                                          * other_jordan[j][1].hasse_invariant__OMeara(2))

        ## SANITY CHECK -- check that the scale powers are strictly increasing
        for i in range(1, len(scale_list)):
            if scale_list[i - 1] >= scale_list[i]:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Oops!  There is something wrong with the Jordan Decomposition -- the given scales are not strictly increasing!"

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        #print "scale_list = ", scale_list
        #print "norm_list = ", norm_list
        #print "dim_list = ", dim_list
        #print "self_chain_det_list = ", self_chain_det_list
        #print "other_chain_det_list = ", other_chain_det_list
        #print "self_hasse_chain_list = ", self_hasse_chain_list
        #print "other_hasse_chain_det_list = ", other_hasse_chain_list

        ## Test O'Meara's two conditions
        for i in range(t - 1):

            ## Condition (i): Check that their (unit) ratio is a square (but it suffices to check at most mod 8).
            modulus = norm_list[i] * norm_list[i + 1] / (scale_list[i]**2)
            if modulus > 8:
                modulus = 8
            if (modulus > 1) and ((
                (self_chain_det_list[i] / other_chain_det_list[i]) % modulus)
                                  != 1):
                #print "Failed when i =", i, " in condition 1."
                return False

            ## Check O'Meara's condition (ii) when appropriate
            if norm_list[i + 1] % (4 * norm_list[i]) == 0:
                if self_hasse_chain_list[i] * hilbert_symbol(norm_list[i] * other_chain_det_list[i], -self_chain_det_list[i], 2) \
                       != other_hasse_chain_list[i] * hilbert_symbol(norm_list[i], -other_chain_det_list[i], 2):      ## Nipp conditions
                    #print "Failed when i =", i, " in condition 2."
                    return False

        ## All tests passed for the prime 2.
        return True

        raise TypeError("Oops!  This should not have happened.")
Beispiel #15
    def _find_scaling_L_ratio(self):
        This function is use to set ``_scaling``, the factor used to adjust the
        scalar multiple of the modular symbol.
        If `[0]`, the modular symbol evaluated at 0, is non-zero, we can just scale 
        it with respect to the approximation of the L-value. It is known that
        the quotient is a rational number with small denominator.
        Otherwise we try to scale using quadratic twists.

        ``_scaling`` will be set to a rational non-zero multiple if we succeed and to 1 otherwise.
        Even if we fail we scale at least to make up the difference between the periods
        of the `X_0`-optimal curve and our given curve `E` in the isogeny class.

            sage : m = EllipticCurve('11a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage : m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a2').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a3').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a2').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('11a3').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('37a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('37a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('389a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('389a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('196a1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            sage: m._scaling  
        Some harder cases fail::
            sage: m = EllipticCurve('121b1').modular_symbol(use_eclib=False)
            Warning : Could not normalize the modular symbols, maybe all further results will be multiplied by -1, 2 or -2.
            sage: m._scaling  

            sage: rk0 = ['11a1', '11a2', '15a1', '27a1', '37b1']
            sage: for la in rk0:  # long time (3s on sage.math, 2011)
            ...          E = EllipticCurve(la)
            ...          me = E.modular_symbol(use_eclib = True)
            ...          ms = E.modular_symbol(use_eclib = False)
            ...          print E.lseries().L_ratio()*E.real_components(), me(0), ms(0)
            1/5 1/5 1/5
            1 1 1
            1/4 1/4 1/4
            1/3 1/3 1/3
            2/3 2/3 2/3

            sage: rk1 = ['37a1','43a1','53a1', '91b1','91b2','91b3']
            sage: [EllipticCurve(la).modular_symbol(use_eclib=True)(0) for la in rk1]  # long time (1s on sage.math, 2011)
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
            sage: for la in rk1:  # long time (8s on sage.math, 2011)
            ...       E = EllipticCurve(la)
            ...       m = E.modular_symbol(use_eclib = True)
            ...       lp = E.padic_lseries(5)
            ...       for D in [5,17,12,8]:
            ...           ED = E.quadratic_twist(D)
            ...           md = sum([kronecker(D,u)*m(ZZ(u)/D) for u in range(D)])
            ...           etaa = lp._quotient_of_periods_to_twist(D)
            ...           assert ED.lseries().L_ratio()*ED.real_components()*etaa == md

        E = self._E
        self._scaling = 1 # by now.
        self._failed_to_scale = False

        if self._sign == 1 :
            at0 = self(0)
            # print 'modular symbol evaluates to ',at0,' at 0'
            if at0 != 0 :
                l1 = self.__lalg__(1)
                if at0 != l1:
                    verbose('scale modular symbols by %s'%(l1/at0))
                    self._scaling = l1/at0
            else :
                # if [0] = 0, we can still hope to scale it correctly by considering twists of E
                Dlist = [5,8,12,13,17,21,24,28,29, 33, 37, 40, 41, 44, 53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 65, 69, 73, 76, 77, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 97]  # a list of positive fundamental discriminants
                j = 0
                at0 = 0
                # computes [0]+ for the twist of E by D until one value is non-zero
                while j < 30 and at0 == 0 :
                    D = Dlist[j]
                    # the following line checks if the twist of the newform of E by D is a newform
                    # this is to avoid that we 'twist back'
                    if all( valuation(E.conductor(),ell)<= valuation(D,ell) for ell in prime_divisors(D) ) :
                        at0 = sum([kronecker_symbol(D,u) * self(ZZ(u)/D) for u in range(1,abs(D))])
                    j += 1
                if j == 30 and at0 == 0: # curves like "121b1", "225a1", "225e1", "256a1", "256b1", "289a1", "361a1", "400a1", "400c1", "400h1", "441b1", "441c1", "441d1", "441f1 .. will arrive here
                else :
                    l1 = self.__lalg__(D)
                    if at0 != l1:
                        verbose('scale modular symbols by %s found at D=%s '%(l1/at0,D), level=2)
                        self._scaling = l1/at0

        else : # that is when sign = -1
            Dlist = [-3,-4,-7,-8,-11,-15,-19,-20,-23,-24, -31, -35, -39, -40, -43, -47, -51, -52, -55, -56, -59, -67, -68, -71, -79, -83, -84, -87, -88, -91]  # a list of negative fundamental discriminants
            j = 0
            at0 = 0
            while j < 30 and at0 == 0 :
                # computes [0]+ for the twist of E by D until one value is non-zero
                D = Dlist[j]
                if all( valuation(E.conductor(),ell)<= valuation(D,ell) for ell in prime_divisors(D) ) :
                    at0 = - sum([kronecker_symbol(D,u) * self(ZZ(u)/D) for u in range(1,abs(D))])
                j += 1
            if j == 30 and at0 == 0: # no more hope for a normalization
                # we do at least a scaling with the quotient of the periods
            else :
                l1 = self.__lalg__(D)
                if at0 != l1:
                    verbose('scale modular symbols by %s'%(l1/at0))
                    self._scaling = l1/at0
Beispiel #16
def local_badI_density_congruence(self, p, m, Zvec=None, NZvec=None):
    Finds the Bad-type I local density of Q representing `m` at `p`.
    (Assuming that p > 2 and Q is given in local diagonal form.)


        Q -- quadratic form assumed to be block diagonal and `p`-integral

        `p` -- a prime number

        `m` -- an integer

        Zvec, NZvec -- non-repeating lists of integers in range(self.dim()) or None


        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,2,3])
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 4, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1])
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(2, 4, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 2, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,3,3,9])
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 1, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 3, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 6, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 9, None, None)
        sage: Q.local_badI_density_congruence(3, 18, None, None)

    verbose(" In local_badI_density_congruence with ")
    verbose(" Q is: \n" + str(self))
    verbose(" p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" m = " + str(m))
    verbose(" Zvec = " + str(Zvec))
    verbose(" NZvec = " + str(NZvec))

    ## Put the Zvec congruence condition in a standard form
    if Zvec is None:
        Zvec = []

    n = self.dim()

    ## Sanity Check on Zvec and NZvec:
    ## -------------------------------
    Sn = Set(range(n))
    if (Zvec is not None) and (len(Set(Zvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("Zvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")
    if (NZvec is not None) and (len(Set(NZvec) + Sn) > n):
        raise RuntimeError("NZvec must be a subset of {0, ..., n-1}.")

    ## Define the indexing set S_0, and determine if S_1 is empty:
    ## -----------------------------------------------------------
    S0 = []
    S1_empty_flag = True    ## This is used to check if we should be computing BI solutions at all!
                            ## (We should really to this earlier, but S1 must be non-zero to proceed.)

    ## Find the valuation of each variable (which will be the same over 2x2 blocks),
    ## remembering those of valuation 0 and if an entry of valuation 1 exists.
    for i in range(n):

        ## Compute the valuation of each index, allowing for off-diagonal terms
        if (self[i,i] == 0):
            if (i == 0):
                val = valuation(self[i,i+1], p)    ## Look at the term to the right
                if (i == n-1):
                    val = valuation(self[i-1,i], p)    ## Look at the term above
                    val = valuation(self[i,i+1] + self[i-1,i], p)    ## Finds the valuation of the off-diagonal term since only one isn't zero
            val = valuation(self[i,i], p)

        if (val == 0):
            S0 += [i]
        elif (val == 1):
            S1_empty_flag = False    ## Need to have a non-empty S1 set to proceed with Bad-type I reduction...

    ## Check that S1 is non-empty and p|m to proceed, otherwise return no solutions.
    if (S1_empty_flag == True) or (m % p != 0):
        return 0

    ## Check some conditions for no bad-type I solutions to exist
    if (NZvec is not None) and (len(Set(S0).intersection(Set(NZvec))) != 0):
        return 0

    ## Check that the form is primitive...                     WHY DO WE NEED TO DO THIS?!?
    if (S0 == []):
        print " Using Q = " + str(self)
        print " and p = " + str(p)
        raise RuntimeError("Oops! The form is not primitive!")

    verbose(" m = " + str(m) + "   p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" S0 = " + str(S0))
    verbose(" len(S0) = " + str(len(S0)))

    ## Make the form Qnew for the reduction procedure:
    ## -----------------------------------------------
    Qnew = deepcopy(self)                                          ## TO DO:  DO THIS WITHOUT A copy(). =)
    for i in range(n):
        if i in S0:
            Qnew[i,i] = p * Qnew[i,i]
            if ((p == 2) and (i < n-1)):
                Qnew[i,i+1] = p * Qnew[i,i+1]
            Qnew[i,i] = Qnew[i,i] / p
            if ((p == 2) and (i < n-1)):
                Qnew[i,i+1] = Qnew[i,i+1] / p

    verbose("\n\n Check of Bad-type I reduction: \n")
    verbose(" Q is " + str(self))
    verbose(" Qnew is " + str(Qnew))
    verbose(" p = " + str(p))
    verbose(" m / p = " + str(m/p))
    verbose(" NZvec " + str(NZvec))

    ## Do the reduction
    Zvec_geq_1 = list(Set([i  for i in Zvec  if i not in S0]))
    if NZvec is None:
        NZvec_geq_1 = NZvec
        NZvec_geq_1 = list(Set([i  for i in NZvec  if i not in S0]))

    return QQ(p**(1 - len(S0))) * Qnew.local_good_density_congruence(p, m / p, Zvec_geq_1, NZvec_geq_1)
def local_primitive_density(self, p, m):
    Gives the local primitive density -- should be called by the user. =)

    NOTE: This screens for imprimitive forms, and puts the
    quadratic form in local normal form, which is a *requirement* of
    the routines performing the computations!

        `p` -- a prime number > 0
        `m` -- an integer

        a rational number


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 4, range(10))
        sage: Q[0,0] = 5
        sage: Q[1,1] = 10
        sage: Q[2,2] = 15
        sage: Q[3,3] = 20
        sage: Q
        Quadratic form in 4 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 5 1 2 3 ]
        [ * 10 5 6 ]
        [ * * 15 8 ]
        [ * * * 20 ]
        sage: Q.theta_series(20)
        1 + 2*q^5 + 2*q^10 + 2*q^14 + 2*q^15 + 2*q^16 + 2*q^18 + O(q^20)
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(2)
        Quadratic form in 4 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 0 1 0 0 ]
        [ * 0 0 0 ]
        [ * * 0 1 ]
        [ * * * 0 ]

        sage: Q.local_primitive_density(2, 1)
        sage: Q.local_primitive_density(5, 1)

        sage: Q.local_primitive_density(2, 5)
        sage: Q.local_density(2, 5)

    n = self.dim()
    if (n == 0):
        raise TypeError("Oops!  We currently don't handle 0-dim'l forms. =(")

    ## Find the local normal form and p-scale of Q     --  Note: This uses the valuation ordering of local_normal_form.
    ##                                                     TO DO:  Write a separate p-scale and p-norm routines!
    Q_local = self.local_normal_form(p)
    if n == 1:
        p_valuation = valuation(Q_local[0,0], p)
        p_valuation = min(valuation(Q_local[0,0], p), valuation(Q_local[0,1], p))

    ## If m is less p-divisible than the matrix, return zero
    if ((m != 0) and (valuation(m,p) < p_valuation)):   ## Note: The (m != 0) condition protects taking the valuation of zero.
        return QQ(0)

    ## If the form is imprimitive, rescale it and call the local density routine
    p_adjustment = QQ(1) / p**p_valuation
    m_prim = QQ(m) / p**p_valuation
    Q_prim = Q_local.scale_by_factor(p_adjustment)

    ## Return the densities for the reduced problem
    return Q_prim.local_primitive_density_congruence(p, m_prim)
Beispiel #18
def CohenOesterle(eps, k):
    Compute the Cohen-Oesterle function associate to eps, `k`.
    This is a summand in the formula for the dimension of the space of
    cusp forms of weight `2` with character
    -  ``eps`` - Dirichlet character
    -  ``k`` - integer
    OUTPUT: element of the base ring of eps.
        sage: G.<eps> = DirichletGroup(7)
        sage: sage.modular.dims.CohenOesterle(eps, 2)
        sage: sage.modular.dims.CohenOesterle(eps, 4)
    N = eps.modulus()
    facN = factor(N)
    f = eps.conductor()
    gamma_k = 0
    if k % 4 == 2:
        gamma_k = frac(-1, 4)
    elif k % 4 == 0:
        gamma_k = frac(1, 4)
    mu_k = 0
    if k % 3 == 2:
        mu_k = frac(-1, 3)
    elif k % 3 == 0:
        mu_k = frac(1, 3)

    def _lambda(r, s, p):
        Used internally by the CohenOesterle function.
        -  ``r, s, p`` - integers
        OUTPUT: Integer
        EXAMPLES: (indirect doctest)
            sage: K = CyclotomicField(3)
            sage: eps = DirichletGroup(7*43,K).0^2
            sage: sage.modular.dims.CohenOesterle(eps,2)
        if 2 * s <= r:
            if r % 2 == 0:
                return p**(r // 2) + p**((r // 2) - 1)
            return 2 * p**((r - 1) // 2)
        return 2 * (p**(r - s))

    #end def of lambda
    K = eps.base_ring()
    return K(frac(-1,2) * mul([_lambda(r,valuation(f,p),p) for p, r in facN]) + \
               gamma_k * mul([CO_delta(r,p,N,eps)         for p, r in facN]) + \
                mu_k    * mul([CO_nu(r,p,N,eps)            for p, r in facN]))
def local_normal_form(self, p):
    Returns the a locally integrally equivalent quadratic form over
    the p-adic integers Z_p which gives the Jordan decomposition.  The
    Jordan components are written as sums of blocks of size <= 2 and
    are arranged by increasing scale, and then by increasing norm.
    (This is equivalent to saying that we put the 1x1 blocks before
    the 2x2 blocks in each Jordan component.)


        `p` -- a positive prime number.


        a quadratic form over ZZ

    WARNING:  Currently this only works for quadratic forms defined over ZZ.


        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [10,4,1])
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(5)
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 1 0 ]
        [ * 6 ]


        sage: Q.local_normal_form(3)
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 10 0 ]
        [ * 15 ]

        sage: Q.local_normal_form(2)
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 1 0 ]
        [ * 6 ]

    ## Sanity Checks
    if (self.base_ring() != IntegerRing()):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Oops!  This currently only works for quadratic forms defined over IntegerRing(). =("
    if not ((p >= 2) and is_prime(p)):
        raise TypeError("Oops!  p is not a positive prime number. =(")

    ## Some useful local variables
    Q = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Q.__init__(self.base_ring(), self.dim(), self.coefficients())

    ## Prepare the final form to return
    Q_Jordan = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Q_Jordan.__init__(self.base_ring(), 0)

    while Q.dim() > 0:
        n = Q.dim()

        ## Step 1: Find the minimally p-divisible matrix entry, preferring diagonals
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (min_i, min_j) = Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(p)
        if min_i == min_j:
            min_val = valuation(2 * Q[min_i, min_j], p)
            min_val = valuation(Q[min_i, min_j], p)

        ## Error if we still haven't seen non-zero coefficients!
        if (min_val == Infinity):
            raise RuntimeError("Oops!  The original matrix is degenerate. =(")

        ## Step 2: Arrange for the upper leftmost entry to have minimal valuation
        ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (min_i == min_j):
            block_size = 1
            Q.swap_variables(0, min_i, in_place=True)
            ## Work in the upper-left 2x2 block, and replace it by its 2-adic equivalent form
            Q.swap_variables(0, min_i, in_place=True)
            Q.swap_variables(1, min_j, in_place=True)

            ## 1x1 => make upper left the smallest
            if (p != 2):
                block_size = 1
                Q.add_symmetric(1, 0, 1, in_place=True)
            ## 2x2 => replace it with the appropriate 2x2 matrix
                block_size = 2

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        #print "\n Finished Step 2 \n";
        #print "\n Q is: \n" + str(Q)  + "\n";
        #print "  p is: " + str(p)
        #print "  min_val is: " + str( min_val)
        #print "  block_size is: " + str(block_size)
        #print "\n Starting Step 3 \n"

        ## Step 3: Clear out the remaining entries
        ##  ---------------------------------------
        min_scale = p**min_val  ## This is the minimal valuation of the Hessian matrix entries.

        #print "Starting Step 3:"
        #print "----------------"
        #print "  min_scale is: " + str(min_scale)

        ## Perform cancellation over Z by ensuring divisibility
        if (block_size == 1):
            a = 2 * Q[0, 0]
            for j in range(block_size, n):
                b = Q[0, j]
                g = GCD(a, b)

                ## DIAGNSOTIC
                #print "Cancelling from a 1x1 block:"
                #print "----------------------------"
                #print "  Cancelling entry with index (" + str(upper_left) + ", " + str(j) + ")"
                #print "  entry = " + str(b)
                #print "  gcd = " + str(g)
                #print "  a = " + str(a)
                #print "  b = " + str(b)
                #print "  a/g = " + str(a/g) + "   (used for stretching)"
                #print "  -b/g = " + str(-b/g) + "   (used for cancelling)"

                ## Sanity Check:  a/g is a p-unit
                if valuation(g, p) != valuation(a, p):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Oops!  We have a problem with our rescaling not preserving p-integrality!"

                    ZZ(a / g), j, in_place=True
                )  ## Ensures that the new b entry is divisible by a
                Q.add_symmetric(ZZ(-b / g), j, 0,
                                in_place=True)  ## Performs the cancellation

        elif (block_size == 2):
            a1 = 2 * Q[0, 0]
            a2 = Q[0, 1]
            b1 = Q[1, 0]  ## This is the same as a2
            b2 = 2 * Q[1, 1]

            big_det = (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1)
            small_det = big_det / (min_scale * min_scale)

            ## Cancels out the rows/columns of the 2x2 block
            for j in range(block_size, n):
                a = Q[0, j]
                b = Q[1, j]

                ## Ensures an integral result (scale jth row/column by big_det)
                Q.multiply_variable(big_det, j, in_place=True)

                ## Performs the cancellation (by producing -big_det * jth row/column)
                Q.add_symmetric(ZZ(-(a * b2 - b * a2)), j, 0, in_place=True)
                Q.add_symmetric(ZZ(-(-a * b1 + b * a1)), j, 1, in_place=True)

                ## Now remove the extra factor (non p-unit factor) in big_det we introduced above
                Q.divide_variable(ZZ(min_scale * min_scale), j, in_place=True)

            ## DIAGNOSTIC
            #print "Cancelling out a 2x2 block:"
            #print "---------------------------"
            #print "  a1 = " + str(a1)
            #print "  a2 = " + str(a2)
            #print "  b1 = " + str(b1)
            #print "  b2 = " + str(b2)
            #print "  big_det = " + str(big_det)
            #print "  min_scale = " + str(min_scale)
            #print "  small_det = " + str(small_det)
            #print "  Q = \n", Q

            ## Uses Cassels's proof to replace the remaining 2 x 2 block
            if (((1 + small_det) % 8) == 0):
                Q[0, 0] = 0
                Q[1, 1] = 0
                Q[0, 1] = min_scale
            elif (((5 + small_det) % 8) == 0):
                Q[0, 0] = min_scale
                Q[1, 1] = min_scale
                Q[0, 1] = min_scale
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Error in LocalNormal: Impossible behavior for a 2x2 block! \n"

        ## Check that the cancellation worked, extract the upper-left block, and trim Q to handle the next block.
        for i in range(block_size):
            for j in range(block_size, n):
                if Q[i, j] != 0:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Oops!  The cancellation didn't work properly at entry ("
                        + str(i) + ", " + str(j) + ").")
        Q_Jordan = Q_Jordan + Q.extract_variables(range(block_size))
        Q = Q.extract_variables(range(block_size, n))

    return Q_Jordan
Beispiel #20
    def series(self, n=2, quadratic_twist=+1, prec=5):
        Returns the `n`-th approximation to the `p`-adic L-series as a
        power series in `T` (corresponding to `\gamma-1` with
        `\gamma=1+p` as a generator of `1+p\ZZ_p`).  Each coefficient
        is a `p`-adic number whose precision is provably correct.
        Here the normalization of the `p`-adic L-series is chosen such
        that `L_p(J,1) = (1-1/\alpha)^2 L(J,1)/\Omega_J` where
        `\alpha` is the unit root

            - ``n`` - (default: 2) a positive integer
            - ``quadratic_twist`` - (default: +1) a fundamental
              discriminant of a quadratic field, coprime to the
              conductor of the curve
            - ``prec`` - (default: 5) maximal number of terms of the
              series to compute; to compute as many as possible just
              give a very large number for ``prec``; the result will
              still be correct.

        ALIAS: power_series is identical to series.


	    sage: J = J0(188)[0]
	    sage: p = 7
	    sage: L = J.padic_lseries(p)
	    sage: L.is_ordinary()
	    sage: f = L.series(2)
	    sage: f[0]
	    sage: f[1].norm()
	    3 + 4*7 + 3*7^2 + 6*7^3 + 5*7^4 + 5*7^5 + 6*7^6 + 4*7^7 + 5*7^8 + 7^10 + 5*7^11 + 4*7^13 + 4*7^14 + 5*7^15 + 2*7^16 + 5*7^17 + 7^18 + 7^19 + O(7^20)

        n = ZZ(n)
        if n < 1:
            raise ValueError, "n (=%s) must be a positive integer"%n
        if not self.is_ordinary():
            raise ValueError, "p (=%s) must be an ordinary prime"%p
        # check if the conditions on quadratic_twist are satisfied
        D = ZZ(quadratic_twist)
        if D != 1:
            if D % 4 == 0:
                d = D//4
                if not d.is_squarefree() or d % 4 == 1:
                    raise ValueError, "quadratic_twist (=%s) must be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field"%D
                if not D.is_squarefree() or D % 4 != 1:
                    raise ValueError, "quadratic_twist (=%s) must be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field"%D
            if gcd(D,self._p) != 1:
                raise ValueError, "quadratic twist (=%s) must be coprime to p (=%s) "%(D,self._p)
            if gcd(D,self._E.conductor())!= 1:
                for ell in prime_divisors(D):
                    if valuation(self._E.conductor(),ell) > valuation(D,ell) :
                        raise ValueError, "can not twist a curve of conductor (=%s) by the quadratic twist (=%s)."%(self._E.conductor(),D)
        p = self._p
        if p == 2 and self._normalize :
            print 'Warning : For p=2 the normalization might not be correct !'
        #verbose("computing L-series for p=%s, n=%s, and prec=%s"%(p,n,prec))
#        bounds = self._prec_bounds(n,prec)
#        padic_prec = max(bounds[1:]) + 5
        padic_prec = 10
#        verbose("using p-adic precision of %s"%padic_prec)
        res_series_prec = min(p**(n-1), prec)
        verbose("using series precision of %s"%res_series_prec)
        ans = self._get_series_from_cache(n, res_series_prec,D)
        if not ans is None:
            verbose("found series in cache")
            return ans
        K = QQ
        gamma = K(1 + p)
        R = PowerSeriesRing(K,'T',res_series_prec)
        T = R(R.gen(),res_series_prec )
        #L = R(0) 
        one_plus_T_factor = R(1) 
        gamma_power = K(1)
        teich = self.teichmuller(padic_prec)
        p_power = p**(n-1)
#        F = Qp(p,padic_prec)

        verbose("Now iterating over %s summands"%((p-1)*p_power))
        verbose_level = get_verbose()
        count_verb = 0
        alphas = self.alpha()
        #print len(alphas)
        Lprod = []
        self._emb = 0
        if len(alphas) == 2:
            split = True
            split = False
        for alpha in alphas:
            L = R(0)
            self._emb = self._emb + 1
            for j in range(p_power):
                s = K(0)
                if verbose_level >= 2 and j/p_power*100 > count_verb + 3:
                    verbose("%.2f percent done"%(float(j)/p_power*100))
                    count_verb += 3
                for a in range(1,p):
                    if split:
#                        b = ((F.teichmuller(a)).lift() % ZZ(p**n))
                        b = (teich[a]) % ZZ(p**n)
                        b = b*gamma_power
                        b = teich[a] * gamma_power
                    s += self.measure(b, n, padic_prec,D,alpha)
                L += s * one_plus_T_factor
                one_plus_T_factor *= 1+T
                gamma_power *= gamma
            Lprod = Lprod + [L]
        if len(Lprod)==1:
            return Lprod[0]
            return Lprod[0]*Lprod[1]
def jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(self, p, safe_flag=True):
    Returns a list of pairs `(s_i, L_i)` where `L_i` is a maximal
    `p^{s_i}`-unimodular Jordan component which is further decomposed into
    block diagonals of block size `\le 2`. For each `L_i` the 2x2 blocks are
    listed after the 1x1 blocks (which follows from the convention of the
    :meth:`local_normal_form` method).

    ..note ::
        The decomposition of each `L_i` into smaller block is not unique!

    The ``safe_flag`` argument allows us to select whether we want a copy of
    the output, or the original output.  By default ``safe_flag = True``, so we
    return a copy of the cached information.  If this is set to ``False``, then
    the routine is much faster but the return values are vulnerable to being
    corrupted by the user. 


    - `p` -- a prime number > 0.


    A list of pairs `(s_i, L_i)` where: 
    - `s_i` is an integer, 
    - `L_i` is a block-diagonal unimodular quadratic form over `\ZZ_p`.
    .. note::
        These forms `L_i` are defined over the `p`-adic integers, but by a
        matrix over `\ZZ` (or `\QQ`?).


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,9,5,7])
        sage: Q.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(3)
        [(0, Quadratic form in 3 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 1 0 0 ]
        [ * 5 0 ]
        [ * * 7 ]), (2, Quadratic form in 1 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 1 ])]

        sage: Q2 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q2.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
        [(-1, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ])]
        sage: Q = Q2 + Q2.scale_by_factor(2)
        sage: Q.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
        [(-1, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ]), (0, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ])]
    ## Try to use the cached result
        if safe_flag:
            return copy.deepcopy(self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p])
            return self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p]
    except StandardError:
        ## Initialize the global dictionary if it doesn't exist
        if not hasattr(self, '__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict'):
            self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict = {}

    ## Deal with zero dim'l forms
    if self.dim() == 0:
        return []

    ## Find the Local Normal form of Q at p
    Q1 = self.local_normal_form(p)

    ## Parse this into Jordan Blocks
    n = Q1.dim()
    tmp_Jordan_list = []
    i = 0
    start_ind = 0
    if (n >= 2) and (Q1[0,1] != 0):
        start_scale = valuation(Q1[0,1], p) - 1
        start_scale = valuation(Q1[0,0], p)    

    while (i < n):

        ## Determine the size of the current block
        if (i == n-1) or (Q1[i,i+1] == 0):
            block_size = 1
            block_size = 2

        ## Determine the valuation of the current block
        if block_size == 1:
            block_scale = valuation(Q1[i,i], p)
            block_scale = valuation(Q1[i,i+1], p) - 1

        ## Process the previous block if the valuation increased    
        if block_scale > start_scale:
            tmp_Jordan_list += [(start_scale, Q1.extract_variables(range(start_ind, i)).scale_by_factor(ZZ(1) / (QQ(p)**(start_scale))))]
            start_ind = i
            start_scale = block_scale

        ## Increment the index
        i += block_size

    ## Add the last block
    tmp_Jordan_list += [(start_scale, Q1.extract_variables(range(start_ind, n)).scale_by_factor(ZZ(1) / QQ(p)**(start_scale)))]

    ## Cache the result
    self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p] = tmp_Jordan_list

    ## Return the result
    return tmp_Jordan_list
def has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(self, other, p):
    Determines if the given quadratic form has a Jordan decomposition
    equivalent to that of self.
        a QuadraticForm


        sage: Q1 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 3, [1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 3])
        sage: Q2 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 3, [1, 0, 0, 2, -2, 6])
        sage: Q3 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 3, [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 11])
        sage: [Q1.level(), Q2.level(), Q3.level()]
        [44, 44, 44]
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q2,2)
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q2,11)
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,2)
        sage: Q1.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,11)
        sage: Q2.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,2)
        sage: Q2.has_equivalent_Jordan_decomposition_at_prime(Q3,11)
    ## Sanity Checks
    #if not isinstance(other, QuadraticForm):
    if type(other) != type(self):
        raise TypeError, "Oops!  The first argument must be of type QuadraticForm."
    if not is_prime(p):
        raise TypeError, "Oops!  The second argument must be a prime number."

    ## Get the relevant local normal forms quickly
    self_jordan = self.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(p, safe_flag= False)
    other_jordan = other.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(p, safe_flag=False)    

    #print "self_jordan = ", self_jordan
    #print "other_jordan = ", other_jordan

    ## Check for the same number of Jordan components
    if len(self_jordan) != len(other_jordan):
        return False

    ## Deal with odd primes:  Check that the Jordan component scales, dimensions, and discriminants are the same
    if p != 2:
        for i in range(len(self_jordan)):
            if (self_jordan[i][0] != other_jordan[i][0]) \
               or (self_jordan[i][1].dim() != other_jordan[i][1].dim()) \
               or (legendre_symbol(self_jordan[i][1].det() * other_jordan[i][1].det(), p) != 1):
                return False

        ## All tests passed for an odd prime.
        return True

    ## For p = 2:  Check that all Jordan Invariants are the same.
    elif p == 2:

        ## Useful definition
        t = len(self_jordan)          ## Define t = Number of Jordan components

        ## Check that all Jordan Invariants are the same (scale, dim, and norm)
        for i in range(t):
            if (self_jordan[i][0] != other_jordan[i][0]) \
               or (self_jordan[i][1].dim() != other_jordan[i][1].dim()) \
               or (valuation(GCD(self_jordan[i][1].coefficients()), p) != valuation(GCD(other_jordan[i][1].coefficients()), p)):
                return False

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        #print "Passed the Jordan invariant test."

        ## Use O'Meara's isometry test 93:29 on p277.
        ## ------------------------------------------

        ## List of norms, scales, and dimensions for each i
        scale_list = [ZZ(2)**self_jordan[i][0]  for i in range(t)]
        norm_list = [ZZ(2)**(self_jordan[i][0] + valuation(GCD(self_jordan[i][1].coefficients()), 2))  for i in range(t)]
        dim_list = [(self_jordan[i][1].dim())  for i in range(t)]

        ## List of Hessian determinants and Hasse invariants for each Jordan (sub)chain
        ## (Note: This is not the same as O'Meara's Gram determinants, but ratios are the same!)  -- NOT SO GOOD...
        ## But it matters in condition (ii), so we multiply all by 2 (instead of dividing by 2 since only square-factors matter, and it's easier.)
        j = 0
        self_chain_det_list = [ self_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() * (scale_list[j]**dim_list[j])]
        other_chain_det_list = [ other_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() * (scale_list[j]**dim_list[j])]
        self_hasse_chain_list = [ self_jordan[j][1].scale_by_factor(ZZ(2)**self_jordan[j][0]).hasse_invariant__OMeara(2) ]
        other_hasse_chain_list = [ other_jordan[j][1].scale_by_factor(ZZ(2)**other_jordan[j][0]).hasse_invariant__OMeara(2) ]
        for j in range(1, t):
            self_chain_det_list.append(self_chain_det_list[j-1] * self_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() * (scale_list[j]**dim_list[j]))
            other_chain_det_list.append(other_chain_det_list[j-1] * other_jordan[j][1].Gram_det() * (scale_list[j]**dim_list[j]))
            self_hasse_chain_list.append(self_hasse_chain_list[j-1] \
                                         * hilbert_symbol(self_chain_det_list[j-1], self_jordan[j][1].Gram_det(), 2) \
                                         * self_jordan[j][1].hasse_invariant__OMeara(2))
            other_hasse_chain_list.append(other_hasse_chain_list[j-1] \
                                          * hilbert_symbol(other_chain_det_list[j-1], other_jordan[j][1].Gram_det(), 2) \
                                          * other_jordan[j][1].hasse_invariant__OMeara(2))

        ## SANITY CHECK -- check that the scale powers are strictly increasing        
        for i in range(1, len(scale_list)):
            if scale_list[i-1] >= scale_list[i]:
                   raise RuntimeError, "Oops!  There is something wrong with the Jordan Decomposition -- the given scales are not strictly increasing!"

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        #print "scale_list = ", scale_list
        #print "norm_list = ", norm_list
        #print "dim_list = ", dim_list
        #print "self_chain_det_list = ", self_chain_det_list
        #print "other_chain_det_list = ", other_chain_det_list
        #print "self_hasse_chain_list = ", self_hasse_chain_list
        #print "other_hasse_chain_det_list = ", other_hasse_chain_list

        ## Test O'Meara's two conditions
        for i in range(t-1):

            ## Condition (i): Check that their (unit) ratio is a square (but it suffices to check at most mod 8).
            modulus = norm_list[i] * norm_list[i+1] / (scale_list[i] ** 2)
            if modulus > 8:
                   modulus = 8 
            if (modulus > 1) and (((self_chain_det_list[i] / other_chain_det_list[i]) % modulus) != 1):
                #print "Failed when i =", i, " in condition 1."
                return False
            ## Check O'Meara's condition (ii) when appropriate
            if norm_list[i+1] % (4 * norm_list[i]) == 0:
                if self_hasse_chain_list[i] * hilbert_symbol(norm_list[i] * other_chain_det_list[i], -self_chain_det_list[i], 2) \
                       != other_hasse_chain_list[i] * hilbert_symbol(norm_list[i], -other_chain_det_list[i], 2):      ## Nipp conditions
                    #print "Failed when i =", i, " in condition 2."
                    return False

        ## All tests passed for the prime 2.
        return True
        raise TypeError, "Oops!  This should not have happened."
Beispiel #23
def CohenOesterle(eps, k):
    Compute the Cohen-Oesterle function associate to eps, `k`.
    This is a summand in the formula for the dimension of the space of
    cusp forms of weight `2` with character


    -  ``eps`` - Dirichlet character

    -  ``k`` - integer

    OUTPUT: element of the base ring of eps.


        sage: G.<eps> = DirichletGroup(7)
        sage: sage.modular.dims.CohenOesterle(eps, 2)
        sage: sage.modular.dims.CohenOesterle(eps, 4)
    N    = eps.modulus()
    facN = factor(N)
    f    = eps.conductor()
    gamma_k = 0
    if k%4==2:
        gamma_k = frac(-1,4)
    elif k%4==0:
        gamma_k = frac(1,4)
    mu_k = 0
    if k%3==2:
        mu_k = frac(-1,3)
    elif k%3==0:
        mu_k = frac(1,3)
    def _lambda(r,s,p):
        Used internally by the CohenOesterle function.


        -  ``r, s, p`` - integers

        OUTPUT: Integer

        EXAMPLES: (indirect doctest)


            sage: K = CyclotomicField(3)
            sage: eps = DirichletGroup(7*43,K).0^2
            sage: sage.modular.dims.CohenOesterle(eps,2)
        if 2*s<=r:
            if r%2==0:
                return p**(r//2) + p**((r//2)-1)
            return 2*p**((r-1)//2)
        return 2*(p**(r-s))
    #end def of lambda
    K = eps.base_ring()
    return K(frac(-1,2) * mul([_lambda(r,valuation(f,p),p) for p, r in facN]) + \
               gamma_k * mul([CO_delta(r,p,N,eps)         for p, r in facN]) + \
                mu_k    * mul([CO_nu(r,p,N,eps)            for p, r in facN]))
def local_normal_form(self, p):
    Returns the a locally integrally equivalent quadratic form over
    the p-adic integers Z_p which gives the Jordan decomposition.  The
    Jordan components are written as sums of blocks of size <= 2 and
    are arranged by increasing scale, and then by increasing norm.
    (This is equivalent to saying that we put the 1x1 blocks before
    the 2x2 blocks in each Jordan component.)

        `p` -- a positive prime number.

        a quadratic form over ZZ
    WARNING:  Currently this only works for quadratic forms defined over ZZ.
        sage: Q = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [10,4,1])
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(5)
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 1 0 ]
        [ * 6 ]
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(3)
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 10 0 ]
        [ * 15 ]
        sage: Q.local_normal_form(2)
        Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients: 
        [ 1 0 ]
        [ * 6 ]
    ## Sanity Checks
    if (self.base_ring() != IntegerRing()):
        raise NotImplementedError, "Oops!  This currently only works for quadratic forms defined over IntegerRing(). =("
    if not ((p>=2) and is_prime(p)):
        raise TypeError, "Oops!  p is not a positive prime number. =("

    ## Some useful local variables
    Q = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Q.__init__(self.base_ring(), self.dim(), self.coefficients())

    ## Prepare the final form to return
    Q_Jordan = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Q_Jordan.__init__(self.base_ring(), 0)

    while Q.dim() > 0:
        n = Q.dim()

        ## Step 1: Find the minimally p-divisible matrix entry, preferring diagonals
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (min_i, min_j) = Q.find_entry_with_minimal_scale_at_prime(p)
        if min_i == min_j:
            min_val = valuation(2 * Q[min_i, min_j], p)
            min_val = valuation(Q[min_i, min_j], p)

        ## Error if we still haven't seen non-zero coefficients!
        if (min_val == Infinity):
            raise RuntimeError, "Oops!  The original matrix is degenerate. =("

        ## Step 2: Arrange for the upper leftmost entry to have minimal valuation
        ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if (min_i == min_j):
            block_size = 1
            Q.swap_variables(0, min_i, in_place = True)
            ## Work in the upper-left 2x2 block, and replace it by its 2-adic equivalent form  
            Q.swap_variables(0, min_i, in_place = True)
            Q.swap_variables(1, min_j, in_place = True)

            ## 1x1 => make upper left the smallest
            if (p != 2):
                block_size = 1;
                Q.add_symmetric(1, 0, 1, in_place = True)   
            ## 2x2 => replace it with the appropriate 2x2 matrix
                block_size = 2

        ## DIAGNOSTIC
        #print "\n Finished Step 2 \n";
        #print "\n Q is: \n" + str(Q)  + "\n";
        #print "  p is: " + str(p) 
        #print "  min_val is: " + str( min_val)
        #print "  block_size is: " + str(block_size)
        #print "\n Starting Step 3 \n"

        ## Step 3: Clear out the remaining entries
        ##  ---------------------------------------
        min_scale = p ** min_val                             ## This is the minimal valuation of the Hessian matrix entries.

        #print "Starting Step 3:"
        #print "----------------"
        #print "  min_scale is: " + str(min_scale)

        ## Perform cancellation over Z by ensuring divisibility
        if (block_size == 1):
            a = 2 * Q[0,0]
            for j in range(block_size, n):
                b = Q[0, j]
                g = GCD(a, b)

                ## DIAGNSOTIC
                #print "Cancelling from a 1x1 block:"
                #print "----------------------------"
                #print "  Cancelling entry with index (" + str(upper_left) + ", " + str(j) + ")"
                #print "  entry = " + str(b)
                #print "  gcd = " + str(g)
                #print "  a = " + str(a)
                #print "  b = " + str(b)
                #print "  a/g = " + str(a/g) + "   (used for stretching)"
                #print "  -b/g = " + str(-b/g) + "   (used for cancelling)"
                ## Sanity Check:  a/g is a p-unit
                if valuation (g, p) != valuation(a, p):
                    raise RuntimeError, "Oops!  We have a problem with our rescaling not preserving p-integrality!"

                Q.multiply_variable(ZZ(a/g), j, in_place = True)   ## Ensures that the new b entry is divisible by a
                Q.add_symmetric(ZZ(-b/g), j, 0, in_place = True)  ## Performs the cancellation

        elif (block_size == 2):
            a1 = 2 * Q[0,0]
            a2 = Q[0, 1]
            b1 = Q[1, 0]      ## This is the same as a2
            b2 = 2 * Q[1, 1]

            big_det = (a1*b2 - a2*b1) 
            small_det = big_det / (min_scale * min_scale)  

            ## Cancels out the rows/columns of the 2x2 block
            for j in range(block_size, n):
                a = Q[0, j]
                b = Q[1, j]
                ## Ensures an integral result (scale jth row/column by big_det)
                Q.multiply_variable(big_det, j, in_place = True)  
                ## Performs the cancellation (by producing -big_det * jth row/column)
                Q.add_symmetric(ZZ(-(a*b2 - b*a2)), j, 0, in_place = True)  
                Q.add_symmetric(ZZ(-(-a*b1 + b*a1)), j, 1, in_place = True)  

                ## Now remove the extra factor (non p-unit factor) in big_det we introduced above
                Q.divide_variable(ZZ(min_scale * min_scale), j, in_place = True)  

            ## DIAGNOSTIC
            #print "Cancelling out a 2x2 block:"
            #print "---------------------------"
            #print "  a1 = " + str(a1)
            #print "  a2 = " + str(a2)
            #print "  b1 = " + str(b1)
            #print "  b2 = " + str(b2)
            #print "  big_det = " + str(big_det)
            #print "  min_scale = " + str(min_scale)            
            #print "  small_det = " + str(small_det)            
            #print "  Q = \n", Q            

            ## Uses Cassels's proof to replace the remaining 2 x 2 block
            if (((1 + small_det) % 8) == 0):
                Q[0, 0] = 0
                Q[1, 1] = 0
                Q[0, 1] = min_scale
            elif (((5 + small_det) % 8) == 0):
                Q[0, 0] = min_scale
                Q[1, 1] = min_scale
                Q[0, 1] = min_scale
                raise RuntimeError, "Error in LocalNormal: Impossible behavior for a 2x2 block! \n"

        ## Check that the cancellation worked, extract the upper-left block, and trim Q to handle the next block.
        for i in range(block_size):
            for j in range(block_size, n):
                if Q[i,j] != 0:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Oops!  The cancellation didn't work properly at entry (" + str(i) + ", " + str(j) + ")."
        Q_Jordan = Q_Jordan + Q.extract_variables(range(block_size))
        Q = Q.extract_variables(range(block_size, n))

    return Q_Jordan
def jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(self, p, safe_flag=True):
    Returns a list of pairs `(s_i, L_i)` where `L_i` is a maximal
    `p^{s_i}`-unimodular Jordan component which is further decomposed into
    block diagonals of block size `\le 2`. For each `L_i` the 2x2 blocks are
    listed after the 1x1 blocks (which follows from the convention of the
    :meth:`local_normal_form` method).

    ..note ::

        The decomposition of each `L_i` into smaller block is not unique!

    The ``safe_flag`` argument allows us to select whether we want a copy of
    the output, or the original output.  By default ``safe_flag = True``, so we
    return a copy of the cached information.  If this is set to ``False``, then
    the routine is much faster but the return values are vulnerable to being
    corrupted by the user.


    - `p` -- a prime number > 0.


    A list of pairs `(s_i, L_i)` where:

    - `s_i` is an integer,
    - `L_i` is a block-diagonal unimodular quadratic form over `\ZZ_p`.

    .. note::

        These forms `L_i` are defined over the `p`-adic integers, but by a
        matrix over `\ZZ` (or `\QQ`?).


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,9,5,7])
        sage: Q.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(3)
        [(0, Quadratic form in 3 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 1 0 0 ]
        [ * 5 0 ]
        [ * * 7 ]), (2, Quadratic form in 1 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 1 ])]


        sage: Q2 = QuadraticForm(ZZ, 2, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q2.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
        [(-1, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ])]
        sage: Q = Q2 + Q2.scale_by_factor(2)
        sage: Q.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
        [(-1, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ]), (0, Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
        [ 2 2 ]
        [ * 2 ])]
    ## Try to use the cached result
        if safe_flag:
            return copy.deepcopy(
            return self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p]
    except Exception:
        ## Initialize the global dictionary if it doesn't exist
        if not hasattr(self, '__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict'):
            self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict = {}

    ## Deal with zero dim'l forms
    if self.dim() == 0:
        return []

    ## Find the Local Normal form of Q at p
    Q1 = self.local_normal_form(p)

    ## Parse this into Jordan Blocks
    n = Q1.dim()
    tmp_Jordan_list = []
    i = 0
    start_ind = 0
    if (n >= 2) and (Q1[0, 1] != 0):
        start_scale = valuation(Q1[0, 1], p) - 1
        start_scale = valuation(Q1[0, 0], p)

    while (i < n):

        ## Determine the size of the current block
        if (i == n - 1) or (Q1[i, i + 1] == 0):
            block_size = 1
            block_size = 2

        ## Determine the valuation of the current block
        if block_size == 1:
            block_scale = valuation(Q1[i, i], p)
            block_scale = valuation(Q1[i, i + 1], p) - 1

        ## Process the previous block if the valuation increased
        if block_scale > start_scale:
            tmp_Jordan_list += [
                (start_scale, Q1.extract_variables(
                          i)).scale_by_factor(ZZ(1) / (QQ(p)**(start_scale))))
            start_ind = i
            start_scale = block_scale

        ## Increment the index
        i += block_size

    ## Add the last block
    tmp_Jordan_list += [(start_scale, Q1.extract_variables(range(
        start_ind, n)).scale_by_factor(ZZ(1) / QQ(p)**(start_scale)))]

    ## Cache the result
    self.__jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular_dict[p] = tmp_Jordan_list

    ## Return the result
    return tmp_Jordan_list