Description: This module is the manually starting point our Tutti Salesman application.
Author: Josef Sertl
Copyright: SERTL Analytics, https://sertl-analytics.com
Date: 2019-04-02

from salesman_tutti.tutti import Tutti
from time import sleep
from salesman_system_configuration import SystemConfiguration
from salesman_search import SalesmanSearchApi
from sertl_analytics.constants.salesman_constants import REGION
from salesman_tutti.tutti_constants import PRSUBCAT, PRCAT
from salesman_nlp.salesman_spacy import SalesmanSpacy
from spacy import displacy

my_spacy = SalesmanSpacy()
doc = my_spacy.nlp('Das ist ein Satz')
doc = my_spacy.nlp(
    'Leder schwarz. Den Widerstand der Rückenlehne kann man noch einstellen. '
    'Untergestell hat leichte Kratzspuren. Leder ist aber wie neu.')
displacy.serve(doc, style='dep')
Using the 'dep' visualizer
Serving on ...
NOW: open http://localhost:5000/
class Test4SalesmanSpacy:
    def __init__(self):
        self._salesman_spacy = SalesmanSpacy(load_sm=True)

    def run_test(self, print_token=False):
        test_case_dict = self.__get_test_case_dict__()
        tc_handler = MyTestCaseHandler('Testing "{}":'.format(
        api = SalesmanSearchApi('')
        for key, test_case_list in test_case_dict.items():
            for tc in test_case_list:
                doc = self._salesman_spacy.nlp(tc[0])
                expected = tc[1]
                if print_token:
                result = self._salesman_spacy.get_entity_list(doc)
                tc_handler.add_test_case(MyTestCase(key, tc, expected, result))

    def __get_test_case_dict__(self):
        return {
            'REPLACEMENT': [
                    'Das ist ein Text mit GoreTex und goretex und Goretex und nochmals Gore-Tex',
                    'Goretex (MATERIAL)'
            'COMPANY': [
                    'BMW und Apple sind beides tolle Firmen',
                    'Apple (COMPANY), BMW (COMPANY)'
            'PRODUCT': [
                    'Die Serie 7 ist gut. Das beste an der Serie 7 ist der Preis',
                    'Serie 7 (PRODUCT)'
                    'Vitra Aluminium Chair EA107 oder EA 108 oder MacBook',
                    'Aluminium (MATERIAL), EA 108 (PRODUCT), EA107 (PRODUCT), MacBook (PRODUCT), Vitra (COMPANY)'
                    'Vitra Bürostuhl EA108 günstig',
                    'Bürostuhl (OBJECT), EA108 (PRODUCT), Vitra (COMPANY)'
            'UNKNOWN_ORG': [
                    'Audi und Volvo bauen die sichersten Autos.',
                    'Audi (COMPANY), Volvo (COMPANY)'
                    'Im Dow Jones sind u.a. Travelers Companies und Verizon enthalten',
                    'Dow Jones (LOC), Travelers Companies (COMPANY), Verizon (COMPANY)'
            'TEST': [
                    'Winterschuhe Kinder, Lowa, Rufus III GTX, Gr. 37, Goretex Sommerhut, Strohhut',
                    'Dow Jones (LOC), Travelers Companies (COMPANY), Verizon (COMPANY)'