Beispiel #1
def test_type_2_primes(f, class_number):
    K = NumberField(f, "a")
    Kgal = K.galois_closure("b")
    embeddings = K.embeddings(Kgal)

    type_two_not_momose = get_type_2_not_momose(K, embeddings)
    _ = type_2_primes(K, embeddings, **TEST_SETTINGS)

    if class_number == 1:
        assert type_two_not_momose == set()
def test_type_three_not_momose(f, class_number, strong_L_count):
    K = NumberField(f, "a")
    Kgal = K.galois_closure("b")
    embeddings = K.embeddings(Kgal)

    strong_type_3_epsilons = get_strong_type_3_epsilons(K, embeddings)

    assert len(strong_type_3_epsilons) == 2 * strong_L_count

    type_3_not_momose_primes, _ = type_three_not_momose(
        K, embeddings, strong_type_3_epsilons)

    if class_number == 1:
        assert type_3_not_momose_primes == []
Beispiel #3
def _semistable_reducible_primes(E):
    r"""Find a list containing all semistable primes l unramified in K/QQ
    for which the Galois image for E could be reducible.


    - ``E`` - EllipticCurve - over a number field.

    OUTPUT: list - A list of primes, which contains all primes l unramified
                   in K/QQ, such that E is semistable at all primes lying
                   over l, and the Galois image at l is reducible. If E has
                   CM defined over its ground field, a ValueError is raised.


        sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, -1, 1, -10, -20]) # X_0(11)
        sage: 5 in sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gal_reps_number_field._semistable_reducible_primes(E)

    E = _over_numberfield(E)
    K = E.base_field()
    deg_one_primes = K.primes_of_degree_one_iter()

    bad_primes = set([]) # This will store the output.

    # We find two primes (of distinct residue characteristics) which are
    # of degree 1, unramified in K/Q, and at which E has good reduction.
    # Both of these primes will give us a nontrivial divisibility constraint
    # on the exceptional primes l. For both of these primes P, we precompute
    # a generator and the trace of Frob_P^12.

    precomp = []
    last_char = 0 # The residue characteristic of the most recent prime.

    while len(precomp) < 2:
        P =

        if not P.is_principal():

        det = P.norm()
        if det == last_char:

        if P.ramification_index() != 1:

            tr = E.change_ring(P.residue_field()).trace_of_frobenius()
        except ArithmeticError: # Bad reduction at P.

        x = P.gens_reduced()[0]

        precomp.append((x, _tr12(tr, det)))
        last_char = det

    x, tx = precomp[0]
    y, ty = precomp[1]

    Kgal = K.galois_closure('b')
    maps = K.embeddings(Kgal)

    for i in xrange(2 ** ( - 1)):
        ## We iterate through all possible characters. ##

        # Here, if i = i_{l-1} i_{l-2} cdots i_1 i_0 in binary, then i
        # corresponds to the character prod sigma_j^{i_j}.

        phi1x = 1
        phi2x = 1
        phi1y = 1
        phi2y = 1

        # We compute the two algebraic characters at x and y:
        for j in xrange(
            if i % 2 == 1:
                phi1x *= maps[j](x)
                phi1y *= maps[j](y)
                phi2x *= maps[j](x)
                phi2y *= maps[j](y)
            i = int(i/2)

        # Any prime with reducible image must divide both of:
        gx = phi1x**12 + phi2x**12 - tx
        gy = phi1y**12 + phi2y**12 - ty

        if (gx != 0) or (gy != 0):
            for prime in Integer(Kgal.ideal([gx, gy]).norm()).prime_factors():


        ## It is possible that our curve has CM. ##

        # Our character must be of the form Nm^K_F for an imaginary
        # quadratic subfield F of K (which is the CM field if E has CM).
        # We compute F:

        a = (Integer(phi1x + phi2x)**2 - 4 * x.norm()).squarefree_part()

        y = QQ['y'].gen()
        F = NumberField(y**2 - a, 'a')

        # Next, we turn K into relative number field over F.

        K = K.relativize(F.embeddings(K)[0], 'b')
        E = E.change_ring(K.structure()[1])

        ## We try to find a nontrivial divisibility condition. ##

        patience = 5 * K.absolute_degree()
        # Number of Frobenius elements to check before suspecting that E
        # has CM and computing the set of CM j-invariants of K to check.
        # TODO: Is this the best value for this parameter?

        while True:
            P =

            if not P.is_principal():

                tr = E.change_ring(P.residue_field()).trace_of_frobenius()
            except ArithmeticError: # Bad reduction at P.

            x = P.gens_reduced()[0].norm(F)
            div = (x**12).trace() - _tr12(tr, x.norm())

            patience -= 1

            if div != 0:
                # We found our divisibility constraint.

                for prime in Integer(div).prime_factors():

                # Turn K back into an absolute number field.

                E = E.change_ring(K.structure()[0])
                K = K.structure()[0].codomain()


            if patience == 0:
                # We suspect that E has CM, so we check:
                f = K.structure()[0]
                if f(E.j_invariant()) in cm_j_invariants(f.codomain()):
                    raise ValueError("The curve E should not have CM.")

    L = sorted(bad_primes)
    return L
def _semistable_reducible_primes(E):
    r"""Find a list containing all semistable primes l unramified in K/QQ
    for which the Galois image for E could be reducible.


    - ``E`` - EllipticCurve - over a number field.


    A list of primes, which contains all primes `l` unramified in
    `K/\mathbb{QQ}`, such that `E` is semistable at all primes lying
    over `l`, and the Galois image at `l` is reducible. If `E` has CM
    defined over its ground field, a ``ValueError`` is raised.


        sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, -1, 1, -10, -20]) # X_0(11)
        sage: 5 in sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gal_reps_number_field._semistable_reducible_primes(E)

    E = _over_numberfield(E)
    K = E.base_field()
    deg_one_primes = K.primes_of_degree_one_iter()

    bad_primes = set([])  # This will store the output.

    # We find two primes (of distinct residue characteristics) which are
    # of degree 1, unramified in K/Q, and at which E has good reduction.
    # Both of these primes will give us a nontrivial divisibility constraint
    # on the exceptional primes l. For both of these primes P, we precompute
    # a generator and the trace of Frob_P^12.

    precomp = []
    last_char = 0  # The residue characteristic of the most recent prime.

    while len(precomp) < 2:
        P = next(deg_one_primes)

        if not P.is_principal():

        det = P.norm()
        if det == last_char:

        if P.ramification_index() != 1:

            tr = E.change_ring(P.residue_field()).trace_of_frobenius()
        except ArithmeticError:  # Bad reduction at P.

        x = P.gens_reduced()[0]

        precomp.append((x, _tr12(tr, det)))
        last_char = det

    x, tx = precomp[0]
    y, ty = precomp[1]

    Kgal = K.galois_closure('b')
    maps = K.embeddings(Kgal)

    for i in xrange(2**( - 1)):
        ## We iterate through all possible characters. ##

        # Here, if i = i_{l-1} i_{l-2} cdots i_1 i_0 in binary, then i
        # corresponds to the character prod sigma_j^{i_j}.

        phi1x = 1
        phi2x = 1
        phi1y = 1
        phi2y = 1

        # We compute the two algebraic characters at x and y:
        for j in xrange(
            if i % 2 == 1:
                phi1x *= maps[j](x)
                phi1y *= maps[j](y)
                phi2x *= maps[j](x)
                phi2y *= maps[j](y)
            i = int(i / 2)

        # Any prime with reducible image must divide both of:
        gx = phi1x**12 + phi2x**12 - tx
        gy = phi1y**12 + phi2y**12 - ty

        if (gx != 0) or (gy != 0):
            for prime in Integer(Kgal.ideal([gx, gy]).norm()).prime_factors():


        ## It is possible that our curve has CM. ##

        # Our character must be of the form Nm^K_F for an imaginary
        # quadratic subfield F of K (which is the CM field if E has CM).
        # We compute F:

        a = (Integer(phi1x + phi2x)**2 - 4 * x.norm()).squarefree_part()

        y = QQ['y'].gen()
        F = NumberField(y**2 - a, 'a')

        # Next, we turn K into relative number field over F.

        K = K.relativize(F.embeddings(K)[0], 'b')
        E = E.change_ring(K.structure()[1])

        ## We try to find a nontrivial divisibility condition. ##

        patience = 5 * K.absolute_degree()
        # Number of Frobenius elements to check before suspecting that E
        # has CM and computing the set of CM j-invariants of K to check.
        # TODO: Is this the best value for this parameter?

        while True:
            P = next(deg_one_primes)

            if not P.is_principal():

                tr = E.change_ring(P.residue_field()).trace_of_frobenius()
            except ArithmeticError:  # Bad reduction at P.

            x = P.gens_reduced()[0].norm(F)
            div = (x**12).trace() - _tr12(tr, x.norm())

            patience -= 1

            if div != 0:
                # We found our divisibility constraint.

                for prime in Integer(div).prime_factors():

                # Turn K back into an absolute number field.

                E = E.change_ring(K.structure()[0])
                K = K.structure()[0].codomain()


            if patience == 0:
                # We suspect that E has CM, so we check:
                f = K.structure()[0]
                if f(E.j_invariant()) in cm_j_invariants(f.codomain()):
                    raise ValueError("The curve E should not have CM.")

    L = sorted(bad_primes)
    return L