Beispiel #1
def solve_eqts(avs, bvs, c, d):
    solve for c,d in a[i] = c+d*b[i]
    #[5 = c+d*0, 137 = c + d*44, 59 = c+d*18] => c=5,d=3

    sage: c,d = var('c d')
    sage: rs = solve_eqts([5,137,59],[0,44,18],c,d)
    sage: rs[c], rs[d]
    (3, 5)
    if __debug__:
        assert (isinstance(avs, (tuple, list))
                and all(is_scalar(v) and CM.isnum(v) for v in avs)), avs
        assert (isinstance(bvs, (tuple, list))
                and all(is_scalar(v) and CM.isnum(v) for v in bvs)), bvs
        assert len(avs) == len(bvs)
        assert is_sage_expr(c), c
        assert is_sage_expr(d), d

    eqts = [a == d + c * b for a, b in zip(avs, bvs)]

        sol = solve(eqts, c, d, solution_dict=True)
        if len(sol) >= 2:
            print '{} results {} sols {}'.format(eqts, len(sol), sol)

        return sol[0]
    except Exception:
        return None
Beispiel #2
    def strOfExp(p):
        -p^3 => -(p*p*p)
        n*p^4 => n*(p*p*p*p)
        ab^3 => (ab*ab*ab)
        x*y*z^3 => x*y*(z*z*z)
        assert is_sage_expr(p), p

        def getPow(p):
                oprs = p.operands()
            except Exception:
                return []

            if p.operator() == sage.all.operator.pow:
                x, y = oprs
                pow_s = '*'.join(
                    [str(x) if x.is_symbol() else "({})".format(x)] * int(y))
                return [(str(p), '({})'.format(pow_s))]

                return [xy for o in oprs for xy in getPow(o)]

        s = str(p)
        if '^' not in s:
            return s
        rs = getPow(p)
        for (x, y) in rs:
            s = s.replace(x, y)
        return s
Beispiel #3
def getConstraints(m, resultAsDict=False):
    Input a model m, returns its set of constraints in either
    1) sage dict {x:7,y:10}
    1) z3 expr [x==7,y==0]

    sage: S = z3.Solver()
    sage: S.add(z3.Int('x') + z3.Int('y') == z3.IntVal('7'))
    sage: S.check()
    sage: M = S.model()
    sage: d = getConstraints(M, resultAsDict=True)
    sage: sorted(d.items(), key=lambda(k,_): str(k))
    [(x, 7), (y, 0)]
    sage: getConstraints(M)
    [y == 0, x == 7]
    sage: S.reset()


    assert m is not None, m

    if resultAsDict:  #sage format
        rs = [(var(str(v())),sage_eval(str(m[v]))) for v in m]
        rs = dict(rs)

        assert all(is_sage_expr(x) for x in rs.keys())
        assert all(is_sage_real(x) or is_sage_int(x) for x in rs.values())

    else:  #z3 format
        rs = [v()==m[v] for v in m]
        assert all(z3.is_expr(x) for x in rs)

    return rs
Beispiel #4
    def __str__(self, printStat=False):

        if is_sage_expr(self.inv):
            s = Inv.strOfExp(self.inv)
            s = str(self.inv)

        if printStat: s = "{} {}".format(s, self.stat)
        return s
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, p):
        x + y >= 0
        x^2 + y^2 + 3 == 0
        if __debug__:
            assert is_sage_expr(p), p

        super(InvExp, self).__init__(p)
Beispiel #6
    def __str__(self, printStat=False):

        if is_sage_expr(self.inv):
            inv = miscs.elim_denom(self.inv)
            s = miscs.strOfExp(inv)
            s = str(self.inv)

        if printStat: s = "{} {}".format(s, self.stat)
        return s
Beispiel #7
    def infer(self, loc, template, uks, exprs, dtraces, inps):
        assert isinstance(loc, str), loc
        assert sageutil.is_sage_expr(template), template
        assert isinstance(uks, list), uks
        assert isinstance(exprs, set) and exprs, exprs
        assert isinstance(dtraces, DTraces) and dtraces, dtraces
        assert isinstance(inps, Inps) and inps, inps

        vs = tuple(self.invdecls[loc])
        cache = set()
        eqts = set()  #results
        exprs = list(exprs)

        newInps = []
        curIter = 0
        while True:
            curIter += 1
            logger.debug("{}: iter {} infer using {} exprs".format(
                loc, curIter, len(exprs)))

            newEqts = Miscs.solveEqts(exprs, uks, template)
            unchecks = [eqt for eqt in newEqts if eqt not in cache]

            if not unchecks:
                logger.debug("{}: no new results -- break".format(loc))

            logger.debug('{}: {} candidates:\n{}'.format(
                loc, len(newEqts), '\n'.join(map(str, newEqts))))

            logger.debug("{}: check {} unchecked ({} candidates)".format(
                loc, len(unchecks), len(newEqts)))

            dinvs =,, unchecks)))
            dInps, dCexs, dinvs = self.prover.checkRange(dinvs, inps=None)

            if dInps: newInps.append(dInps)
            _ = [eqts.add(inv) for inv in dinvs[loc] if not inv.isDisproved]
            _ = [
                cache.add(inv.inv) for inv in dinvs[loc]
                if inv.stat is not None

            if loc not in dCexs:
                    "{}: no disproved candidates -- break".format(loc))

            cexs = Traces.extract(dCexs[loc], vs)
            exprs_ = cexs.instantiate(template, None)

            logger.debug("{}: {} new cex exprs".format(loc, len(exprs_)))

        return eqts, newInps
Beispiel #8
    def instantiateTemplate(template, sols):
        Instantiate a template with solved coefficient values

        sage: var('uk_0,uk_1,uk_2,uk_3,uk_4,r14,r15,a,b,y')
        (uk_0, uk_1, uk_2, uk_3, uk_4, r14, r15, a, b, y)

        #when sols are in dict form
        sage: sols = [{uk_0: -2*r14 + 7/3*r15, uk_1: -1/3*r15, uk_4: r14, uk_2: r15, uk_3: -2*r14}]
        sage: Template(uk_1*a + uk_2*b + uk_3*x + uk_4*y + uk_0 == 0).instantiateSols(sols)
        [-2*x + y - 2 == 0, -1/3*a + b + 7/3 == 0]

        # #when sols are not in dict form
        sage: sols = [[uk_0== -2*r14 + 7/3*r15, uk_1== -1/3*r15, uk_4== r14, uk_2== r15, uk_3== -2*r14]]
        sage: Template(uk_1*a + uk_2*b + uk_3*x + uk_4*y + uk_0 == 0).instantiateSols(sols)
        [-2*x + y - 2 == 0, -1/3*a + b + 7/3 == 0]

        sage: Template(uk_1*a + uk_2*b + uk_3*x + uk_4*y + uk_0 == 0).instantiateSols([])
        assert sageutil.is_sage_expr(template), template

        if not sols: return []
        if len(sols) > 1:
            logger.warn('instantiateTemplateWithSols: len(sols) = {}'.format(

        def f_eq(d):
            if isinstance(d, list):
                f_ = template
                for d_ in d:
                    f_ = f_.subs(d_)
                rhsVals = CM.vset([d_.rhs() for d_ in d])
                uk_vars = sageutil.get_vars(rhsVals)
                f_ = template(d)
                uk_vars = sageutil.get_vars(d.values())  #e.g., r15,r16 ...

            if not uk_vars: return f_

            iM = sage.all.identity_matrix(len(uk_vars))  #standard basis
            rs = [dict(zip(uk_vars, l)) for l in iM.rows()]
            rs = [f_(r) for r in rs]
            return rs

        sols = sage.all.flatten([f_eq(s) for s in sols])

        #remove trivial (tautology) str(x) <=> str(x)
        sols = [
            s for s in sols
            if not (s.is_relational() and str(s.lhs()) == str(s.rhs()))

        return sols
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, p): 
        x + y >= 0
        x^2 + y^2 + 3 == 0

        if __debug__:
            assert is_sage_expr(p), p

Beispiel #10
def toZ3(p, is_real):
    Convert a Sage expression to a Z3 expression

    Initially implements with a dictionary containing variables
    e.g. {x:Real('x')} but the code is longer and more complicated.
    This implemention does not require a dictionary pass in.

    Todo: cache this function

    sage: toZ3(x*x*x, False)
    assert is_sage_expr(p), p

    def retval(p):
        if p.is_symbol():
            _f = z3.Real if is_real else z3.Int
            _f = z3.RealVal if is_real else z3.IntVal

        return _f(str(p))

        oprs = p.operands()
    except Exception:
        return retval(p)

    if is_empty(oprs):
        return retval(p)
        op = p.operator()

        #z3 has problem w/ t^c , so use t*t*t..
        if op == operator.pow:
            assert len(oprs) == 2, oprs
            t, c = oprs
            t = toZ3(t, is_real)
            vs = [t] * c
            z3exp = reduce(operator.mul, vs)
            oprs = [toZ3(o, is_real) for o in oprs]
            z3exp = reduce(op, oprs)

        assert z3.is_expr(z3exp), z3exp
        return z3exp
Beispiel #11
    def instantiate(self, term, nTraces):
        assert is_sage_expr(term), term
        assert nTraces is None or nTraces >= 1, nTraces

        if nTraces is None:
            exprs = set(term.subs(t) for t in self.mydicts)
            nTracesExtra = nTraces * 5
            exprs = set()
            for i, t in enumerate(self.mydicts):
                expr = term.subs(t)
                if expr not in exprs:
                    if len(exprs) >= nTracesExtra:

            #instead of doing this, can find out the # 0's in traces
            #the more 0's , the better
            exprs = sorted(exprs, key=lambda expr: len(get_vars(expr)))
            exprs = set(exprs[:nTraces])
        return exprs
Beispiel #12
    def get_constraints(m, result_as_dict=False):
        Input a model m, returns its set of constraints in either
        1) sage dict {x:7,y:10}
        1) z3 expr [x==7,y==0]

        sage: S = z3.Solver()
        sage: S.add(z3.Int('x') + z3.Int('y') == z3.IntVal('7'))
        sage: S.check()
        sage: M = S.model()
        sage: d = SMT_Z3.get_constraints(M, result_as_dict=True)
        sage: sorted(d.items(), key=lambda(k,_): str(k))
        [(x, 7), (y, 0)]
        sage: SMT_Z3.get_constraints(M)
        [y == 0, x == 7]
        sage: S.reset()


        assert m is not None, m

        if result_as_dict:  #sage format
            rs = [(var(str(v())),sage_eval(str(m[v]))) for v in m]
            rs = dict(rs)

            if __debug__:
                assert all(is_sage_expr(x) for x in rs.keys())
                assert all(is_sage_real(x) or is_sage_int(x) for x in rs.values())

        else:  #z3 format
            rs = [v()==m[v] for v in m]
            if __debug__:
                assert all(z3.is_expr(x) for x in rs)

        return rs
Beispiel #13
    def to_z3exp(p, is_real):
        Convert a Sage expression to a Z3 expression

        Initially implements with a dictionary containing variables
        e.g. {x:Real('x')} but the code is longer and more complicated.
        This implemention does not require a dictionary pass in.

        Todo: cache this function

        assert is_sage_expr(p), p

        def retval(p):
            if p.is_symbol():
                z3exp = (z3.Real if is_real else z3.Int)(str(p))
                z3exp = (z3.RealVal if is_real else z3.IntVal)(str(p))

            if __debug__:
                assert z3.is_expr(z3exp), z3exp

            return z3exp

            oprs = p.operands()
        except Exception:
            return retval(p)
        if is_empty(oprs):
            return retval(p)
            oprs = [SMT_Z3.to_z3exp(o, is_real) for o in oprs]
            z3exp = SMT_Z3._reduce(p.operator(),oprs)

        assert z3.is_expr(z3exp), z3exp
        return z3exp
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, p):
     if __debug__:
         assert (is_sage_expr(p)
                 and p.operator() in [operator.le,])
     super(InvIeq, self).__init__(p)
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self, p):
     if __debug__:
         assert is_sage_expr(p) and p.operator() == operator.eq
     super(InvEqt, self).__init__(p)
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, p):
     if __debug__:
         assert (is_sage_expr(p) and 
                 p.operator() in [operator.le,])
Beispiel #17
 def __init__(self, p):
     if __debug__:
         assert is_sage_expr(p) and p.operator() == operator.eq
Beispiel #18
 def myeval(self, term):
     assert is_sage_expr(term), term
     return [trace.myeval(term, self.vs) for trace in self]
Beispiel #19
 def myeval(self, term, vs):
     assert is_sage_expr(term), term
     return term.subs(self.mydict(vs))
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self, template):
        assert sageutil.is_sage_expr(template), template

        self.template = template