Beispiel #1
    def setUp(self):
        '''Set up before each test'''
        # Create an app instance using the testing configuration = create_app('testing')

        # Creating the app_context means the tests will have
        # access to current_app
        self.app_context =
    def setUp(self):
        '''Set up before each test'''
        # Create an app instance using the testing configuration = create_app('testing')

        # Creating the app_context means the tests will have
        # access to current_app
        self.app_context =
Beispiel #3
 def setUpClass(cls):
     """Setup code for the test case"""
     # Create an app instance using the testing configuration = create_app("testing")
     # Initialize the testing database
Beispiel #4
 def setUpClass(cls):
     '''Setup code for the test case'''
     # Create an app instance using the testing configuration = create_app('testing')
     # Initialize the testing database
Beispiel #5
First, we create an app object (which is in fact an instance of the Flask class)
using the create_app factory function defined in the sales_finder package.

Then we create a manager object to allow the user to run functions from the command
line. We attach the manager object to the app object.

import os
from flask.ext.script import Manager, Shell, prompt_bool
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

from sales_finder import create_app, db, sales_data

# Create an app object, either using the FLASK_CONFIG environment
# variable, or else the default config object
app = create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') or 'default')

# Initialize the manager object, so we can easily use command line
# to set up/configure/launch the app
manager = Manager(app)

""" Define manager commands """
# The manager object allows us to add commands that the user can call from
# the command line. Each command is just a way to call a function, which we define
# in this module. Note that -runserver- is added as a command by default.
# -shell- is also a default command, but we re-define it to add the application context

Beispiel #6
First, we create an app object (which is in fact an instance of the Flask class)
using the create_app factory function defined in the sales_finder package.

Then we create a manager object to allow the user to run functions from the command
line. We attach the manager object to the app object.

import os
from flask.ext.script import Manager, Shell, prompt_bool
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

from sales_finder import create_app, db, sales_data

# Create an app object, either using the FLASK_CONFIG environment
# variable, or else the default config object
app = create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') or 'default')

# Initialize the manager object, so we can easily use command line
# to set up/configure/launch the app
manager = Manager(app)
""" Define manager commands """
# The manager object allows us to add commands that the user can call from
# the command line. Each command is just a way to call a function, which we define
# in this module. Note that -runserver- is added as a command by default.
# -shell- is also a default command, but we re-define it to add the application context
shell command

This command allows us to launch a shell with the objects our app will use already
created, in the form of a _context_. That way, we can debug, and also interact with
the database just as our app would.