def test_ordered_merge(self):
     Test to see if the merger respects environment
     config = self._make_default_config()
     config['top_file_merging_strategy'] = 'merge'
     config['env_order'] = ['b', 'a', 'c']
     with patch('salt.fileclient.FSClient.envs', MagicMock(return_value=['a', 'b', 'c'])):
         highstate = HighState(config)
         ret = highstate.get_tops()
     self.assertEqual(ret, OrderedDict([('a', [{}]), ('c', [{}]), ('b', [{}])]))
Beispiel #2
 def test_merge_strategy_same(self):
     Test to see if the top file that corresponds
     to the requested env is the one that is used
     by the state system
     config = self._make_default_config()
     config['top_file_merging_strategy'] = 'same'
     config['environment'] = 'b'
     highstate = HighState(config)
     ret = highstate.get_tops()
     self.assertEqual(ret, OrderedDict([('b', [{}])]))
 def test_merge_strategy_same(self):
     Test to see if the top file that corresponds
     to the requested env is the one that is used
     by the state system
     config = self._make_default_config()
     config['top_file_merging_strategy'] = 'same'
     config['environment'] = 'b'
     highstate = HighState(config)
     ret = highstate.get_tops()
     self.assertEqual(ret, OrderedDict([('b', [{}])]))
Beispiel #4
 def test_ordered_merge(self):
     Test to see if the merger respects environment
     config = self._make_default_config()
     config['top_file_merging_strategy'] = 'merge'
     config['env_order'] = ['b', 'a', 'c']
     with patch('salt.fileclient.FSClient.envs',
                MagicMock(return_value=['a', 'b', 'c'])):
         highstate = HighState(config)
         ret = highstate.get_tops()
                      OrderedDict([('a', [{}]), ('c', [{}]), ('b', [{}])]))