def flatspectrum(xarr, yarr, mode='mean', thresh=3, iter=5, order=3): """Remove the continuum from a spectrum either by masking it or fitting and subtracting it. xarr= input x-vales (pixels or wavelength) yarr= flux or counts for the spectrum mode=None--no subtraction mean--subtract off the mean poly--subtact off a fit mask--return a spectra with continuum set to zero """ if mode == 'mean': # subtract off the mean value sarr = yarr - clipstats(yarr, thresh, iter)[0] elif mode == 'poly': # calculate the statistics and mask all of the mask with values above # these it = interfit(xarr, yarr, function='poly', order=order) it.interfit() sarr = yarr - it(xarr) elif mode == 'mask': # mask the values mean, std = clipstats(yarr, thresh, iter) mask = (yarr < mean + thresh * std) sarr = yarr.copy() sarr[mask] = 0 else: sarr = yarr.copy() return sarr
def flatspectrum(xarr, yarr, mode='mean', thresh=3, iter=5, order=3): """Remove the continuum from a spectrum either by masking it or fitting and subtracting it. xarr= input x-vales (pixels or wavelength) yarr= flux or counts for the spectrum mode=None--no subtraction mean--subtract off the mean poly--subtact off a fit mask--return a spectra with continuum set to zero """ if mode=='mean': #subtract off the mean value sarr=yarr-clipstats(yarr, thresh, iter)[0] elif mode=='poly': #calculate the statistics and mask all of the mask with values above these it=interfit(xarr, yarr, function='poly', order=2) it.interfit() sarr=yarr-it(xarr) elif mode=='mask': #mask the values mean, std = clipstats(yarr, thresh, iter) mask=(yarr<mean+thresh*std) sarr=yarr.copy() sarr[mask]=0 else: sarr=yarr.copy() return sarr
def set_func(self): if self.function in [ 'poly', 'polynomial', 'spline', 'legendre', 'chebyshev']: self.func = interfit(self.x_arr, self.w_arr, function=self.function, order=self.order, niter=self.niter, thresh=self.thresh) if self.function == 'model': self.func = ModelSolution(self.x_arr, self.w_arr, sgraph=self.sgraph, xlen=self.xlen, yval=self.yval, order=self.order)
def set_func(self): if self.function in [ 'poly', 'polynomial', 'spline', 'legendre', 'chebyshev' ]: self.func = interfit(self.x_arr, self.w_arr, function=self.function, order=self.order, niter=self.niter, thresh=self.thresh) if self.function == 'model': self.func = ModelSolution(self.x_arr, self.w_arr, sgraph=self.sgraph, xlen=self.xlen, yval=self.yval, order=self.order)
def bias(struct,subover=True,trim=True, subbias=False, bstruct=None, median=False, function='polynomial',order=3,rej_lo=3,rej_hi=3,niter=10, plotover=False, log=None, verbose=True): """Bias subtracts the bias levels from a frame. It will fit and subtract the overscan region, trim the images, and subtract a master bias if required. struct--image structure subover--subtract the overscan region trim--trim the image subbias--subtract master bias bstruct--master bias image structure median--use the median instead of mean in image statistics function--form to fit to the overscan region order--order for the function rej_lo--sigma of low points to reject in the fit rej_hi--sigma of high points to reject in the fit niter--number of iterations log--saltio log for recording information verbose--whether to print to stdout """ infile=saltkey.getimagename(struct[0]) # how many extensions? nsciext = saltkey.get('NSCIEXT',struct[0]) nextend = saltkey.get('NEXTEND',struct[0]) nccd = saltkey.get('NCCDS',struct[0]) # how many amplifiers?--this is hard wired amplifiers = 2 * nccd #log the process if subover and log: message = '%28s %7s %5s %4s %6s' % \ ('HDU','Overscan','Order','RMS','Niter') log.message('\n --------------------------------------------------', with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) log.message(message, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) log.message(' --------------------------------------------------', with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) if (plotover): plt.figure(1) plt.axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8]) plt.xlabel('CCD Column') plt.ylabel('Pixel Counts (e-)') plt.ion() #loop through the extensions and subtract the bias for i in range(1,nsciext+1): if struct[i].name=='SCI': #get the bias section biassec = saltkey.get('BIASSEC',struct[i]) y1,y2,x1,x2 = saltio.getSection(biassec, iraf_format=True) #get the data section datasec = saltkey.get('DATASEC',struct[i]) dy1,dy2, dx1, dx2 = saltio.getSection(datasec, iraf_format=True) #setup the overscan region if subover: yarr=np.arange(y1,y2, dtype=float) data=struct[i].data odata=struct[i].data[y1:y2,x1:x2] if median: odata=np.median((struct[i].data[y1:y2,x1:x2]),axis=1) olevel=np.median((struct[i].data[y1:y2,x1:x2]))'OVERSCAN','%f' % (olevel),'Overscan median value', struct[i]) else: odata=np.mean((struct[i].data[y1:y2,x1:x2]),axis=1) olevel=np.mean((struct[i].data[y1:y2,x1:x2]))'OVERSCAN','%f' % (olevel),'Overscan mean value', struct[i]) #fit the overscan region ifit=saltfit.interfit(yarr, odata, function=function, \ order=order, thresh=rej_hi, niter=niter) try: ifit.interfit() coeffs=ifit.coef ofit=ifit(yarr) omean, omed, osigma=saltstat.iterstat((odata-ofit), sig=3, niter=5) except ValueError: #catch the error if it is a zero array ofit=np.array(yarr)*0.0 osigma=0.0 except TypeError: #catch the error if it is a zero array ofit=np.array(yarr)*0.0 osigma=0.0 #if it hasn't been already, convert image to #double format struct[i].data = 1.0 * struct[i].data try: struct[i].header.remove('BZERO') struct[i].header.remove('BSCALE') except: pass #subtract the overscan region for j in range(len(struct[i].data[0])): struct[i].data[y1:y2,j] -= ofit #report the information if log: message = '%25s[%1d] %8.2f %3d %7.2f %3d' % \ (infile, i, olevel, order, osigma, niter) log.message(message, with_stdout=verbose, with_header=False) #add the statistics to the image header'OVERRMS','%f' % (osigma),'Overscan RMS value', struct[i]) #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) try: vdata=struct[vhdu].data #The bias level should not be included in the noise from the signal for j in range(len(struct[i].data[0])): vdata[y1:y2,j] -= ofit #add a bit to make sure that the minimum error is the rednoise rdnoise= saltkey.get('RDNOISE',struct[i]) vdata[vdata<rdnoise**2]=rdnoise**2 struct[vhdu].data=vdata+osigma**2 except Exception, e: msg='Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % (infile, vhdu, e) raise SaltError(msg) #plot the overscan region if plotover: plt.plot(yarr, odata) plt.plot(yarr, ofit) #trim the data and update the headers if trim: struct[i].data=struct[i].data[dy1:dy2,dx1:dx2] datasec = '[1:'+str(dx2-dx1)+',1:'+str(dy2-dy1)+']' saltkey.put('DATASEC',datasec,struct[i]) #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) struct[vhdu].data=struct[vhdu].data[dy1:dy2,dx1:dx2] datasec = '[1:'+str(dx2-dx1)+',1:'+str(dy2-dy1)+']' saltkey.put('DATASEC',datasec,struct[vhdu]) #update the BPM frame if saltkey.found('BPMEXT', struct[i]): bhdu=saltkey.get('BPMEXT', struct[i]) struct[bhdu].data=struct[bhdu].data[dy1:dy2,dx1:dx2] datasec = '[1:'+str(dx2-dx1)+',1:'+str(dy2-dy1)+']' saltkey.put('DATASEC',datasec,struct[bhdu]) #subtract the master bias if necessary if subbias and bstruct: struct[i].data -= bstruct[i].data #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu=saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) try: vdata=struct[vhdu].data struct[vhdu].data=vdata+bstruct[vhdu].data except Exception, e: msg='Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % (infile, vhdu, e) raise SaltError(msg)
def bias(struct, subover=True, trim=True, subbias=False, bstruct=None, median=False, function='polynomial', order=3, rej_lo=3, rej_hi=3, niter=10, plotover=False, log=None, verbose=True): """Bias subtracts the bias levels from a frame. It will fit and subtract the overscan region, trim the images, and subtract a master bias if required. struct--image structure subover--subtract the overscan region trim--trim the image subbias--subtract master bias bstruct--master bias image structure median--use the median instead of mean in image statistics function--form to fit to the overscan region order--order for the function rej_lo--sigma of low points to reject in the fit rej_hi--sigma of high points to reject in the fit niter--number of iterations log--saltio log for recording information verbose--whether to print to stdout """ infile = saltkey.getimagename(struct[0]) # how many extensions? nsciext = saltkey.get('NSCIEXT', struct[0]) nextend = saltkey.get('NEXTEND', struct[0]) nccd = saltkey.get('NCCDS', struct[0]) # how many amplifiers?--this is hard wired amplifiers = 2 * nccd #log the process if subover and log: message = '%28s %7s %5s %4s %6s' % \ ('HDU','Overscan','Order','RMS','Niter') log.message( '\n --------------------------------------------------', with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) log.message(message, with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) log.message(' --------------------------------------------------', with_header=False, with_stdout=verbose) if (plotover): plt.figure(1) plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) plt.xlabel('CCD Column') plt.ylabel('Pixel Counts (e-)') plt.ion() #loop through the extensions and subtract the bias for i in range(1, nsciext + 1): if struct[i].name == 'SCI': #get the bias section biassec = saltkey.get('BIASSEC', struct[i]) y1, y2, x1, x2 = saltio.getSection(biassec, iraf_format=True) #get the data section datasec = saltkey.get('DATASEC', struct[i]) dy1, dy2, dx1, dx2 = saltio.getSection(datasec, iraf_format=True) #setup the overscan region if subover: yarr = np.arange(y1, y2, dtype=float) data = struct[i].data odata = struct[i].data[y1:y2, x1:x2] if median: odata = np.median((struct[i].data[y1:y2, x1:x2]), axis=1) olevel = np.median((struct[i].data[y1:y2, x1:x2]))'OVERSCAN', '%f' % (olevel), 'Overscan median value', struct[i]) else: odata = np.mean((struct[i].data[y1:y2, x1:x2]), axis=1) olevel = np.mean((struct[i].data[y1:y2, x1:x2]))'OVERSCAN', '%f' % (olevel), 'Overscan mean value', struct[i]) #fit the overscan region ifit=saltfit.interfit(yarr, odata, function=function, \ order=order, thresh=rej_hi, niter=niter) try: ifit.interfit() coeffs = ifit.coef ofit = ifit(yarr) omean, omed, osigma = saltstat.iterstat((odata - ofit), sig=3, niter=5) except ValueError: #catch the error if it is a zero array ofit = np.array(yarr) * 0.0 osigma = 0.0 except TypeError: #catch the error if it is a zero array ofit = np.array(yarr) * 0.0 osigma = 0.0 #if it hasn't been already, convert image to #double format struct[i].data = 1.0 * struct[i].data try: struct[i].header.remove('BZERO') struct[i].header.remove('BSCALE') except: pass #subtract the overscan region for j in range(len(struct[i].data[0])): struct[i].data[y1:y2, j] -= ofit #report the information if log: message = '%25s[%1d] %8.2f %3d %7.2f %3d' % \ (infile, i, olevel, order, osigma, niter) log.message(message, with_stdout=verbose, with_header=False) #add the statistics to the image header'OVERRMS', '%f' % (osigma), 'Overscan RMS value', struct[i]) #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) try: vdata = struct[vhdu].data #The bias level should not be included in the noise from the signal for j in range(len(struct[i].data[0])): vdata[y1:y2, j] -= ofit #add a bit to make sure that the minimum error is the rednoise rdnoise = saltkey.get('RDNOISE', struct[i]) vdata[vdata < rdnoise**2] = rdnoise**2 struct[vhdu].data = vdata + osigma**2 except Exception, e: msg = 'Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % ( infile, vhdu, e) raise SaltError(msg) #plot the overscan region if plotover: plt.plot(yarr, odata) plt.plot(yarr, ofit) #trim the data and update the headers if trim: struct[i].data = struct[i].data[dy1:dy2, dx1:dx2] datasec = '[1:' + str(dx2 - dx1) + ',1:' + str(dy2 - dy1) + ']' saltkey.put('DATASEC', datasec, struct[i]) #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) struct[vhdu].data = struct[vhdu].data[dy1:dy2, dx1:dx2] datasec = '[1:' + str(dx2 - dx1) + ',1:' + str(dy2 - dy1) + ']' saltkey.put('DATASEC', datasec, struct[vhdu]) #update the BPM frame if saltkey.found('BPMEXT', struct[i]): bhdu = saltkey.get('BPMEXT', struct[i]) struct[bhdu].data = struct[bhdu].data[dy1:dy2, dx1:dx2] datasec = '[1:' + str(dx2 - dx1) + ',1:' + str(dy2 - dy1) + ']' saltkey.put('DATASEC', datasec, struct[bhdu]) #subtract the master bias if necessary if subbias and bstruct: struct[i].data -= bstruct[i].data #update the variance frame if saltkey.found('VAREXT', struct[i]): vhdu = saltkey.get('VAREXT', struct[i]) try: vdata = struct[vhdu].data struct[vhdu].data = vdata + bstruct[vhdu].data except Exception, e: msg = 'Cannot update the variance frame in %s[%i] because %s' % ( infile, vhdu, e) raise SaltError(msg)
def fitradius(radius, data): """Fit a line to the data""" it=interfit(radius, data, function='polynomial', order=3) it.interfit() d=it(radius) return radius[d.argmax()]
def specsens(specfile, outfile, stdfile, extfile, airmass=None, exptime=None, stdzp=3.68e-20, function='polynomial', order=3, thresh=3, niter=5, fitter='gaussian', clobber=True, logfile='salt.log', verbose=True): with logging(logfile, debug) as log: # read in the specfile and create a spectrum object obs_spectra = st.readspectrum(specfile.strip(), error=True, ftype='ascii') # smooth the observed spectrum # read in the std file and convert from magnitudes to fnu # then convert it to fwave (ergs/s/cm2/A) std_spectra = st.readspectrum(stdfile.strip(), error=False, ftype='ascii') std_spectra.flux = Spectrum.magtoflux(std_spectra.flux, stdzp) std_spectra.flux = Spectrum.fnutofwave( std_spectra.wavelength, std_spectra.flux) # Get the typical bandpass of the standard star, std_bandpass = np.diff(std_spectra.wavelength).mean() # Smooth the observed spectrum to that bandpass obs_spectra.flux = st.boxcar_smooth(obs_spectra, std_bandpass) # read in the extinction file (leave in magnitudes) ext_spectra = st.readspectrum(extfile.strip(), error=False, ftype='ascii') # determine the airmass if not specified if saltio.checkfornone(airmass) is None: message = 'Airmass was not supplied' raise SALTSpecError(message) # determine the exptime if not specified if saltio.checkfornone(exptime) is None: message = 'Exposure Time was not supplied' raise SALTSpecError(message) # calculate the calibrated spectra log.message('Calculating the calibration curve for %s' % specfile) cal_spectra = sensfunc( obs_spectra, std_spectra, ext_spectra, airmass, exptime) # plot(cal_spectra.wavelength, cal_spectra.flux * std_spectra.flux) # fit the spectra--first take a first cut of the spectra # using the median absolute deviation to throw away bad points cmed = np.median(cal_spectra.flux) cmad = saltstat.mad(cal_spectra.flux) mask = (abs(cal_spectra.flux - cmed) < thresh * cmad) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (cal_spectra.flux > 0)) # now fit the data # Fit using a gaussian process. if fitter=='gaussian': from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess #Instanciate a Gaussian Process model dy = obs_spectra.var[mask] ** 0.5 dy /= obs_spectra.flux[mask] / cal_spectra.flux[mask] y = cal_spectra.flux[mask] gp = GaussianProcess(corr='squared_exponential', theta0=1e-2, thetaL=1e-4, thetaU=0.1, nugget=(dy / y) ** 2.0) X = np.atleast_2d(cal_spectra.wavelength[mask]).T # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters, y) x = np.atleast_2d(cal_spectra.wavelength).T # Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis (ask for MSE as well) y_pred = gp.predict(x) cal_spectra.flux = y_pred else: fit=interfit(cal_spectra.wavelength[mask], cal_spectra.flux[mask], function=function, order=order, thresh=thresh, niter=niter) fit.interfit() cal_spectra.flux=fit(cal_spectra.wavelength) # write the spectra out st.writespectrum(cal_spectra, outfile, ftype='ascii')
def specsens(specfile, outfile, stdfile, extfile, airmass=None, exptime=None, stdzp=3.68e-20, function='polynomial', order=3, thresh=3, niter=5, fitter='gaussian', clobber=True, logfile='salt.log', verbose=True): with logging(logfile, debug) as log: # read in the specfile and create a spectrum object obs_spectra = st.readspectrum(specfile.strip(), error=True, ftype='ascii') # smooth the observed spectrum # read in the std file and convert from magnitudes to fnu # then convert it to fwave (ergs/s/cm2/A) std_spectra = st.readspectrum(stdfile.strip(), error=False, ftype='ascii') std_spectra.flux = Spectrum.magtoflux(std_spectra.flux, stdzp) std_spectra.flux = Spectrum.fnutofwave(std_spectra.wavelength, std_spectra.flux) # Get the typical bandpass of the standard star, std_bandpass = np.diff(std_spectra.wavelength).mean() # Smooth the observed spectrum to that bandpass obs_spectra.flux = st.boxcar_smooth(obs_spectra, std_bandpass) # read in the extinction file (leave in magnitudes) ext_spectra = st.readspectrum(extfile.strip(), error=False, ftype='ascii') # determine the airmass if not specified if saltio.checkfornone(airmass) is None: message = 'Airmass was not supplied' raise SALTSpecError(message) # determine the exptime if not specified if saltio.checkfornone(exptime) is None: message = 'Exposure Time was not supplied' raise SALTSpecError(message) # calculate the calibrated spectra log.message('Calculating the calibration curve for %s' % specfile) cal_spectra = sensfunc(obs_spectra, std_spectra, ext_spectra, airmass, exptime) # plot(cal_spectra.wavelength, cal_spectra.flux * std_spectra.flux) # fit the spectra--first take a first cut of the spectra # using the median absolute deviation to throw away bad points cmed = np.median(cal_spectra.flux) cmad = saltstat.mad(cal_spectra.flux) mask = (abs(cal_spectra.flux - cmed) < thresh * cmad) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (cal_spectra.flux > 0)) # now fit the data # Fit using a gaussian process. if fitter == 'gaussian': from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess #Instanciate a Gaussian Process model dy = obs_spectra.var[mask]**0.5 dy /= obs_spectra.flux[mask] / cal_spectra.flux[mask] y = cal_spectra.flux[mask] gp = GaussianProcess(corr='squared_exponential', theta0=1e-2, thetaL=1e-4, thetaU=0.1, nugget=(dy / y)**2.0) X = np.atleast_2d(cal_spectra.wavelength[mask]).T # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters, y) x = np.atleast_2d(cal_spectra.wavelength).T # Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis (ask for MSE as well) y_pred = gp.predict(x) cal_spectra.flux = y_pred else: fit = interfit(cal_spectra.wavelength[mask], cal_spectra.flux[mask], function=function, order=order, thresh=thresh, niter=niter) fit.interfit() cal_spectra.flux = fit(cal_spectra.wavelength) # write the spectra out st.writespectrum(cal_spectra, outfile, ftype='ascii')
def fitradius(radius, data): """Fit a line to the data""" it = interfit(radius, data, function='polynomial', order=3) it.interfit() d = it(radius) return radius[d.argmax()]